He was laughing at something his mother was saying. His wide mouthed, loud, awkward laugh. He was such a spaz sometimes. But he's cool. He came to visit me in the hospital and always somehow had time for me. Cool friend.
He turned to me where I was lying against the counter, drinking the tea his sister had bought especially for me.
"Come on," he said, "let's go watch a movie."
"Sure," I replied.
His mother gave him a pat on his back as he walked past her to his room. His room was just next to the kitchen, literally his door opened into it. He sprang onto his bed and started searching for the TV remote.
"Should I close the door?" I asked as I walked in.
"Naw, just leave it ajar so that she doesn't get suspicious or something." I pushed the door till there was still about a ruler space open, and went to sit on his bed. I could see his mother baking cookies and singing to herself.
He found the remote and lied back against his pillow.
"So, what do you wanna watch?" He was always too concerned with other people's comfort. He literally sometimes sent me a list of possible movies so that I could choose beforehand.
"I don't care, anything is good." He chose what looked like some cop-comedy, and got himself comfortable under the covers.
"Lie down," he said, and patted the space in front him on his single bed.
Frowning a little I lied down. This was weird, he usually never bothered about where I sat or lied. And there was not really space for me to lie, without us having to cuddle or being squished together. So I just sort of leaned back facing the TV; which was next to the door; and resting my head on my hand. I could see his mother now putting the cookies in the oven and disappearing behind the wall as she walked away.
He chuckled behind me, sort of a snorty chuckle.
"Don't wanna get under the covers?" he asked.
"Uh sure, why not," I said. Trying my best to not sound weirded out. So gingerly I got under the covers, and resumed my awkward position. It was warm, and I could feel the heat from his legs behind me.
"Can you see?" I asked, realising that I might be blocking his view.
"No," he said, in a very calm voice, and pulled me closer to him, off my hand, and into his arms. I was shocked, but it felt nice, him holding me. I could feel his chest behind my back, and how he breathed. He put his one arm under his head, so that he could see, and the other around my stomach, resting his hand on my arm.
I've always had restless feet, and people usually get irritated by me when I lie next them, and can't keep my feet still. But he started playing along with them, stroking and tangling them with his own.
My attention was now completely gone from the movie. Every part of my body could feel him, and I could feel myself starting to get wet. I never realised my body craved being so close to his until now.
He wiggled his leg in between mine, and moved his hand to start tickling my stomach under my shirt. I could feel his breathing very close to me now, in my neck. He was never like this. He was usually just the awkward guy, who laughed at the weirdest things, and didn't wash his hair enough in high school. I felt stunned, amazed, and most of all aroused.
His hand on my stomach started wandering, closer and closer to the elastic of my skirt. There it played and scratched for a bit till moving on, still on top of my skirt. I could feel my heart pounding faster, my body wanted him. His breath, however remained calm in my ear.
The hand was now rubbing my thigh, first down the length on the side, then moving to the back, where every nerve was on end. Somehow he must have known that I was ticklish, because his fingers started playing, tapping and stroking lightly on the skin. I almost giggled, but I was doing my best to ignore what I was feeling for some reason. At last his hand moved to the front of my leg, it started just above my knee and moved upwards and closer to the middle. In the fold of my hip and thigh it stroked and played for a bit, before suddenly moving to my pussy. His hand cupped the round of it and squeezed it over my underwear.
For a beat I could hear his breath getting hungry before he caught himself, and calmed it down. He had worked my skirt completely out of way by now, and I could feel the hard of his cock in his pants behind me. I wanted to turn around and let him tear my clothes off, but I knew I couldn't, his mother was still in the house, not that it seemed to bother him.
His hand was now removing my underwear, slowly working them down with one hand. For a moment I lifted my hips a little so that he could slip them off easier. His one leg, still entangled with mine finished the job and lifted them off my ever moving feet. The hand was once again wondering around on my skin, teasing me. I took a shaky breath and hearing it his hand started rubbing my clit. My breath deepened and my back arched towards him.
Suddenly I could hear his mother walking back into the kitchen. My eyes flew open. She was taking the cookies out of the oven. Her son was still slowly rubbing my clit, and had only lifted a knee so that his mother wouldn't see the movement. My heart was pounding in my chest, she was packing out the cookies so that it could cool down, and gave us a smile as she walked out again.
His hand moved lower and slipped two fingers into me. He fingered me till I was close to the edge, going harder and harder with every entry, never going faster. My breath had become shallow, and I had to do everything to keep it calm, and slow.
He had become really hard, and he started grinding against me. His hand left my skin, I could feel him undo his pants, his legs wriggling as he kicked them off. Now he slipped his hand between my butt cheeks and the between my legs entering me again. He was still grinding me and I could feel his cock on my ass. His breathing became fast and almost desperate, and he removed his hand again. Only to take his cock in it and move it to my pussy. I could feel the tip, he was teasing me, and enjoying it.
His hand found my opening again and smeared my wetness all over. With a sudden ram of his hips he entered me. His cock was big, not that long but very thick. He moved in and out of me with a slow rocking motion. My own hand moved to his leg, wrapping it around me, getting him closer, and deeper inside of me.
His mother walked into the kitchen again, and my heart stopped. He just lifted his knee again and fixed his gaze on the TV. But he stayed inside of me. His cock was throbbing.
"I'm quickly going to the shop," his mother called from the kitchen, she seemed to be looking for her keys. "do you guys want anything?"
"Maybe just some chips," he called from behind me.
"Okay, sure. Ah, here they are." she said, putting her keys in her handbag. "See you two in a bit! Enjoy the movie!" she called as she walked out of the kitchen.
His leg lowered around me again. And he began his rocking motion again. His hand found my stomach and travelled upwards to my breasts. He cupped one as he was rocking against me, squeezing it and playing with the nipple. His entire body was now pressing against my back.
We heard the front door close, and his head moved closer to my neck. Next the engine started up, and his lips planted on my neck. My entire body got goose bumps. The gate closed and he pulled me onto my back, slipping out of me.
I looked up, and saw his amazing green eyes. Filled with hunger for me. My chest moved as my breath got quicker. He kept staring straight into my eyes as he positioned himself above me. He threw the covers from our bodies, and started kissing my neck again. My hands flew to his hair, which was soft, and long. I bent my back towards him again, and let out a moan as his mouth found a nipple. His lips were as soft as his hair, and his tongue was rough and warm. His hand found my other breast again, and started playing, he switched his mouth to the other nipple now, and I moaned again with the newfound pleasure. My hand pressed his head closer to me while the other moved to take a hold of his cock. He let out a breath of pleasure as I rubbed him. His already hard cock got even harder, I kept rubbing till I could feel him becoming shaky. Then I stopped. His face turned up at me, and I gave him a smug smile. Looking me in the eye he moved his head down to my pussy. He placed his warm tongue on me and started licking and sucking. The pleasure rushed through my body and I lifted my hips closed to him, flinging my head back and letting out a scream of enjoyment.
He kept on eating me out till I was close to the edge. Then he stopped, looked up and returned the smug smile. Out of breathe and high on pleasure I pulled him up to my face again. I started kissing him in the neck. His day old beard was rough and lovely against my face. My hand took his cock, and showed it the way to enter me. As soon as he was in me he started moving his hips, rocking against me again, going faster and faster, burying his head in my neck. His hands were holding onto my middle, making me move with him.
I had never felt such pleasure before, not with anyone. I was constantly moaning and screaming as he went deeper in me. Finally I reached the edge again, and orgasmed so hard I could feel his cock straining against the contractions of my pussy. He let out a moan and a sigh as he pulled out of me and sprayed his load all over my breasts.
Looking me in the eye, he leaned forward and kissed me passionately on the mouth. His tongue finding mine. He pulled away slightly and looked at me again.
"I like you, you know," he said, "as more than a friend."
"I figured." I said, and pulled him closer again.
A/N: this is based on a dream I had last night about having sex with a friend. This is also the first time I've written smut, so please, comment if you want.