Something hit the back of my car as I was going in reverse. My foot slammed on the brake and I looked to my friend who was sitting in the passenger seat. Her face was frozen, and I didn't dare look back.

"What the hell was that?!" Camryn yelled.

"I don't know!" I yelled back.

"Go check! I swear to god if you killed an animal, we're never speaking again," she threatened.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door, climbing out of my Nissan Altima. It was dark outside, and chilly. I rubbed my arms as I slowly walked to the back of my car. I gasped loudly when I saw what I hit. I ran back to the front. "Cam, get the fuck out here!" She shook her head. "I'm serious!"

My heart started pounding as I went back and knelt down to the ground to see if the boy was still alive. He was unconscious, and I didn't know what to do. Camryn finally came to the back. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" She started freaking out.

"Stop yelling!"

"Is he breathing?!" she yelled.

My eyes scanned his body quickly. "I'm… not sure. How do you check his pulse?" I asked frantically, even though I slightly knew how.

"I don't know! Oh my god, Lila. What the hell do we do?" Of course she would ask the stupid questions. I'm not much better, but Camryn wasn't too great with common sense.

"Call 911, dumbass!" She nodded and ran back to get her cell phone. I moved the boy's head to see if any damage was done. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at the color of his hair. It looked a little weird under the streetlight. I thought my eyes were tricking me, but his hair was…blue.

He groaned in pain when my hand touched his face. I immediately pulled away and covered my mouth. "He's alive!" I yelled. By the way things were going Cam and I wouldn't have voices in the morning.

She came running back, still on her phone. "Sir, he's alive. Can you please get here, like now?"

The boy's eyes fluttered and struggled to stay open. "Uhm, excuse me?" I whispered. Finally, he managed to gain consciousness and focus his eyes on me.

"You…you hit me," he said. At least he remembered, which was a good sign.

"Yeah," I said shyly. "Sorry about that. I totally didn't mean for this to happen." He tried to sit up. "I don't think you should do that," I suggested, getting worried from the look of pain written across his face. He struggled to stand up and used the trunk of my car for support. His knees then buckled and he fell down on top of me. "Cam!" I yelled.

Camryn's eyes widened and she ran to help me get the boy off. "His head is bleeding," she said. I looked down at my shirt and noticed small drops of blood. That wasn't good.

We heard sirens in the distance and I sighed in relief. "Thank god!" Camryn yelled. She ran out in the middle of the street and started pointing to us frantically on the side of the road. I shook my head and sighed. Cam was always overdramatic.

Fifteen minutes later, Blue Boy was being placed in the back of an ambulance while Cam and I followed them to the hospital. There was going to be a lot of explaining to do, and it was gonna suck. Hard.

Cam and I sat in the waiting room. Neither of us said anything. Police officers questioned us both earlier. They even went into Blue Boy's room. We knew I was going to be in trouble. How did I manage to hit a human being with my car? I didn't even remember seeing him there. Why was this happening to me?

I groaned loudly and covered my face. Cam rubbed my back reassuringly. "Don't worry, girl. We'll figure this out."

The doctor emerged from Blue Boy's room and approached us. "Well, he's definitely going to be ok, just a bump to the head. The police will be back to talk to you shortly, but I thought I would relieve you from suffering any longer. You hit him, but he was sitting directly behind your car when you did. He was drunk, and he's not going to press any charges."

I sighed in relief. My heart finally started slowing down to a normal speed. Cam squeezed my shoulder tightly. "Thank you so much," I said. The doctor smiled and went back to his work.

I turned to Cam who was grinning like an insane person. "You are so fucking lucky," she said.

The officers finally decided to tell us everything the doctor said, but with more detail. After they told us I wasn't in trouble, I was allowed to go see him. I couldn't wait to give this kid a piece of my mind. Why would he do something so stupid?

I walked into the room and saw the blue haired boy lying in bed with IVs attached to his arm. His eyes were closed, so I wasn't sure if he was sleeping or not. I moved closer to him and I studied his features. His nose was pierced, and he had a light bruise on the side of his face. From the looks of it, he received that bruise before tonight.

"How does it feel to hit a person with your car?" I jumped and saw he was awake. He had a smirk on his lips.

"It wouldn't have happened if you didn't pass out drunk," I replied angrily. "You have no idea what you just put me through!" He started to laugh, and it was making me even angrier. "How is this funny? You could've died, you moron!"

"My coin was tossed, and it was life. Stop worrying about it. I'm alive, ok?"

Was this freak for real? The kid almost died and he's not worried about it? "Alright, it was nice talking to you, but I need to leave. I hope you feel better and I hope you get use of your brain back in the near future." I went to leave, but he grabbed my arm. I sighed, annoyed, and turned back to him. "Yes?"

"You owe me," he stated.

"I owe you?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yes," he smiled. "You do. You could have killed me, so you have to do something for me."

I laughed in his face. "Oh, you must've really hit your head hard, my friend. I don't owe you anything."

"I can change my mind and press charges, you know. I mean you weren't looking as you were driving. That could hold up in court." He smiled deviously.

I huffed. "Fine. What do you want from me?" I didn't even want to look at him any longer.

"Hang out with me everyday for a month. Then you'll be free to go."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You are truly insane."

He shrugged his shoulders. "That's what you think. At least I haven't hit a person with my car yet." His smile returned.

"Why do you even want to hang out with me?" I asked. "You don't even know me."

"That can change very fast," he fired back.

"Fine," I covered my eyes. "I'll do it." He smiled even wider and I wanted nothing more than to wipe that smile right off his face. He was so irritating, even when he wasn't speaking. I sighed loudly. "Alright, Blue Boy. Can I go now?"

"My name's Lucas." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.

I stared at his hand, and eventually took it in mine. "Lila," I told him and quickly pulled my hand back.

"Blue Boy, huh? You don't like my hair?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door, sticking both middle fingers in the air. Hopefully this month will go by fast.