100 words challenge: Mountain

Harold panted. He was exhausted seeing his girlfriend, Lori, climbing the mountain side. He couldn't understand how she was able to do this. His whole body was in pain. Harold looked on when Lori came over to him.

"Come on, slowpoke." She giggled before she moved back up. Harold groaned.

"Easy for you to say, this is my second time doing this. I am not like you where you do it fifteen times a year." Harold groaned.

Harold and Lori's relationship started out in the daytime during a day at the gym. Harold and his friend Mark were working out in hopes for the first few days of summer. the beach would be open by then and Mark had hoped they would score with some fine fun beach girl. Mark had then noticed a couple of girls looking at them. However, Mark looked at the red haired woman among them. That was the girl that Mark had noticed the most and she would be the lucky girl of the day.

Harold shook his head seeing Mark attempting to put the moves on her. In fact, he spent the next week trying to sell her cheesy one liners that wouldn't work on her. Harold focused his time trying to work out. he knew that if he tried, he would fall. Mark had more charm than him. So, why should he try? Every double date Harold went on with Mark, the guy ended up with both girls, while Harold was left in the dust.

He could tell that Lori wasn't ready for a committed relationship. Besides, she looked like a girl that already had a boyfriend. Harold decided to mind his own business. He wasn't willing to tick this girl off. What if she gave him a restraint order or something much worse.

Mark wasn't with Harold since he had 'business' to attend to. Despite that, it wasn't going to stop Mark from working out. Lori and her friends saw Harold working by himself. For the first time since he has seen them, Harold saw Lori's friends moving towards him. He wondered why were they going to talk to him? Was it about Mark? He prepared himself for what they had to say.

"Hey, how's it going, Harold?" One of them spoke.

"Doing great." They both said before the other spoke.

"So, are you currently seeing anyone?"

Harold was confused. Why did they ask him if he was single? Why didn't they ask if Harold was single? He was going to go along with it. Not everyday someone asked about him.

"Well, i am single at the moment." Harold told them.

"Thank goodness. We've tried to get you alone with her all week. It was just your friend that was very...hard to get rid of."

"I see," Harold said.

"Well, she is waiting for you to ask her out." They pointed at Lori. Harold looked upon Lori, who was avoiding to look at the group.

"Are you sure she is waiting for me to ask her out? Harold raised a brow.

"Yes, now go." They both pulled him from his station. The two girls pushed him over to where Lori was. The girl pretended not to be interested in Harold. Harold wasn't sure what to do. He had never asked out a girl before. He wasn't sure what to do or what to say.

"Can i help you?" Lori asked him.

"I think you can. Your friends told me that you wanted to be alone with me for a week, but couldn't due to my friend. So, i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me. I know it's a long shot but, it doesn't hurt to ask." Harold said. He knew he was going to get rejected. He has asked about two hundred girls out. He has held on to hope that with every rejection he had, there would be a girl who would actually say yes to him. But, he hasn't found her yet.

"Yes," Lori smiled.

Harold looked directly at Lori, who felt a bit shy around Harold. Harold was shocked that a girl wanted him to ask her out in this way. He smiled back as he was hoping this goes well.

Near the top of the mountain lied a pass, They were going to camp there for the night. Lori smiled seeing high from the mountainside, while Harold was barely trying to get on the ledge. Lori looked over at her boyfriend and grabbed his arm. She pulled him towards her and managed to get him up. He felt her pulls and landed on top of her. His girlfriend giggled and smirked at him.

"A little too eager are we," She said slyly.

"Sorry about that, Lori." He stood up.

Lori and Harold needed a break from the city. After Harold asked out Lori, their relationship started up. Currently, the two had dated for four months now. Everything was right with them. From going to a restaurant to relaxing and having fun at the beach, things were working in Harold and Lori's favor. The two never felt so happy. However, there was one aspect they wished they would have their time alone in.

Throughout their relationship, Harold and Lori had waited for the chance for them to finally have sex. They tried at their house, but either friends or family would ruin the moment. They tried at the gym, but they didn't want to lose their gym membership. They couldn't do it at the park at night time or anywhere they could. Both for them grew frustrated at this. Harold suggested they take their minds off this situation and try to go mountain climbing and just take in the scenery.

"I am just glad it's just the two of us." Lori said putting her bag down. She saw her boyfriend lying on his body and giggled. "Come on, stinky. There's a waterfall nearby. So, take a bath and i will set up the tents. Unless your tent is pitched."

He smirked understanding what she was saying. He got up and kissed her cheek. He dropped his bag and ran off to take a bath.

An hour later, Harold was coming back from his bath. He looked over seeing Lori preparing for her bath.

"Finally, you are finished."

"Sorry, my love. You know how much i want to be cleaned."

"Yeah, yeah. I set up everything while you were gone. So, i shall take my bath." She winked while walking away.

The good thing about being up high in the mountains was that there was plenty of privacy. he took off his towel and started to change into some boxers. He put his bag and Lori's bag together. When he put them against the tent, something fell out of Lori's bag. when he went to retrieve it, he became surprised when he found a ziplock bag containing a couple of condoms. He carefully put it back. He was sure that Lori brought it for them having sex. That came into Harold's mind, but he didn't think to bring any since it was a hike in the mountains.

He soon felt that Lori wanted to have sex with him as badly as he does. He fixed the bag and looked over at the fire. He didn't want Lori to know that he knew that she brought condoms. He pretended that he never discovered them in the first place. He poked at the fire and saw Lori returning to him.

"Have a nice bath?" He smirked.

"Very relaxing, thanks." Lori responded. He faced the fire hearing the sounds of her going through her bag. He could tell that she was changing into her pajamas. She didn't wear much. It was a cute, small sized gown, which she wore to bed most often.

Harold threw the small twig into the fire as he looked over to where Lori was. She smiled as she gazed upon him.

"So, i guess we're both alone up in these mountains." Lori smirked going into the tent.

"Yeah, i am just glad no one is going to bother us while we go hiking and everything." Harold got up to enjoy the view from the mountains. It almost looked like they were in a large building. He was careful not to lean in too much. He walked around the tent and looked at the night sky. He was about to step into the tent, when he saw Lori's hand dropping her night gown. He blushed when he saw her hand slowly going into the tent.

"You know, there aren't any friends to bother us. No family to see how we are doing. Totally alone and no one to bother us. Can you do me a favor and felt me the ziplock bag."

He opened the bag and took three condoms out. He dropped his boxers and poked his head in the tent. He didn't want to go inside thinking something differently than his own mindset was at the time. Even though it was dark, he saw Lori naked in the tent. She deviously smirked at her boyfriend. "Are you coming in, or do i have to do it myself."

He gulped as he came zipping in the tent wearing one of the condoms. He put the two condoms down at the entrance to the tent. He looked at her legs and started to rub them a little bit. He looked over at Lori, who started at him.

"There will be no one to bother us now." Lori said as she turned off their phones. She knew it would be dangerous, but she didn't want to answer the phone every five minutes. Harold and her have yet to make love. She loved being patience, but being deprived of sex made Lori very frustrated. She opened her legs wider to make sure Harold had room to shove his manhood inside her. She was really wet. She couldn't stop thinking about the various situations that may come during their trip. She had planned to be with Harold making love for three days on the mountain top and she wasn't going to waste it either.

Harold held Lori's shoulders and groaned feeling the tightness of her pussy. "AHHHHHGGGGGGHHHH,"

Harold heard Lori's squeals. She held his shoulders. They were lucky that they weren't up in a snowy mountain. Many problems would surely happen if Lori screamed. Harold started the motions for sex as he groans each time. Ever since their first meeting, Harold has fantasized the moment he would have sex with Lori. He was even shocked that she fell in love with him. Lori met and slept with the people like Mark. Womanizers that broke their way into her life by sweet talking her. After a few one night stands, she had enough. She decided not to date anyone and focus on her career. That all changed when Harold had walked through the doors.

Lori screamed feeling her boyfriend's length was wiggling inside her. She threw her head back and dug her nails into his shoulders. She put her heels on his shoulders feeling his manhood drilling inside her as if they were making a cave.

"OH gosh," Lori told him. "Harder, Harold. Fuck me harder." She ordered.

She felt his movements were harder just like she said they were. Harold started to thrust her body more faster as well.

He mind regressed back to the days that Harold had visited the gym with his friend, Mark. Lori couldn't focus on her exercises. Her mind had been filled with fantasies about Harold. The male with the brown hair looked so tasty to her. Her friends started to tease her of things that Harold could do to her. Teasing her how he could strip naked and nail her in the showers. She wanted to talk to Harold, but Mark kept insisting that he could be a lot better. Lori shook her head.

It was hard to think straight since Harold was thrusting his body into hers. she moved her legs a lot feeling that her g-spot was getting hit. Lori was going crazy. She felt how powerful his cock felt. She regretted teasing him. "OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT."

Lori and Harold felt their body were almost close to cumming. Lori and Harold would never get to this part of their love making. Friends ruined it, Parents would kill the moments, and it was too crowded for them to even finish. Lori bit her lip as she didn't want to let Harold know about how good the sex was getting. However, the crimson haired girl couldn't keep the volume of her voice down.

"HAROLD, GOSH HAROLD." She screamed. "You're the best, you're the best, oh fuck gosh, your the fucking best."

Harold looked down as he kept increasing the speed. He looked down seeing how loud, Lori was getting. He kept thrusting more and more until. "I'm CUMMING." He said before he did one final thrust until his thrusts became slower and slower. When he finally stopped, Harold's face was full of sweat and his body halted from where it was.

He shoved his manhood out and started to clean up a little bit. Lori helped along and then the two pulled up the blanket and cuddled until they would get their stamina back.

"Gosh damn that was amazing." Lori told her boyfriend.

"Yeah, finally we get to do it without other bothering us." He said cuddling with her.

"I'll say." She giggled before cuddling with him close as well.

The two gripped on one another feeling their love was stronger than ever. Lori looked over at Harold, who wondered why his girlfriend was getting up for.

"Now, there's a volcano that i have to help...erupt."

Harold raised a brow seeing that she disappeared into the sheets. He wondered what she meant in her words. Yet, it took a matter of moments to realize that Lori was directly near his area and giving him a blowjob.

"Oh yes," He moaned before shouting as if he was on top of the mountains.

Well, it would seem they are trying to get to the peak of their "Mountains".

Huh? Huh?

Yeah, i know that sucked, but it was worth it. So, what did you think?

Tell me your thoughts on this story and until then, see you later.