KorralKrab: Awww~ thanks for saying that. Oh and thanks for following and favoriting~
It makes me really happy when you guys review and follow~ :D
Having a boyfriend was new to her. She's had never had one before.
It seemed like everything she did was a first; first dates, first time holding hands, and first kisses.
So she's glad that she's not the only one new to this. With Marley and Kate both new to this as well, she knows that any questions she has won't come off completely idiotic in front of her best friends.
The main question she had is: Are they together?
Just because they've been on a date together and practically stuck to each other at school, she doesn't know if it means that they're a couple or not.
it doesn't mean that they've decided to be mutually exclusive.
She's confused so she turns to her best friends because she knows they'll tell her even if she wants the answer or not.
Marley is completely sure that he likes her and would love to be her boyfriend, but Kate thinks it's better to ask.
She's completely stumped. She doesn't know how to ask, nor does she want to.
"We are together but we aren't together. So he can find some other girl he fancies if-"
"Not that he would," Marley cuts in. "Ever."
"But he can still do that-"
"He spent the entire trip with you," Kate lifts her hand, stopping her before she can even open her mouth. "No guy would voluntarily go against a bunch of crazy girls to tell them to lay off their girl, especially not one he had no interest in."
And so her two friends make it their mission for her to find a chance to properly ask him.
Her first attempt bombs spectacularly when he mistakes her stuttered question as nervousness in their partnered oral presentation.
Her second attempt is a lot better, he actually hears her but before he can reply, she bolts, her two friends hot on her heels. She spends the rest of her day dodging him or hiding out in the girls bathroom. It's safe to say he's confused with all the texts and missed calls from him.
Her friends don't force her into anything, letting her go on her own pace, and she loves them even more.
He finally catches her the next day of school, laying in wait right after her last class.
He snags her wrist before she can blend in with the others and escape. He pulls her over to the empty theatre.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
She missed his happy grin and his enthusiasm and it's only been a day.
"I'm not?" She hates how it turns into a question instead.
He raises an eyebrow, clearly seeing through her lie.
"I-I just…" She hides her hands under the sleeves of her jacket, her eyes focused on the floor.
"Hey," he says softly, "Sharla, look at me."
She shakes her head vehemently, not ready for eye contact.
He lifts her chin with his hand, gently, forcing her to make eye contact, "Why were you avoiding me?"
"What are we?" With that burst of confidence, she asks what she's been holding in. "Are we a couple or are we just friends?"
His laugh is welcoming than the instant rejection she expects. She waits patiently for his laughter to subside.
"Babe, we're together, we're a we ok?" He sounds so reassuring and sure that she knows that she shouldn't be doubting his words.
"Are we?"
He doesn't even hesitate and sound annoyed, "We are."
With that he leans forward and crashes his lips against hers. It would have been that way if they hadn't banged their heads against each other.
After the initial awkwardness, she giggles and he laughs. She giggles so hard the tears come out and she rests her hand against his chest for balance.
He gets serious and leans down again.
Her breath hitches and her heart pounds. She can feel his heart pounding wildly underneath the material of his shirt.
The closer he leans, the harder her heart pounds and then his lips touches hers.
And then it feels as if everything else slips away, all her doubts and her second guessing.