Connor's POV
It's been two days since the fight on the edge of the border. The pack is still a mess. The majority are injured and those who aren't are constantly busy with the extra patrols. We have to be on high alert. After the battle was over Kayla and I went back to the scene and we were able to find out it was the Evergreen Pack who attacked yet they weren't alone. Those huge wolves were definitely not a part of their pack. I don't know who they are but the Evergreen pack is power hungry so I wouldn't put it past them to higher rogues to do their dirty work. I've been busy preparing in case of another battle. The whole pack is on edge and if we were attacked now we wouldn't stand much of a chance.
I let out a sigh as I put down the paperwork I was reading. It was an update from Jason. It listed all of those who were injured and what their injuries were. It was incredibly lengthy and I had to put it down several times before I could muster finishing it. There were no casualties this time but those large wolves did a number on my pack. They were incredibly strong and while we are excellent fighters, going against an opponent of that size is going to mean some bumps and bruises. However, most of the injuries will be gone within the week thanks to our faster healing times.
I stand up walk out of my office, and head down the hall. I give a soft knock on Kayla's door. I hear a response to enter so I gently swing it open to find Kayla buried in her work.
" Hey," she says glancing up.
I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her body giving the top of her head a kiss.
She laughs and playfully slaps my arm, "Stop it your distracting me from my work."
I laugh and breathe in her scent taking in the gentle touch of arousal hanging on her. It was still the mating season and with all of the distractions we haven't had much time to ourselves.
"How about tonight we stop work a little early and take the night for ourselves," I say as I move my kiss down to her neck.
Her breath hitches a little and her arousals grows as I lick the scar from where I had marked her. She turns her chair around and pushes our lips together. I grab her from the chair and hold her up as she wraps her legs around my waist. We continue to kiss our lips mashing together as we each fight for dominance over the other. Suddenly a knock on the door interrupts us and Kayla lets out a frustrated growl. I laugh and gently set her back in her chair.
"Tonight," I say as I move to the door to open it.
I smiled as I was met with the sight of Rachael. She looked exhausted and her body was covered in scratches and bruises but she had on a smile that reached her eyes.
"Look who it is," I say as I move out of the way to let Kayla see. Kayla smiles and runs over to Rachael wrapping her in a gentle hug.
"It's about time you got off your lazy ass," she said as she gently let go of the injured girl.
Rachael let out a playful growl, "Shut up. I'm just surprised the two of you got off of your asses to answer the door especially based on the smell of hormones in here."
I visibly blushed but Kayla just laughed and grabbed Rachael's hand, "Come sit down we have to discuss stuff," she said.
I watched as Rachael limped slightly to the couch in the office and took a seat, Kayla sitting next to her. I walked to the chair behind Kayla's desk and sat down.
"So who were the idiots who made the mistake of attacking our pack," Rachael asked once she had gotten comfortable.
"It was the Evergreen Pack," I responded.
"That can't be right, those wolves were huge." Rachael responded. "You sure it wasn't a pack from the North they tend to have larger wolves their cause they have to live in the mountains."
"Yeah I'm sure," I said nodding, "I know the smell of the northern wolves and that wasn't them."
"So who were the other wolves?" She asked puzzled.
"We think they are rogues," I started, "We know the Evergreen Pack is ruthless and I wouldn't put it past them to hire rogues but it's risky and who knows why they are actually doing it."
"You don't think they are after our pack or our territory?" She asked concerned.
"I'm not sure," I said, "I want to talk with their leader, Jared. He at least owes us the explanation to why he is attacking us."
"Alright," she said, "But don't plan anything until I'm better which should be in a few days. I want to go with you."
"Alright but only if Jason says you can go. The last thing we need is you injuring yourself again."
"Fine," she said obviously annoyed but she wouldn't dare go against my decision.
"Ok I have to go ladies," I said as I stood up, "I have a meeting with Jason then I'm taking a patrol around the border."
"Stay safe," Kayla said as she walked to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I will. See you tonight," I said giving her a quick kiss.
"Go back to bed and rest," I tell Rachael, "We got big business to take care of soon and I need you at your best."
She nods and stands up following me out. I head upstairs to see Jason. The meeting was quick. He gave me a list of supplies that he was short on and filled me in on the recovering pack. No one was too seriously hurt which was good but still we needed rest. After talking with Jason I head downstairs and round up a few of the packs strongest.
Once everyone was together we shifted in the woods and headed to our borders. It took a ten minute jog to reach the one we shared with the Evergreen Pack. Using the pack connection I let everyone know that we needed to be on high alert and that the borders needed to be remarked. Immediately they set to work and I walked over to spray my scent on a few rocks and trees.
We continued down the borderline until we reached the clearing. The scents here were strong. I could smell the blood from both packs mixing in with those of the rogues. My fur stood on end and a soft whimper came from someone in the patrol. We all were uneasy at the sight. I turned to face the five other wolves I came with, and using my tail as a signal, they headed into the clearing and started marking it up.
As I was about to rub against a boulder when a yip followed by a growl came from one of my wolves. It was a smaller female and she was standing on the far side of the clearing. I walked over and was overwhelmed by the fresh scent of wolves. It was the Evergreen Pack and judging by their smell they were here not too long ago. Our patrol must have scared them away. I let out a growl. They were on our territory again and my Alpha instincts were screaming to run after them.
Immediatly I took off into the direction of their scent. Without me having to tell them, the rest of the patrol followed hot on my tail. The wolves were heading towards their border, but we were down wind and they never saw us coming. Within minutes we caugh up with the group. Using the pack connection I told my team to split up and I ran ahead to cut them off from the front. By the time the picked up on my scent it was too late. I stepped out from the cover of the trees to face the enemy wolves, my fur on end and ,y teeth bared. It was three wolves all from the Evergreen Pack. I immediately identified the white wolf as their beta, Marcus.
The three wolves took up defensive positions as the rest of my patrol showed themselves. I stepped towards Marcus, but was met by a fierce growl from one of his wolves. I turned my attention and returned the growl, to which the smaller wolf backed off. Marcus took a step forward and lowered his haunches, ready to pounce. I growled and the patrol took a step forward. He took a glance around then flicked his ears and fled past the patrol. I looked towards one of the faster males and he took off after them. I growled to let the rest of the patrol know to stay. Within minutes the male returned. He used the pack connection to let us know they fled over the border. I let out a frustrated huff and headed back towards the heart of our territory. Kayla, Rachael, and I had to discuss this.
By time I got back to my house it was past dinner time. Kayla's would be waiting for me. I opened the door and walked in to find her cleaning some pots. She must have cooked dinner.
"Hey, I say walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the little table Kayla added to it.
"You're late, was everything ok?" she asks putting the pot down to look at me caringly.
"We found wolves on our side of territory," I said sitting down.
"What?" She asked sounding shocked. "The Evergreen Pack?"
"Yup we chased them away but I don't know what they were doing," I said sounding defeated.
"I don't know what to tell you Connor," she said sounding apologetic.
"It just doesn't make sense. What do they want with our territory. It's making me nervous," I said.
"Just don't worry about it right now. We will talk with Rachael tomorrow. For now let's get our mind off things." She said as she climbed into my lap.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed my lips against hers. She smiled through our kiss and brought her hand up my back gently running them through my hair. I pressed my tongue against her lips and let out a grunt of approval when she parted them. She let out a soft moan as my tongue dominated hers. As the smell of her arousal grew heavier she began to move her hips against mine. I growled as her movements caused me to grow almost painfully hard.
Rachael understanding grabbed my pants and pulled the zipper down revealing my tented underwear. She stood up and quickly removed her pants and under garments then sat back down on my lap. She mashed our lips back together and judging by her scent her wolf was itching to take control. As I moved my hands up her shirt to cup her breasts, she pulled my pants down past my waist and pulled back my boxers allowing my dick to spring loose. Her fingers brushed gently against it and I let out a soft moan. As I made a move to send us to the ground to finish our business, Rachael stood up on the chair hovering over me. She gently grabbed my dick and kissed me again as she slowly lowered herself.
As I entered her, I let out a soft growl as the feeling filled me with pure ecstasy. She laughed at my reaction and slowly began to rock back and forth my dick pushing further into her with each movement. As she rocked I grabbed her ass and gently squeezed it my mouth still entagled with her lips. Her movements gradually grew faster and the smell of her arousal alone could have made me cum right then and there. A quick glance at her eyes allowed me to know that she had sucumb to the mating season, her wolf was in control now. She began to slowly lift herself up and down to the movement of her rocking. I growled again as the change in motion made my dick rub harder against her. Going even faster, she leaned down and slowly licked my neck her teeth grazing the smooth skin. She continued up my neck until her lips came to a stop at the scar from where she had previously marked me. Before I had time ot react she bit down reopening the skin. Immediatly I lost control and stood up holding her to me as we crashed against the nearest wall. My wolf was now in control and he was ready, quickly my dick pushed in and out of her my ears barely noting the sounds of surprise and pleasure coming from her.
Within the next minute I felt my release and I pushed Kayla further against the wall as I mashed my hips into hers shooting my seed deep within. As my last few shots of cum subsided I attemped to pull out but my wolf wouldn't let me. In the wild the wolf would have stayed connected with his mate for the next few minutes to ensure he was the only father of her pups and my wolf clearly thought similarly. I let out a whine as I tried again with the same results. I glanced to Kayla apolegetically but her wolf seemed to not mind. After ten minutes of waiting I finally was able to break free. My wolf had finished his business and he now lay dormant waiting to be called fourth when needed.
"You ok?" I asked Kayla once I was sure her wolf had calmed down.
She smiled, "That was amazing," she said as she wrapped her arms aroud my neck in a hug.
I laughed and kissed her, "Come on let's eat im starving," I said as I grabbed her hand and lead us back to the table.
Sorry about the late update once summer vacation is in full swing I will be back on a normal updating schedule. But to make up for it I made this chapter a little longer. Please review. That lack of comments is making me nervous. I love hearing your thoughts :)