Thank you all for your kind words, they meant the world to me. I've had such a rough time lately and I really appreciate all the kind remarks from you. I love writing and I absolutely hated that I was so down that I didn't want to write anything. My boyfriend- Oops, I mean fiancé, was really starting to get worried about it as well. He loves reading my chapters just as much as the rest of you.
Speaking of, thank you for all of your congratulations! I'm very happy and cannot wait until the big day next year. He's finally moving back next spring, which will mark three years of long distance. I'm so excited! We just celebrated our three year anniversary and I cannot wait for all the years to come.
I'm not going to take up too much more of your time, but the guest who left me that review has apologized to me. All is forgiven, but I would like to remind you that I work six days a week and I don't really have time for writing anymore. Between work and wedding planning my mind is fried. I have gotten the most important part- my dress! It's a blush color and I'm in love with it. Hopefully everything will come together now and I'll have more free time.
Love to everyone!
I couldn't believe this was actually happening. Somehow my eyes managed to open at this ungodly hour of the Saturday morning. Seven o'clock to be exact. I wanted to cringe and crawl back into the bed, but the sounds of a crowd downstairs told me I better not. So being a good girl, I went ahead and threw on a bra, brushed my hair and teeth, and bounce downstairs. Halfway down, I smelled bacon and pancakes which only made me pick up my pace.
A group of heads looked surprised at seeing me into the dining room. Since we only had one guest room here, my grandparents were the only ones who spent the night here. Nana and Papa had been married for fifty years, and I knew by the smell of the food that she'd cooked breakfast for us all. Aunt Jan and Uncle Max stayed at the hotel, but since they were here I guessed dad invited them for breakfast. Uncle Max and my dad looked a lot alike, but my uncle was older by three years. He was a lawyer and Papa liked to laugh about he had more grey hair than anyone. His hair was almost white now and I guessed it had a lot to do with my cousin, Dylan. He was younger than me- still in high school, but from what I heard he was always getting into trouble. I liked to think that my dad got lucky I was so perfect. He liked to think I was full of myself.
I frowned at their expression of surprise, "What? Is there something on my face?" On reflex, I immediately started feeling my cheeks for a huge zit.
"I don't think they're used to seeing you awake so early. Hell, I don't know how you're standing." Derek's voice spoke behind me and I whirled around in surprise. He grinned at my reaction and pulled me closer to him, "Morning babe."
I kissed him quickly despite the many looks I was receiving, "Good morning."
Now that his leg was all healed up, he'd been going back and forth to physical therapy constantly. Between his therapy, football stuff, and wedding planning, I hardly got to see him most days. I tried not to think about what I would do when he finally went to Atlanta, but it was weighing on my mind constantly. I was a total wreck.
"I always knew you two would end up together eventually," My Nana commented with a pointed look at me, "You were just too stubborn for your own good."
I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't stubborn. Derek was just immature."
Derek blinked in surprise, "You mean I'm not anymore? Damn, I guess I should tell the guys I can't play with them anymore."
"Don't you dare. I've got a thousand dollar bet that once you transfer to Atlanta you'll carry them in the first game." Uncle Max pointed a butter knife he was using on his toast at Derek as if threatening him.
I frowned in confusion, "Carry them?" I looked at Derek, "Which position do you play again?"
I was sure he'd probably told me a hundred times, but for some reason it never really stuck.
He shook his head at me and shrugged at everyone in the room, "She really loves me, but she tends to block out everything I say about myself." He took his seat at the table and reached for a bowl of biscuits.
Papa chuckled deeply, "That's just Elena. Coming from a family that lives and breathes football, she doesn't seem to soak any of it in."
"I'm not sure she has a brain to soak it all in." My cousin, Dylan, commented dryly.
I groaned and sat beside Nana, "Make them stop being mean to me."
Nana mock glared at them all, "Stop being mean to my girl here. She's practically exhausted, being awake this earlier and all." She handed me a plate of bacon, "Get as many as you want."
My hands immediately scooped up five pieces and I stuck my tongue out at Derek before putting them on my plate. He shook his head at me again from across the table, but I could see his smile playing on his lips. He really did love me, I thought.
Aunt Jan cleared her throat once everyone passed around all of the food, "Anyone seen Tommy yet? He hasn't been down all morning."
"He was up about five o'clock." Nana replied. "He was going for a run and then stopping by his office to make a few phone calls. Said he wasn't going to have any interruptions for the rest of the day."
Uncle Max laughed and mumbled under his breath, "Unless they're blonde with legs up to their ears."
Oh ew. I just had to sit next to him, didn't I?
Nana frowned, "What was that?"
"Oh nothing. I was just commenting on my baby brother's plans for this morning." He smiled innocently and took a swig of his milk.
I crunched on a piece of bacon to drowned out my thoughts and Aunt Jan frowned in disapproval at me, "You really shouldn't eat too much or you'll look bloated in your dress."
Oh here we go. When I was younger, Aunt Jan always liked to take her roll as 'the closest thing to a mother figure I'd have' to heart. Before they moved, she would constantly take me out shopping and to do girly things on the weekends. There was only so many times a kid could get a pedicure before figuring out its not fun to set in a chair for thirty minutes getting your foot tickled. When she moved it wasn't so bad, but I still remember how many tears I'd wasted during my teen years when she would visit during my awkward growth spurts. Even as an adult I couldn't escape it, and my dad always said that if Aunt Jan had a daughter she would have lots of issues.
Derek leaned forward to steal a piece of bacon off of my plate with a wink, "We'll look bloated together."
Wasn't he just romantic?
Papa cleared his throat, "So is there any reason why you don't have a door on your room anymore?"
My romantic feelings immediately went away and I glared at the guilty party, "It got broken. I haven't had time to get the new one up."
The new door was delivered, but I hadn't found the inspiration for what I wanted to paint on it yet. Now that I thought about it, the whole green and pink scheme was getting kind of old now. Maybe I should redo my entire room...
"Broken? How the hell did that happen?" My uncle asked with narrowed eyes.
I popped the last piece of bacon in my mouth without breaking my glare, "Derek plowed through it like a great big-"
He cut me off with an eye roll, "We got in a fight and she locked herself in her room."
Nana laughed and reached over to pat my shoulder, "That's our Elena. She's always been a bit of a drama queen."
"Nana!" I gasped in surprise, "How could you say that? Oh, the humanity!" I stood up and fanned my face, "I won't sit here getting insulted any longer. I'm going to get ready."
Aunt Jan piped up, "Don't wash your hair- it'll be easier to fix later."
I groaned when I left the room.
The church was small, but big enough to accommodate all our family and their friends. There were a total of just under one hundred guests and apparently they were already getting antsy according to Aunt Jan who kept poking her head in every ten minutes to check on us. I'd lost count of how many times I'd rolled my eyes, but at least it was keeping Amanda amused. She looked as beautiful as I'd pictured and her hair was so shiny. I was tempted to run my fingers over it to see if it was as stiff as mine. The simple updo was pretty, but I was convinced it made my head seem bigger than it was. Regardless, it looked really good with the dress. Now all I had to worry about was not tripping down the altar.
Amanda was nervous and I could tell the other bridesmaids weren't helping at all. They kept whispering how beautiful she was and at this point you could clearly see how annoyed she was. She was a confident woman and she knew she was beautiful. I knew she was looking for a little more encouragement than that.
"Amanda?" When she looked up at me, I took a deep breath, "I hadn't gotten the chance to tell you yet, but...I'm glad it was you. I was being a brat about the whole thing and I'm sorry." I blushed when I realized everyone was staring at me, "He deserves the best and you're the best for him."
Her eyes watered and she pulled me into a hug, "Thank you, Elena. Thank you so much."
I wasn't good with emotional thing likes this, and I felt annoyed that all I could do was hug her back in return. It seemed like the only person who got to glimpse that side of me was Derek.
Amanda pulled away and suddenly grinned, "Let's go get married!"
God must've been looking out for me, because I managed to walk down the aisle without stumbling. I was staring at the floor the whole time, with a blush permanently attached to my face, and mentally chanting the step rhythm in my head...But I didn't fall and that was the main thing. When I finally got to my spot, I could see the laughter in Derek's face when he looked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and he shook his head in amusement. The ceremony was short and sweet, and I was proud of my dad for the emotion he showed during the vows. Amanda was a crying mess, but she still somehow managed to look perfect. It was so sweet and romantic that I shed a tear when they kissed.
When it was time for the reception, I wanted to chop my feet off. What felt like comfortable shoes at first was now turning into the shoes from hell and I wanted them burned. I limped around the people who kept swarming me and I almost fell when an arm wrapped around my waist suddenly.
"Whoa, what happened to that slow steady walk you had earlier?" Derek chuckled, "You looked pretty cute trying to concentrate so hard."
I pursed my lips at him, "Ha ha, you're very funny." I gestured to my feet, "It's these damn shoes. I'm pretty sure I've been walking on rocks the entire evening."
He rolled his eyes, "Did you bring your flip flops?"
"Yeah, they're in the dressing- Ah!" I gasped in surprise when his arms swept under me in a bridal style. When he started carrying me out of the reception area, I wrapped my arms around his neck, "You could've warned me."
Derek shrugged, 'The was much more fun."
The dressing room was empty and he set me down on one of the couches before grabbing my shoes from a chair next to us. I settled back against the cushions and sighed in relief that my feet were as sore now. I was never wearing those shoes again.
Derek knelt down on his knees and pulled one of the weapons off slowly, "You know, I really like these...they're pretty sexy." His eyes sparkled when he met mine.
I quirked an eyebrow at him, "Oh really? Why don't you wear them then."
"Nah, they wouldn't have my size." He rubbed my feet in the center of my sole with a smirk, "Besides, I like them better on you. It goes good with your beautiful dress."
For some reason, I smiled, "You like the dress?"
He nodded and reached down to pull the other shoe off, "Oh yeah. I really...really liked it..." His hands started sliding from my ankles up my calf slowly.
I squealed, "Derek, not here!"
"Why not? No one's here- and I locked the door." He winked at my mouth open expression at that.
I bit my lip, contemplating the situation. I'd been so busy with everything that I hadn't had time to fit in having sex with Derek- a fact he reminded me off a lot. I'd gotten off my period days ago and to be honest I was really missing it. And he looked so good in his suit. And he smelled so good.
"So you like the dress, huh?" I blushed at how low my voice sounded.
Derek's smirk widened and his hands crept higher, "Definitely. I get to view the perfect amount of your legs..." The fingers glided over my skin smoothly and stopped at the hem, "But my favorite parts are hidden for me."
I shivered when his thumbs rubbed circles above my knees, "And what are your favorite parts?"
"I can show you better than I can tell you." He winked and leaned his head down.
My head sunk further bank into the cushion when I felt his lips kiss along my thigh softly. I moaned when his teeth nipped at a spot and he used his tongue to sooth it. His hands moved to grab the back of my legs to pull me closer and I squirmed at the feel of his breath along my skin. I felt hot and I wanted to get the dress off of me as soon as possible. Derek held onto my tighter used his head to push the skirt of my dress up. I could see his mouth moving up, making marks along my thighs. I knew what was coming and I still couldn't stop the lazy grin that spread across my face.
Derek pulled back and gave me a dark look, "You've been walking around this whole time and didn't even tell me you weren't wearing panties?"
My grin widened, "I thought it would be better to surprise you."
He growled in response and darted back down. I gasped in surprise when his mouth latched onto me. He gave me no warning and I had to make myself be quiet when I felt him suck and lick around my clit. He'd done this a few times now, but I still couldn't get over the feeling of it. The movements were always rough, but it felt the opposite. My hands reached down to grip his hair and I groaned when his tongue dipped inside of me. My stomach tightened and I felt like I would burst through my skin when he suddenly entered two fingers inside of me.
I gasped, "Derek..."
His lips pulled back from me and his heavy eyes were watching my face carefully, "You look so sexy right now. Your face is flushed and your legs are spread wide for me..." He curled his fingers inside of me and my entire body tensed up when I felt my orgasm hit me. His smirk appeared back on his face, "That didn't take long."
When I calmed down, I reached for his pants roughly, "Derek, if you don't fuck me right now I'm going to slap that smirk off of your face right now."
Derek chuckled and used his free hand to help me remove his belt, "Yes ma'am."
Within a few seconds his pants were down and his hands were back around my legs, pulling me to the very edge of the couch. His lips attacked mine and I moaned his tongue tangled with mine. I could feel his fingers still moving inside of me, getting ready for him...
He suddenly pulled away from my lips, "Fuck, I just remembered I don't have a condom."
"What?" I set back against the cushions with a huff, "How could you forget a condom?"
He shrugged, "I didn't think I'd get this far with your family being so close to be honest."
I groaned in annoyance, "So you got me all hot and bothered for nothing? Dammit, Derek." I could kill him.
"It's not like I wanted blue balls." He ran a hand through his hair roughly.
My vagina practically whimpered at the loss of his fingers and I could feel my body actually sigh in disappointment. I wasn't worried about the risk of STD's considering I'd only been with Derek and he'd gotten tested. I knew we were both clean. And I was on the pill, but I knew that was never a one hundred percent guarantee of anything. But still.
I chewed on my bottom lip, "Can't you just...I don't know, pull out or something?"
That worked, didn't it?
Derek blinked at me in surprise, "Do you trust me enough?"
"Yeah." I sat up and threaded my fingers through his hair to bring his mouth closer to mine, "Besides, it's just one time."
He hesitated over my lips, but he finally nodded, "Yeah, just one time."
I moaned when his lips landed back on mine.
Ah, so I guess this is the part of the A/N where I should say, pulling out is not a good way to prevent pregnancy. Nothing is 100% safe, but please remember to use condoms!
Now I can tell you that I just found out that I am...PREGNANT. We are so thrilled, but I'm so nervous with the months coming up. It wasn't planned, but we've tallied up the due date to be a few months before the wedding. I'll just have to buckle down to fit in my dress afterwards lol
Until next time!