Author's Note: Welp, third time's the charm when it comes to revisions, right? Hopefully this one will actually take off. It's a bit more raunchy than the previous version, but who doesn't love some adult content, right? (Well, if you're adult enough to read it, that is ...) With that said, thanks are in order to BrutieBoots for Nate and Rue, and also Lottie (who used to be named Payton, but I made some alterations). You know your characters are always welcome. ;) Thank you, readers, for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the third revision of Something about Maverick. Let me know what you think of the story in the review section!
-Michele (:
Rated M for drug and alcohol use, profanity, and sexual content.
The booming dance music coming from the frat house could be heard five blocks away. People poured from almost every open crevice, like the house was an oozing body. The lines of cars parked along the street were practically miles long. Every single student of Marina Beach University was no doubt here, but for good reason. It was the last party of summer vacation, and though there would of course be more frat parties during the year, none were going to get as wild as this one.
I pushed through the dancing crowds with my best friend, Rue Hawthorne, holding on to my arm for dear life. The crowds would have swallowed her whole if we would have separated, and poor Rue wasn't as party savvy as I was, so I needed to be her lifeboat.
The air was stagnant and smelled like alcohol, pot, and sweat, not an entirely lovely combination, but it didn't bother me too much. Well, a little while later it wouldn't bother me. Everything was different when your brain was drowning in vodka and you were stoned to the gods, which would be happening soon surely enough.
I was trying to locate my friends, which at this point was visibly impossible. It was hard to believe that the two story frat house could contain so many people, although, like I said, they were pouring out of every open window, door, garage ... Someone was probably stuck in the chimney as well, I wouldn't put it passed these crazily intoxicated college kids.
"This place smells like bad decisions," Rue shouted over the loud music as she clutched onto my arm even tighter when we passed a group dancing, although it looked more like the makings of an orgy than a dance.
"You act like you've never been to a party before," I shouted back. "This is nothing new to you."
"Doesn't mean I like it," she grumbled. Well it's not like I liked seeing other people dance-fucking either, but I was at least conditioned to it. Rue on the other hand probably never would be. She would rather spend her last day of summer in our dorm room huddled on her bed with either a book or a Gameboy in her hands. We may be best friends, but I will never understand why she prefers staying home rather than socializing.
I was actually lucky to have convinced her to come to the party wearing something party-like instead of an oversized t-shirt and cut-offs. Rue had amazing long legs that looked great in my pair of Daisy Dukes with lace sewn on the hems. Even though she's self-conscious about her middle section, she's got a total ballerina body with perfect curves it makes me jealous, but to keep from catering to her insecurities, I gave her my white babydoll tank that fell loosely from underneath her breasts so that it easily covered her midsection. With her wavy, elbow-length auburn hair and big olive green eyes, she was absolutely gorgeous. If boys didn't drool over her while wearing this, I don't know what would.
I pretended to have not heard her comment and continued weaving through the sea of people like Moses. We finally reached the archway that led to the kitchen, but not before being stopped.
"Hey Lilie," slurred one of the frat boys of the house, Matt Ewing. "I know you're a psych major ... Think you can help me decipher some of my dreams and be my modern day Freud?"
I had to hand it to him; that was a pretty witty pick-up line. I was surprised he was able to come up with something like that while totally shitfaced. However, I also knew that he was one of the top in his year, so I guess his brain still did pretty well even if it was sloshing in his skull with all the alcohol he'd consumed.
"Having naughty dreams? Might be having mommy issues," I cooed, slapping his face like a baby. "Maybe you just want to fuck your mommy."
"Actually I just want to fuck you," he replied with a grin, draping a heavy arm around me. I looked at Rue and rolled my eyes. His buddies chuckled.
"Yeah, me too," another frat boy snorted like the imbecile he was.
"Frat orgy!" exclaimed Matt. I heard Rue groan and knew it was time to escape while we still could. During their drunken chanting of their fraternity Greek name, Rue and I dipped into the kitchen.
"Yep, still don't get while you enjoy coming to these," Rue said.
But as soon as she said that, we arrived at the lovely sight of a glorious keg, perched on top of the dining table where more imbeciles were drowning themselves in the wonders of beer.
I hugged her tightly and pointed to the silver barrel.
"That, my friend, is why I love coming to these," I said, and searched for cups for the both of us.
"I don't want any, Lil," Rue said as I tried pushing people out of the way to fill our cups.
"What are you talking about? Of course you do," I argued. I could hear her protesting behind me, but that didn't stop me from pouring her a drink as well. Rue was always like this when I brought her to "social functions." She just need a few drinks before the protesting turned into yearning.
"Drink," I demanded as I handed her the red SOLO cup. She narrowed her eyes at me but when I gave her a look of persistence, she sighed and took it from me. She sniffed it and made a look of disgust.
"But I don't-"
She took the tiniest sip in the entire world. I'm pretty sure she couldn't even taste anything from a sip like that. I don't even think the drink touched her lips.
She groaned again.
"I really hate you," she said before taking a proper swig. I grinned with pride.
"Nope, you love me."
When she withdrew the cup she gagged and smacked her lip.
"God I hate beer."
"Not for long you won't," I sang before chugging down my own drink. She followed me in suit, hesitantly.
"Now why am I not surprised to find you two here?" chimed a voice from behind us. Rue and I turned around to see the towering figure that belonged to Nate Harris, all 6'5 of his handsome glory. Rue and I had to tilt our heads a little to look into his eyes, which were a lovely light shade of hazel against his copper, sun-kissed skin. Nate lived in Barbados for most of his life, and it wasn't until he decided to come to MBU that he moved to California.
"Why would you be surprised?" I asked after finishing my drink. "This keg is the main attraction." Rue rolled her eyes while Nate chuckled.
"Where are the others?" asked Rue.
"Dunno," Nate said with a shrug. "I lost Lottie as soon as we walked through the door."
"I'm surprised you made it to the front lawn together," Rue muttered. I snorted.
"She's probably in the middle of the living room sandwiched between two frat boys," I said with a nonchalant wave of my hand. "We probably won't see her for the rest of the night."
"Yeah," Nate laughed. "Now why are you guys drinking this shit? Why don't you fix yourselves real drinks? Come on ..." He grabbed on to my arm, and I reached for Rue, and we walked through the crowd in the kitchen as a human chain, making our way towards the open sliding glass door that led to the backyard. The pool was overflowing with bikini clad girls (some topless), and guys trying to get in the middle of them.
"I love frat parties," sighed Nate as he stared dreamily at the pool. I narrowed my brow and snapped my fingers in front of his face.
"Hello? We're looking for booze, not boobs," I said.
"Calm down, AA. There will still be some when we get there. You know they brought extra because you practically drink yourself to death," Nate teased. I smacked his arm and Rue chuckled.
"He's right, you know, AA," she mocked.
"Stop calling me AA. I do not need to go to one of those, jeesh," I snapped.
"Whatever Peanut," Nate said, and I scowled again at his use of the nickname he dubbed me because of my minuscule height. My head barely reached his bicep. And that was with heels on.
We arrived at the bar where other kids were serving themselves drinks mixed with probably every bottle on the shelf. Liquor ranging from tequila to vodka to Jäger littered the counter top with more supply underneath.
"Don't mix mine with Jäger," I said with a gag. Nate nodded and turned to Rue.
"No I'm not having any. I don't plan on getting totally fucked up tonight," she said.
"Come on!" I cried. "Rosalyn, if you don't-"
"Use my name again and my fist collides with your face," she threatened. I groaned.
"Fine. Rue, if you don't get totally drunk tonight you're not going to have a good time."
"I won't have a good time because this place is a barn filled with drunk, sex-driven morons," she said.
"Lil it's cool. Leave Rue alone," Nate said.
"Thank you."
"If she doesn't want to get totally fucked and have an awesome night, that's her problem," he added. Her relieved expression immediately twisted with annoyance.
"I hate you both," she muttered, but not soft enough for us not to hear. I broke into a fit of giggles.
Nate handed me another red SOLO cup filled with a new concoction and I downed it almost immediately. My eyes lit up.
"Ooooooh. You need to make one for Rue," I said, handing him my cup begging for more. Nate looked at her with an arched eyebrow for permission. With the help of my chanting "Do it do it do it do it," she finally sighed heavily and agreed.
"Tonight is going to be awesome!" I sang, and Nate handed us both drinks. I held up my cup.
"To awesomeness," I toasted.
"To idiotic friends," Rue mumbled.
"To pool babes and bare boobs!" Nate exclaimed. The three of us tapped our plastic cups together and chugged.
After Rue overcame her animosity for drinking, she became a lot more fun to hang around. I mean, I love Rue to death, but at a social function like a party, being sober is not fun, so I was really looking out for her sake too. After becoming more than a little tipsy (aka flat out drunk), we shimmied to the dance floor and jumped around with all the other more than a little tipsy people. The party was getting out of control, but nobody cared. It got to the point where girls had taken it upon themselves to provide a show on top of the coffee table in the living room.
"Hey, isn't that Lottie?" I asked, pointing to the tall model figure on the table, running her fingers through the layers of her shoulder-length chocolate brown hair. Her body was barely covered in a pastel pink mini dress and seemed to be rising with every move she made.
"Lottie, you're such a whore!" I spurted into a fit of drunken giggles, and Lottie didn't seem to hear me, thank goodness. Lottie was one of my good friends and probably wouldn't let me live it down that I called her a whore.
"Hey is that Lottie?" asked a voice from behind. I turned around and noticed my older brother, Blayke, and his childhood best friend Maverick Johnson. They were both incoming seniors at MBU and practically joined at the hip. I don't remember my life without Maverick, to be honest, that's how involved he is.
"Duh," I said. "I just said that." Blayke rolled his eyes. From the tone of my voice it was so obvious I was hammered.
"Welp, Lilie's shitfaced," he said. "How much has she had?" He was asking Nate and Rue, but I answered for them.
"Not nearly enough! I've got room for more!" I extended the syllables for more and danced around in place. Maverick burst into a fit of obnoxious laughter. The smell of weed emanated strongly from the both of them, which was probably why we hadn't seen them at all before that moment. This was a ritual for every party they came to. They usually smoked their brains out and had a couple drinks on a balcony or room with a small group of people instead of socializing and dancing. Blayke and Maverick weren't too into dancing.
"Okay, little lady," Nate said, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I think it's time you took a break. Let's go outside for some fresh air."
"I'll take her," Maverick immediately offered. "I want to get a drink anyway."
"Yeah because the first thing she needs is to be around more alcohol," Blayke scoffed sarcastically. Maverick flipped him the bird.
"I want alcohol," I chimed.
"See?" Maverick said with a grin before taking me from Nate's arm. He held on to my hand and pulled me through the crowds and I waved goodbye to my friends.
"Why are you holding my hand?" I asked. "You're all sweaty."
"Lilie, you're dumb," he said.
"I am not!" I exclaimed as we made it through the kitchen and out the sliding door to the backyard. "I'll have you know that I have a stunning 10.0 GPA."
Maverick snickered. "I would not doubt that," he said sarcastically.
He made himself a drink and pulled me to the side of the house, leaning against the brick wall. He pulled on the hem of my white summer dress that swayed just above my knees.
"I've always liked you in white," he said. "Gives me the delusion that you're pure and innocent."
"Yeah ..." I mumbled, not really listening to what he'd just said. He snickered again and took a drink.
"Why don't you jump into that pool with the rest of those girls and put on a show for me?"
That time I did hear and I glared, punching him in the arm.
"Gross! Why would I do that, you perv?"
"Hey it was just a suggestion!"
"Yeah, a gross one!"
"Whatever Lil. I thought you'd be drunk enough to actually do something like that for me," he laughed.
"I told you I could still drink more," I said, reaching for his cup, but with his tall height and long arms, he moved it far out of reach for me.
"No way, this is mine. Besides, I think Nate's right. Take a break before you get alcohol poisoning. Last thing we need is to take your dumb ass to the ER before school starts."
I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms with a pout.
"Well I don't want to just watch you drink," I whined as he chugged his liquor.
"Well, they didn't say you needed a break from smoking. I think we still got some left," he suggested.
He led me back through the house, passing the kitchen and living room, towards the stairs. It had become much easier to get through, as most of the party had gone outside.
"What's going on?" Maverick asked.
I peered out the window. From what I could see, fists were being thrown and chanting echoed through the night.
"Fight," I said.
"Sweet. Chick or dude?" I gave him a dirty look. "What? Just curious. You know, in case I want to watch."
"What about my joint?" I whined.
"Oh fine," he sighed and led me upstairs.
Music played from different rooms, most of them closed and probably keeping dirty secrets behind them. Maverick pulled me into one of the rooms with an open door and kicked out whomever still occupied it. With disgruntled expressions and muttering slurs of profanities at us under their breath, they left and Maverick closed the door on them. I barked out an obnoxious drunken laugh at them, which Maverick snickered at.
I sat down on the bed, which was extremely bouncy and fun to play on. While Maverick rummaged through the nightstand, I bounced on the edge of the mattress.
"This bed is so bouncy," I said. I could see hints of a smile pulling at the edges of his lips. He was really handsome, despite the fact that he'd always been more of another annoying big brother in addition to Blayke. He was tall and strong, his athletic build an improvement from being twiggy and lanky in middle school and early high school. Black wispy hair fell messily around his face, curling out around his quarter-sized stretched ears. His bottom lip were pierced with thin silver rings on either side. My favorite part about Maverick were his bright green eyes. I'd never seen such bright eyes before, and they were no doubt his best feature, however he did tend to abuse their power often with unsuspecting women.
Maverick finally found what he was searching for and began to work on rolling a joint. He flicked the hair out of his face and sat down with me.
"Ta da!" he sang, holding up the glorious homemade joint.
"Yay!" I cheered, bouncing on the bouncy bed. He handed it to me while he searched for a lighter in the pocket of his skinny jeans. In my drunken state of mind, I stared down at the joint and began to get emotional.
"Lilie?" Maverick asked when he heard me sniffling.
"It's amazing," I said.
"It's not the best one I've rolled," he admitted.
"No, that we've been friends for so long," I said. "It's amazing that I've known you for almost my entire life."
"And yet you still won't let me get into your pants," he sighed.
"Well yeah, because you're my brother!" I exclaimed, wiping away my brief tears. Maverick sighed again.
"Yeah, yeah." He motioned for the joint and took it from my hand.
"Do you still have any of your drink left?" I asked, pointing to the cup on the nightstand. He gave it to me without question. He had obviously not had much to drink since the cup was so full, so I downed it before he lit the joint.
"Yum," I mused.
"You're so weird Lil," Maverick said, shaking his head.
"But you love me," I said cheekily.
He was hesitant before he said anything, but he gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered, "Of course I do."
I gently bounced on the bed again.
"Bounce, bounce," I giggled softly. Maverick stared at me, first with disappointment, then with a smile. He bounced as well.
"Bounce, bounce," he said. I giggled harder and climbed onto the bed, sitting on my knees, bouncing bouncing bouncing.
"I love this bed," I said happily. He placed the rolled joint on the nightstand and joined me, bouncing on his knees as well.
"I love you," he said, and then he pulled me into his chest and planted a big tender kiss on my lips. At first I tried pulling away, but-maybe it was the alcohol ... Actually I know for a fact it was the alcohol-I soon stopped fighting. There was no logical explanation for why I continued to kiss Maverick. Like I had said in my very drunk stupor, he'd always been a brother to me. However, I was aware that he had different kinds of feelings for me, feelings that definitely strayed from "siblings" and more towards "lovers" but he never pushed me to do something I didn't want to, usually because whenever that type of subject did come up it resulted into an annoying fight and we wouldn't talk for a day or so. Then Maverick usually apologized for being a dick and we'd go back to being friends.
But this situation in the bedroom had never happened before. I'd never allowed myself to be so vulnerable around Maverick, so I wonder what made this time so much different? It wasn't the first time I'd fooled around while totally shitfaced (I mean, come on ... Who hasn't?), but I'd never fooled around with Maverick. Gross. Mega gross! He was like my brother for Pete's sake.
But that's what I did that night.
For the first time in my life I let Maverick kiss me, and I kissed him right back. His fingers tangled through my blonde waves, cupping the back of my head. I did the same, tugging gently on his hair. While one of his hands was stuck in my hair, the other was caressing my shoulder, then down my arm, then down my back, until he reached the hem of my dress. He pushed me down onto the bed, bouncing gently from the impact, never separating from my lips.
I was surprised how good a kisser he was, of course he did have lots of practice. Maverick had plenty of girlfriends and hook-ups, which should have turned me off right there, but it didn't. Quite frankly, I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind at that moment, considering I always imagined Maverick as my brother and not my lover, the opposite of what he thought of me. And anyway, I wasn't totally innocent in the love department either.
We parted briefly to catch our breath, and I opened my eyes to see his face. His forehead glistened slightly from the beads of sweat that were dotting his hairline, and his eyelids fluttered, his long lashes almost brushing his cheeks. I felt the edges of my lips pull into a small smile when I realized he was smiling at me too.
"I love you, Lilie," he said. I said nothing in return, but I nodded.
He briefly pecked me on the lips again before going back to the door, locking it, and turned down the lights, only a dim glow illuminating the room. He pulled his black v-neck off, exposing his array of tattoos and six-pack, which now suddenly looked so different from the numerous times I had seen him shirtless. As he dropped the shirt to the floor, he began to climb back on the bed, and the urge to help him take off his pants overcame me.
I quickly worked my fingers over his belt and zipper, an expert at figuring out complicated buckles. He kicked them off when I'd pulled them down to his knees, giggling at the large erection poking out of his Ninja Turtle boxers.
"You're big," I giggled drunkenly, and poked it. Maverick narrowed his eyes and grinned at me. He pushed me back onto the bed and shoved his hand up my dress. I squeaked when I felt fingers weave underneath my underwear.
"You're wet," he murmured, and kissed my cheek. I said nothing and nodded again. In what seemed to be one swift quick motion, Maverick pulled off my panties and pulled my dress over my head, like I was a rag doll, leaving me completely naked. I let his eyes feast on my body. For the first time it didn't bother me. I wanted him to see me.
"How come you're not naked too?" I asked. He tilted his head back and laughed at my stupid comment. He pulled his boxers off and climbed over me, caging me underneath his strong arms. Tattoos of video game logos, paw prints, and flowers cluttered his arms. I traced one of the flowers. I knew the story behind those.
As if he could read my mind, Maverick said, "Don't think about that right now," and distracted me by pressing his mouth against my own. I felt the warm metal of his lip rings against my skin. Our lips moved together in synchronization, like this was a dance they knew all too well, except they didn't. We gradually picked up the pace, and the soft romantic kisses turned into a hot and steamy make-out. And as our bodies pressed together, I could feel his manhood pulsing against me.
"Check if there's anything in there," I said, pushing from Maverick and pointing to the nightstand. "No glove, no love." And then I collapsed into a fit of giggles again.
Maverick searched the drawer again and victoriously pulled out a wrapped condom.
"Ta da!" he sang. I applauded and cheered. He hastily tore the wrapping and expertly pulled the rubber over his dick. Then he climbed on top of me again and rubbed his groin against mine.
"Are you sure?" he asked softly, but seriously. I didn't want to think about anything, and the craving I had for him was almost unbearable. I didn't even have time to think about what the fuck I was even doing. This was Maverick Johnson ... My brother's best friend ... My childhood friend ... Maverick Johnson.
My response to him was pulling him down into a deep kiss, which he took as my confirmation. I spread my legs out for him and he drove himself into me.
I wasn't sure how long we'd been having sex until I looked over at the clock after we both came to our climax. We were both exhausted and completely satisfied. I don't think I'd ever been as satisfied as I was that night.
We both climbed underneath the sheets of the bouncy bed, and Maverick picked up the joint he had rolled a long time ago, finally lighting it. He took a long puff and then handed it to me.
"Have I told you how much I love you?" he asked after he blew out his smoke. I took a drag and exhaled as well.
"Yeah, yeah," I said before giggling. He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest.
"You are such a mess, Lil," he sighed, and then chuckled.
"No, I am perfect!" I said childishly.
I didn't have to look up at Maverick to know that he was looking down at me. He kissed the top of my head and sighed.
"Yes you are."