He was aggressive in the gentlest way that I could imagine.
I knew what would happen when I sat next to him to watch the movie. I had seen it a few times before because of the times I had to babysit freshly teenage brats. He, on the other hand, had never seen it and wanted to before someone or something had spoiled it.
We watched it at his house, in his room, on his bed. He sat on the corner and set the screen to his gaming console to play the movie from there. I sat on the other side by the window that was oh so conveniently right next to his bed. I shrugged it off the first time I saw it. If it was hot, a cool breeze could roll over him and even when it was cold he could fall asleep watching a snow or rain fall. I thought back to my room. The windows were in areas my bed was not permitted. The closest I could get to his luxury was to place my bed next to the window and stare at the corner. It was a bland sight since the stop sign took up most of what I could see.
I slipped my feet out of my sandals and pulled my legs onto the bed, crossing them. It felt rude to have them on, even if they were clean. I pulled my phone of the small mess in my purse. My keys jingled as I did and the other contents of my lip balm, notebook and wallet scuffled together to create a sliding sound. I grabbed my lip balm as well and turned my phone to its camera screen. The cool feeling and taste of mint ran across my lips as I rubbed the lubrication over them. I wished I had some gum. The sensation of it would match the tingle of the balm nicely.
I looked up to see him watching me, casually…carefully. A slight blush crept onto my lips. I placed my balm in my purse and set it next to my shoes. My phone was placed face down on the window sill to show that he had my attention unless otherwise needed elsewhere. He chuckled, mixing it in with a smirk before pressing play. He laid on his side and watched the scenes begin to roll.
I grabbed my phone after a while to check the time. Only a half hour had passed. I sighed as the repetitive scene of sexual antics played. Usually, I'd cover the boys' eyes, tell the girls to look away since they listened and spend two minutes fast forwarding through it until it came back to a normal scene. I leaned my hand into my palm, resting my elbow on my knee.
I watched, half-amused. I never got to see this part. I smirked and made mental comments on the girl's false moans and the guys' over eager love declaration and how the scenes showed so much without showing a centimeter of their bodies love areas. I noticed her waistline, smaller than mine and felt insecure, unconsciously shifting uncomfortably. Maybe that's what caught his attention. When the scene finished, I rolled my eyes and looked at him.
He was staring at me evilly. I knew that grin and it sent a shiver down my spine. I immediately felt my body grow slowly warmer.
He moved to crawl up the bed towards me. Pushing me back, he crawled between my legs and pecked his lips at my own, over time getting slightly more eager. I had my hand on his shoulder for a reason. Like that I could feel how much he wanted my lips…or neck. I pushed back against him with my hand. It was enough to keep him just enough away from me but close enough to where if he stretched just a little, they'd brush again. He was stronger than me. He knew it. I knew it. I was damn glad that he backed off even with a playful no.
His pillows bent my back at the shoulders, giving me a small advantage to where I could lift my head up and he could reach nothing. He got sick of it quite fast. In a sift movement, he had lifted me up and yanked the pillows off the bed, tossing them to the floor. Grabbing a leg in each of his large hands, he pulled me back to his and laid over me. He had me trapped, close enough to where our bodies grazed and rubbed, loose enough to not cause me any discomfort.
I laughed and covered my mouth with my hand, disliking how I looked when I laughed. He wondered what was funny.
"Nothing, nothing" I happily mused
The escapade of our usual dance continued its beginning. He eagerly kissed my lips and I joked for him not to eat me. He slowly moved to my neck and I moaned of my failed rebellion. His hands began to slide under my shirt and I managed to fight of my twitches again. This dance was different. He caressed my hip, just at its waistline and before I could stop myself, my body jolted. He stopped removing his hand and looking at me, concerned.
"I-I'm okay. Just y'know I'm ticklish."
A realization dawn on him. He knew I was ticklish and that certain areas had to be touched just well enough so I don't look like I'm having a seizure.
"So your body is sensitive."
He sat up and told me to turn over. I looked at him confused and playful said no, sticking my tongue out at him. Who knew what he would do when I couldn't see him? He chuckled, audibly and asked if I was being genuine or being a rebel. I announced my rebellion. He sighed and said my name three times, asking why I was being difficult. As he asked, he grabbed my leg and my hip and turned me over himself, using a little force. I propped up on my elbows and looked back at him.
"What about the movie?" I asked
"What about the movie?"
"Don't you want to watch it?"
"I can always press rewind."
"After you leave."
He leaned down, next to my ear and muttered, in the low voice that made me melt, for me to relax.
"Just enjoy me enjoying you."
Letting my arms fold, I laid my hands under my face like a dog and glanced at the window. I felt him lean back. I thought he would rest just below my bottom. He scooted down to just above my knees. Once again, I heard him say relax as his large hands gently pressed onto my lower back. The pressure, there for a minute, slowly moving up and down the area, and release felt blissful. I loosened my shoulders and exhaled. Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine what he was seeing at this moment. I had no clue. Or rather I couldn't picture it in time before I felt his hands travel downwards.
I looked back at him.
"This okay? I remember you saying that your ass and thighs were sore followed by a small rant of wanting a massage there."
I propped up on my elbows again and nodded. I had to bite my lip the entire time. His hands felt amazing. They travelled under my shirt and his warmth spread across me like the wave at its final kiss reaches the beach. I dropped my forehead to the bed and focused on my breathing. Slowly in…slowly out. I tried to hide just how much I was enjoying this. His hand never lingered too long. It was a random rhythm that refused to let me tense. His hands began to move more slowly as they worked their way up. Caressing my thighs, squeezing my bottom, rubbing up my back. Before I realized it, he had leaned down near my neck.
"I forgot one little thing too."
I didn't think much of what he was doing. He brushed my hair from my neck and gently stroked it. Leaning down, his lips gently grazed my neck. I had closed my eyes, thinking he was going to place a kiss there, maybe a lick or a suck. He pulled at my collar slightly. Just as my eyes had closed, they were shot open by shock. A sharp pain had enclosed my shoulder, just near my neck. I was glad that the words had stuck in my throat. There were a few there that I wasn't ready to say. He let go and chuckled. Kissing the area once, he sat up. I peeked back to see him lick his lips.
"You taste delightful sweetheart."
I muttered my demand quietly.
"Bite me again."
To show I meant it, I really wanted it, I threw in the name he loved being called in at the end. A minute of silence that felt like an hour had passed before I started to get a little paranoid. Maybe he didn't want to? Maybe I'm pushing him? Maybe he's tired of this? I began to get up so I could look at him. Immediately his hand pushed my lower back and presses me back into the bed. I made a noise as I landed. I felt his hand quickly lift off my.
"Sorry bout that. Just uh…remember how I said I really wanted to fuck you?"
I looked back at him so he could see me rolling my eyes.
"Nope. Not at all. The moaning and texts and feeling you poke into me wasn't a constant reminder."
"Don't be petty all your life."
"Petty betty."
He laughed and leaned down close to me. He lips began trailing my neck again kissing up and down. Occasionally I felt his tongue rub against me. Each time a moan would escape its confines. I felt him began to move his hips against my bottom, his hand moving under my shirt, slowly caressing up my sides until it rested on my breast. I moaned his name.
"Can I…like now?"
He bit me. Not as hard as last time but still enough to pinch.
He sat up and as he did I looked up at him. He looked hungry. Starved. It was like only a thread was holding him back from whatever it was he desired. Right now, based on how the looking was directed at me, I knew what he would ask.
"Can I fuck you right now?"