Author's Note: Okay guys, so I got a comment about slut shamming Katie Rivers. And I just have a few comments about it.

First of all, I'm not trying to. I guess I don't know how to explain it without spoiling the story.

Katie Rivers seems to have a somewhat questionable past, but doesn't everyone in some way? I guess, I'm just trying to make a point about how bad rumours sometimes get and judging people before you really get to know them.

Also, I'm not trying to make it seem also like EVERY guy wants Millicent now, it all wraps up later. Either way, I thank the person who mentioned all these details. It made me really uncomfortable to think some thought I was, like, mean or something. I promise I'm not a horrible person.

Thanks for reading.

Pink and Orange

I didn't even want to be here. I could've been at home reading, sleeping, or even watching a movie with Lauren. My sister wasn't the most boring person. Although she could be very obnoxious.

The music swayed the people on the dance floor. I felt the beat thump through my chest. The atmosphere was one of fun and alcohol. Pretty girls in provocative clothing danced like they would never see another day. Boys whispered in ears of shyly faced girls whose smiles were filled with excitement. This was the first time I had ever been in a club and I wasn't enjoying it at all. I guess if I was drunk, it would've been more exciting, but I was only eighteen and I refused to.

I looked around for the people I knew. I saw Becky dancing with Nathaniel to some electronic song.

Becky Tran, in my opinion, was tall, slender, pale, and beautiful. She was an amateur model, doing shoots here and there hoping to get somewhere after high school. I believed she would.

She had pin straight black hair, dark eyes, and a stud in her nose. I had always envied her model like figure. Her graceful way of walking with her hips forward and her shoulders back. She was wearing a small black tank top revealing a pierced belly button and a flat stomach. White skinny jeans adorned her long and thin legs, giving her a nice shape.

Her hair was loose around her swishing back and forth as she smiled while dancing. A few strands here and there were stuck to her face from the thin layer of sweat.

My eyes moved over to Nathaniel Hensley.

He was tall, but not taller than Becky. His skin was slightly tan, his hair black and short, his eyes were olive green, and his smile large and white. Nathaniel. I had a small crush on him last year, he found out, of course, and since then things have been awkward between us. He was in love with Becky and sometimes it was so obvious it hurt. Although I had a boyfriend now and I didn't like him as much, I still found my mind drifting towards him occasionally.

He was serious as he danced. He suddenly took Becky by the waist and swirled her around. She threw her head back and laughed revealing her beautiful smile.

I turned away and looked at the empty booth I was sitting at. There were abandoned sodas and bottles of water. Sandra left her purse. Matt, his glow sticks.

I sat there wishing I had the courage to drink, I would get so drunk maybe like that I would have some fun.

"Millie, come dance with us!" Sandra yelled a few feet away.

Her bright orange, shoulder length hair was all messy. She was wearing a green see-through shirt with a jean mini skirt. Sandra wasn't beautiful, but she was a natural flirt. She could get any guy to at least notice her.

I shook my head at her and smiled sadly. I wasn't a person who danced. Besides I felt uncomfortable in the small black dress Becky made me wear. If I leaned the slightest bit forward, the whole word would see my orange underwear.

Sandra made a pouty face and then lost herself in the crowd again.

Maybe if I asked someone to buy a drink for me... I thought to myself. My eyes wandered around the room, I knew I was kidding myself. I was way too shy to even talk to someone, let alone ask them to do something illegal. I sighed sadly. I wanted to go home. I wasn't even allowed in this place. The only reason we were in was because Becky knew the bouncer.

I looked down at the table and noticed something was marked in pen May and Joe.

"Excuse me ma'am." A male voice spoke.

I looked up at a man in dress pants and vest. I had seen him before; it was the bartender. He had a tray with him and a drink. He smiled and placed the glass on the booth. "It's from an admirer." He craned his head towards the bar. Where a man sat on a stool with his back towards me.

"Um, thank you." I mumbled, knowing no other way to respond.

The bartender nodded and walked away. I followed him with my eyes until he disappeared behind doors and came back on the other side of the bar. The man on the stool didn't look younger than 25. At least from the back. He was wearing a striped, long sleeve, collared shirt and black jeans. I stared at him to see if he would turn around, but he wouldn't.

I stared at the transparent orangey-pink liquid in front of me. Uneasiness welled up inside of me. An orange slice floated in the drink. It looked so… tempting. I took the glass and threw the liquid into a plant nearby. If I knew one thing, it was to never drink anything at parties or clubs you didn't open or see open yourself.

I put the glass down on the table at the same time that Matt planted himself on the seat in front of me. His blonde hair was stuck to his face in sweat. His sleeveless shirt was stuck to his chest.

"Millicent Todd, you are missing out on all the fun." He reached out and grabbed my shoulders. "I know you're sad about Hudson, but... dude, get over him!" His dark eyes searched mine and he smiled comfortingly.

I smiled half-heartedly. The mention of my boyfriend made my eyes moist. At least, I thought he was still my boyfriend, the truth was that I didn't even know. "I don't know Matt..." My voice wavered a little. "You know how I feel about him..." I felt the tears pool up in my eyes.

Matt Jensen switched seats next to me. "It's okay. You know what?" He smiled as he put his arm around me.

"What?" I asked a little afraid.

"You're dancing with me." A mischievous smile came across his face as he took my hands and pulled me towards the dance floor. The thumping of the music was stronger as Matt led me between the people. I used my free hand to hold my dress down. My dilemma was that the more I pulled it down the more my chest showed, and if I pulled it up, the more danger I had of flashing my underwear. The heels weren't helping much either. I could feel my hair brush my lower back. It left a sort of itchy feeling.

We got to a place in the middle of dancing people. I saw Becky dancing between Sandra and Nathaniel. I knew they were high; I could see it in their eyes. Becky and Sandra smiled when they saw Matt pull me towards them.

They laughed, jumped, and danced. Completely lost in the beat of the music. I felt

each note vibrate through my whole body as I stood there.

"Come on! Just let the music lead you!" Matt screamed near my ear.

I stared at him. He took my hands and moved me around until eventually I was jumping up and down with the whole crowd. Sweaty bodies were everywhere, lights of many different colors flashed throughout the room. A nervous, but ecstatic laugh escaped me.

I noticed a glance from Nathaniel as Matt came close behind me. I couldn't make out what emotion was behind it exactly. It was so quick, I thought I imagined it.

Matt's hand somehow found its way to my hips and his face to my neck. I didn't know what to do. A part of me wanted to push him away, but another wanted to just let go.

I felt the moisture if Matt's lips on my neck. It sent shivers through my whole body. I sighed nervously and unsurely as Matt made his way upward.

Then, his forehead was on mine and then his lips on mine. We made out right then and there. I tasted the salty kisses mixed with the smell of marihuana. They felt foreign, they weren't Hudson's, but I didn't stop him. I felt tears fall from my eyes as Matt kissed me. His hands touched my bare back, where there wasn't any dress. It was an unwanted touch.

I wanted to breathe, I turned away, but Matt didn't get it. He kissed down my neck and pulled me closer. I glanced toward the bar, the man who had bought me a drink sat facing the bar, but he looked back at me. I noticed a scar on his left eyebrow. I don't know what was in his stare, but it made me feel frightened.

I broke the eye contact and pushed Matt away. He looked at me with confusion at first, then with surprise. I shook my head as new tears brewed.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I said. He probably didn't hear me through the noise, but I left anyway.

Once I reached the restroom. I burst into tears. I was not ready to kiss someone else. I looked at myself in the mirror. Wide green eyes looked back at me with sadness. Eye liner and tears made their way down my face. My hair was a blonde mess. It hung past my elbows in a frizzy way. My whole body was shinny with sweat. I washed my hands and grabbed a paper towel. I dabbed at my eyes fixing what I could of the ruined make up. I fixed my dress which was so low my pink bra was peeking over the top.

I left the bathroom to find myself in a lobby of some sort. The lighting was dim and had two couches a couple was sitting in a far corner kissing passionately. I made my way to the hallway that led back to the dance floor. I could hear the music getting louder.

I froze instantly in terror when I saw the man from the bar standing in front if me. His stare held some kind of emotion that made every hair on my body stand up.

He blocked my way. He indeed had a scar on his left eyebrow. He was at least 25 years old and had just a tad bit of stubble on his face.

"Excuse me." I said and I walked around him. I could feel his stare follow me down the hall and back into the flashing lights of the dance floor.

I made my way quickly back to the booth, took my bag from under the seat, and made my way through the crowds of people. Nathaniel was yelling something at Matt before he pushed him. Becky pulled Nathaniel back and they all turned towards me as I approached.

"I want to go home!" I yelled.

"But we just got here!" Sandra pouted. She was with some guy I didn't know.

Matt stepped forward and yelled in my ear. "We'll leave in a little bit."

I stepped away and yelled at all of them. "No! I'm leaving now!" I felt anger surge inside of me. Drugs and dancing were their priority. I turned around and made my way to the door.

I made it to the foyer where the people were waiting to get in. I was almost at the door when I noticed the man from the bar. He followed me. I quickened my step. I felt so scared that I my heart would jump out of my chest.

I glanced backwards. The man had his hands in his pockets and walked behind me as if nothing was going on. I hurried down the unknown streets clutching my back tightly. Made a left turn and pulled out my phone.

I dialed Naomi. The first contact I saw.

"Millie?" A voice answered.

"Naomi?" I held the phone tightly. I was afraid to look behind me.

"Millie is something wrong? You sound scared." Her voice was somehow reassuring.

I gulped and answered. "I was at the Labyrinth with Becky and Sandra..." I lowered my voice into a whisper. "I left because I couldn't take it anymore." I started to cry. "There's a guy following me!" I clutched the phone near my mouth when I said this.

I glanced back and saw him not far behind. He had a smug expression on.

"Millie, calm down, do you see any stores?" Naomi sounded worried. I heard shuffling in the background.

I looked around, all I saw were buildings and alleyways. "No..." I sniffled. I quickened my step even more.

"Nowhere you can go inside where there's people?" I heard a door slam through the phone.

I saw a gas station up ahead. "I think there's a gas station close." I said with relief.

I heard a car start on Naomi's side.

"Okay go there and I'll pick you up. Call the police once you get there."

"Okay." I turned and looked behind me. The guy wasn't there anymore. I ran quickly across the street to the gas station. Seeing the cars and the cashier I immediately felt safer.

"I'm at the Shell." I informed Naomi.

I made my way through the shelves of candy, sodas, and snacks; all the way to the bathroom. Once inside I sat on the toilet and cried. "Naomi... I'm so scared!" I sobbed into the phone. Chilly wind blew in from the small window up on the wall.

I heard Naomi sigh. "It's okay. You're safe now. Tell me what gas station you're in again."

I wiped my eyes and the eyeliner made them sting. "The Shell."

"Near the Labyrinth right?" She asked.

"Yeah. A few blocks down." I was starting to calm down. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyeliner was all over my face. I looked down at the rusted sink. The bathroom was terrible. My nose pinched up at the foul smell. "Hurry, this bathroom smells." I whispered into the phone.

I heard Naomi giggle. "Yeah..."

I looked up at the mirror and froze. There in the reflection behind me was the guy from the club. He covered my mouth just before I could scream. I dropped the phone and I could still hear Naomi calling my name. "Millie? Millie?"

My screams were stifled by the large hand of the man. I clawed at him but the lack of oxygen was starting to make me dizzy. Everything faded. I was barely conscious. He had something like a rag in his hand. His face was blurred and all I could see was his outline.

He picked me up from the floor in his arms and got up on top of the toilet. Carefully I felt someone slide me through the window and the wind blew against my skin. I was carried down a sidewalk. Every light seemed hazy. I completely closed my eyes and fell asleep in the arms of the stranger.