Make Up Your Mind!
"Why do we call it truth or dare when we all know it's some awkward sexual question or some awkward sexual task?" Jason wondered out loud.
Everyone around him laughed in agreement.
"So true." said Kelly. It was her turn to go next.
"So Kelly, truth or dare?" asked Jason.
Kelly sat for a moment, "Well I went dare last time to I guess its truth then."
Jason moaned and shook his head. They had been playing the game for a while now and had run out of things to ask and dare each other.
"Anyone got any suggestions?" he asked.
Kyle shook his head and said that he was out of ideas. Jason looked to Zoe for help but she just said, "I need to pee." and got up and went to the bathroom.
Jason sighed in frustration and lent back, extending his stiff legs to the place where Zoe sat.
The four of them were sitting on a large square blanket outside. It was the middle of winter and close to evening yet all they had for warmth was a second large blanket which they kept draped over their knees as they sat around in a circle with Zoe next to Kelly (they were shmesties) and Jason next to Kyle, facing Zoe.
They were all sixteen but Jason stood at just over 6 ft tall and had a stocky build, so his feet ended up extending out from the cover blanket and past the blanket on the floor. He let out a sigh of relief.
Kelly looked at his large feet and said, "Oh cuttles! You've got slipper socks on!"
Kyle smirked and said, "I thought the great 'Tiny' didn't get cold."
All Jason's male friends called him 'Tiny' because it was contradictory, likewise, they called their short friend, Bogosi, 'Stretch'.
Jason folded his arms behind his head and replied, "Everyone's got their breaking point. Take Zoe for example; I think she starts to get cold at around 30 degrees Celsius?"
Everyone laughed at this. Zoe was a very slender girl and thus got cold very quickly.
The very person everyone was thinking about arrived as if on cue, shivering under her two shirts and jersy.
"Jason MOVE!" she tried to say forcibly but failed.
"Hmm, I think I like it here." Jason said slowly, "I think I'll stay."
Zoe sighed and said, "Fine, Rebel."
Another nickname, this one used by the girls. He had a small scorpion tattoo on his ankle and pierced his left ear himself, so he was known as; 'Rebel'
Zoe stood over Jason and sat down hard on his waist. He had the wind knocked out of him and coughed.
Zoe smiled and said, "Did I get it?"
Jason wheezed and replied, "Nope but you've got a bony arse." He eventually got his breath back and saw Zoe was still shivering.
"Cold?" he asked.
"No, she's boiling hot." said Kelly, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Jason sat up and scooted Zoe off to his side bridal-style and she gave a surprised yelp. He quickly lifted the blanket off him, put her back on his waist, in a more comfortable position, and put the blanket back over himself, covering her too.
"Better?" he asked and she nodded her head.
The group continued to chat like that for some time until the sky darkened and the first stars began to appear.
Eventually Kelly said, "Jason I'm surprised you don't have a boner."
"Ja, I can't feel anything" agreed Zoe.
Jason didn't reply to the question and eventually Zoe gasped looked him dead in the eye. At this he was quick to reply, "No it's not that, you are definitely giving me a boner. I'm just trying really hard not to harpoon you." It was true; Jason had a huge crush on Zoe and he was really trying not to let his member rise and poke her.
Kelly giggled at this and Zoe said, "Oh, I thought you thought I was ugly."
"Nooo," laughed Jason, making her bob around on him, "You would both give me a boner! Speaking of which, could you please get off, I don't think I can feel my dick anymore."
Zoe slid off him and laughed hysterically. She was soon joined by Kelly and the both of them ended up out of breath lying next to Jason.
"Not even gonna ask." said Kyle. He knew better, if one were to ask what was funny they would get sentences that aren't even the slightest bit coherent in between fits of giggles.
The conversation resumed after the two girls started breathing again. Eventually everyone but Kyle got comfortable on the blanket. He went off to get pillows for the rest and then went inside to play Xbox. The remaining three lay on their backs looking at the sky, talking about nothing and everything.
Eventually Zoe declared that she was still cold and Jason, producing a lot of body heat, shifted closer to her. She took the arm closest to her and tucked it under her head and moved her whole body against his. At this he nearly jumped out of his skin but was wanting this for so long he turned on his side and wrapped his other arm around her. Kelly soon scooted closer to Zoe and said, "Isn't spooning supposed to be uncomfortable for guys?"
Zoe looked at her with a blank face and asked, "What's spooning?"
Jason replied that it was how they were lying and Zoe asked why it would be uncomfortable.
He unwrapped his arm from her torso, motioned to his arm under her head and said, " Well, there's the dead arm, then the face full of hair," motioning to her head and her long brown hair in his face, "And lastly; the awkward boner."
"What boner?" she asked, pushing her backside harder onto his groin.
She gasped, "Oh!" as she felt his semi.
He moved to put his arm back where it was but in the darkness and mass of blanket ended up putting his hand near her chest. He quickly moved his hand lower to her stomach and held her hand.
"Sorry. That was almost your boobs." He said.
Kelly laughed and said, "What boobs?"
Zoe replied sarcastically, "Funny. Ha. Ha."
Because she was so slim, Zoe did have quite a small chest.
She took Jason's hand and placed it under her tops onto her bare stomach. He took this as his que and begun to trace lazy circles around her abdomen, keeping to just above the waistline of her pants and just above her bellybutton. She asked him to do more so he extended to her side not going any higher. He could feel the goosebumps rising on her soft skin but she still asked for more so he asked, "Are you sure?"
She took his hand and moved it up to her chest, placed it on her breast and said, "This is where my boobs are."
Jason just replies, "Umm, they've grown."
She took his hand out from under her shirts and said, "Jason, you've got a big mouth, but you're too shy to actually do anything."
"I'm sorry but I never know who to be with you." He said.
"What do you mean?"
Jason just shook his head and said, "Can we please do this privately?"
They both got up and, leaving Kelly behind, went inside. They walked into the lounge and saw Kyle playing Xbox, who just said that Jason's parents hadn't come home yet. Jason sighed and walked to his bedroom, trailing Zoe behind him. He closed the door and sat on his bed, patting the spot next to him, indicating for Zoe to sit.
"So what do you mean you don't know who to be around me?" she asked.
Jason looked at her and said, "Zoe, every time we have a party at someone's house or we all go to the movies or something, you always act differently."
"How so?"
"Well, one minute you're falling asleep on my lap, then the next you're climbing all over Cameron in the pool, then you're asking Mike how big his penis is, then the next minute you're treating me like you barely know me. And then you're back on my lap wanting me to feed you your hotdog like we're the happiest couple on earth."
Zoe dropped her gaze to the floor.
"Zoe you sometimes act like we're slightly less than friends and other times you're so foreword.
Because you don't have any trouble putting your foot by my dick to see if there's anything there or randomly asking me what I think of your boobs."
He let that hang in the air for a moment and then moved on, "Zoe, do you actually like me as more than a friend or am I just a boy-toy?"
She looked up at him and darted her head towards his, quickly and passionately kissing him.
When they broke for air Zoe looked deeply in his eyes and said, "I'm sorry I confused you and hurt you. I do like you as more than a friend, I like you a lot. I just really liked the attention from three guys who liked me, I guess I was just insecure. Before high school, no boys liked me, they all teased me 'cause I was so skinny and had no boobs. Then as I went through high school I started making friends and it was just nice to have guys like me."
A single tear rolled down her cheek and Jason cupped her face in his hand and wiped it away with his thumb.
He said, "Zoe, I've told you you're beautiful a couple of times and I think you're one of the sexiest girls I know and there's nothing wrong with your boobs their perfect and suit your body just fine."
He brought her in for another kiss and slowly they made out. Their lips moving but not to speak. All the frustration Jason felt melted away. They kissed for another couple of seconds and then Zoe said, "So you weren't lying when you said you were a good kisser."
"Actually," he replied, "You're my first."
Zoe's eyes widened at this.
"What?" asked Jason, "You know me, I'm a nerd."
"So what would you know about how good my boobs are?"
Jason chuckled and replied, "I may be a nerd but I'm still a guy."
"Oh." As if that explained everything.
She kissed him again and then whispered in his ear, "I could show you if you want..."
It was now Jason's turn to be surprised.
"Well how else are you going to know for sure?" she reasoned.
"It's alright."
She slowly climbed out of her three shirts and turned her back towards him.
"Can you help me with this please?" she asked pointing to her bra.
Jason slowly trailed his fingers down from her shoulder blades and saw her shiver. He reached her bra and unclipped it in one flick. He leaned over her shoulder and whispered, "Told you."
She turned and faced him revealing her perky b cup breasts.
"Oh wow," said Jason, his eyes wide, "Now those are brilliant."
"Really?" she asked.
"Oh yes Zoe. I'll say it again, you are beautiful."
She smiled at him and said, "You can touch them if you want."
"Well you didn't quite give me what I wanted earlier on..." she replied.
"Let's try again then."
He placed his hands on her firm breasts and fondled them for a little bit. After he got over his initial shock at her beauty, he regained his usual calm demeanour and moved his hands away from her breasts and began to trace along the side of her body, up and down.
She closed her eyes and tilted her head back while he moved closer and started to kiss her neck and collarbone. He moved his hand back to her chest and began to twirl his fingers around the nipple of one breast and massage the other.
Zoe eventually brought her head back down to face him and asked in an astonished voice, "Where the hell did you learn to do that?"
"Hmm, what was it you said to me now now? Big mouth? Well you seem to like my mouth." He replied in a low, seductive voice.
She giggled at this and then said, "I was also mentioning something else earlier on. Can you remember what it was?"
"'Avent the foggiest."
Zoe was warming up to this now, she tried to mimic the way he had spoken to her, "Think about it. Use your head."
She smiled as she saw him think about it. Then her smile turned into a grin as she saw him come to realise what she meant.
"Oh," he said, "Well if you insist."
He slowly undid the button in his jeans and slid out of them. As they came off, Zoe could see the large bulge in his lumo pink jocks. He made to remove those too but she stopped him and told him to lie down on his back. She inched his underwear down until his semi erect member lay there in full glory.
Jason could see her staring at it for a moment and was about to cover it up in case it was making her nervous, but she said in a shaky voice, "That's supposed to go inside me?"
"Well that's the plan but we don't have to get that far."
She continued to stare for a moment and spoke again, "It's just so big."
"It's okay Zoe, we can stop-"
She quickly spoke, "No wait."
She slowly placed her hand on it and said, "Its warm."
She wrapped her hand around his shaft and began to move it up and down. She looked at Jason and asked, "Like this?"
Jason just nodded, he didn't trust himself to speak with the pleasure he felt at her touch. He could feel himself go from a semi to a full erection.
She then asked, "And a blowjob is where I put this in my mouth?"
Again Jason just looked at her and nodded. Zoe took a deep breath and brought her face closer to the tip. She planted a kiss on top and then slowly inserted the first bit into her mouth. Jason let out a small unintelligible noise and Zoe quickly pulled him out and asked what was wrong.
He replied, "It feels really good."
"Oh." Zoe giggled at how she made him feel.
She put him back in her mouth and began to move the tip of his member in and out her mouth making him put his head back and curl his toes. She then tried to take him deeper but triggered her gag reflex, making her cough.
Jason asked if she was okay and she said she was fine, just tried too much too quickly.
He sat up and said, "I think it's your turn anyway."
She looked blankly at him then he pulled her closer and brought her around until they switched positions.
Now he was over her. He came in to kiss her and felt her trailing her hand up and feeling his developed triceps.
He started to move his kisses down her neck again and came level to her breasts where he twirled his tongue around each nipple until he could feel them get hard. He moved his kisses further down along her stomach. When he reached her waistline he made a big show of undoing the button, pulling down the zip and removing her pants one leg at a time.
When she was left in just her underwear, he tickled her thighs until she was convulsing and giggling. He brought his face back to her nethers and delicately slid her panties off, exposing her bare flower.
He told her she was beautiful again and proceeded to kiss her from her waist down to the lips of her womanhood. He stopped to drink her in.
He could see her pale flesh diverge into delicate folds. He moved closer and ran his tongue along her length and he could see her shudder in response. He smiled and continued to drag the tip of his tongue along her flower.
Zoe began to moan as he licked her and she gasped when he settled on the most sensitive part at the top. He knew he found her clitoris.
He took two fingers and moistened then in his mouth and then began to rub the area until Zoe's whole body shuddered and she said, "I think I just had an orgasm."
Jason could now see that she was expelling a clear liquid.
Holy shit, I just made a girl cum! He thought.
Zoe was out of breath when she pulled Jason's face up to her own and passionately crashed her lips against his. Jason felt her tongue sliding along his lips, seeking entrance. He happily obliged, letting their tongues wrestle for dominance.
When the two eventually stopped sucking each other's face, Zoe breathed, "I'm ready, Jason. Give it to me."
He positioned himself over her, missionary position, and rested his shaft against her entrance.
"Ready?" he asked.
She nodded and he slowly slid his head in. They both gasped at how it felt.
He slid in a little deeper and could see Zoe wince. He began to pull out but Zoe griped his backside and said firmly, "No, it feels good."
He went in a little deeper and could see Zoe's eyes misting up.
"Zoe, I'm hurting you." said Jason in a worried voice.
She looked at him deeply and replied, "No, it only hurts a little but it feels good after. Just go in all the way and then it'll be better."
Jason slid into her in a smooth thrust and heard her inhale sharply. He then began to pull back and both of them sighed at the feeling.
He gave it a moment before thrusting again and could see Zoe smiling at him.
"Now it feels better." she said.
They kept up the pace for some time until Zoe asked him to go faster and they both moaned in pleasure.
"Zoe you're so tight."
"It feels so good, Jason."
Eventually she whispered, "I want to ride you."
They changed positions until she was on top of him and then she began to bounce, rapidly, up and down along his shaft. Jason gripped her sides and began to move in tune with her, his rod sliding in and out of her moist womanhood.
They soon ran out of breath and Zoe slowed down and laid her chest against his, only swivelling her hips around Jason's.
She levelled her face with his and they locked eyes, her deep blue against his dark green.
They just stared at each other until he reached up and kissed her gently. They began to move again, gradually going faster until Jason began to moan.
"I'm gonna cum." he gasped.
Zoe breathed heavily and said, "I'm almost there too!"
Jason could feel her move faster and faster until her walls grew hot and clamped tight around his member, pushing him over the edge.
They both moaned loudly as they came together. Zoe slowed down her movements until the two of them lay there sweaty and gasping. Jason shifted and she slid him out of her and lay down next to him.
The two looked in each other's eyes and Zoe said, "Now you know who to be; my boyfriend."
Jason kissed her again and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.