A long time ago, in the shadow of Mount Meru, lay a village called Arusha. And in this village, a palace of marble and stone was home to the royal family.
Arusha was governed the King of Tanzania, a gentle man who watched over his country with a level mind and a fairness that was all his own. Though being King allowed him many luxuries, he had no Queen to share his life with. As the years past and the older the King became, the more he yearned for someone to call his own.
One evening as the King was looking out over the garden green and lush, listening to the birds call their last notes of song before night came full dark, his mother came to him.
"My son, it is time" she said.
"Time for what Mother?" The King asked,knowing that his clock was slowly counting down his single days.
"Tomorrow an announcement will be made that you are seeking a Queen, and you will be married. I am getting old and I want my only son to have a wife and children, to see our name carried on and our family to continue to govern this country."
The King turned to face his mother "What if there is no one whom I like?" He asked.
His mother replied "My son, women will line the steps of our palace, fathers will bring their daughters, mothers will bring their daughters, women who are alone will come from far away for a chance to be your bride. They will be the best that this continent has to offer. You will be able to chose from hundreds if not thousands of women. Surely amongst such a quantity you will find someone who suits your needs." She gave her son a kiss on his forehead and said goodnight.
The King turned back to his view, hearing elephants trumpeting in the distance, he closed his eyes. He had no choice but to do as his mother asked. He may be King but she ruled over him and what she wanted she got, regardless of what he may think or feel.
Once the announcement was made, the new spread quickly that the King was to take a wife. Travelers carried the news as they crossed the rivers and walked the deserts. Soon families who had a daughter and single women began the journey to Arusha, in hopes of having an meeting with the King.
When the news reached a tiny village outside of Tanzania, all but one family made preparations.
When the daughter watched the slow exodus of girls her age leave the village she asked her father why they weren't making the same trip?
"No King will want you" the father said, "We have nothing to offer such a man, and you are too plain and simple to be a Queen"
"I can offer the King something that no other will be able to" the daughter said.
"What could you possibly offer a man who has everything, when you have nothing?" The father asked.
"That will be between the King and I" she said.
"Then you make the journey alone. And if you don't succeed in becoming his Queen don't bother to return" the father said.
The next morning, she set out on her own. She had brought with her in her bag, a loaf of bread, a vessel of water and nothing else. She had no fancy gifts or beautiful clothes. Her clothes were made of cotton, not silk. She wore sandles of plain leather, with no jewels, yet she knew that she would win the heart of the King.
The parade of women began on the first day of the following month after the announcement was made. The king sat in a room, draped in curtains of satin and silks. Incense burned, making the room hazy with an aromatic smoke. One after one, girls, young women and some older ones were presented to the King.
One after one the King dismissed them all.
There was no connection, no attraction and the King felt no originality at all. He was given all sorts of gifts, from food to jewels, yet he didn't want or need these things.
For days on on end the women and girls tried to win over the king's heart.
The only solace the King found was at night when he was left alone with his thoughts. He picked up an apple from the bowl beside his bed, he looked at it, it's smooth skin, unblemished and unmarked. He took a bite, letting the tart juice run down his throat, savouring the taste. He looked across the vast gardens in his compound, and the walls that surrounded it. He felt trapped. Trapped by the very walls he had once played behind, safe and secure. Trapped by the knowledge that he may have to settle to appease his mother, trapped by the thought of being with someone whom he didn't share a connection with. He tossed the apple out of the window, and made his way to bed.
The next morning, the girl arrived alone. A long journey had finally come to an end. She took her place in line and waited with the other girls and their fathers.
She looked up and down the line at the beautiful women. They were dressed in so many bright and vibrant colours. Their sari's were embroidered with gold and silver. On ankles and arms held bangles and bracelets. Henna tattoos were intricately drawn on hands and fingers. Noses were pierced with chains that connected to earrings. Lips were painted red and eyes outlined in black accentuated their features making them more beautiful then normal. She suddenly felt very plain and very simple. Her fathers voice echoed In her head, but her confidence never wavered.
As the line moved forward, she noticed that she was the only one with out an offering for the King. Many had flowers, and bundles of materials, some had leather and bottles of wine. There were some with baskets of fruit, and some carrying a small bag which she could only deduce had gold or jewels inside.
She had nothing, her hands were empty.
She knew that this was her destiny.
At last it was her turn.
The guard at the door looked at her up and down, and gave his head a little shake.
When the doors opened, she walked in alone.
She followed the hall and could see ahead of her a room lit by candles. She had never been in a place so elaborate before. Gold and red columns lined the hall, and as she approached the larger room, the colums gave way to colourful curtains. Large arched windows broke up the white and gold walls, candles on tall wrought iron pillars burned and gave of a romantic glow.
The King sat on a bed of pillows, alone and looking unimpressed. He was on a platform four steps up from the floor. He was watching a bird as it sat chirping on the sill of the open window.
When he heard movement he turned to look at the next woman he would surely deny.
She bowed her head, and kneeled. "My King" she whispered.
The king sat up and gazed upon the woman. She was nothing like the others. For one she was alone, no father accompanied her, and she was plain looking. Her hair was loosely tied up off her neck, her voice soft yet something in it brought the king out of his daze.
She continued to kneel, breathing heavy and feeling a bead of sweat form on her forehead,
"This was a mistake" she thought. " I am out the door without so much of a glance"
"Rise and stand before me" the King said. His voice demanding yet gentle.
She rose and climbed the steps towards the King.
"What is your name?" The King asked.
"Nevaeh" she whispered. She kept her eyes on the floor, not wanting the King to see the nervousness in them.
"What do you have to offer me?" The King asked "Surely you have not come empty handed?" The King smiled, but his curiosity was getting the better of him.
"I have no material gift for you, my King" she said, her voice just above a whisper. "I come from nothing, therefore I have nothing"
"I see " said the King.
"But I have something that no one else can offer you" she added.
The king raised his eyebrow up, liking the woman in front of him so far. She had guts, this one, he thought.
"And what might that be?" He asked "I have been offered jewels, gold, silver. Silks and garments of every material, food and drink. Why one father offered me his herd of goats and sheep!" He laughed "What can you offer me that I haven't already been offered?"
Nevaeh stood a bit straighter, she knew it was now or never. She had rehearsed this scene over and over again on her trip here. And now it was time to see if what she was willing to offer the King, he would want?
"My King, why would I offer you the things that you already possess? You do not need more jewels, for I see you have plenty. You do not need clothes or reams of material, as I am sure you have weavers of your own. And a king certainly does need need food or drink, for your gardens and livestock keep you well fed and your thirst quenched."
She had now had his full attention.
"What you don't have is me." She said this with a swallow, though her mouth was a dry as cotton. "I give you myself, my body is yours to with as you please, my mind is yours to share your hopes and dreams and my soul will be yours for all eternity "
The king sat back on his pillows, listening to this plain woman offer him something no one else had thought of.
"You know, my dear" the King said with a smile on his lips. "You are the only one who has held my attention for this long. The only one who has brought nothing but given me hope for everything".
The King picked up a silver bell, and shook it gently.
A man appeared from behind the curtain, and stepped quickly to meet the king.
"This woman is to be brought to a room where she can bathe, eat and rest" the man looked at Nevaeh, his brow furrowed but he did not question. "She is then to be brought to my chambers at twilight. Alone"
The man nodded and crooked a finger in Nevaeh's direction, a gesture that meant for her to follow.
"We will see about your offer, my dear" the King said as she passed him. "How much of yourself are you willing to give?"
She knew his question didn't require an answer but she replied anyway.
"I will give you everything" she said and turned to follow the Kings man.
In her room, behind the closed wooded door, she collapsed on the floor. Her heart raced and blood pumped quickly through her veins, so much so that her ears rang.
Once she had gathered herself, she looked around her surroundings. The room was large, a four-post bed sat centre against the back wall. Fresh flowers were everywhere, giving the room a heavenly scent. A deep bath built into the floor was filled with lavender water. She had stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the bath, dipping her head underneath. She used pumice to scrub herself free of her journey, of her family and of her fathers words. She used honey and milk to wash her hair. As the sun set and the moon began its rise to the night sky, she combed her hair, watching the stars appear one by one. Only when the knock on her door came did she realize she had no clothes to wear. She searched for her bag and the clothes she had already worn but they were gone.
Another knock and a voice telling her she must come, put her in a panic. Just as quickly as the panic came, a calm took over. She knew what she was going to go. She let her long brown hair cover her breasts but other than that she wore not a stitch of clothing. She opened the door before who ever behind it could knock again. Nevaeh stood tall and naked, her head held high. There was an audible gasp from the servent girl who was sent to fetch Nevaeh. She quickly turned and walked down the corridor, Nevaeh followed.
The girl turned this way and that, up a flight of stairs and then down a passage that was separate from the rest of the palace, Nevaeh kept pace and not caring if anyone she past noticed her nakedness. Two guards stood aside wooden and brass double doors, The girl took her leave and Nevaeh found herself under scrutiny of the prying guards eyes.
Both guards opened a door and Nevaeh stepped naked into the Kings chambers.
The king spent the afternoon in his room. His mind replayed his encounter with the peasant girl over and over again. How could someone so simple have his attention fully and completely? He had told his men that he was not to be disturbed but most importantly, they were not to tell his mother about the girl. He wanted this to be his decision, unbiased and solely without influence from her.
He bathed and ate, and drank a glass of wine to calm his own nerves.
The sun began to set and he waited for the girl to arrive.
The king sat in a chair by the fireplace, though he had no need for warmth on this hot summer night, a small fire burned.
Nevaeh's eyes adjusted to the dim lit room, and when she heard him call to her, she followed his soothing voice.
She stood before the King naked and unashamed. Her body glistened in the light of the fire.
"This is how you come to me?" The King asked.
"I come to you, my King, so you may see my body without hinderence of clothes"
The king leaned forward in his chair, taking her all in. Her skin was white, as white as the flesh of an apple, without a mark or scar or bruise. His eyes started at her feet, and worked their way up her long legs, to the curve of her hips, and the small of her waist. Her hair covered her nipples but her breasts were pert and round. Her shoulders were back as she stood in perfect posture. His eyes fell upon her long neck and suddenly he felt an urge to kiss her there. When his eyes finally met hers, his pulse quickened.
The King rose from his chair. He stood six feet tall, and his brown skin was in contrast to Nevaeh's white smooth body. He took a step towards her. Nevaeh's body trembled with anticipation. He touched her back, running his hand down her spine, watching her skin react. His hand rested in the small crevice just above her bottom. He began a slow walk around her, caressing her waist as he moved. She didn't flinch but lowered her eyes when the King stopped in front of her.
He lifted her face so he could see her eyes.
Nevaeh continued to look down, until the King said "Look at me".
She slowly raised her gaze to meet his.
In her yellow green eyes, the Kings heart skipped a beat. He saw into her soul, for just a brief second and knew that he had found his Queen.
"You have offered yourself to me" the King stated. "Mind, body and soul? Is this right?" He asked.
Nevaeh nodded.
"Speak" the King said, "tell me"
"I give you myself" Nevaeh said.
"And what does that include?" The King asked, brushing the hair off Nevaehs breasts.
"My mind, my body and my soul"
The king swallowed. He grew hard beneath his robe, hearing her speak the words that even he didn't know he wanted to hear.
He kissed her neck.
"You may keep your mind" he spoke, his breath hot on her flesh, his mouth laying more kisses upon her throat. "For I do not want a mindless wife who cannot think for herself"
Nevaehs body began to respond to the Kings kisses.
"You may keep you soul, though I believe our souls are our connection to God, and therefore not mine for the taking"
Her legs began to quiver as the king worked his way across her collarbone to the other side of her neck.
"But your body...your body will be mine. Tonight and every night after this" the King whispered in her ear.
"Yes my king" she let her head roll back exposing her throat. She felt his hands on either side of her face, pulling her to his mouth. The king kissed her lips, gently at first, then with more passion.
"And what can I do with your body?" The King asked, out of breath.
"Whatever you desire" was the only answer to give.
The king led Nevaeh to his bed. Black silk sheets lay across his mattress, pillows upon pillows stacked against the headboard, and the thick pillars in each corner held up a canopy of satin curtains.
Nevaeh smiled to herself. She had done what no other woman could do. She heard the Kings words and knew that he would take great care of her.
She turned and faced him.
"I give myself to you my king, in compete submission, for you to touch, kiss, hold and have in any way that pleases you" she kissed his lips "I have my mind, God has my soul, and you have my body"
Hearing the words from Nevaeh's lips registered deep with the King. Complete submission. He repeated them over in his head. Looking back over his life, he has always submitted to his Mother. A strong willed woman with strong views, and if not her than his Grandmother. He had respect of those who served him, he was obeyed by those who were paid. His orders were followed, his servants abided by his every word, yet something was missing.
Nevaeh lay on her back in the centre of the bed. The king lay beside her, free of his robes. She saw him now, his brown skin, smooth and soft. He brought his lips to hers and kissed her again, feeling her relax underneath him. His mouth drew hers open and his tongue found hers. He was hard again, and she felt him against her leg. She touch his chest, resting her hand above his heart. The King inhaled at her touch. Nevaeh was the only woman to touch him and he felt her soft and delicate fingers caress his shoulders and King worked his way down her neck and chest, moving his mouth from one nipple to the next. Her nipples were the only dark area on her body and he marvelled once again how pale she was compared to him. Nevaeh arched her back to give him more of her breast and he slipped a hand under her and squeezed her. He moaned and could feel the drips from him escape the more aroused he became. He worked his way down, laying kisses and little licks as he found his way across her stomach. He shifted down the bed and made his ways between her legs. Nevaeh clenched her legs tighter, but as he kissed her thighs and hips she relaxed and opened herself up to her King.
With her legs spread open the King began a slow assault on her most private area. He opened her up with his tongue, and licked her as she groaned, her hips moving to the pace that he set. He inserted one finger and felt her go ridged.
"You are truly giving me yourself, aren't you?" The King asked, knowing that he was going to take her virginity this night .
"The purest form" Nevaeh whispered, feeling his finger press against the wall the kept her whole. Her wetness and pure lust for him helped him as he eased another finger inside her. He felt that it should be done this way, before he entered her, let her have this pain now and enjoy the pleasure after.
As he pushed another finger inside, Nevaeh spoke.
"Not like this my King, please" she felt him remove his fingers. "I gave you my body, please take my body the way a man should"
"I will hurt you " the King said.
"I will welcome that pain my King" Nevaeh found his eyes.
The King rose between her legs, steadying himself. He kept his eyes on her, and watched her as he broke through her virginity in one thrust. Nevaeh didn't call out in pain, even though her insides felt like they were on fire. She instead brought one leg up and hooked it around the Kings back, pulling him in again. The king pulled himself out almost all the way, but then sunk back between her legs. Nevaeh flinched as the heat rose, but the more the king moved the more the pain dissipated. Soon she was meeting him thrust for thrust, her hands entwined with his, her legs wrapped around the man who was King. They moved together and when she felt her climax peaking she new that he was close as well. She squeezed her legs tighter around his back and when he went inside her even deeper than she thought possible, they came together, silently and in the still of the night.
The King lay beside Naveah. She was silent.
"You are beautiful" the King whispered, breaking the quiet, as he trailed his fingers up and down her torso. Navaeh blushed at the compliment . The Kings hand moved up to her breasts, cupping one then the other. They fit perfectly in his hand. He used his thumb and finger to tease her nipples, stoking them until they became hard.
Nevaeh moaned under his touch, her hips started to sway as the King brought his mouth down to her breast. He sucked on her nipples moving from one to the other. He kissed his way back to her mouth and her long neck. He was hard again.
"Your skin in flawless" the King said looking down at Naveah. "Not a mark on you"
Navaeh brought her hands to his shoulders, feeling the strength and the muscles the held him up over her body. She gently pushed the king onto his back.
"My skin is your skin. Mark it if you wish" she said as she kissed his neck. She found his hardness and began to move her hand up and down, squeezing just enough for the King to let out an gasp. This time it was Navaeh who lay kisses down the Kings chest, following the trail of hair that led her to him. She took him in her mouth, letting her tongue taste herself and metallicness that could only be her virgin blood. She sucked on her King, letting him move the way he needed to. His hands wrapped around her hair holding her where he wanted her to be. When he could take no more, he pulled her up off of him and brought her up to his mouth. They kissed as Navaeh lowered herself down on the King. This time there was no pain and the pleasure was immediate. She sat up so she could look at him as she rode him. The Kings eyes never left hers. His hands moved to her hips, guiding her, pressing her down so he could go deeper. Navaeh stopped and ground her hips in circles, her head rolled back as moan escaped her lips. She slowed the movements down, want to feel every inch of the man beneath her. She felt powerful, watching his face express his pleasure, knowing that she was giving him this experience, knowing that she was his Queen. When his hands moved to her breast and he began his slow tease of her nipples once again, Navaeh called out as she came. She pushed her self down and felt every throb from the King. As quickly as she climaxed, the king swiftly moved from underneath her to behind her. He pushed her down so she was on her knees and elbows. Navaeh was shocked when she felt him slip inside again, but soon a new sensation started to build and with her hair entwined around the Kings fingers, he slammed himself into her, hitting a spot she never knew existed, she felt herself building up again. She pushed herself back onto him as he moved forward, each time a little harder. The Kings breathing became heavy, his grunts of power became groans and then when they both peaked once again at the same time, they vocalized their orgasm audibly.
Later, as they wrapped themselves in sheets that smelled of their lovemaking in the air , the King held Naveah in his arms. Her head rest gently on his chest. She watched his breathing as it slowed, and listened to his heart beat.
"You will be my Queen" he whispered in the darkness. "You have given me something that I knew i needed but never thought I would find"
Navaeh smiled in the night. She had given the King the only thing she possessed, herself. Now she lay in his arms, falling asleep in the Kings bed.
"Navaeh is such a unique name. I have never heard it before" the King whispered, almost asleep. "Navaeh, my queen. You have brought me to close to heaven this night. I look forward to returning there for the rest of my life"
"My King, I will be you heaven, tonight and for all days and nights to come. For Navaeh is heaven spelt backwards, so you see, I am your piece of heaven. That is my gift to you"
The king held her tight, and as both their breathing became slow and in sync, they fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.