Chapter One

I'm not jealous of Becca. No, really, I'm not. Just because she got the guy who was supposed to be mine-who everyone thought was mine for a good month or two-does not mean I'm mad at her or green with envy. It's not why I'm currently drunk off my ass at some random college party.

And it's certainly not the reason why I've suddenly found myself in a battle of suck face with her ex-boyfriend.

To be fair, it's not really my fault. He was the one who dragged me to this damn party in the first place. I'd had so many other plans for my night, that included actually being responsible for once. We were heading home for Christmas break early the next morning and I have to make sure that I have everything ready. Plus, I still have a giant hangover from the night before and really was not in the mood for an encore of that nightmare.

His hands cling to my hips, tugging them forward as he moves his mouth expertly over mine. He tastes like a mixture of drugs and beer-a combination that makes the ever girly me want to puke, but I can't stop.

He pushes me back, allowing the wall to assist him in lifting me up so that my legs are wrapped around his waist. My hands tangle into his hair, ignoring the thick layer of gel that is gathering on my fingers.

We're interrupted as his phone begins to vibrate against my thighs. For a moment, I actually think he's going to ignore it, but in the next second his hand is between us, slipping the stupid thing out of his pocket. To turn it off, I hope, as his lips separate from mine, because there's no way in hell he would dare end this to talk to Allison or his roommate.

Instead of doing that, however, he actually answers the damn thing. I stare at him, still lifted a good two and a half feet off the ground in shock. Who the hell could be so important that he would end something so amazing just to have a phone conversation with?

"Hey, Becca."

Oh right, her.

"Huh? No, of course I'm not busy. Yes, of course... No, no it's alright... Yes, I'll pick up Allison on the way... Nope, leaving now."

He snaps the phone shut-he has a flip phone, seriously, it's 2016, who still has one of those these days?-and moves away from the wall, forcing me to drop back to the ground.

"It's your sister." he says.

I nod. "Yeah, I got that." hopefully my voice doesn't give away just how scorned I feel.

"She had a really bad fight with Alex. She said they might have broken up." he runs a hand through his hair, messing it up even more.

And he's going to go running over to comfort her, just like he always does. Especially now that he can be her knight in shining armor and might have a chance at getting with her.

After all, he's been in love with her for as long as I can remember.

"I have to run home, now. You wanna come with?'

I shake my head and wave my hand dismissively, trying to play as if this means nothing to me. "No, that's okay. Holly will worry if I disappear all of a sudden. Tell Becca I'll call on her tomorrow."

He nods, before swooping down and planting one last kiss on my cheek and turning on his heel, sprinting off without a second thought about the fact that home is a three hour drive away.


Despite the fact that we were promised over a year and a half ago that we would be roommates, Holly and I have been assigned separate dorms. Instead, I have been placed with a girl named Grey. She's a year older than me with long reddish-brown hair and dark eyes that are almost constantly covered with scarlet colored glasses.

"Dear God," my roommate says with a sigh, "Can't you ever just once stumble home stone cold sober?"

"For your info'mation." I slur, propping myself up against the wall. After Keith left, I kind of lost myself, having lost count of how many drinks I've had exactly. "Before yesterday I'd gone two whole weeks withou-"

"Yeah, yeah," Grey sighs, bending forward to wrap an arm around my torso in an attempt to help prop me up. "Is that you're excuse again tonight?"

I shake my head, "I got rejected."

Grey raises an eyebrow as she unlocks our door, "Really? That almost never happens to you. Who was it?"

"Fucking asshole, Keith." I grumble before lashing out and wrapping my arms around her stomach, pulling her as close to me as possible. "You won' ever leave me though!"

"Please let go of me." she groans, wedging her hand between us and attempting to pry me off.

"No!" I shake my head, clutching her tighter. "You're the only one for me, Grey! I don' need 'nyone else sooooooooooo long as I have you!"

Grey lets out a loud groan, before giving me one final shove so that I go stumbling back onto the bottom bunk. It's supposed to be her bed, but it serves as mine almost half the time, seeing as I do come stumbling in drunk quite a bit. It's a good thing she's the one who was forced upon me. I don't know if anyone else (aside from my family and Holly) would be able to handle me for this long.

"Where did Fucking-Asshole-Keith go?" she asks, pushing me gently back down onto the mattress.

"My sis'er called," I settle down into the pillow, feeling a pout pull at my lips. "She broke up with her boyfriend."

"Ah, the infamous Becca," Grey nods, "And I'm guessing Fucking-Asshole-Keith saw his opening and ran to comfort her?"

I nod, feeling my eyes begin to droop. "He was my ride home, too."

"Don't worry, Mae Mae," she chuckles, rubbing my shoulder. "I can take you home tomorrow."

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