This story is rated M for a reason. I will put a warning at the beginning of chapters that have anything with a lemon in it. If it doesn't have a warning, it's rated M for language. I'll update once a week, I have 5 chapters written already. Enjoy!

Okay I could do this. Take a deep breath, knock on the door, and-

Oh, shit. I hear footsteps. That means he actually is home. I'm not prepared for this, and I should walk away now. He'd probably just think it was a ding dong ditch prank. He'd never know.

Well hell, the door just opened.

I looked up at his shocked face and about choked. He looked like he just woke up, probably up all night at a club or some shit. Maybe he's hung over and he's going to be in a really pissy mood. Good going dumbass. Abort mission. ABORT MISSION.

"Elena, what are you doing here?" And as if I was in some bad porno movie, there was an apple in his hands that I hadn't notice before. He chose that moment to bite into it, swallow, and add, "It's a little late for the door to door Jesus pitch, isn't it?"

All sane thoughts went out the window and I blurted out, "I need you to have sex with me."

The apple dropped to the floor and his mouth fell open. He was silent.


Okay let's back it up a little bit. It's not every day a girl wakes up and decides to proposition their dad's client in taking their virginity. Up until that moment I never thought I would do that. But desperate times calls for desperate measures. Since the moment I had graduated high school, I had imagined my life going in a whole different direction.

I had remained pure and virginal for the most important years of my life. The years that branded you when you lost your virginity in the back of some hormonal sweaty guy's truck. I wanted to be above that. So of course I put on a brave face and built the reputation for myself of having only kissed guys when I was in a relationship. And it went no further than that which is probably why my relationship fails were epic. I was nicknamed a prude and just rolled with it. I was safe from being dubbed a whore.

And then graduation hit.

Finally the moment had come and I could have a romance over the summer before college. I could experiment and be the wild child that my parents never wanted! Except there was one problem. Apparently it was a real turn off for a girl to be a virgin when she's nineteen. Who knew? As soon as a guy found out, it was like they put up a brick wall between us and left me with a hand shake for a goodbye. It was 'heavy baggage'. They didn't want 'the risk of me forming an attachment'. It was ridiculous.

So now I guess you're wondering why the hell I'm so bluntly asking for my virginity to be taken by this guy. Well he's not just any guy. In fact, he's actually got a name for himself sort of since he plays professional football. My dad was his agent, and I met him almost three years ago when he so rudely barged into my bedroom wearing nothing but a wet towel around his hips. He was a guest for the weekend and 'got lost' on the way back to his guest bedroom. Although how someone can mistake a bright lime green door with my name painted in bright pink on it as the guest bedroom I'll never know.

Either way, we had a weird rocky friend/enemy relationship. He loved to make fun of the fact I was so 'hoity toyty' as he called it. I had a huge crush on him in the beginning but that quickly melted away when I realized he really was just a huge jerk that only thought with one head. And it wasn't the one sitting on his shoulders. He even made a few passes on me which I thought was kinda brave considering my dad was the reason this guy even had a career. He was only four years older than me, but for a girl like me I had standards. I flat out turned him down and when he wouldn't take no for an answer I finally dropped the bombshell of my status.

Since that day I've heard constant teasing of my 'pure state'.

In all honesty it's his fault for the reason I'm standing on his doorstep looking like a big idiot. He was the one who kept saying if I ever wanted to know what a man felt like to give him a call. He was the one who kept me up at night when I craved some kind of release. As crazy as it sounded, his face was the one I thought of when I pleasured myself.

But it was all strictly a sexual thing. I wasn't interested in getting hearts and flowers from him. I just wanted to get rid of my virginity and hopefully get a mind blowing orgasm in return. And I had high hopes it would be mind blowing. Just looking at the guy made any woman within a mile of him wet.

The guy was six foot three with a shoulder span that was almost three times as mine. He was shaped like he was printed right out of a magazine with his perfect V frame body. Dark brown hair that was kept trimmed on the sides but long at the top to accommodate for when he wore his helmet I assumed. He was always clean shaven, I'd never even seen him with a five o'clock shadow before. I liked it though, because it showed off his bright blue eyes more. And his body. Let's just say the hours he spent at the gym and with his personal football trainer paid off. I don't think he had an ounce of fat on his body. Even his ass, which was extremely rounded, looked as if you could bounce a quarter off the damn thing. It was almost ridiculous.

It almost made me self-conscious actually. Up until I decided I wanted him to deflower me, I'd never given a second thought to how I looked. But now, it seemed stupid to think he would actually be attracted to me in that way. I'd seen the girls he'd been with, I couldn't even rival them even if they were wearing sweats or just getting done working out. I was pretty much ordinary. I was average in height, five foot six. I didn't think I was too fat, I barely weighed one hundred twenty pounds. My hair was medium brown, long and typically straight. Nothing too exciting, I either straightened it or pulled it up in a ponytail. Eyes were brown, boring. I had no ass at all. I tortured myself for months doing squat challenges before I realized that I just obviously wasn't meant to have an ass. My boobs were alright, not too small not too big. Average. It all boiled down to average.

Right now I felt less than average, I felt like the gum on the bottom of someone's shoe with the way he was looking at me.

He finally closed his mouth only to open it a second later, "Am I being Punk'd?"

I rolled my eyes immediately, "Please, you're not that famous Derek."

He laughed and leaned in the doorway, "Then I must still be drunk. I thought you just said you wanted to have sex."

"No. I said I needed you to have sex with me." I crossed my arms over my chest, "Preferably before summer is over."

Derek just stared at me before slowly asking, "Why the fuck would you want that? Aren't you still a virgin?"

I sighed in annoyance, "Yes that's the problem. Guys won't even date me at school, because I'm apparently branded for life. Do you really think I would come to you if I wasn't desperate?"

Ouch, okay maybe that was a little harsh judging by the way his eyes narrowed in response. Nice going Elena, you have such a way with words.

He was quiet for a few minutes and I was about to just turn around and walk back to my car when he finally said, "Let me get this straight. So you want me to have sex with you, take your virginity I might add, just so you can date at college?"

I nodded impatiently, "Yes that's exactly what I'm saying."

Derek snorted, "I think I wanna be on whatever you're on, because you're obviously smoking that good shit."

I stomped my foot like a two year old, "I'm being serious dammit!"

"Oh that was sexy, do it again." He was actually laughing at me.


I gritted my teeth and shook my head, "Never mind, this was a really bad idea obviously. Forget I said anything, I'm leaving."

When I was halfway down his steps, he called out, "See you in a couple of hours! Your dad invited me to dinner." He chuckled and added, "Should be interesting now."

I felt my face heat up. Whether it was in anger or embarrassment I didn't know nor did I care. I was just glad that when I got in the driver's seat, his door was already shut letting me know he went inside. Talk about an epic fail. I was never going to be able to talk to him without being reminded of this conversation. And knowing Derek, he was never going to let me forget it anyway.

I was screwed. And not in the way I wanted to be today.

Glaring at his house one more time, I drove off. I didn't have to drive far to reach my house. Actually it was only a block away, because daddy bought Derek's house when he first signed him as a bribe. I didn't understand what made him so special, but then again I didn't understand the whole football thing either. I wasn't into sports of any kind.

My house was in one word: beautiful. My mom designed it before I was even born, but I had to give her props. It was two stories with a wrap around porch and balconies connected to each room upstairs. Solid white with dark green trimming and shutters. It looked like something out of a story book. Our front door was also dark green with a bullet proof glass window carve into it. (Dad's idea of course). There was no carpet downstairs, it was all hardwood flooring. The shiny wax looking kind where if you walk across with socks you bet your ass you're going to slip. To the right at the entrance way was a solid oak dining room table with six seats. A table we never used during every day use, because it was strictly for business purposes. The living room which was to the left of the entrance way, was to die for. Black leather couches with a matching recliner, the coffee table was solid glass and only meant for decorating. There wasn't even coasters sitting on it. On the far wall set the hug entertainment center with the biggest flat screen TV available, complete with the best surround system. It made movie night ten times better. On another wall was every school picture I'd ever taken along with my high school diploma and awards I'd won throughout school. My graduation picture was front and center. My dad went overboard with the whole proud of my accomplishments thing, but it made me happy. The kitchen was pretty much filled with brand new appliances that were never used unless daddy hired a maid to cook a supper for a special occasion. The counter tops were marble and the floor was hand laid tile. It was pretty to look at since I sure as hell didn't cook. Daddy's office was off limits to everyone, including me. I'd never in my whole life been inside of the damn thing. The door always stayed shut with a plaque hanging up on it that said "Private, Stay Out." I never even tried to peek before, I just kind of accepted it. The guest bathroom was downstairs and the most ordinary thing in the house. It was a simple standard thing, one that didn't have too much thought into it. Upstairs was completely off to company unless they were staying the night. It was completely carpeted with the softest whitest material, aside from the bathrooms of course. The guest bedroom was the first door on the left and was actually nicer than most people's bedrooms. It had a queen sized bed with a designer comforter to match the simple decoration scheme of neutral colors. Aside from the bed, there was a small entertainment center with a TV for guests to watch, a coffee table with a lamp beside the bed, and a small dresser cattycornered in the wall near the window. It was nice and simple. We didn't have guests often anyway.

Now my bedroom was what I liked to refer to as "The Princess Room". As I mentioned before, my bedroom door was bright lime green with pink letters spelling my name 'Elena Dawn Price'. Once you went inside, there was no turning back from the brightness that were made up of the lime green walls. Derek still refers to it as 'A blinding light of girl terror'. My bed was white and four post, with a bright pink canopy around it. It was always fun to let the drapes close around me when I go to sleep, made me feel important. My comforter was bright green with pink monogrammed pillow cases that matched everything in my room. It was very color coordinated and I blame my father for letting me redecorate when I was thirteen. My dresser was white and huge with a mirror on it that was covered in Polaroid pictures of me and my friends. (I went though a phase). On one wall there was nothing but a line of pink bookshelves that were completely filled on every row. I kept a variety of collections from classic literature to nothing but erotica. I was flexible like that. On the other wall were two white double doors that opened up to reveal my bathroom. It was very white. I liked the white scheme for a bathroom so the counter tops were white marble with only one sink. My shower had a clear door with white tile on the walls. It was so big I could probably fit like four people in there at one time. My tub was heaven. It was huge, complete with a wonderful Jacuzzi setting. I made it a point to have regular bubble baths. My bathroom also held a door that opened up to my walk-in closet. Every girl's dream. When I say walk-in closet, I mean I can walk in, hold my arms out, and not touch the clothes hanging up. It was perfect and filled with more clothes then I knew what to do with. I liked shopping way too much and had to go through it once a month to throw away stuff I didn't even wear to make room. Which made no sense, because I only owned maybe five pairs of shoes.

In a better mood now, I smiled a little at my house before I realized my dad's assistant's bright red Charger was in the driveway. In my spot. What the fuck was she doing here?

I parked behind my dad's Audi and quickly went inside. I could hear the sounds of giggling coming from the kitchen when I walked in. I set my keys and purse on the small table beside the door and quickly made my way to the room we never used.

To be honest, I was kinda uneasy when I walked through the doorway, and that feeling only intensified when I saw Amanda standing at the stove stirring some kind of sauce that looked like it could be for spaghetti. My dad was leaning against the counter speaking softly to her.

I didn't like Amanda.

She was by far one of the most annoying people in the entire world. She constantly made me feel like I was a child and treated me like I couldn't hold a conversation. Sometimes I think she forgets that she's only six years older than me. That makes her twenty years younger than my dad. Amanda was skinny with legs up to her neck since she was 5"9. She was Miss Texas a few years back and she constantly likes to remind me of this. She didn't even make it to the second round for goodness sake. She was bleach blonde of course with blue eyes the color of a damn aquamarine stone. Perfect smile, perfectly placed dimples when she smiled, and she was very graceful. It made me sick. Especially since she made it obvious she was after my dad.

And then my eyes zeroed in when I noticed he placed a hand on the small of her back.

I cleared my throat, "I'm home."

They both jumped in surprise and my dad looked a little guilty when he snatched his hand away. Amanda acted innocent and continued stirring the sauce.

Daddy forced a smile on his face, "Elena, I thought you were going to be out a little longer?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Change of plans. I wasn't feeling very well. What's going on here?"

Amanda gave me a disapproving look, "That's not a very nice tone. Hello to you too."

"I wasn't speaking to you." I looked at my dad pointedly.

He cleared his throat, "Amanda was just cooking dinner for us. I invited Derek over too."

I tried not to let it show that I already knew that, "Really? What for?" My eyes darted to Amanda, "Anything special?"

For some reason in my gut I knew before they even exchanged glances. Before I even looked at her left hand. But when the sparkly square cut diamond caught my eye, I felt like throwing up.

Amanda held out her hand and beamed, "We're getting married!"

Talk about the worst day ever.

All chapters will be about this length. I don't have anyone to edit it so I usually send it to my boyfriend first to see what he thinks of it. If we've missed anything, let me know please! Feedback is always appreciated :)