The first time I saw her I wanted her with my being. I wanted to turn that smile into a pant, that laugh into a moan. I wanted her voice to lustful yell my name. I wanted to rip off what she wore and to know what she felt like underneath it all. I wanted her in that moment and she sat there, laughing with me and my friends, unknowing of the way I twisted her in my head.
Her name was Alex. She had walked in with my buddy Steven and stolen Kyler's seat. Just like that she was part of the little group that consumed the end of the table. Everything continued like normal as if she had already been there for a while. I occasionally snuck glances at her, hoping she didn't see my lustful eyes were looking at different things about her. When lunch ended, when this blissful torture of being near her, was over, I quickly grabbed my bag and left.
Throughout the rest of the day, a fantasy of her formed in my head. It started with her in my bed. Her shirt loosely hung around her torso while a pair of shorts clearly told me where the lining of her hips were. I was over her, enjoying how her ears were stained a warm red. She wouldn't meet my eye. Not with that blush telling everything her lips wouldn't. Her hands were clutching her shirt tightly. I couldn't help but stare. It was like a feast had been laid out and I was the only one allowed to savor the delicious flavors in front of me.
I leaned down and gently bit her ear. She let out a surprised yelp. Cute. My tongue slid down from her neck to her collarbone. I looked up to see her biting her bottom lip. It irked me for some reason. She was holding back the delectable moans I craved to hear. I pressed my lips against hers. Her shy kisses met my eager ones with a temptation that I dared myself to do. My tongue sprung out and met hers. The sweet taste of sugar was my reward. It was warm and wet and to my delight, she released a few more moans. I pulled away and looked at her.
Her hands had gone from gripping her shirt to mine. Her lips were slightly wet. The lust in her eyes was absolutely clear. I couldn't be slow and patient anymore. I wanted her now.
Within a few minutes, I had her almost entirely naked. She stubbornly clung to her shirt and even now was using it to hide her flower. I had to get to it. I raised her leg and looked dead into her eyes. She looked at me curiously, almost daring me to make another move. I bit her just above her calf. She let out a sharp moan. I continued my assault down her leg. Biting and nipping, licking and kissing. She twitched and moaned the whole way through. By the time I let up, there were small pools at the edges of her eyes. She was heavily panting and shivering, biting her shirt in pleasure. Yet still she tightly held her shirt over herself. She slipped a little in the madness and I was able to see that my assault had excited her to the point of where she was almost dripping wet. I chuckled.
"You can either let the shirt go or I'll do the other leg."
She gasped.
"Go ahead." She stuttered
Bold girl. It only made me want her more. I slowly raised her other leg, giving her a chance to change her mind. She didn't. I resumed my assault on her. When she thought I was letting up, letting her catch her breath, I started over going back to the first leg and ending with the next. By this time, her hands were clutching the sheets as she fought back moan after moan.
I wasted no time in going for her treasure. The second my tongue licked her, her muffled moans turned into screams. Over and over, I tormented her with my mouth until her back was arched and she begged me to stop teasing her. I sat up and kissed her once more, swirling her juices into her mouth so she could taste the sweet nectar that had me addicted. I wanted to savor her more, to drag my tongue against her skin and feel her twitch under me. But the raging erection I had suppressed until now could no longer be detained.
I freed my throbbing member and pressed it against her. She whimpered as I ground it against her. I raised her legs to her chest and teasingly probed her. She squirmed. Slowly, I slid into her. Her warm insides twitched around me and the softness was almost enough to drive me absolutely wild. She stuttered my name as I filled her. I watched her carefully as I did. The expressions she showed, the way she gasped, how tightly she grasped the sheets. I sighed in relief when all of me was inside of her. Her breath was ragged. I kissed away the tears that were beginning to spill and asked if she was ok.
"I'm fine. Just…full."
She chuckled. I moved her hands so that instead they wrapped around my neck. To comfort her, I wrapped my arms around her and engulfed her in my own warmth. I couldn't tell whose heart was beating harder, louder. Slowly, I moved. She whimpered and quietly moaned as I repeatedly penetrated her. I had to be patient. As much as I wanted to ravish her and have my own fill of her, I loved her too much to selfishly hurt her like that. I waited until she had adjusted to me, moving at a speed comfortable for her. She quietly spoke up.
"I-I'm really ok now. S-so go ahead and uhm f-fuck me."
I grinned. A deep growl resonated in my throat as I spoke.
"No turning back now ok?"
She nodded. I sat up. This was something I wanted to watch. I grabbed her legs behind her knees and pushed them forward. No matter how she squirmed, I wanted to make sure she stayed open, that everything was visible. She looked at me, a mixture of confusion and lust. I began to thrust into her once more. She gripped her shirt once more and covered her mouth.
I hated when she did that. I wanted to hear her moan. Loudly. I wanted to make her scream. Suddenly, she did. I hadn't even realized that I was now pounding my hips against hers, the sound of wet skin slapping against another's echoing with her screams. I wanted more. I leaned down and kissed her once more. Bracing one hand on the bed, I pounded into her with all my might. I was fueled by each moan and scream and lost in the sensation of her touch. I pulled out.
"What? No! Don't stop now!" she whined
"On your knees. NOW."
When she didn't respond fast enough, I became impatient. I flipped her over and raised her hips. She was up on her hands just as I slid back into her. She gripped the sheets tightly until her knuckles were pale as I gave her my all. I held her hips as my own uncontrollably bucked into her. She began to meet my thrusts with her own. She was close. Very close. I wanted to tease her, deny her. I couldn't. Not with my own pleasure building high. She opened her mouth as she came.
Instead of a moan, the screeching sound of a bell engulfed the room.
I blinked and looked around. I was at school. The last bell of the day had rung. There was no bed, no smell of sex, no Alex. I hurriedly grabbed my items and left. As I did, I caught a glimpse of her.
I wanted her with my being.