Being back in school was different. At first all everyone did was gawk at them; whisper about their relationship in the halls and stare at them as they passed by. It became better as time grew, it was almost during the end of their first semester before people stopped gaping them and viewed them as the golden couple. It wasn't soon, they were deemed as M&M.
Marley and Matt happily accepted that.
There were always a few who wouldn't accept their relationship, making snide comments or straight out bitching.
It was easily ignored, there were more important things.
It was a day into the semester before Marley realized that they had no classes together.
None. Zero. Zilch.
Unlike Ace and Sharla, they had 5 classes together, it wasn't loads, but it was still 5 more than Marley and Matt.
Brandon and Maggie on the other hand, had every class, except health class, together.
They weren't exactly together. Brandon's feelings weren't exactly hidden, but Maggie wasn't keen on noticing it. Since his very public declaration, she was forced to acknowledge it. For all the times she spent teasing Marley on how dense she was, she was doing a perfectly good job being dense herself.
As both Maggie and Matt ran out of view, Brandon jumped from the stage. Maggie stood anchored to the floor, the rest of the school whispering and pointedly grinning at them.
They fell silent once Brandon reached her. Everyone stood with bated breath as they waited for Maggie's answer.
"I…" She looked up and saw Brandon's hopeful expression. There was no way she could say no to those puppy dog eyes.
He sees the hesitance in her and leans forward, his breath hot hitting her neck. "You don't have to answer now, but can you at least look more excited, so I don't look like a giant loser?"
She laughs because she knows he's never cared about how other people thought about him. "What if I get killed because the girls in love with you want you for themselves?"
She's slightly serious because she knows how crazy some girls can be.
His chuckle is warm against her neck. "I'll protect you."
Although it came out jokingly, she knows he meant it.
Someone sneezes in the background and she remembers almost half the school is watching their interaction. "Maybe we should do this later."
He pulls back from her. She instantly misses the warmth.
She recognizes the look in his eyes and wonders what he's about to do. Without warning, he grabs her wrist and starts to run. Not wanting to be left behind with the shrieks and the unsatisfied crowd, she quickly drops into a run.