By Marie Beaulieu
Summary: A short, steamy little scene in the Kate & Zeke universe.
WARNING: Adult Content (smut).
"I thought ya said this job was important." Zeke watched slender olive-skinned fingers with neatly trimmed nails slide along the inseam of his jeans before averting his gaze back through the camera lens and toward the building across the street. "Somethin' 'bout if'n we wanna eat nex' week, we-"
He gasped.
How did she manage to take his breath away like that, with just the touch of her hand and the scent of her hair as she leaned in close in the already small space? Her presence filled the SUV, engulfing him in its intoxicating embrace. She was a drug to him, her effects still instantaneous and novel even as they approached their three-month anniversary. They both marked it from the day they finally got to know each other (in the biblical sense). And Zeke wasn't sure if it was the same for her, but for him, it was because that was when she'd first said she loved him (as more than just her best friend).
And god, she was trying her damnest at lovin' him right that moment, in the car, while on a stakeout.
The camera clattered against the driver side door as his hands instinctively flailed out to find some sort of purchase against the uninvited wave of sensation.
"Dang it! What're ya tryin' ta do, woman?"
Oh, it was quite obvious what she was trying to do. But why? Why had she unzipped the fly of his jeans and thrust her greedy little hand inside to -sweet jesus!- This was not appropriate boss-employee behavior. He should file a sexual harassment complaint. He should grab her wrist and pull it away from his crotch. He should scold her. Because she was a naughty, naughty girl. But that just brought to mind deliciously fresh memories of their little round of light-hearted rough sex play that morning. Who would've guessed that Kateri LaPointe, steel-willed ex-spy businesswoman, liked to be spanked while-
Okay. shove that image aside. He definitely didn't want to think about the woman's gloriously round and naked backside when she had her hand down his pants in what appeared to be a fervent attempt to undo him.
It wasn't going to be pretty if she did. And besides, "We're on the job, Kate!"
He barely managed to get the words out through labored breaths as he tried to hold himself together. Why he hadn't physically removed her hand from his now quite hard arousal, was beyond him.
"Then why are you letting yourself be distracted?" Her voice practically purred in his ear. He both loved and hated when she went all control-freak seductress on him. He probably wouldn't've been so into it if she didn't likewise enjoy surrendering completely to him. It always kept things interesting, wondering whether she would pounce on him and fight him for dominance, or submit to his lead. Or if they would make love in a balance of sweet intimacy. Or apparently, if she would randomly stick her hand down his pants while playing private eye stalking an unfaithful wife.
"Are you flinching, soldier?" Her fondling had intensified with undeniable purpose. He should really pull her hand away. He really should. "Where's all that Ranger training, now?"
"Ain't no one never tried ta jerk me off while in the midst of a firefight, darlin'." And he did grab her wrist, stopping her hand's undesirable (but really oh-so-good) attentions. He could've sworn she growled. He wondered if she was from the Wolf clan... If the Kahnawake Mohawk had a Wolf clan. He'd never asked her. But she certainly had the appetite of a wolf. Her dark eyes definitely held a hungry edge when after several steadying breaths, he stared at his girlfriend who had seemed to have lost her mind.
"Are ya bored or somethin'?" he asked, wondering at her lack of patience and choice of diversion. She shrugged, leaned over and grabbed the camera then proceeded to slide into his lap, focusing the lens through the driver's window as she wiggled about as if trying to get comfortable. He knew she was purposefully rubbing her round ass against his still rock-hard erection, and he had to grab her hips to still her, leaning back into the seat, pinned beneath her slighter body in the small space.
"S' it a full moon?" After he'd taken a minute to close his eyes and focus solely on his breathing, Zeke tried again to probe for a reason to explain her random but not entirely out-of-character behavior. (Damn, the woman had an appetite and he seemed to be her all time favorite dish).
"Actually, there seems to be one out..." She laughed, tapping the window with her finger and drawing his attention to their cheating wife and her lover... Who'd left the blinds open and, oh lord! He felt a blush of embarrassment replace the flush of arousal Kate had stirred up in him. But he supposed it made their lives easier. Incontrovertible proof would certainly bring in a bonus on their 'security consultation' fee. Zeke was just waiting for someone to report them to the authorities about not having a PI license. But if anyone could spin stalking and catching cheating spouses as 'security' work, Kate could.
She had a skilled tongue. It was really rather adept for a variety of uses. And while contemplating some of those uses would only make him 'uncomfortable' again, there was one he just couldn't resist employing.
"Zeke!" she yelped as he yanked the camera from her hand and tossed it into the back seat. "What the-"
He cut her off by pulling her into a kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth to tease hers to come out and play. And did she ever respond to the invitation.
He loved that he could do that to her. She'd been teasing him about enduring distractions, but he could sometimes (not often, but once in a while) make her forget her razor sharp focus, forget the mission and her objective... And if he were really on his game, he could even make her forget the entire world beyond their two bodies.
He could tell that despite having had a very thorough romp not twelve hours ago, Kate was desperate for some lovin'. Voracious, even.
And a predator! She'd shifted position to straddle him with marked agility in the small space. And her hands were burrowing beneath his clothes again, as she scented his weakness and prepared to pick him off, go in for the kill.
Wolf Clan. She just had to be. Predatory. Loyal. Fiercely protective of her pack. Territorial...
And wild! She drove him absolutely wild. How did she- Holy crap! How had she already- oh, god!
He could only grab her hips and hang on for the ride. It was too late to protest that they were risking citation for lewd acts because her hands had found him again and a split-second later her wet heat had enveloped him. And now she was moving with determined purpose, her hands braced against the seat on either side of him, her dark brown eyes looking disturbingly black in the dim light as she stared into him like she had a mind to consume his soul. Her heavy breathing was rattling in her throat like a growl.
It was the scary-sexiest thing he'd ever experienced as she rode him to her climax, leaning in to suck at his neck, her teeth bruising his skin as the orgasm tore through her. Rather than backing off or soothing the spot with a kiss, she only bit down harder as her tight, spasming inner muscles tore his climax from him, her teeth accenting the flash of ecstasy with a twinge of pain at his throat.
She wasn't a wolf. She was a goddang werewolf. It was the full moon. And he was a fucking dead man.
"Maybe I should drive?"
Zeke blinked against the stars in his vision until he could see Kate's beautiful face, the fierce intensity now replaced with satisfied serenity. She was gently stroking the side of his stubble laden jaw, her hand running down his throat and over his chest to toy with his sweat-dampened t-shirt. She'd done most of the work, but the encounter had been vigorous enough that he'd begun to perspire.
He needed a shower. And to pass out on the floor for an hour or two.
His fatigue must have shown, because she was giving him a concerned look. She got no credit for it from him, however, since she hadn't been very concerned about making him blackout as she ravished him. Yes. He'd been ravished like a dang maiden in a romance novel.
He shook his head as she reached to open the driver's side door and push him out, to take control. But she'd already had more than her fair share of playing the dominant, so instead he shooed her back to the passenger seat.
"Ya done 'nough drivin' fer the moment, wolf-woman," he said, giving her a quick kiss before he focused on getting their naughty asses home.
Kate laughed.
(For more Kate & Zeke adventures, check out my other stories on this site or visit kateandzeke dot tumblr dot com.)