When I awoke my head was killing me, I tried to sit up but quickly stumbled back to the mattress I was now laying on.
"Relax for a few minutes, the sedative hasn't worn off yet." A large man sat at the edge of the bed playing with the blade of a small pocket knife. I eyed the knife nervously, I didn't think I'd be abducted, I thought I'd meet them and get dropped off at my new job thats all.
I did as I was told and I laid back down against the mattress. "My name is Angela... Who are you?" I asked.
The man smirked at my question, he paused as if wondering if he should tell me his name. "I am Marco, Marco Bruno..." He maintained his cold demeanor and didn't try to further our conversation.
"Where am I?" I asked as I rolled over on my side to get a better look at him. Marco was average height, he had dark brown hair that shrouded his face and warm chocolate brown eyes. He was pretty muscular and all American looking but that isn't what held my attention, the knife he twiddled between his fingers was my main focus.
Marco noticed my gaze on the knife, he rolled his eyes and flipped the blade back into its sleeve and retired it to his pocket.
"I am not at liberty to say, I am simply here to make sure you wake up." He stood "And now you are." he started making his way to the door.
"Wait!" I yelled behind him. "Am I a prisoner?" I said as I started to get up.
Marco shook his head and walked through the door, leaving it open behind him.
"What is this? a test?" I whispered to myself as I walked to the entrance and peered around the frame to see if anyone was lurking outside.
When I didn't see anyone I cautiously walked into the small hallway. I had to be in an apartment because when I exited the room, there was a small eat in kitchen on my left. I walked down the hall toward the dining table that was pressed against the wall, I was right, this was a kitchen and a tiny living room was situated after the kitchen. I eyed the door, this had to be the exit.
Marco appeared from the room down the hall which I assumed was a bathroom. "This is your apartment, your new job is a few houses down. I will be back in the morning at 8:00am to pick you up for work. Your uniform is in the top drawer of the dresser in your room." and with that Marco started for the front door.
I glanced at the digital clock on the microwave, 3:00. I looked out the window and it was still dark. I sighed as I looked around the room, there was very simple furniture. I had a couch, a small TV. A kitchen with a stove and a microwave. The bedroom at least had dressers and I had toilet paper and paper towels in the bathroom linen cabinet.
Apparently I was starting work in a few hours so I resolved to try to go back to sleep, I was still groggy from whatever I was given. I cuddled into the unfamiliar bed, pulling the covers up to my chin. I closed my eyes and laid there, hoping sleep would take over.
I was so nervous, I really didn't expect things to go down the way they had and it wasn't comforting in the least to be alone. My heart ached for Liam, why had I slept with him? Not only was I sure it made Liam hurt for me, but it was also tearing me up inside. My mind danced over the many lovely memories I had with Liam, this helped me relax and settle in.
8:00am arrived a lot quicker than I thought. The alarm clock had been set for me and promptly went off at 6:30am. I wasn't expecting the disturbance and fell out of bed when it went off, I cracked the back of my head against the wall beside the bed.
"Shit!" I yelled, my hand instinctively shooting to the pain. I crawled back across the bed and shut the alarm off. I figured I might as well freshen up for my first day.
I disappeared into the bathroom and started the water to the shower. I removed my clothes and placed them on the sink, the hot water caressed my body, helping to wake me up and bring me back to the present.
When I was done showering, I pulled the towel around my frame and made my way to the bedroom. I pulled the top drawer open and just as Marco had said, the uniforms all lay in unison folded neatly in rows.
I took the first one my fingers settled on and unfolded it to see what sort of getup I'd be wearing. It was a yellowish dress with a white apron over it, not the most flattering uniform but also not the worst I've ever seen.
I dried myself off and pulled the dress over my head, once everything seemed in place I pulled the apron over me and went to the kitchen. I was disappointed when I realized there was no coffee pot on the counter, this was a travesty...
I didn't dare leave, even though from the front window of the apartment I could see a small store that had a large sign that read "Fresh Coffee $1.50 for 24oz cup." I licked my lips, tasting the freshly brewed beverage in my mouth.
I looked at the microwave again, 7:45am Marco would be here in 15 minutes to take me to work. I'd at least get to make myself a cup of coffee then.
I did a once over making sure both of my duffle bags made it safely with me on the trip, but when I went back to the bedroom my bags were no where to be found. I frantically searched the entire apartment, ripping and flinging things out of the storage closets, looking under the bed. Anywhere my bags could've fit I checked.
I heard the faint blowing of a car horn and glanced over my shoulder, the alarm clock by the bed read 8:00 am. Shit! I said as I ran to the front door, pulling it open to see Marco waiting in a black audi.
I closed the door, I didn't have keys so I didn't lock it. When I slid into the passenger seat, Marco glanced over at me. He removed his seat belt, closed the windows and removed the keys from the ignition. He smirked as he climbed out of the car without a word, he started walking down the block. Confused, I got out of the car and followed up behind him.
"Hey, Marco right? where are my bags?" I looked up at him questioningly as I caught up to walk along side him.
Marco shrugged. "The boss takes everyone's belongings when they arrive. He has everything inspected for bugs and cameras. He also likes to make sure you didn't bring a phone with you." I was relieved I didn't bring my phone.
Marco reached into the breast pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a small cheapo prepaid phone. "You didn't have a one in your belongings so The Boss asked me to give you this." he said as he passed it to me.
"We need to be able to get in touch with you whenever the boss wants, if you see a contact titled "The Boss" calling, bet your ass you better pick it up." he smiled, he was so handsome but I could already tell he was a man of few words.
I nodded, "Why would The Boss need me?" Marco halted and turned to face me.
"Why do you ask so many god damn questions?" I could tell Marco was annoyed, he went back to being silent and started walking again. Within seconds he stopped in front of a small 1950's styled diner and pointed to the door. "This is your stop, now hurry in. I will be back for you at 8:00pm tonight."
I frowned, I would be stuck here for 12 hours... I nodded, "Thank you Marco." He said nothing as he walked away.
I opened the door and entered the diner. I was immediately hit with the smell of fresh coffee, eggs and pancakes. My stomach protested loudly, with everything going on I had completely forgotten about eating.
I walked up to the first person I saw in the uniform I was wearing, I smiled as I approached a small woman who had to be in her 50s.
"Hello dear." she greeted me, then proceeded to pull me into a warm embrace as if she'd known me forever. "You must be the new girl, Angela right?" I nodded.
"Well Angela, I am Tori." she said placing her hand on my back, she began guiding me toward the kitchen. "Pauly!" she yelled and a bald, round man with a thick mustache appeared from behind the corner.
"What is it Tori?" he peered through the small cutout in the wall to the kitchen. When he saw me his gaze traveled down my uniform, his eyes seemed to light up "Yes! Tino finally sent us a new waitress!" Pauly wiped his greasy hands against his apron while he made his way toward me, he extended his hand and took mine tightly within his.
"Nice to meet you, I am Pauly." I nodded again
"I am Angela, nice to meet you too." There was something weird about this place, how could the leader of the mafia own such a homely, pleasant business. These people seemed normal, how did they get caught up with the mob?
"Pauly here can make practically anything! you must be starving what can I get you since I know you haven't eaten yet?" Tori smiled, she was such a sweet woman and her motherliness was so soothing.
I glanced through the window at the grill to see what Pauly had going. "I'll take anything, I just need coffee." I wrung my hands together to gesture my necessity for it.
"Tori was already working on a cup of coffee and Pauly was mostly done with a breakfast platter. I sat at the bar while Tori placed the mug in front of me, I breathed deep and began preparing my cup.
I'd gotten through most of my coffee by the time Tori placed the plate in front of me. I immediately dug in, devouring the eggs and the hashbrown. I felt a little sick so I topped it off with some more coffee. Once I was completely satiated I brought my dirty plate and utensils to the kitchen sink.
Tori rolled her eyes at Pauly as they talked amongst themselves. "Come on Ange let me show you around and show you what you have to do." I followed closely behind Tori as she lead me around the kitchen, showing me where the walkin was and then where all of the plates and utensils were housed.
When the tour was over Tori gave me a pad and a pen, "Have you ever waited tables before?" I had in high school but that was short lived.
I nodded. "I used to waitress before... Umm.. before I fell on hard times." I really didn't like the idea of pretending that I was once a prostitute so I figured I'd share as little as possible about my "past"
"Then you'll get along right as rain." she laughed before walking over to a table where a large burly man in a suit crowded over his plate as if he were afraid someone was going to take his food.
I looked around, no new tables. I walked toward the kitchen and decided to wash dishes until someone came in.
I had loaded the dishwasher twice and already put away one load of dishes before my first customer arrived. He was tall, around '6 2". He had luminescent green eyes, they made me nervous, I felt like he could see right through my facade. His thick raven hair was slicked back, only adding to the mafia cliche'. There was something so familiar about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.
Once he'd taken a seat I walked over and removed my pen and pad. "Hello, what can I start you off with today?" I smiled as I peered down at him from behind the pad. He parted his full lips to speak when his phone started ringing, I waited patiently as he yelled in Italian at whoever was on the line.
"Ma sei matta? Dire Marco vengo ora"
(Are you crazy? Tell Marco I am coming now)
With that he stood, stared at me briefly and walked out. I had successfully lost my first customer.
I retired back to the kitchen when three men in suits entered, rather than taking tables they nodded a greeting to Tori and walked past me into the storage area. I didn't dare follow, but I took mental note of where they disappeared. I'd been folding napkins with silverware for two hours before my next customer came in, I went to the table and asked for their drink order. I looked around the drink station for straws but there were none.
"Hey Tori, where can I find straws?" I asked as I rounded the lunch bar toward the register.
"In the back storage room honey, big box, says straws." she smirked
I nodded and made my way to the back, this was the perfect opportunity for me to see where those men went before. I walked into the small storage room, just like Tori said, a large box sat stacked against the wall with the words "DRINKING STRAWS." printed across the front in big bold letters.
I looked around the room, there was nowhere to go. No doors, no windows.. Nothing. I walked around silently, hoping I could hear sound coming from anywhere but I couldn't. Where did those three men disappear to? I knew there was something hidden here but I didn't have the time to fully search, not without Tori or Pauly asking what I was up to. It was my first day so I decided to try and keep my head down.
Marco arrived and sat at the booth right beside the front door. He was focused on his phone. I looked up at the clock, it was five to eight, he was obviously here for me. I looked for Tori, she was in the storage room counting supplies.
"Tori, Marco is here for me. Is there anything else you'd like me to do before I leave?" I leaned against the door frame while I watched her move boxes around.
Tori shook her head, "No honey, go ahead, go home. You did great for your first day." she walked toward me and embraced me tightly. I wasn't accustom to her warmth but Tori's presence helped to calm my nerves, she made my welcome to the diner warm. I turned and left to meet up with Marco.
As I followed Marco out of the diner I looked over my shoulder at the large neon sign above the entrance. I had thought it was funny that none of the menus or cards remarked the name of the establishment, they simply said Country Diner in tiny print. The large neon sign above the door said "Lucchese's" in large red script letters. i couldn't help but laugh, at least I knew I was in the right place.
Marco walked the few houses with me in complete silence. He didn't address me in anyway. When we arrived at my apartment he nodded and walked toward the black audi that was still parked out front. I walked into the small dark apartment, when I flipped the light on I noticed a note and some keys on the counter. I looked at the paper first.
"Welcome to Lucchese's Diner Staff Angela,
These are the keys to your apartment, your neighbors on either side are Pauly and Tori. Marco will escort you to work until you feel comfortable opening and closing the diner with Tori and Pauly. if you have any issues please forward your concerns to Tori, she will make sure any concerns are followed up.
Thank you,
Valentino Lucchese
The Boss"
I examined the keys closely before tossing them on the coffee table. I sat on the couch and held onto the note, staring down at Valentino Lucchese's handwritten signature.
How personal, why would such a ruthless, evil man send welcome notes to his diner staff? It would make sense that he needed to keep up with a certain appearance in the public eye, I am sure any move he made was immediately scrutinized by the ever wakeful eye of the media.
The newspapers and tv reporters never realized that the constant harassment usually drove high profile criminals inside, it made our job harder because they rarely went anywhere. Even worse, those who could afford it found ways to simply disappear.
I checked the fridge, it was filled with everything I would need. I was impressed when I found feta and goat cheese as well as proper seasonings. I was most surprised by the pieces of lamb in the freezer. I was thankful I knew I'd be eating well.
I grabbed a yogurt, stood in the kitchen and ate it, then went to my bedroom. When I turned the lights on I was thrilled to see my bags sitting on the bed. I immediately opened them to make sure everything was there, whoever repacked everything did a better job than I had.
I was so happy when I pulled a fresh pair of underwear from the bag, I kicked off my sneakers and sat down on the firm mattress. When I reached the bottom of the bag there were only pictures left, I picked up a small pile and started going through them.
The first picture was Liam and I's first day as partners, the station asked all partners to take pictures every few months, Liam and I saved them all. My stomach turned as I looked into those familiar blue eyes, tears were streaming down my face and slapping against the glossy print.
"Why did I do this?" I asked myself aloud, I wasn't sure if I meant sleeping with Liam or taking this job. This was more difficult than I thought it would be, being away from Liam made me feel lost, mournful even and leaving my Papa broke me a little more inside too.
When we spoke before I left my Papa placed his hands on my cheeks and looked into my eyes, he said. "La Mia Passerotta, you are my heart. I know leaving your Papa and everything behind will be difficult, but I am proud of you. Be strong, because these tough times are what builds your character and backbone." (La Mia Passerotta- My little sparrow)
Reminiscing about my father just made the tears fall harder, he was right, but it didn't cushion the blow of actually going through the experience. I had picked the last name Passerotta when I went undercover because my Papa always called my his little sparrow when I was a girl.
I went to sleep hoping tomorrow would be easier, my body ached and my mind raced through the last moment I spent with those I loved. I hoped they knew how much they meant to me.
The next morning the alarm promptly went off at 6:30, I was still exhausted and it took a half hour to peel myself out of bed. I went to the bathroom first. It wasn't easy getting the mascara and eyeliner off that had streamed down my face and neck from my ugly crying session.
By the time I was fully dressed and ready I had five minutes to spare, I think Marco picked up on my coffee obsession because he arrived just then with steaming cups. I smiled when Marco made his way to the door, I reached for a cup and Marco backhanded me to the floor.
I was shocked, I saw stars. I didn't have time to brace myself for impact and nearly smashed my face off the floor when I fell. I could taste copper, my mouth stung when I touched my lip lightly with my tongue. I turned and looked up at Marco who stood unfazed, no emotion written on his face.
I held my throbbing cheek as I stood, moving my the muscles in my face to help ease the pain.
"What the fuck was that for?" I questioned as I backed up into the house.
Marco simply shook his head and shrugged, "Boss' coffee, now lets go your pissing me off again."
I grabbed the keys off the short table and exited, making sure to lock the door behind me. I looked down at my crisp white apron which was now sullied with small blood spatters. I frowned, I was pissed that Marco didn't even let me clean up before going to work but I had to play the part.
Marco walked me to the entrance of the diner, watched me enter and left. He didn't give a farewell or any notice that he was leaving.
I immediately grabbed my pen and pad and slipped it into my apron. Tori frowned when she saw me, she placed her hand gently over my cheek.
"Oh honey, did Marco do this to you? Mr Lucchese is going to have to have a talk with that boy. Can't be smacking around the help." she ranted as she pulled me into the kitchen and disappeared into the walkin.
Tori came back with a frozen bag of peas, she firmly pressed it against my face. I cringed as the cold burned my flesh.
Pauly's smiling face appeared from the walkin, his arms filled with different vegetables. He dropped everything on the counter, when he noticed me he looked pissed. The once happy, smiley man looked distorted in a way I never imagined he could look.
Pauly grabbed the peas and inspected my cheek. "I am sorry about this Ange, unfortunately Marco can be a brute at times." he looked disappointed as he walked over to the counter and began preparing different foods. I watched him for a moment.
I glanced through the kitchen cutout into the dining room, there were three customers sitting at one table.
"Pauly why are you making so much food?"
"I am making Mr Lucchese's favorite, the deluxe breakfast. He is coming in."
I ran my tongue over my split lip, a bit annoyed the day I'd meet the boss I'd look battered. Maybe it would aid me?
Once I had finished making sure Mr Lucchese's silverware was immaculate and I was confident in the way I had set everything, Mr Lucchese walked in.
I was shocked when he turned and it was the man from the day before, my cheeks flamed as I couldn't help but admire him. He was wearing slacks and suspenders over a deep plum button up suit shirt. I could make out the bulge of his chest through the fabric, my heart stopped for a moment and the breathe caught in my chest.
I couldn't believe such an angelic man could be the head of a crime family responsible for ruining hundreds, if not thousands of lives.
When Mr Lucchese was situated I walked up to the table, ready with my pen and pad.
"Good morning Mr Lucchese, what can I get you?" I admit I was a little intimidated by him, it was challenging to maintain the few seconds of eye contact.
"Coffee please." he said, not taking his eyes off of the menu this time.
I walked back to the kitchen and got his coffee, I grabbed a small tray and some cream and sugar and dropped it off at his table. I walked back to the kitchen, giving him space as he stared down the menu.
Odd that the man who owned the establishment needed to go over the menu.
As soon as Mr Lucchese placed his menu at the corner of the table I made my way toward him. I stared at my feet as I walked in his direction, for a moment I could've sworn he was watching me as I approached.
"Have you decided Mr Lucchese?" When he looked at me this time, he seemed a little annoyed.
"Who did that to your face Angela?"
I shook my head and waved my hand at him to gesture that it was nothing, "No one Mr Lucchese, I walked into the door." Ouch, shitty excuse Angela
"I see." was all he managed before picking up the menu and handing it to me.
"Pauly knows what I want." He said simply and he turned full attention to his phone.
I walked away, I watched Mr Lucchese from the reflective material that lined the wall of the kitchen. As soon as I turned my back he was staring, watching as I walked away. This had to be my imagination, he couldn't be looking at me, I was no one in this world.
My nerves pitched for a moment, did he notice something about me? I frowned, stupid Angela, you should've changed your first name too. Angela Passerotta? what was I thinking taking the last name sparrow?
In truth I chose it because my father had always called me his little sparrow but I should've changed it. I hoped nothing from my previous life ever linked me to this name. I used it as passwords and once as an email. My stomach churned as I pondered if I was careful enough.
"Ms Passerotta?" I nearly jumped out of my skin as Mr Lucchese interrupted my internal meltdown.
I turned quickly to face him, "Yes Mr Lucchese?" I asked as I approached his table.
He smiled and my stomach dropped, My Lucchese was drop dead gorgeous.
"Marco wouldn't put his hands on you if you did as you were told, please don't make me regret hiring you, you can just as quickly be replaced." My jaw dropped and I had a split second to pick it up off the ground. With that, Mr Lucchese was a shithead in my book, he erased any attraction or sympathy I could feel for him.
I resentfully nodded, clenching my teeth as I bowed my head in his direction. "Yes Mr Lucchese, it won't happen again." I managed as I held back my rage and disappeared into the kitchen to see if his food was ready.
When Mr Lucchese was ready to leave I was overjoyed, I had been ready for him to leave since taking his order.
He gathered his things, threw some bills on the table and started to walk toward the back. I tried to inconspicuosly watch him, but once he disappeared into the kitchen by the walkin he was out of my view. I grabbed the money off the table and made sure my eyes didn't miss him coming out. When he didn't I knew I needed to go back there.
I waited until I knew Tori and Pauly were busy before slipping into the back to see if I had missed anything, Mr Lucchese was no where to be found and there was no where else for him to go. I was positive he didn't slip past me and leave through the front entrance.
I stalked around the room, nothing...
I exited the storage area and went back to work, I made sure I was never out of sight of the hallway leading to the back. No one could get in or out without going through the hallway where the walkin was situated.
Mr Lucchese never exited, I had spent the whole day hanging out around the kitchen, I would wash the dishes as soon as they were dirtied, just for an excuse to be in view. Business was slow like it was the day before, it didn't seem like anything happened around here.
I went to the back and started counting inventory and restocking things we needed. I was becoming inpatient, my mind continued to float back to areas that could maybe have a secret panel or a button.
Eventually I gave up and started looking around the room curiously, my hands wandered over anything that looked like it could be out of place, I must've stared at the large oak shelf against the wall for a half an hour. I was becoming frustrated, I took a break to calm my nerves and went back to counting.
Tori came to tell him it was 8:00. I walked toward the front in unison with Tori and Pauly, when Marco peaked in I waved him off.
"I don't need you anymore Marco, Tori and Pauly can walk with me." Tori and Pauly both agreed, he shook his head.
"I am waiting for the boss." Marco sat at the table closest to the door.
Tori and Pauly said goodbye and we left him in the vacant diner. Something illegal was definitely going down at the famous Lucchese Diner and I was going to figure it out.
Tori locked up and we started walking down the block, when we arrived home we each said our farewells and went separate ways.
Once inside I collapsed into the couch, my eyes were heavy and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.