Ben lays excitedly in bed unable to sleep; thoughts racing.
I've dreamed about this day for a long time. Mother told me stories about dad's adventures. That's how they met. He saved her and they fell in love. She always said dad was a hero. I want to be a hero too. He never goes on adventures anymore though. Ever since mom died five years ago, he wouldn't leave my side. I was sad too, but he told me that men should be strong and persevere through hardships in life. Men can cry, but they shouldn't wallow in their sorrows.
I always tried to live up to my father's expectations, but he actually coddles me constantly. I've been bothering him to let me go on an adventure for almost three years now. How can I grow up to be a hero if he doesn't let me go on adventures! He finally gave in though! He said he had to come with me, but I don't mind that at all. I think I could learn a lot from him on this adventure. Mom told me about how he used to fight monsters. He used to be a well-known hunter and even killed lycans. Lycans were known as one of the fiercest beasts to hunt. Not many have lived to tell the tale of them, but my dad has killed a dozen of them. Maybe we'll end up fighting a lycan on our adventure! I couldn't have a better teacher to show me. I can't wait anymore, I'm too excited!
He looks at the clock in the room. It's just barely past midnight.
Well…. Dad did say we'd go on an adventure today. He never said when!
Ben gets out of his bed and walks over to his father's bedside. The man in front of him looked rough around the edges. Just by looking at him, you could immediately tell he's seen a lot in his life. He has a short black beard that covers a good part of his face. The beard covers part of a scar on his face. It looks like the claws of a beast across his left cheek.
That's the scar dad got the night mom died.
While staring at his father, he notices he's starting to rustle around in his bed.
Not another nightmare! Ever since that night mom died, he's had the occasional fit. He ends up screaming so loud he wakes himself up… along with everyone else! Even more reason to wake him up!
Ben shakes his father. "Dad, get up already! You said we were going on an adventure today!"
"Huh? Is it time to get up already?"
His father looks out the window then turns back to him.
"Buddy… if the sun hasn't woken up for the day, I'm definitely not ready to either. The sun should always be the first to work after all!" he said with a smile on his face.
He's being so lazy! And I don't want to have to deal with his screaming if he has another nightmare tonight.
"But you said we could go on an adventure tomorrow yesterday! It's tomorrow already. You didn't say what time!"
"It hasn't even been 4 hours since we went to bed Ben. We can't go on our journey if we're tired."
Guess I'll have to be a bit of a pain to get him up. He usually gives in after a bit.
"But I'm NOT tired! I want to go on an adventure like you use to! I'm too excited to sleep."
After some time, Ben finally wore his father down into agreeing to set out early.
"Alright, alright. We'll go now."
"Alriiight!" Ben cheers.
Better start getting everything packed up! The sooner I do, the sooner my adventure starts!
After getting their stuff packed up, the two left the inn they were staying at and made their way out onto the road.
Ben walks side by side with his father until they reach the edge of town. As Ben looks towards the greenwood forest, he senses an ominous aura.
The forest is giving me the creeps... My body is telling me we shouldn't go in there for some reason.
Ben turns his head to look for another route.
Maybe we should try to go around to the eastern port?
As Ben was lost in thought, his father broke the silence. "That's north buddy, we need to go this way." His father points towards the greenwood forest.
"I know Dad, but I have a bad feeling about going that way… I think we should go in this direction instead." Ben looks to the northern pathway with a serious face.
"Sorry buddy, that path will take too long. We're going through the greenwood forest. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."
Maybe I'm just getting nervous because I don't have equipment yet. Dad said he'd buy me some at the eastern port, so I guess it would be best if we got there quickly. I don't want to leave all the fighting to him. I have to be brave! But that forest just looks creepy at night…
Ben's father lights up a lantern and starts to walk towards the woods. Ben follows behind him, still nervous, but reluctant to turn back.
The two of them walked until they reached the edge of the greenwood forest. The forest looks even more dark and ominous up close. The light from the moon can't pierce through the thick brush ahead.
God, this looks even worse up close. I feel like the trees are going to grab and eat me. There's a pit in my stomach, but I don't want dad to think I'm a coward. I'm just nervous.
The two walk into the forest without a sound between them. The dark silence was only broke from the occasional rustle of branches as Ben followed closely behind his father.
We've been walking for a while now. I feel sick. I thought my nerves would calm down, but the further we go, the worse I feel. My body feels numb. I don't think I can go on like this.
"Dad, I don't like this. I think we should go back."
"Sorry bud, we already gave up our room at the inn and it's too late to go back now. The sun will come up in a bit. The forest just seems scary in the dark." Ben's father has an annoyed look on his face.
"I'm not scared of the dark or this forest dad. I just have a bad feeling."
If we go in much further, I don't think I'll even be able to move my legs anymore.
"Are you scared of monsters then? I'm quite skilled you know. Nothing to be worried about." Ben's father pats the sword on his side.
The loud snap of a branch startles them as they both jump. Ben's father puts his hand on his sword with a stern look on his face.
What was that? That was louder than the usual rustle of branches. It sounded like a tree was snapped in half.
Ben in the direction the noise came from. Something catches his eyes.
What is that? It looks like I can see the silhouette of something. No, two things. They're just…. blobs of darkness… I can't tell what they are.
Ben watches as the two blobs move quickly about, bouncing off of each other.
That must be the source of the noise. Every time they touch, they make that loud snapping sound. The blobs are getting bigger. Are they getting closer? And I thought I heard a roar...
After another loud snap, one of the blobs disappeared from Ben's view.
One of them disappeared! What happened? The other one is still getting bigger.
Ben puts his hand on his father's back to tell him what he sees.
"Wha-What is that?" Ben hears his father say under his breath.
He must see what I see too.
Suddenly, the dark blob starts to clear up and starts to take form.
It looks like a large man. But he looks disfigured. Wait, is that a… lycan?!
As if to answer Ben's question, the lycan takes a step forward into the light and Ben can clearly see its form now.
Woah… he's huge. Lycans are much larger than I thought. He's wet. Is that… blood? Was he fighting another lycan? He looks hurt. Wait… where is that other figure? It was even bigger.
"Not a step closer!"
Ben hears his father yell out and hears the sound of a sword being unsheathed.
Ben looks around his father for the other figure. Suddenly, his father pushes him back behind him. Ben hears an unfamiliar voice.
"Ge-get away"
The voice was weak, but gruff. It almost sounded like a snarl. There's the sound of a loud thud. He can see that the lycan figure collapsed from behind his father.
How am I able to see it? It just looks like an outline, but I can see it clearly through my dad's body. What's going on?
Ben's father cautiously walks closer to the fallen lycan. He looks to be poking and prodding it with his sword and foot.
Jeez dad, just kill it and let's get out of here. There's still that other figure somewhere!
Ben hears the faint sound of something coming from the lycan over there, but couldn't make out what it was. He looks around trying to see the other figure that was fighting the lycan while his dad continues examining the hurt lycan.
Where is that thing?! How can something so big just disappear like that!
As Ben turned, he found what he was looking for. The tree behind him was covered in a dark aura. It was indeed, much bigger than what he saw from the lycan. As he looks up at how big the tree was, he see's something horrible.
Is that a mouth?!
Ben starts to let out a scream of shock but before he can do anything an arm-like branch comes down and grabs him. He's lifted into the air and the tree begins to move him towards that mouth-like hole.
Oh god, am I going to be eaten by a tree? What do I do?
Ben hears his father yell out his name and a loud clank as his dropped his lantern and ran over. Ben starts pounding at the branch holding him to no avail. He looks around frantically for something he could use. He grabs onto one of the branches holding him.
I think I can break this one off. Maybe I can use it to stab that hole.
Ben breaks off the branch.
Yes! It came off. Now take this you freak!
Ben shoves the tree branch into the hole as it continues to bring him closer to the hole.
Ha! Eat this you cannibal!
The mouth-like hole closes. Ben hears a loud crack as the branch and his arm breaks inside of the tree. Ben feel's an excruciating pain surge through his body and screams out in pain. Ben can feel the tree grinding down on his arm.
Am I going to die? Someone save me! Dad will save me.
Ben looks down at his father desperately swinging his sword at the tree's trunk. It doesn't look to be doing anything to the tree. He tries to say something, but no words come to his mind. He just continues to yell in pain.
I'm sorry dad. If I hadn't woken you up early, we'd both still be safe in town.
Ben hears his father yelling at the tree, but can't tell what he says over his own screams of pain. Then Ben feels a large pressure on his arm released. His arm was no longer attached to him. The pain was unlike anything he had felt before. Everything goes dark.
The world seemed blank. Everything was peaceful for a second. Then a sharp pain comes into his remaining hand.
Oh god, I'm still being eaten.
Ben suddenly felt a sharp pain enter his chest. The pain was so great it he could barely breathe. All he could do was continue to scream out in pain. Everything was still dark, he couldn't see what was happening.
This is it. The tree must be eating my body.
The pain started to expand. It was spreading from his chest to the rest of his body.
It feels like every bone in my body snapping in half. When will this finally be over?
Ben's vision starts to return. He's on the ground and it looks like his body is convulsing. Unable to control his body, he tries to look around. His left arm is no longer bleeding. Instead he see's muscles moving out of his body.
What's going on? What's happening to me?!
Ben looks for his father. He is face down on the ground next to him. He's lying in a pool of blood and with a gaping hole in his back. He sees his father smiling at him as his eyes go dark.
No! Dad, you can't leave me!
The pain stops and Ben's emotions flair. He no longer feels the pain of his body. He feels the pain of his heart being torn apart as he watches his father pass. Tears fall from his face and he looks up at the sky. A bright white light shines above him from the moon as if a spotlight to showcase his pain. His eyesight begins to fade again. His mind feels heavy. It feels like he's being held underwater. His focus is fading. He hears a loud roar.
Did I just make that noise?
His mind goes blank.