I'm the one you stay up with

long after she's fallen asleep.

I'm the one you talk with

about the most random things in the world.

I'm the one you laugh with

when we hear references from our favourite shows.

I'm the one you joke with

when she is in the bathroom applying her third layer of makeup.

I'm the one you cried with

during that time when that thing that should never have happened, did.

I'm the one you argue with

when we're both absolutely, completely certain we're right.

I'm the one you ask for advice

about what to say when she's having her tantrums again.

I'm the one you thank

when I help you understand her side of things.

(even when I don't really want to)

I'm the one you call best friend,

but not the one you'd choose if you had to.

I'm the one

who will never make you choose.

Stupidly, I'm one of two

hopelessly in love with you.

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