I stepped out my car and looked around me, the sun had already set and the wind blew through the trees. I shivered and jumped at the crack of a branch a few metres away. I looked around myself anxiously and while locking my car with the electric button made a mad dash for the front door. I almost tripped up the steps to get there. The porch light flicked on but it threw out a strange dull light across the garden making strange odd shapes. I finally let myself in and with a sigh of relief it cut to me leaving the same house. I looked around myself. It was now really dark and the wind blew a gentle breeze. I had just stepped out of the front door and down some steps. I took a sigh of relief. She may be old and in a lot of pain but taking care of her was frustrating. The leaves were falling in the breeze which helped me to tell what time of year it was. I walked over to my car like a normal night but just as I was about to open my door I feel a cold object suddenly come around my throat and another hand on my arm.

"Don't move or I will cut your throat," It was a male voice. I nodded and gulped. The object which I guessed was a knife seemed to press against my skin. "Now, I want you to drive me away from here. I don't care where just do it ok?" I nodded again. These situations I saw all the time and I always seemed to be able to avoid the future coming true for myself but then the next morning I would see on the news that another woman had gone missing. I always tried to help the police by going in as a witness and they always seemed the catch the bad guy. Sometimes they found the person alive sometimes, they didn't.

The problem was that no matter what vision I had it concentrated on me and as I tried to avoid situations like that it meant I put someone else in danger. Whether it was how things were meant to work out that way or not.

The guy shoved me a final couple of steps to the driver's side door of my car.

"Get in," he ordered. I did so and waited for him to get in the other side. I looked at him and I couldn't see his face. It was covered in shadow by the tree I was parked next to.

"I will help you and take you wherever you want me to, just don't hurt me" I sounded like myself, just a weaker version of it. Which meant it couldn't have been me that this guy was going to abduct. The common sense part of me told me to let events take place as they needed to but the other side; the irrational side, it wanted me to be abducted. The guy nodded and smiled an evil grin.

I gasped for my breath as I woke with a start in bed. I didn't see my future often and when I did it meant that I was meant to save someone's life. Or mine. It was the same vision I had been having for months now. Eight months ago today the first one had happened. And I had prepared myself in every way possible. Every penny I had was in a saving account ready to keep everything under wraps. Whatever that man wanted with me, I was going to help, even if it killed me.

I got up from my bed and stumbled towards my full-length mirror. I was a mess. My hair which was a sweet auburn colour with its natural curls strayed in every various direction possible. My pale skin was pink from the stress of my latest dream. My eyes were wide and bloodshot. I sighed a heavy sigh and stumble off to the shower. Something told me I was in for a long day and it had only just started.

Trying to forget the dream I got into the shower and washed. I needed it. It woke me up and made me feel so much better. Once finished, I wrapped myself in one of my towels and scrunch dried my hair until the wet mess resembled loose curls and ringlets. I pinned the front of it back out from my face so I could see what I was doing. It was rather unruly when I freshly washed it.

I walked back to my room and pulled on a pair of comfy black leggings and knee high boots. My small suitcase of clothes that were ready for me to leave sat by my wardrobe. I looked at it with ease. I was okay with what was going to happen soon but I had this dreaded feeling that something was going to come at me with a vengeance and something was going to happen that I could stop.

After putting on my bra I was able to put my long white cami on and then a nice blue teal coloured cami over the top of that. I looked in the mirror again and surveyed my look. I looked pretty ready for anything that was going to happen.

I heaved my suitcase downstairs ready to put in the car which I did every day. I wasn't sure why I didn't leave it in there but some part of me made me take it out of my boot every night when I got home from work.

I dumped it by the front door and followed the hallway down to the kitchen where I prepared myself some breakfast. In my trance, I didn't realise the ring of bells in the background and so it went on for a while until I noticed it. It was the video screen that sat on the island table in the kitchen. It was where I would sit and speak to my Father. He was a CEO of some expensive corporate company that specialised in new technology like the video in front of me.

I pressed the answer button and watch as his face appeared on the screen. My father was quite a laid back person and didn't really mind what I did. He could track my phone 99% of the time any which I agreed to because of my gift. It kept him sane and me safe if anything bad were to happen.

"Hello Pumpkin," He said to me.

"Morning Daddy. How is work going?" I asked I sat down to munch on my toast with a scrambled egg.

"It's going well, we are just starting the final stages of our global satellite tracking system," he told me. I nodded. I didn't really understand a lot of what he did but I got to be the first for pretty much all the new tech. My mobile wasn't even on the market yet.

"Ah cool. Will you be home this evening?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not sure honey, I will try to be" He smiled an apologetic smile at me. We got on really well. My mother wasn't around and so I depended on him to help me when needed. He let me go where ever I need in the world as long as he was able to track me if he hadn't heard from me in a week. It was a good deal because I liked to get myself into some precarious situations with a lot of thugs.

"I just wanted to know because I think tonight is the night," I told him. He knew pretty much everything I saw and did. He was my protector. There was none else like me.

"You have been saying that since the leaves started falling three weeks ago. How are we to even know that it was you that you saw?" He asked.

"I do. I just do. I had the dream again last night. It happens the same every time and every time it is my car. There is no mistaking it." I told him. He sighed and nodded.

"Okay Honey, if that is what you believe then I won't get in your way.

"And you promise not to track me this time?" I asked him.

"But that breaks our deal" He answered. He was getting a little more agitated.

"I know it does but I need you to trust me on this. I told you, I need you to let me do this on my own. I don't know who this man is and if he is dangerous but if he is then I will contact you for help and you can bring in all the forces you like, okay?" I promised him. He looked at me through the screen and sighed but nodded all the same.

"Okay, but I want to be able to keep track of your phone at least once a week okay?" I nodded agreeing with his terms. He apologised and told me he had to go there was something important going on down in the offices on the floor below him. We said our goodbyes and signed off. I finished my breakfast and went to sit in the living room for a little bit before I started work. I turned the TV on and put the news on.

I sat there as I watched the breaking news of a prison mate escape. He wasn't from a maximum security but he was a threat because he was a worldwide known hacker that could hack into anything. The news said he was imprisoned for hacking the CIA, MI5 and 6. It didn't occur to me at this point that this might be the person in my dreams. They didn't show a picture at the point of me watching and I wasn't really interested in this manhunt. I'm sure it would die down in the next couple of days when they couldn't find him. I'm sure he would find it easy to disappear.

Switching the telly off again, I plodded up to my room and took out a book. I read for a little while and then when I saw that the time was around 10 am I started to get ready to set off.

I worked privately as a personal cook to the elderly and disabled. A lot of them didn't enjoy ready meals and preferred a good home cooked meal and that is where I came in. Some got a hot meal at lunch and some in the evening. I couldn't tell them I had a gift as I was the only one known in the world and it took a while for my dad to accept me for who I was. When my mother died he didn't know what to do or how to feel or understand me but he got there and I haven't trusted anyone else with my gift. It was just too easy to manipulate.

All my client had my father's number and my father had their just in case I had to disappear for a while they worked out what was needed and my dad would make sure that he was able to get someone into to help. He had lots of connections like that.

I loaded everything into the car including all my fake ID and card and spare money and I set off for work. I knew I would be okay until this evening and I relaxed at that thought but as the light began to fade I began to get more and more jumpy. A lot of my clients lived in the country where there were no lights to light up the street and there were lots of strange noises. Being in the autumn it got dark early so it was around 6 in the evening and I was just leaving my car to go to my last client. I stopped and looked around me. It all seemed like I had done this before and a strange feeling of DeJaVu came across me. I frowned but did nothing strange. I took a few steps forward and spun around a simple crack of a branch behind me made me fear for my life than ever before I knew I had seen this before but in my frightful state, I couldn't even begin to think where. I continued in my frightful plight to get in the house and once in I took a massive great big breath. I now had time to think.

It hit me that it was the same as my dream and I knew now that it was tonight for sure. I had the next 2 hours to compose myself and ready myself for what I was about to set out to do.