Hey everyone! So last week I posted the first chapter of a new story called In Your Dreams and this week I have this for you guys. I've decided to take a break from my 2 main stories for a while because they're seriously stressing me out. Anyway, go check them all out so far!

This is just a little introduction chapter that I plan on rewriting if you guys seem interested so excuse the mistakes for now and stuff.


Why is someone crying? And urgh, why is it sunny?

I reach underneath me and pull one of my pillows over my head to block out the light and what sounds like a baby crying. Wait a second...why does that seem important?

My eyes snap open as my body goes into full on panic mode. That's my baby crying...

"Don't worry, I got it." I hear a gorgeous sleepy mumble from beside me. When I roll over and see the owner of the voice, I pretty much think my heart stops. I watch as he yawns but forces himself to get out of bed, my stomach overtaken by butterflies. A blush creeps over my cheeks as he turns towards me and I get a full view of him in just his boxers.

"Fuck me." I can't help but whisper under my breath. He's just... too god damned beautiful for words. The muscles, the abs, the tanned skin, the hair, those eyes...everything about him is perfect. I'm not sure if he's even real sometimes; maybe he's some sort of God.

And just when I thought my emotions couldn't become any stronger, he reaches the crib at the side of the bed and reaches down to pick up our daughter. Our little baby; our miracle.

My insides turn to mush as he holds her against his chest and kisses the top of her head. She instantly stops crying as he starts whispering things to her. He eventually looks away from her and over at me, giving me a smile that amplifies everything I'm feeling ten times over.

Tears threaten to fall from my eyes. I could blame it on the fact that I'm a new mum and my hormones are still all over the place but I don't ever think I'll really be able to deal with seeing him with our daughter and witnessing how much he really does love her.

Yeah, I definitely don't think I'll ever get used to waking up like this.

See, we're not your average family. Firstly, we're just two teenagers who are only sixteen and have a baby. Then add in the fact that Noah Scott is the most popular and hottest guy in school whereas I'm just a nobody. But don't go thinking this is some cliché high school romance because despite everything we've been through, we're not together. Just because he was ready to become a dad didn't mean he was ready to be a family...

Oh and there's one more thing! No one except our families has any idea about everything that's happened...

Noah walks over and sits on the edge of the bed next to me. His weight causes a dip in the matress meaning I end up closer to him than I was expecting. I do my best to hide the slight catch in my breath.

"I think she's hungry." He mumbles, still staring down at the baby cradled against his chest who's busy gurgling and looking between the two of us with wide eyes.

Noah finally tares his eyes away from her and looks at me, silently asking if I want to take her. I bite my lip and nod. He gently slides her into my arms and I instantly feel better by just having her there with me.

"Hey beautiful girl." I whisper to her, becoming mesmerised by her eyes.

She's content just being in my arms for a while but when she starts to stir, I know I need to feed her. I take a deep breath, pausing with my hand on the hem of my t-shirt. This is what you might call awkward...

As if he can sense that I feel uncomfortable, Noah stands up and gives Elodie one last kiss. He brushes his hand against my arm and I freeze at his touch. I shudder when I think about when we were together and how he could make me weak with just a simple touch.

He smiles over his shoulder at me as he goes to walk out the room. He hesitates slightly like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. When he disappears around the corner, the tension in my body melts away but it's swiftly replaced by pain.

Because that's what hurts the most; we're so close but I can't have him. We will forever be connected by our daughter but we'll never be together. He doesn't want me, not in that way.

Who can blame him though? He's everything and I'm...nothing.

"Why do you look like someone just stabbed you?" Rhea asks from beside me, raising one eyebrow in suspicion.

Because I just was...in the heart.

This might make more sense if I told you that Noah just walked past me in the corridor and barely acknowledged me. I mean I know we're trying to keep our secret hidden at all costs but you would think he could at least give the mother of his child more than a subtle head nod in my vague direction, jeeezzz...

"Kayleigh Thomas! Don't tell me you're still crushing on Noah!" She whines with an eye roll. She has a good reason I guess. Before Noah and I got together, he was all I ever used to talk about but never in a million years did I ever think he'd even acknowledge my existence. That didn't stop me from obsessing over him though and Rhea was the one I used to vent all my feelings to. I say I was the one venting but she does too. She almost likes him as much as me.

I wonder how she'd react if I told her I woke up next to him this morning...

I bite my lip and shrug.

"I knew it!" She shouts triumphantly, causing the people around us to start at us. Well done Rhe. "Well there's no point in even thinking about him anyway, everyone's saying he has a girlfriend."

"He has a what now?" I squeak. My voice could shatter windows, it's that high.

Does she somehow know about me and him? Not that I'm his actual girlfriend but still. She can't know! If the fact that Noah Scott had a baby, especially with someone like me, ever got out then our lives would basically be ruined for the rest of high school.

"Urgh I know, right?" She huffs in disbelief.


I can barely get the words out because I'm too busy trying not to throw up at the thought of him with another girl.

"Lauren Holt."

Why do I suddenly feel like I'm falling? Oh wait, it's because I am...

I manage to stop myself from fainting completely by leaning against a row of lockers but I still feel dizzy and nauseous.

Lauren Holt? Her? Really?

I guess it makes sense to be honest. She's the prettiest girl in school and he's the hottest guy...they're such a cliché couple, I really should have seen it coming. She's everything I'm not and everything Noah could ever want.

To me though, she's horrible. She's your typical popular girl but I have no idea why so many people love her. She's a bully and thinks she's the best at everything. Noah is too good for her.

"Kay, you feeling OK?" Rhea asks, curiosity and worry washing over her face as she helps me stand up straight.

"Um, yeah." I mumble, not really paying attention to her question and instead scanning the hallway for Noah. I find him easily in the crowd; my eyes always seem drawn to him.

But he's not alone. He's talking and laughing with her...Lauren.

I don't really think before I run, I just know I need to get out of here. Rhea sprints after me, calling my name and telling me to stop. I only do so when I reach an empty corridor.

"What's wrong with you? You're acting weird again!" Rhea folds her arms across her chest and stares at me expectantly.

"I'm not...I'm fine...I just-"

"Just what Kayleigh? Or is it another secret?"

She rolls her eyes when I don't answer as starts to walk away.

"Wait! What do you mean?" I ask cautiously.

"Ever since you came back to school you've been acting weird and clearly hiding things from me! You're...different."

Of course I'm different, I had a baby! I scream in my head.

I hate lying to my best friend.

"I-I...I know. I just..."

"Let me guess, you can't tell me? What a surprise!" She sneers at me before stalking off to her next class.

I watch her walk away, debating with myself whether or not to go after her. My phone buzzes in my blazer pocket and I know before I check it that it's a text from Noah's mum, Leanne. Since she looks after Elodie all day whilst Noah and I are at school, she sends us texts regularly so we're not left stressing about being away from Ellie.

I pull out my phone and open the picture of Ellie that Leanne just sent me. It's so cute that could cry. I get an instant urge to be close to her and get as far away from school as possible.

Within half an hour I'm back at Noah's house. Leanne came to pick me up after I called and she heard how upset I sounded.

With Elodie safely in my arms, I make my way up to the room Noah's parents let me use as my own since I basically live here now. Once there, I change into my pajamas, aka Noah's shirt and sweatpants. I think about crawling into bed but it seems to foreign and empty so instead, I get Elodie and go down the hall to Noah's room. This is where I feel at home.

I lay down carefully and place Elodie on the bed beside me. She stares at me whilst she happily kicks her feet in the air.

"Do you miss daddy too, Ellie?" I ask even though I'm well aware I'm not getting a response.

"You want to know a secret baby girl? I love your daddy more than anyone in the whole wide world...except for you."

I place a gentle kiss on her head. It feels good to say that I love him out loud because damn, I've fallen for him hard.

Too bad he likes another girl.

Elodie drifts off to sleep after a while and I decide to do the same.

Lying here wrapped in Noah's duvet that smells deliciously like him makes it easy to imagine him being here next to me.

If only...

What did you think? PLEASE let me know! :)

Love you all!

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