After a week of constant pestering from Jackson and being told to stay in bed by Neil I was ecstatic to get back to work and catch up on all the things I couldn't handle out of the office. My boss wasn't very happy with me but I had the sick time and he would just have to get over it. He needed me more than he was upset with me for the sudden time off.
Neil had had some questions from the council that kept most supernatural things in check. They wanted to know why I had been targeted and if there had been any blow back from the confrontations with Lucien. I wasn't sure how Neil did it but he managed to keep the necklace off the radar. I had asked him what they would have done if they knew it was discovered but the look on his face alone answered my question. I had a feeling it and anyone who knew about it would disappear.
I was tempted to hide it and never come near it again after all it had brought on but I couldn't do it. It was still a piece of my mother that I could hold close to me and I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that Neil was immortal and I wasn't. He hadn't brought up the topic of me becoming like him but it was heavy on my mind this past week and it was getting harder to keep it from him.
He had been showing me how to strengthen my control over our connection and I was now able to hold back things that I didn't want him to know. He always could feel it and could easily over power any of the walls I had built but he was kind enough to give me the space I needed. I was settling in to having him in my life constantly and was already preparing to pack my things to move in with him. There wasn't any doubt left in me on where I was supposed to be and I didn't see the point in waiting. Our relationship had started off as a whirlwind and I figured I might as well add fuel to the fire and throw myself in after it.
"Goodnight Mrs. Gates, see you tomorrow." I glanced up as Sarah peeked into my office and smiled at her, I had been caught in my thoughts.
"Goodnight Sarah. Drive safe."
I watched her walk away and then started shutting down everything. Mr. Wissler was still in his office and I waved as I made my way to the elevator. I still couldn't make myself take the stairs down without feeling like I had Lucien's hand around my throat but knew I just needed to give it time. I could probably be diagnosed with a slight case of PTSD but Neil was helping me through it. He would hold me when the nightmares had me jumping into consciousness and make me talk it through before I would go back to sleep. He was even helping me work on my panic attacks and I felt more than prepared to try his techniques whenever the next one decided to come on.
I made my way to my car and headed towards Obsession to meet up with Neil. He was still way too worried about me and had called and text me no less than twenty times to see how I was doing back at a normal day. I answered each and every one of his questions, it was annoyingly sweet. He didn't know I was stopping by but I thought I would surprise him.
After the valet took my car I walked up to the entrance. The line was starting to form already and I was getting dirty glares for bypassing everyone, "Are you going to let me in this time without the big bad boss ordering it?"
Marcus turned around at the sound of my voice and caught me in a gentle hug, "No, you'll have to follow through and actually beat me up this time." He smiled down at me as I laughed.
"It's good to see you again, you were scarce all last week."
His gold eyes flashed and a look of guilt passed over his face, "I'm not the best with bedside manner. I figured I was more useful back at the estate increasing everyone's security measures."
I grabbed his arm to let him know I wasn't hurt at all, "Jackson explained it to me, I didn't mind. I'll mind it more now though that I have to go through a fortress just to get out of Neil's house every time."
"The man has a mate. No one within one hundred miles can come near her."
"Please tell me that isn't what he said."
He started pushing me towards the door, "More like a thousand but who am I to judge."
I was shaking my head as I walked through the club and up the stairs to Neil's office. My hand paused over the door handle when I reached the top. I hadn't been back here since I'd hit that girl in the face; I still didn't regret it. I turned the handle and pushed open the door into the room. Neil had his back to me and was looking through the bookshelves that lined the wall.
He turned at the sound of my entry and I made a note to work on building some resistance to him. Just the sight of him standing there in another one of his sapphire colored button downs made my mouth water and my muscles tighten.
"Sienna, why didn't you tell me you were coming by? Better yet why didn't Marcus let me know you were here?" He made his way over to me as I sat down my purse.
"I figure he wanted you to be surprised…surprise!" I couldn't keep the grin off my face as he pulled me into his arms and his mouth found mine. He tried pulling away much too soon for my tastes and I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his mouth down on mine again.
"Hey." He pushed away from me slightly and rubbed my shoulders, "You're not completely healed yet, we need to take it slow."
I tried to get back into his arms but he held me away, "I'm healed enough Neil. I won't break."
His eyes started to darken more as he met my gaze. He knew exactly what I wanted and a week of nothing but chaste kisses was really starting to get on my last nerve. I moaned as he pulled away from me and walked back to his desk.
"You know you could expedite this whole healing process if you would let us do another blood exchange." He turned and leaned back against his desk and put his arms across his chest, giving me his best 'no way' look. I wanted to kiss it right off of him.
"Jackson and I talked about it more last week and I'm even more comfortable with the idea of doing it more often…plus, the first time was amazing." I couldn't hide my blush.
"I really would rather you not talk to Jackson about something so private."
"Oh it wasn't like that, he just told me the mechanics of it, what it does to the body, that's it. Where is he by the way?"
He crossed his feet in front of him and kept leaning against his desk. My depraved body was as tight as a chord and I could feel my feet itching to move towards him, "Your new best friend is currently with your old best friend. I think he has finally decided to man up and try things with Lucy again."
"Oh my gosh! You're kidding!" I practically skipped up to him in excitement and rested my hands on his crossed forearms, "She is going to be so pissed at him, and then back in love in about two seconds. I'm so glad…what changed his mind?"
Neil started to rub his thumb over my hand and I noticed his eyes still hadn't changed back to normal. I wasn't the only one feeling the strain of being on good behavior, "He didn't say but I have a feeling it was being with you all last week and Lucy constantly stopping by. His resistance wore down fast."
I pulled his arms apart and wrapped them around my waist. His eyes followed me as I wedged myself between his legs and leaned against his chest, "Sienna, we can't."
His soft spoken plea fell on deaf ears as I ran my hands over his abdomen. I felt his muscles tense and moved my hands up to his chest, "I need you Neil."
He groaned as his hands gripped my hips and tightened, "You are not making this easy."
I kissed his jaw, shivering at the feel of his scruff scratching my skin, and worked my way down his neck, "That's the point."
"I don't want to hurt you." I felt a shiver run through him when I nipped at his neck and smiled against his skin.
"I've been thinking…you wouldn't ever have to worry about hurting me again if we were to do something…" I kept kissing his neck and jaw hoping the bomb I had just dropped wouldn't kill the mood. I cringed when I felt him tense and he immediately pulled back so he could look into my face.
"What did you just say?"
My stomach instantly filled with nervousness as I looked back at him, "You know what I said Neil…"
"Doing another blood exchange is one thing but me turning you...that's a whole other world Sienna."
"I know and I'm not saying it needs to happen right now…I don't think I'm truly ready…but I have been thinking about it. I know you've felt it."
"I won't lie and say that isn't exactly what I want, but you need to be absolutely sure. There is no going back."
I smiled up at him, "Like there was no going back once we finished the mating bond?"
The corner of his mouth turned up and he gripped my neck and pulled me in so that his mouth was almost touching mine, "Exactly like that; but even more."
"I'm okay with more." I shivered at the feel of his breath on my lips and strained to close the last half inch.
"We'll bring this up another time but know how happy it makes me that you're open to it."
"I know. Now kiss me." At his hesitation I pulled on him tighter, "I'll be fine Neil, I'll make you stop if it's too much…now kiss me."
"Here?" He glanced at the door behind me.
"I locked it."
His eyes met mine and the fire behind them could have melted me into a puddle if his hands hadn't been on me, "I see I've been out done on this one."
"Your resistance is useless."
"I'm starting to see that." He rubbed his hands down my neck and between my breasts and my body curved into him like a flower seeking the sun.
"Pick me up and put me on your desk."
He started undoing my blouse buttons and pulled my lower half into him. Just when I was about to put myself where I wanted to be he gripped my hips and spun around. I squeaked as my back end met the desk and he pulled my legs apart and moved in between.
"Like that?" He finished with my buttons and started to strip the blouse from my shoulders, his mouth kissing each piece of skin he uncovered.
"Exactly like that." I whispered. Moving my head back as his mouth found my neck.
"What else?" His hands found the clasp of my dress pants and unhooked them. I watched as the hair fell over his eyes as he bent down and removed my shoes. I lifted as he started tugging on my pants and watched as they hit the floor.
"I said, what else Sienna."
"Take off your shirt." I could barely thing straight. I just wanted him.
He stepped back and started to undo the row of buttons. As each one came apart I felt my insides cry out to touch him. I gripped the edge of the desk as he stripped the shirt from his arms and watched his muscles flex as he undid the belt at his waist.
"Keep going?" I could only nod at his question. His hands gripped the edge of his pants and underwear and I drug my eyes up just long enough to catch his smile.
"Are you sure no one can see us up here?" I quickly glanced out the window to my right and saw all the people filing into the club.
"Not a soul." The fact that we could see them but they couldn't see us gave the feeling in the room an even more intense sensation.
I gasped as Neil suddenly gripped my hips and pressed himself against me. I could barely keep up as his mouth slammed into mine and his hands unhooked my bra. I was trying to get my bottoms off, even that small piece of fabric was too much separating us, when Neil reached down and tore them from my body.
"Neil!" I gasped into his mouth.
"Hush and lay back." My eyes raked over him as I did what he said.
"You're beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you are right now. Hands above your head. Hold onto the desk."
I immediately followed his orders and heard things falling against the floor as I adjusted myself, "Now what?"
He smiled as I repeated what he had said earlier. He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist, I felt him start to press into me and then he paused, "Are you okay?"
I squirmed as I tried to get him to keep going, "I couldn't feel anything besides you right now Neil. Don't stop. Please."
"Good." He pushed into me a little more and I let out a frustrated cry at his slowness, "You asked now what?"
I shook my head at his open ended question, "Yes! Now what?"
"Well now I make that fantasy you've had tucked away in your mind since you walked in here a few weeks ago come true."
"What?...You knew?!" I gasped again as he moved even deeper.
"I've always known love. You've even dreamt about this desk a few times."
"Neil!" I didn't know whether to be embarrassed or die from how wonderful he was making me feel.
"Shut up and let me love you." He growled as his hips connected with mine and I a felt his mouth at my neck.
I did just that.
Author's Note: Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time and stuck with me this past year as I brought this story in my head to life. If I could hug you all I would. I plan on reworking this story and adding to it; and even possibly self-publishing on amazon. Who knows!.
I would love to see what you think the characters look like and even the club or estate. I know everyone's imagination creates something different. Send me a message with who or post in the reviews/comments.
I have many other stories brewing in my head and plan on starting another one very soon; so keep an eye out ;). If you have any suggestions on romance genres feel free to let me know. I dream up all kinds and it's hard to make my mind focus on one area.
Thank you again!