I stayed as still as I could while Liam taped the wire to my torso, taking extra care to make sure nothing was too visible. I shivered in the cold locker room, my skin pricked with goosebumps, Liam's fingertips lightly brushed my skin, the sensation made me shutter.

He smiled, "Hmm hold still, this has to be perfect."

I nodded, "I know, its hard with the constant tickling." I stood there in my bra, feeling completely naked even though I wasn't. The heat was rising in my cheeks, I could tell Liam was checking me out. He kept averting his eyes, and avoiding my gaze.

I laughed as I made eye contact with him. "See something you like?" I teased

This made Liam visibly nervous and he fumbled with the tape, dropping it at my feet as he scrambled to catch it.

I couldn't help but giggle, "Aww come on Liam, you're taking too long and I have..." I glanced up at the clock, it was a quarter to 9pm. "Fifteen minutes to be ready to go meet this informant... Does she know I am a cop?"

Liam shook his head, "No, she believes you're another informant looking for a job. I didn't tell her you would be informing, just that you fell on hard times and you needed help and didn't want any from us." he shrugged as he finished putting the wire on me. "I told her I owed you a personal favor."

I turned my back on Liam and quickly pulled my shirt back over my head, relieved that I wasn't exposed anymore.

I nodded. "Perfect, the less she knows the better."

Liam started putting the tape and a few others contraptions back in the case, he had seemed aggravated and sad all day. I knew it was because I was leaving, I knew he felt like I was abandoning him. But I needed this, I needed to be able to say that I strove for what I wanted. being a detective was my dream and I planned on making it a reality.

I tilted my head as I studied Liam, "Please don't be upset that I am leaving, this is exactly what I wanted, you should be happy for me." I chewed on my lower lip nervously, hoping he could see this was a good thing.

Liam glanced at the clock and back at me, "Its time to go Angie, Luis is probably out front waiting for you already." I looked at the clock, it read 9pm, Liam was good at evading and I had to leave so any rebuttal I had would have to wait.

I made my way toward the door, slapping my hand against the door frame as I exited the chilly locker room. Liam yelled after me, "Angie, lets go for dinner this week. Kind of like a last Hoorah before I lose you forever." He smirked in a joking manner but I could tell my absence was pulling at his heart strings.

I didn't bother to turn, I simply said "Yes." and ran up the stairs and through the front entrance of the station.

When I saw Luis' white Sonata I ran to the door and threw myself into the back seat. The car hadn't warmed up yet and I could see my breathe. I held myself tightly trying to keep warm in the scantily clad outfit I had to wear for the sake of coming off as authentic.

"Jesus Angie, what the hell were you thinking coming out with no coat." He looked at the thermostat on the dashboard, then proceeded to point and gesture "10 degrees Ange! are you looking to freeze to death."

I scoffed at him, "Yeah I wasn't thinking Luis, now drive this bad boy so we can use the heat before I lose some limbs to frost bite." I teased, it only seemed to make him more annoyed with me.

The ride was quick and Luis spent most of it on the phone with his wife, I opened the door to leave, he mouthed a goodbye and I waved as I got out of the car.

The club was a large intimidating building that sat on the corner of one of the busiest streets in Holbrook. There were a few out front smoking cigarettes, you could tell who was intoxicated because they didn't seem fazed by the below freezing temperature.

A small thin woman in a large hagrid coat stood in the doorway, she nodded when she saw me, "Angie?" I nodded and extended my hand, "Thats me, Laura?" I asked questioningly as the woman grabbed my hand and shook it. "Yes, nice to meet you. Did you want to stay here or did you have another place in mind?"

I shook my head, "No this will work fine Laura, thank you." She nodded and I opened the door for her, the music was loud and assaulted us at the door. Once we were inside, we looked for the closest free table to conduct our business.

Laura sat first, nervously looking over her shoulder before looking back at me, she smiled. "So, Officer O'connor contacted me and said you needed a job. What kind of work were you looking for?"

Just as I was about to answer the waitress walked up to our table, "Can I get you ladies anything?"

I shook my head "No thank you, I have two years clean." I was never an alcoholic and I am not sure why I said that.

"I'll have a cosmo." Laura said and turned back to me, "Go on please." she said as she removed a pack of smokes from her bag, she lit the cigarette and started smoking despite the "No Smoking" sign that loomed over my head. I couldn't help but smirk at her unruliness.

"Yes, I am looking for something, anything...I fell into a bit of trouble, my pimp doesn't want to let me go and I want out of the lifestyle. I don't need anything high paying, I just need somewhere I can lead an off the radar life and possibly have some protection from my ex." I avoided eye contact trying to feign shame over the situation.

Laura nodded and her body let on that this topic hit home for her as she pulled her sleeves down, covering up the countless black and blues that lined her forearms.

"I only have connections with the Lucchese family, I fell in with them a few years ago but so far they have been good to me." she exhaled the smoke and ashed the cigarette on the floor, I looked around nervously hoping we didn't get thrown out.

"I could get you a job as a whore if you want, maybe a dancer at one of their clubs?" she eyed me as if this was the best opportunity she could've offered.

I shook my head, "I'd really like to get out of this lifestyle, I don't want to sell myself anymore. I'd really prefer a mundane job..." I glanced up just as the waitress dropped off Laura's drink as she passed us. "I would even do waitressing if thats possible. I am okay with math I could do books?"

Laura nearly spit her drink out at the last bit, "Oh child, you think the mafia is just going to hire you to look at all their books and make sure they are managed? ha, they have lawyers and accountants for that sugar. I think the waitress position is more manageable. Let me speak to some people and I can let you know for sure tomorrow. Same time same place tomorrow?" she stood, dropping the cigarette to the floor, she extinguished it with her shoe while she eyed me and waited for an answer.

I nodded, "Sounds good, see you tomorrow." Before I could ask or say anything Laura was already pushing through the crowded dance floor toward the door. I was nervous but at the same time I was excited. If I could prove my worth and collect intel on the Lucchese family, my position as a detective would be solidified.

I stood to leave and the waitress quickly ran to me, "Hey your friend never paid for her cosmo, are you going to cover it?" I was annoyed because I knew Laura purposely got a free drink on me. I passed the waitress a $10 bill "Keep the change honey. I am sorry about that."

She shook her head and swatted her hand at me, "No big deal, thank you for taking care of it and thanks for the tip!" the waitress walked off without saying anything further.

I walked to the front, Luis was no where in sight. I pulled out my phone and dialed Luis, it rang a few times before going to voicemail. I repeated this a few times before giving up. I pulled up my contacts and clicked on Speedy's car service, the phone rang once before a voice appeared on the other end.

"Thanks for calling Speedy's car Service, how can I help you?"

"Yes, may I please have a taxi downtown at the Blue Laguna. I am going uptown to Canarsie.

"Ok, twenty minutes." Jeeze, great.

"How much?" I could hear the man's fingers pounding against calculator keys.

"Thirty mame." I frowned

"Ok thank you."

I waited at the front entrance not daring to go out into the arctic conditions. The Cab arrived relatively quick. I gave the driver my address and within seconds we were en route.

We finally arrived at my apartment a half hour later, I handed the driver the money, "Keep the change." I smiled as I exited the car. I flew up the familiar stairs and made my way down the long narrow hallway.

"2D thats me." I joked to myself as I opened the door and entered into the darkness. I walked toward my couch using my hands to guide me to the nearest light. I turned the small light on and looked around.

"Ahhhh home sweet home." My apartment was atrocious. I had packed as little as possible, my clothes, some shoes, the biggest thing I was taking was my box of pictures and memories. I knew I shouldn't bring it with me, but I doubted I could go so long without reminiscing. I always felt better when I had something to remind me of my mother, this would also be the longest period of time I'd be out of contact with my father.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer, I made my way back to the living and plopped down on the couch. I kicked my shoes off and flipped on the TV, I settled on I was satisfied with the position I was in I took a sip of my beer and tried to play along with the contestants, shouting the answers at the TV not even bothering to put the answer in question form. Eventually, somewhere between the end of Jeopardy and the beginning of Wheel of Fortune, I passed out.

I awoke the next morning to my phone going off, the TV was blaring and my throat was dry.

"Hello?" my tired voice croaked to the person on the line.

"Angela! its Liam, I've been calling you for an hour now, are you ok?"

I looked at the clock, it was only 6am. "I am fine Liam, I've been sleeping, I didn't get in until late last night."

I could hear the frown in Liam's voice. "Luis said when he went back to pick you up, a waitress said she saw you get into a cab. Why didn't you wait for Luis? I was worried..."

I sighed as I sat up, it was time to get ready for work. "Luis was enthralled in some conversation with his wife when I left, when I was done I called a few times and no one answered. I figured he'd been called back to the station or something."

"I'll be there in 10 mins, I am at the bodega getting our coffee." I could hear Liam talking broken Spanish the Rico the owner.

"I just woke up, I might not be down in 10." I stood from the couch and ran to my room I opened up my draws and pulled out whatever was on top. I pulled my slacks up my legs as quickly as possible then pulled my shirt over my head. Once I pulled my fitted suit jacket over my arms and my feet were safely in my sneakers I made my way to the bathroom. I pulled the comb through my hair then brushed my teeth and did my makeup.

"Hello? Heeellllooo?" Liam spoke over the line, I had forgot I never hung up and apparently neither did he.

I picked up my phone "Ready Freddy." I laughed

"I am outside, lets go."

"Ok, coming down now." I disconnected the call and went to leave. Before closing the door to the apartment I've called home for seven years, I looked around. I felt sad inside, within days I would be leaving behind everything I knew and loved. I would be working as a waitress in an illegal establishment, but more importantly, I would be one step closer to being a detective.

I exited my building and right at the curb stood Liam's blue unmarked car. I hopped in, Liam handed me coffee and a buttered roll as he did every morning.

"Morning, I was thinking we could check out that new Hibachi place on Jamaica Ave?" Liam watched my expression.

I pulled my seatbelt over my shoulder, clicking it into the receptacle. "Sure, you know I love sushi and red meat. Great combo." I giggled.

Liam nodded and we were on our way to the station.

As soon as I walked through the door Lockhart was on my ass.

"Angela, how did the meeting with the informant go?" Captain Lockhart sat on the corner of my desk, swinging his legs over the side like a child.

I shrugged, "So far so good. I have to meet with her again tonight but she said she would be able to find me a waitress job working under the Lucchese family." I beamed, proud to be working on such a high profile case for my first job.

"Very good Angela, keep up the good work." And with that Lockhart was gone, right back in his office where he secretly enjoyed his scotch.

I sat down at my desk and was quickly embroiled in learning more about the Lucchese family. I needed to be on point because I was sure they would be suspicious of a newbie in their ranks. Even if I wasn't going to be working in the mafia, I would be working closely with members or in one of their establishments.

Just as I was getting to the good stuff Liam appeared at the head of my desk, "Ok, don't be mad..."

"Then I should probably be mad, whats up?" I watched him, knowing whatever he had to say was probably going to really piss me off.

"Well my mom decided to visit, she said it was supposed to be a surprise..." He paused, carefully watching the emotion on my face, I remained quiet waiting for the blow.

"I can't make dinner later this week, I was hoping... we could go tomorrow on our day off... Make a day of it?" I frowned, I really wanted to spend these last few days with my father. But I couldn't just shoot down Liam like that, he'd been my constant for 7 years.

"Sure, pick me up at noon?" I exclaimed

"Ok thanks Angela." He seemed to be on top of the world, my answer obviously raised his spirits as he floated away from my desk.

I pulled out the folders for each case related to the Lucchese family, the first folder was a rape case. I read the headline to the small newspaper clipping "Young woman beaten and raped by 5 Lucchese associates." I cringed, poor girl...

The next folder was a murder case which remained open. The victim was 25 year old Polo Iolo, stabbed 6 times, pushed out of a moving vehicle. It took him 6 hours of belly crawling before he finally bled out.

Mother and children murdered, Lucchese family suspected. Three men were indicted, no one was charged... Another family that received no justice...

I began reading through another cold case when Luis appeared, I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw his shadow looming over me.

"Ready Angela?" Luis was staring down at his phone, obviously having a conversation via text with his wife.

"Uhh Luis, are you trying to scare me to death? please say something when you approach me. I've been know to pull my gun and let out a few shots from time to time." I couldn't help but smirk when I noticed the alarm on his face.

"I'm Sorry...Please don't shoot me Angela." he smiled and was obviously teasing. I glanced over his shoulder, daylight was gone. Had I really spent the entire day reading over the unsolved cases? I was relieved Luis had came, I really needed a break from all the murder and violence.

"Angela... Angela?..." Luis repeated, I had zoned out again. I rubbed my temples and yawned.

"Ugh I am sorry Luis, I spent the day reading about the Lucchese family... I won't say I am shocked by the sadistic manner in which many of these people were killed, I am just sickened that someone could kill so many without carrying a heavy load for the rest of their life." I sighed as the faces of two young very dead woman stared up at me. I cringed and closed the open folder.

I grabbed my jacket and motioned to Luis showing I wouldn't be freezing today and he rolled his eyes at me. "Angela, don't you think you should look a little less... Professional?"

I looked down at my outfit and nodded, there was no way I'd be believable in a fitted suit jacket. I ran to the locker room hoping I could piece something together that'd make me look more like I belonged on the street and came from a bad situation.

I found a pair of low rise jeans, that was a start. When I couldn't find a shirt that was dressed down enough I figured I'd play the part of a prostitute. I removed my jacket and shirt, I pulled the jacket back over my shoulders and used one button to close it. My bra was clearly visible, though I wasn't comfortable in this getup at all I knew there would be lots of events in my near future I wasn't comfortable partaking in and I needed to get used to it.

I looked at my reflection, this would have to do. My round face seemed shrouded by my thick crazy hair, I pushed the mousy colored locks behind my ears. I needed some eyeliner and just maybe I could get away with leaving my jacket on. My eyes looked black, one of the drawbacks of having dark brown eyes. Though I wasn't accustom to wearing such revealing clothing, the fitted jacket and low rise jeans hugged my curves perfectly, I was by no means thin but I wasn't out of shape or fat either, I was simply thick.

I met Luis at the front of the building, just like the day before, he was on the phone laughing and giggling like a school girl with his wife when I got into the backseat. This time Luis told his wife he had to go, either Lockhart or Liam must've chewed him out for forgetting to pick me up yesterday because he was too busy on the phone.

"Are you ready Angela? how many days now? 5? are you scared?" I looked down at my phone, November 5th. I'd be gone on the 10th if everything continued the way it was supposed to.

I sighed and nodded. "Yup... 5 more days...well... Thats if the informant comes through..." A part of me would be very disappointed if things fell through, I was praying with everything I had that everything went smoothly."

Soon I was staring up at the tall, looming building once again. Now that the informant and I were acquainted I took the closest table to the door. When Laura walked in, I waved from the table. She smiled when she saw me and hurriedly sat down across from me, every few minutes she would look over her shoulder. Today Laura looked different, when she finally got close enough I saw that both of her eyes were blackened, almost to the point of being shut.

I frowned when Laura sat down and immediately began smoking, "Laura... what happened.. are you ok?" I chewed my lower lip, trying hard not to offer her some sort of help from her obviously dangerous situation.

She waved a hand at me, gesturing that it was nothing. "Oh this?" she feigned. "I fell down the stairs of my apartment building." she said as she slid her sleeves down, trying to hide the many fingerprint black and blues that laced her arms. I looked away pretending not to notice as I nodded, accepting the excuse.

"So, how did it go, am I in?" I asked, peering over my shoulder like she did as if I were afraid of someone finding me.

Laura simply nodded as the waitress came over for our drink order. "What can I get you ladies tonight?" She asked as she looked down at us, upon noticing Laura's face she centered her attention on me. I shook my head then looked at Laura,

"A rum and coke please." she said as she handed the waitress a $5 bill. The waitress walked toward the bar and was back with the drink and change before we could continue our conversation.

Laura took a sip of her drink and then looked back up at me. "I found you a position working in a diner, you had said you didn't want to be in the "lifestyle" anymore so I figured something legit would work better." she shrugged. Shit Shit Shit! now I would have to work harder to get in IN. I tried not to show my disappointment and I nodded.

"Is it run by anyone? I did say I needed some protection... I really don't want my ex tracking me down..."

Laura took another sip of her drink and nodded. "This establishment is run by the Lucchese family, all of the girls are well looked after, even those who aren't whoring for them." I definitely caught the last bit of what she said, in some way shape or form this place had to be part of one of their brothels.

I nodded, "Would I be working in the brothel or?..." Laura shook her head

"No dear, you would strictly be a waitress at the diner. You wouldn't have to work with anyone doing anything illegal." she smiled, I knew she was trying to help me out but she was unknowingly making my job harder.

I smiled as I gritted my teeth, "Oh thank you Laura that is so sweet." she continued to look over her shoulder.

"They are coming to pick you up in five days, you must meet them at the bus 34 terminal. Bring as little as you can, you will be blind folded for the majority of the trip..." she tapped her chin as if she was trying to remember any little detail she had to share. "Oh and don't be late, they will leave without you, 7pm sharp...REMEMBER!"

I leaned back in my chair as Laura emphasized her directions, I simply nodded. Laura picked the drink up off the table and in one quick gulp, finished the entirety of the almost full glass. She wiped the back of her sleeve across her mouth before dropping the finished cigarette in the empty glass. She nodded and stood to leave before turning back to me, "REMEMBER! DO NOT BE LATE!" she practically screamed it at me.

I nodded as I watched her stalk out the door. I looked down at my phone, 8:30pm. My fingers moved against the screen, quickly pulling Luis up in my contacts, I pressed the dial button. This time he picked up on the second ring.

"Ready Angela?" Luis hoffed into the phone

"Yup, I'll be out front in a minute."

"Ok, I'll be there." I ended the call and placed the phone in my bag. As I battled the crowd to get to the door I bumped into a very tall man, I turned to apologize and my breathe caught in my chest. He was gorgeous! His piercing green eyes rendered me incapable of speaking, I tried to apologize but only a puff of air managed to escape my lips.

He smirked as if he was amused, I was able to get a smile out before disappearing through the door. I looked over my shoulder and he was still standing there, staring at me as I left. Too bad I wasn't staying, he would be worth the distraction.

By the time I made it to the curb, Luis was already there. I opened the passengers side this time and jumped in.

The next morning I ran around my apartment like a chicken without a head, Liam would be here in 30minutes and I still hadn't decided on something to wear. I shouldn't be this nervous considering I spent time with Liam everyday, but something was different about today... I finally pulled on some stretchies and a form fitting hoodie. I sat on my couch as I pulled up my cavalry boots, tying them tightly at my knee. Just as I finished the buzzer rang

"Its me, come down or we'll be late." I rolled my eyes and hit the buzzer before leaving, "On my way down now." I slung my purse over my shoulder and ran down the stairs as quickly as I could.

Liam looked so handsome, he wore a powder blue button up, his eyes seemed to sparkle in the contrast of the shirt. He wore a pair of khaki slacks, his sleeves were rolled up to the elbow accentuating his muscular arms. I had a mental meltdown, it was hard not to check him out so I avoided his gaze and hopped right in the car. I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to Liam, he was smart, funny, thoughtful and it didn't hurt that he was '6 2" and handsome. But I cared too much for him to open a can of worms then bolt over 100 miles away, he was my best friend, and I loved him even if I wasn't completely in love with him.

Liam got in the car, I think he realized that I was nervous because he didn't talk at all until we pulled up to the Hibachi restaurant.

Liam got out and came around the car to open the door for me, I allowed him to. I stepped out of the car and he gently took my hand, Jeeze he wasn't making any of this easier. Once we were seated and he was going over the menu I took a few candid moments to admire him, my heart fluttered when he turned and caught my gaze, sometimes he left me breathless.

"Are you ok Ange? you look pale?" he put his hand on my shoulder as he looked me over.

I couldn't help but smile, "I am ok I promise, just a little nervous about leaving." I lied as I put the napkin in my lap. Liam was about to ask another question when the waitress came over.

"What can I get you guys to start?" she smiled at Liam, her eyes lingered a second too long, a twang of jealousy rose in my gut.

"I will have an iced tea." I said leaning over and staring her in the eye to draw the waitress' attention and display my frustration with her.

Her cheeks reddened. "Yes mame, and for you sir?" her eyes lingered again, this time I let it go. If I kept intervening in Liam finding a nice girl to settle down with, he was never going to give up on me. I sighed as I sat back in my seat, I looked back up at Liam who had a shit eating grin on his face.

"Have you looked at the menu?" I rolled my eyes at him

"I already know what I want." he said as he closed the menu and placed it at the edge of the table.

"Why look then?" I asked as I tried to decide on something.

"Just to see if they had anything I haven't tried already." he smoothed his hands over his pants, I knew this could only mean one thing, he was sweating and obviously nervous about something.

I placed my menu on top of his, within seconds the waitress was back, "Have you decided on something?" She took out her pen and pad, this time addressing me.

"I'll have the teriyaki chicken bento box and a california roll please." my eyes focused on Liam.

"I'll have the hibachi steak, medium rare with fried rice." And with that the waitress took the menu and left. I watched Liam, studying him closely. I was on the edge of my seat but I didn't want to rush him, I knew whatever was bothering him was something he was having trouble getting out.

The waitress was back with our drink, she placed straws and napkins on our table before leaving again.

"So Liam... Will you stay a police officer or go for another position?" I asked curiously, I wanted to know what he was going to do once I was gone.

He shrugged, "I haven't thought much about it, I know I like where I am..." he looked up at me. "But if I get the chance to work with you again I am going to take it." I nibbled the inside of my cheek as I thought carefully about what I was going to say to him.

"Liam, you know I love you you are my best friend, right?" He nodded "You know I would never purposely hurt you?"

Liam nodded again "Angela what are you getting at?" he said as he leaned over the table to drink from his straw, all the while never taking his eyes off of me.

I sighed, "Liam I love you...But I am not in love with you... If things were different and you weren't my partner and I wasn't leaving, maybe... But the way things stand now I don't think its right for us to spend our last hours together.. Really together, thinking about what could've, should've, would've been..." I looked away, I knew the things I was saying were for his own good, but I couldn't watch the hurt circulate through his beautiful face. I would surely cry if I had to watch his reaction.

Liam put his head down and cleared his throat. "I've known this for a while Angela, you really can't blame a man for pursuing you. You are the ideal woman to me and one day I plan to have you for myself." That last comment made the fire burn in the pit of my stomach, the beast was awaken, excited even.

I couldn't tell you what got into me, but it wasn't my better judgement. I attacked Liam, all of the pent up sexual angst over the last 5 years came pouring out of me. I wanted him, I needed him.

Liam threw $40 on the table and we left, we could barely keep our hands off each other in the cab. I paid the cab driver while Liam went in and got a room, as soon as the doors shut to the elevator my tongue was assaulting his. We were locked together, we missed our floor six time before realizing we were still in the elevator. Each time the door opened I am sure a horrified guest peaked in and decided this wasn't the elevator for them.

The next time we reached our stop we ran out the doors, looking frantically for a sign indicating where our room was. The funny part about it all was that I wasn't intoxicated off any substance beside Liam, an excited giddiness I hadn't experienced since childhood overwhelmed me. Liam clumsily slipped the key card into the door grabbed my hand and pushed his way into the room.

He shut the door behind us, he placed his hands at the base of my neck, tracing along my tender spots until he finally held my face. He kissed me softly, tenderly, I could feel his love as he pressed his lips against mine.

In that moment I reveled in the emotions I allowed to run through me, for once I wasn't resisting Liam, and why not? I was leaving, I was probably not going to see him for years. This was a proper farewell to the five happy years we spent together, the worst part is that even though I tried to hide it, I was terrified of leaving Liam. He was one of the few constants in my life, I had learned to be a good cop, all the while working beside him.

I found myself unbuttoning his shirt, while he tried to awkwardly pull my hoodie over my head. He groaned when my fingertips played at the button of his pants, our cheeks were blazing and clothes were quickly coming off. Liam broke away and stared at me as if mentally asking if I was okay with this. My eyes found his and I smirked, I was lying to myself when I said I wasn't in love with him. I realized that I had been lying to myself so I wouldn't have to face the truth, I was crazy about Liam and I was pushing him away for my career.

I pressed my body into his, bringing him back into our previous embrace, this time he kisses me with urgency and I knew there was no going back now.

I woke up the next morning feeling completely rested, I felt weightless and happy. It had been a very long time since I had been intimate with a man, I was never one to sleep around but Liam was different. I pulled myself up off of the lumpy hotel mattress and began scrambling for my clothes, Liam rolled over and yawned, "Good morning." he smiled

"Good morning, come on. If we don't leave soon we will be late for work." I had already managed to get my tights on and now I was pulling up my boots. Liam just laid there, not moving.

"I am not kidding, we have to go." I picked his clothes up and threw them on the side of the bed, Liam looked up at me and frowned.

"Do you ever relax Angela?"

"Of course, what do you think last night was? now lets go, you know I'm cranky before I have my coffee."

Liam reluctantly got out of bed, he didn't seem fazed walking around the room completely naked as he dressed. "Do you want to get breakfast?" he asked as he pulled his pants up.

I looked back at him, "You don't want to do our usual? why break tradition now?" He nodded.

"Your right, we have four days before you leave. Might as well make the best of them." he said as he gently took my hand and pressed his lips against my knuckles. I shuttered, his soft lips brushing against my skin was too much right now, my cheeks reddened.

"Come on Liam stop stalling." I smirked as I teased him.

He rolled his eyes. "Ok I am hurrying."

Within ten mins we were in the car on our way for coffee and buttered kaiser rolls. Liam pulled up in front of the bodega and parked.

"I'll go get everything, you just relax." He said before leaning over to kiss me, I looked around, alarmed at first. I rolled my eyes and leaned in kissing him back. I ruffled his hair and mock pushed him from the car. "Now go so we can get to work."

I watched Liam talk to Rico, he must've seen us kissing because I definitely saw Rico give Liam a high-five. I frowned as I glared at the two, when they noticed me staring them down from the car they pretended they weren't just having a bro moment. Liam hurried out after passing Rico a few dollars for our breakfast.

When Liam got to the car we both waved and got on our way to work. I looked over at Liam as I bit down on the buttered roll.

"Don't be mad Liam, but I want to spend these last days alone with my Papa..." I glanced over at him, he looked disappointed.

"I won't lie, I am a little heartbroken this will be our last day together. But I know how much your dad means to you, I couldn't be mad at you for loving your father."

He smiled "Its one of the things I love about you Ange, when you love someone you give all of yourself."

I smiled, I was relieved he wouldn't hate me. "Thanks Liam... for everything." he took my hand in his and nodded. "I am sure we will see each other again one day, plus ya know, we have phones." he smirked.

The rest of the day flew by, I worked on educating myself on the many different cases we had where a Lucchese associate was the prime suspect. I practically had my work cut out for me, the Lucchese family seemed to have their hands in everything. They owned a prominent business in their town selling restaurant supplies. They owned a diner, which was known for their pastries and baked goods. They had their name on buildings, streets, businesses and even car dealerships. They even frequently donated time and money to the orphanage, hospitals and homeless shelters.

With all the good they seemed to do, it made you wonder why they would be involved with something so evil. I glanced up at the clock, it was already 5:30pm I missed clock out by a half an hour. I gathered the last of my things from my desk and prepared to get ready over the next three days. I'd stay with my dad until I met them at Bus terminal 34.

When I arrived at my Papa's the house was warm and cozy, it was a relief from the chilly condition outside. I could smell Basil and garlic wafting through my father's small apartment, he popped his head out from around the corner just as I plopped down on the sofa to remove my boots and gloves.

"Ahh my Little Baby Ange! come give your Papa a hug." he said as he made his way into the living room to embrace his little girl.

"Hey Papa, I've missed you. How do you like your new apartment."

"Oh dolcezza I love it, thank you for moving here." (Dolcezza- Sweetheart)

I was happy I could do something good for my father, who had dedicated his whole life to me and work. I knew losing my mom was hard on him, but he still gave his all when it came down to raising me.

"I made something special, manicotti in vodka sauce." my Papa beamed, I knew he was proud of himself and I couldn't deny that it smelled amazing. My stomach grumbled as the food enticed my senses.

Once we were seated my father took my hand, he always insisted we prayed and gave thanks before our meals. I closed my eyes and bowed my head in unison with him as he began his prayer.

"Our Heavenly father, thank you for blessing us with this bountiful table. Thank you for allowing my beautiful, smart, talented, ama-" I cut him off. "Dad..."

"Okay, Thank you for making sure our bellies are full. Please look after all of those who are in need of your guidance god. For man does not know what he is doing...Amen..."

"Amen." I repeated along him with him

"So mi amore, do you know how long you will be gone for?" (Mi Amore- My Love)

"I won't lie dad, I don't think I will be back for a while." he nodded in recognition to me being honest.

"Well, whenever you are ready you know where I am. You will always have a home as long as I am alive." I teared up, I stood and walked over to my father and threw my arms around him. I hugged him tightly, taking the time to remember his scent.

"I love you dad, thank you for being such a great dad." I squeezed him one more time before letting go.

"I love you too Dolcezza."

We talked about everything, we looked at pictures and he even took me fishing like he did when I was a kid. Three days didn't seem long enough with him, my father's calm demeanor always comforted me, whatever was bothering me didn't seem so bad anymore.

At the end of the three days I had picked an outfit, it was a bit revealing and not too great for the weather, but I needed to look the part. I narrowed everything down to 2 dufflebags packed as tight as humanly possible. I decided to change at a Wendy's up the block from the meetup point because I didn't want to disrespect my father with my attire.

I hugged my Papa tightly before exiting his building, it hurt when I realized that I didn't know when I would see him again... worse, if I would see him...

I tried not to dwell on it, I arrived at the Wendy's an hour and a half before the agreed time. I quickly replaced my current clothes with the raunchy outfit and heels I'd picked from the police depot. I definitely looked like a prostitute on break. The tights hugged my curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. My shirt, though long sleeve cuts off mid torso revealing a sliver of my tummy, I pull up the above the knee stripper boots I'd found in the buildings lost and found. I smeared eyeliner heavily over my eyelid and put on the deepest red lipstick I owned.

I blotted my lips before staring at my reflection, the woman looking back at me was still familiar. But I didn't look entirely like me. I was satisfied with the wild cat appearance I had evolved into. I walked slowly down the street, the 6 inch stilletos didn't aid in my journey.

I was happy I'd given myself so much time because by the time I made it to the meet point I only had 10 mins to spare. It was freezing but having to walk in the stripper heels was work and it'd caused me to sweat a little.

I chose to stand even though my feet were screaming, I was beginning to get chilly but I bet the metal bench was even colder. I glanced at my phone, 6:59pm, I looked both ways down the street but I didn't see any cars.

I stared at my phone as the clock turned to 7pm. again I looked up and down the street... Nothing... I felt hands grab me and pull me toward the trees behind the bus terminal. I tried to fight but the man had restrained me from behind and had at least a foot and 80lbs on me. I struggled but he covered my mouth with a cloth, I fought against the dizziness but it was useless, the world escaped from me.