"I'd just like to warn you that your juvenile little goal is highly unattainable." The voice was as confident as it was annoying.

Rolling my brown eyes, I slammed my locker door shut and locked it. I pulled my bag higher on my shoulder and turned to face her.

"Oh Hannah, you are always a joy to converse with." I put on the most sincere-insincere look I could manage.

Hannah Dumont brought her hand up the frame of her designer glasses and pushed them higher on her perfect nose, keeping a calculated gaze on me the whole time.

You've heard of those air-headed cheerleader's who rule the school and always look impeccable? Well Hannah was all that except for one detail; she was not the typical dumb-blond. In fact, she was rumoured to be the smartest girl in the district.

But did she use her cranial capabilities for good? No, she was the definition of a grade-A bitch; an evil little pixie who used her beauty, smarts, and money to get away with bullying innocent people. And who was her absolute favourite target? Me.

"And what, may I ask, is my juvenile goal?" I inquired as a sneer appeared on her features.

"You have the audacity to think that my Jason will look twice at a tramp like you."

Ouch. Well, that hit a nerve... A big one. I felt my cheeks flush with anger and humiliation, but I quickly hid it behind a look of indifference.

"And what makes you think that I want "your" Jason to look twice at me? Quite frankly, I have little interest in what goes on in the life of Hannah Dumont; especially who she does and doesn't do."

Ok, total lie. I'd had a major crush on Jason King since he accidently knocked my juice box over in the second grade and offered me his. Cliché beyond belief I know, but it was the truth. Being the hopeless romantic that I was, I convinced myself from that moment on that he and I would someday fall hard for each other.

We'd actually become really good friends last year, maybe even bordering something more than friends. But then Jason had caught the attention of none other than little miss perfect and vice versa, wiping me out of the picture entirely.

Since then, he'd barely even said a word to me, just the rare smile whenever Hannah wasn't present. I pathetically clung to those like the air I breathe. Anyways, back to the reality. Hannah's cheeks had tinged red at my not-so-discreet implication.

"Whatever skank. At least I don't have STD's from every boy at this school...except Jason of course."

Ignoring her last jab, I quickly fired back.

"Wow, skank? How long it'd take you to come up with that one?"

The girl opened her glossy lips to retort, but I quickly cut her off.

"As much as I've enjoyed our stimulating chat, I'm late for biology. I think we're studying the evolution of man. I'd ask for your help but I have a feeling that you're still working through the last stage."

And with that, I spun on my heels and made my way to bio. Unfortunately, my conversation with the she-witch had me rushing in seconds before the bell. As a result of my tardiness, all the spots were full except for the one beside Blaze Sullivan; 6 foot 2 and our star quarterback.

I reluctantly set my things down and seated myself as our teacher left us to our seat work and cracked open the textbook. Looking at the assignment sheet I groaned inwardly. Six pages worth of content and then three worth of analysis questions stared back up at me, taunting and smug with all their confusing vocabulary. Why did I take bio?

After about ten minutes of organizing papers and sharpening pencils, (a.k.a. stalling) I decided to get started. Cracking open my textbook I immersed myself in the evolution of micro-celled organisms.


I had been feeling his gaze on me for quite some time now, and I had come to the conclusion that he was about to speak.


Me, being the polite child I was, pretended to not have heard. An annoyed growl sounded beside me and I casually sneaked a peek through my lashes. Blaze was desperately trying to figure out how to get my attention.

I felt a brief stab of sympathy, but then remembered who he was.

This guy was known for his heart-breaking, virginity stealing ways. Nope, I wasn't even planning on giving him the time of day (though I doubted that was what he wanted anyways).

Suddenly I felt a sharp pinch on my arm. Didthis jerk just stab me with a pen?!

"What the hell is your problem?!" I whispered harshly.

His reply only annoyed me further. "In two minutes, get up and ask to go to the bathroom. Go to room 416 and wait for me there."

I looked at him incredulously. Was he high?

Turning back to my work, I replied "Dream on buddy."

A sigh of frustration escaped his lips. "Look, I know that you and Jason used to be friends. If you still care about him, even a little bit, then you'll wait for me there."

I almost chocked on air. I'm sure the question was clear on my face; how the heck did he know? He raised an eyebrow as if to show that if I did what he said, I'd find out.

My anger towards him intensified; I hated being manipulated. Resisting the urge to flip him off, I glanced at the clock. School was over in 20 minutes. I doubted that whatever this was would be over by then so I gathered my things and quietly made my way over to the teacher's desk.

"Mr. Cohen, I have a guidance appointment in 5 minutes. Can I take my stuff with me?"

He didn't glance up from his marking, simply nodded and waved me out the door.

A string of curse words associated with Blaze's name ran through my head as I climbed the stairs to the top floor.


I was actually considering leaving by the time Blaze decided to show. I had been standing in an unoccupied music classroom (which was unlocked, surprisingly) for about 10 minutes when Mr. Hotshot sauntered in, locking the door behind him.

Crossing my arms, I let my heated gaze bear into him. This kid owed me an explanation for why I had just walked out of class…and he had better talk fast.

"Ok first off, don't think you're getting anything from me today so don't even bother trying."

Flashing me a cocky grin, he replied "Don't flatter yourself babe, I've got enough babe's for that."

His eyes still trailed appraisingly over my body, making me pull my arms tighter around myself. "Although, I guess one more couldn't hurt."

I abruptly walked towards the door, only to be stopped by strong hold on my forearm. I felt him pull me back until my body was flush against his. His warm breath tickled my ear and I could feel his heart beat rapidly against my back.

One thought dominated my mind: what had I gotten myself into?