Cosmic Love

01 | Indescribable Colours

"The rest of the world was black and white,
but we were in screaming color."

—Out of the Woods, TS


That's what they were. Their soul, what once was pure and good, now tainted with evil and darkness. Felicity quivered as she slowly backed away from the beast watching her, circling her like she was its prey.

Horrors of nature.

They were never meant to exist—they were uncultured, untamable, wild beasts.

So why in the worlds would her instincts made her approach it than run from it? It was strange. Very unnatural. She was supposed to kill it or at least run back to the village. That was what they were taught to do if ever they come across a monster in the forest, but she couldn't help but to feel a sort of pull to the fiend. It was what everyone in her village had warned her about—large, bright-eyed monsters who purely ran on impulses with no capability to reason with.

It was stupid of her to explore the woods by herself, thinking that she wouldn't run into any danger. But as luck would put it, danger found her in the form of a large, dark wolf with the brightest blue eyes she'd ever seen on anything living.

Felicity quickly covered her eyes and curled up into a ball as if to hide from the beast, patiently waiting for her end and wishing that someone from the village would come and find her. She wouldn't be able to outrun it and there was no means of escape. She had to accept her fate and face the consequences of disobeying the rules of her village.

Moments passed and the beast didn't attack her.

Summoning up all her bravery, secretly hoping that the beast found her not meaty enough to leave her be, Felicity took a peek at the wolf only to find a boy with the darkest hair and the darkest eyes covered in dirt staring curiously at her. Her eyes widened as she stared blankly at the boy, wondering where the wolf had gotten into. The forest was silent and she saw no signs of the monster that was watching her earlier.

Had the boy saved her?

He only stared at her with mild curiosity.

"You saved me," she told him gratefully, sighing with relief. She doesn't recognize him as anyone from her village so she figured that he must have been someone from a nearby village, wandering around the forest like her. And by the looks of his disheveled and dirty appearance, she figured that he must have been out there for a long time. Pulling out the sweets and a small blanket from her basket, she carefully unwrapped the baked goods after placing the blanket in between her and the boy.

"This is all I have," she said shyly, the corner of her lips lifting upwards as she smiled widely at the boy. "But they are very tasty," Felicity assured him as she raised her eyes to meet with the boy's black ones and suddenly, a biggest smile broke on his face.

His smile was lovely, she realized, her eyes drawn to the missing front tooth of his set of teeth.

"My name is Felicity," she introduced, taking a pastry before urging the boy to do the same. She couldn't have him starve after he'd saved her from the monster. "I live down the village there"—she pointed at the direction behind her—"How about you?"

The boy took a pastry of his own as well, biting onto it and tasting its flavours. His eyes lit up at the first bite and Felicity couldn't help but to giggle at how fast and happily he looked eating the pastry. "Sirius," he replied just as enthusiastically after he finished his piece. "I live in the forest."

Felicity gasps as his words dawned. There were monsters roaming the forest and they grew scarier at night. How could his village survive? Perhaps his village were full of strong hunters, able to scare off the beasts. Perhaps Sirius himself was one as well, seeing that he was able to save her from the monster.

"How do you fend off the monsters at night?"

Her new friend looked at her strangely, a strange expression on his face. "There's no such thing as monsters."

Felicity's eyes grew in admiration. "You're very brave."

Her words seemed to have struck something with the boy for that he sat up straighter and puffed his chest out proudly. "I am," he agreed with a nod, a hint of confidence in his tone. He seemed very pleased with her compliment. He was smiling still, and it was different from his earlier smile but she liked it just as much. "I'm going to be alpha when I grow up."

Felicity frowned in puzzlement, not familiar with the word 'alpha.' It seemed like something very important to him and she was curious on what it was. She wanted to know and understand him. "What's that?"

He faltered for a second. "What's what?" the boy wondered in the same confused tone.

"What's an alpha?" she clarified.

Sirius watched her oddly, as if it was something she should have known—like it was common knowledge. "An alpha is the leader of a pack."

"A pack?" she echoed. And at that moment, he realized that she wasn't one of them. But even so, he liked her and the food she gave him.

He tilted his head to the side, as if thinking of how to explain it to her. He'd never had to explain the concept of pack because pack was pack. It's been something that was just there the moment he was born and it wasn't something he thought about at all. He thought of his parents and siblings, his neighbours and friends, and everyone else part of his pack. He couldn't list all those people to her as it would have taken far too long to do so. "It's a group of us."

"Oh," she said, understanding. Alpha must have been another way of calling someone the chief of the village, Felicity concluded. Her admiration for the boy grew tenfold. She hadn't dreamt of being chief or anything else once she was an adult but this boy already knew what he was going to be. She couldn't help but to feel drawn to his self-confidence. "You must be very important then."

He grinned and nodded. "I am." Then he held out his hand towards her. "Do you want to be pack?"

She hesitated. She didn't want to leave her Mama and Papa and all her friends. "I don't want to leave my Mama and Papa," she admitted in a small voice.

"You don't have to," Sirius told her. "As long as we see each other lots of times."

Felicity liked that. "Okay. How do I become pack?" she wondered curiously.

"I can just say so and you'll be back," he answered positively. "And if anyone tries to hurt you, I'll protect you."

"Always?" she asked, her voice light.

Sirius' eyes met Felicity's and for a second, she noticed a flicker of blue in them. He looked at her intensely, making her feel like his words were ones she could trust.

"Always," he promised.

Felicity nodded without hesitation, taking the boy's hand, knowing how brave the boy was and how he'd rescue her from the wolf. He wouldn't let her down. "Only if you're the alpha."

He smiled widely, toothy grin and all. "I will be," he swore. "I'm the only one in my friends who can shift."

Felicity blinked at him, wondering why he said such funny things. "How do you shift?" she wondered. Was it some sort of magic she'd never heard of? All she'd been learning from the teachers were how to properly grow and brew herbs.

He just grinned at her, taking a step back before looking around to make sure that no one was around them.

"I'll show you."

And suddenly, he crouched down and his two arms and two legs quickly became four legs, black hair growing at an incredibly fast rate all over his skin. Felicity gasped as she witnessed the so-called shift. In a blink of an eye, her new friend had transformed into the wolf that terrified her a moment ago.

Felicity's eyes widened and she backed away from fear.

He hadn't saved her from the monster.

He was the monster.

Sirius noticed her flinch from his animal form and felt a pang on his chest as he watched his new friend look at him with horror. Taking a step forward, Felicity's eyes just grew in fear even more and he forced himself to turn human again. He didn't want to scare her—he just wanted to show her what he was capable of doing!

"Felicity?" he asked, looking at her with so much concern and tenderness that she couldn't believe he'd just been a monster not a second ago. He knew that she was different from him—from them—but he didn't know how far apart their worlds actually were. She was terrified of his beastly counterpart but it was him just as much as his human counterpart. But for those brief seconds, he was a monster in her eyes.

Felicity, wild eyed, stared at him in an expression he couldn't recognize. "You turned into a—"

"Wolf," he answered cautiously. If anyone else, he would have said the word smugly but he couldn't bear to see the fear in her eyes. He didn't want to scare her any further. "Everyone in my family can."


He shrugged, suddenly shy about it. If she found it scary, like it was not normal, could it mean that his whole pack was not normal? Were they that different from everyone else? "Dunno." He kept looking at her frightened gaze. "A-are you angry?"

The vulnerability in his tone made Felicity's heart ache. She wasn't angry—no, she couldn't be. He was her friend and he promised to protect her. She shouldn't be scared of him. "I was just surprised."

He smiled, relief washing over his face. "I won't hurt you."

Felicity grinned, believing his words. "Promise?"

"I promise," he said. And he meant it to the deepest depths of his heart.



Felicity and Sirius found each other in the forest as often soon after. Every time Felicity would go to the forest in search of her dear friend, Sirius will show up not a moment after. It was as if he knew exactly when she wanted to see him.

At some days, they would play with sticks and pretend to be soldiers in war with the forest's trees. At some days, they would lie on a field and watch the sky and the clouds as they told each other everything since they've last met. Occasionally, Sirius would help Felicity look for herbs in the forest and he seemed to be really good at finding everything she needed, especially when he turned into a wolf.

She wasn't scared of Sirius' animal counterpart. In fact, she enjoyed cuddling with it during lazy afternoons when they would hurdle by the cliffs or the river and let the days pass by. He would tell her how it felt to be a wolf and she would tell him everything she knew about magic. Neither completely understood the other but both understood the importance of such topic but they both admired the other's abilities.

On her seventh birthday, two months after their first meeting, Sirius gave her a crystal. It was black and small and shiny at some edges. The rock was held by a silver line of metal going around it and it hooking onto a silver chain. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

"It's obsidian," he told her when she put the necklace on, examining the crystal in awe. "I found it when I was exploring by the volcanoes." She'd never seen that kind of crystal in the market—it was purely black, much like her friend's eyes. And she loved it even more for that.

"Thank you," she said gratefully, pulling Sirius into a tight embrace. "It's very beautiful."

And he held onto her tightly, relishing on the way how she made him feel so naturally complete. He didn't want the embrace but she pulled back soon after but only to take his hands, pulling him into another day of adventure.

For his ninth birthday, Felicity brought Sirius a basket full of pastries, made especially by her. After Sirius finished most of the basket's contents, Felicity handed him a small bag.

"What's this for?" he asked, eyeing the bag strangely. He felt something inside and grinned. "Aw shucks, Flick. You didn't have to get me anything."

"Don't call me Flick," she muttered, glaring at the boy. The nickname stuck after he'd jokingly flicked her once and caused her to loose balance and topple over. He found it all amusing and she felt all too embarrassed.

He just laughed, untying the knot on the bag and pulling out a small ring. The ring was silver and instead of a rock bound to it, there was clear a clear glass enclosing beautiful, moving swirls of a multitude of colours.

"It's a good luck charm," she told him proudly. "It's made out of special herbs and I encased it in the glass after filling it with magic from four-leaf clovers—that's why the colours inside are moving. It's supposed to keep evil off of you."

Without hesitation, Sirius put on the ring, grinning widely at her. "Thanks, Flick," he said, the ring quickly being his most prized possession. "I'll never take it off."



As the years passed, the older they grew and the less they saw one another. Daily meetings turned to weekly meetings. And as the weeks dragged on, they'd find their meetings growing more scarce as they see each other once a month, sometimes skipping a month altogether. They would often miss each other and the times they spent together, both Sirius and Felicity cherished them with all their hearts. But deep down, they both knew that their friendship would not last very long.

Sirius could not skip anymore of his lessons as he was to be the leader of their pack once he was old enough and his father retires. Seeing Felicity was quickly becoming less and less of a priority as his responsibilities grew. Still, he couldn't help but to miss her and wish that he was with her almost every minute of the day.

Similarly, Felicity grew busy as she continued studying magic. The information in the books were not enough and she wanted to know more. She began doing her own research and experiments at the delicate age of nine and she recorded everything she learned in her own journals. As her knowledge of magic grew, the stronger she became. The stronger she became, the more respected she and her family received from everyone in the villagers. Soon enough, her meetings with Sirius was quickly becoming a faint memory in her mind.



She was just fourteen but she was easily the most knowledgeable and most powerful witch in the village. Her thirst for knowledge was growing and she couldn't help but to feel a sort of wanderlust, feeling the need to seek out more. More knowledge, more magic. Just something more in her life.

There was a hollow feeling in her chest that she couldn't fill up. It was as if a piece of her was missing and she was determined to find it. Two days after she had turned fourteen, Felicity packed a satchel and headed out into the world.



The last Sirius had seen Flick was more than two years ago. He missed her smile, her laugh, her glares, her stories—he missed her. But he couldn't help but wonder if what they had together was over. They were just kids back then and as much as he enjoyed her friendship, he knew that they were far too different.

Her kind practiced sacred magic and saw his kind as an abomination to nature. His kind were meant to exist, according to her kind. And sometimes, when he's in a middle of a hunt, he feared that he was enjoying the hunt more than the actual capture of the prey. It was as if the beast inside him was more in control and that terrified him. It made him wonder if perhaps her kind was right—that perhaps, his kind wasn't meant to be in this planet in the first place.

He was in a middle of a hunt when he caught a familiar scent.

Forgetting his prey, Sirius turned to the direction of the scent, adrenaline rushing through his veins. He couldn't quite believe that he could smell her, let alone remember her scent after so long ago. As much as he wanted to just let her be, something inside him—something deep in his soul—was forcing him to seek her out. To see her once more after years and years of her absence. He knew that her kind would have taught her about his kind—that she might not even hesitate on killing him. But he disregarded those thoughts and like the monster he was, he hunted her through the forest.

When finally—finally—he found her, she was cornered and being circled by a group of wolves—animals, not shifters. And the sight of her in danger did something terrible to his senses. Suddenly, he was growing angry—angry at the wolves who dared endanger his Felicity. But before he could jump in a protect her, Felicity pulled out a branch hidden under the sleeves of her dress and pointed it at a wolf.

Sirius saw her lips move, followed by one of the wolves being thrown towards a tree in a loud thump.

Run, something inside him whispered.

But he couldn't; he wouldn't. This was Felicity, his Flick. And she was just as powerful as she was beautiful. The years had been kind to her and he quickly found himself drawn to her graceful movements of her body and the small quirky smile on her lips.

Felicity fought her battle, not seeming to break a sweat as she concentrated on the wolves in front of her. They were slowly retreating, realizing that this prey was not prey and could easily kill them. And Sirius could never be more proud of his little Flick.

However, when he saw a shadow behind her, Sirius tensed and got ready to pounce on the wolf readying to attack his Flick from behind. She was too focused on what was in front of her that she didn't realize that something was about to attack her from her blind spot.

Without hesitation, Sirius jumped from where he was hiding and tackled the larger wolf behind Felicity, scratching and biting and fighting the wolf to stand down. It didn't take too long for the animal to realize what he was dealing with as it quickly stopped fighting and bowed to submission.

Releasing the animal from his hold, Sirius let out a growl of warning before letting the pack of wolves go.

"Well, well, well."

If his wolf form could grin, Sirius would be smiling widely right now. Slowly, he turned around to face Felicity, who seemed much smaller than he remembered. Then again, he'd grown quite a bit since the last time he'd seen here. Sirius crouched down before he shifted back to his human form.

"Told you I'd protect you, didn't I?" he said cheekily.

Felicity's face suddenly turned red as she stared at him with wide eyes. Quick as lightning, she turned around and crossed her arms over her chest. "You could have protected from your nudity as well," she claimed, sounding a little flushed.

Sirius laughed. He was comfortable in his skin but he figured that being naked after a shift was not a daily occurrence in her village. It made him curious if he was the first named person she'd seen.

With a quick chant of words, a bag of clothes appeared in front of him and he quickly put them on before announcing to Felicity that he was now decent. She hesitated on turning around but she faced him slowly, relieved that his lack of clothing was not fixed.

"What brings you to the forest?" he asked casually as he took in the sight of her. She was so, so beautiful. He wanted to engrave this picture of Felicity in his mind because he knew that the chances of the two of them meeting again was highly unlikely.

She smiled and it took his breath away. "Making my way to the next village," she answered. "I'm studying magic, trying to grow my knowledge on the phenomenon."

Sirius laughed and Felicity couldn't help but to feel warmth spreading through her body at the sound of his laughter. "You've always been my smart, little witch, Flick," he said, pulling his arms out to indicate that he wanted her to hug him. Without even thinking about it, Felicity melted into his arms, wrapping her arms around his body, enjoying the feeling of warmth and familiarity as he held her close.

"I've missed you, Sirius," she whispered and she never realized how lonely she actually was until that moment. It wasn't just knowledge she craved—it was companionship.

Her words only made his embrace tighter. "I've missed you, too, Flick," he said honestly.

Felicity's plans on hurrying to the next village quickly faded from her mind as she and Sirius spent the rest of the day and night together, telling one another every single thing that happened in their lives. Sirius hunted fishes for the night and Felicity collected fire woods and started the fire. They stayed side-by-side until the sun rose the next day.

Goodbye was bittersweet as this reunion only reminded both Sirius and Felicity the loneliness they felt without the other. But she had to continue her journey and he had to get back to his pack. If the fates wanted their paths to cross again, they eventually will.



Two years had passed since Felicity had left her village. It's been two years since she'd last seen Sirius as well. And in those two years, her power grew much stronger than she could ever imagine. Though, despite the knowledge she acquired throughout the years, despite the wonderful places she'd seen, she still felt as though something was missing.

As she found herself wandering through the forest, her feet moving on their own until she recognized where they've taken her. It was a meadow, a place she once held dear in her heart. It seemed like ages ago that she's been to this place—it's been years since she visited this place. Her heart warmed at the memory of Sirius and her lying on the field, wasting the days away.

Oh, how she wished things could be so simple again.

Felicity sat down, feeling the blades of the grass on her feet, the cool breeze of the wind blowing through her hair, the sun shining down her face. If only she could go back to the time where all of her worries were not getting caught sneaking into the forest to see Sirius.

Her guard was down as she enjoyed the afternoon but that didn't mean she wasn't aware of her surroundings.

"I would have thought that two years was enough time for you to learn how to be sneaky, Wolf Boy," she called out, her eyes still closed as she took a breath. He was close enough to hear her but not enough for her to hear him approaching or even smell him. But she could feel his presence nearby. The very distinct aura he presented wherever he went—she could recognize it better now.

There was a chuckle and suddenly, a shadow was casted over her as Sirius appeared in front of her, blocking her sun. "It's good to see you, Flick," he said tenderly.

Felicity opened her eyes, only to meet Sirius' black ones. "You too, Sirius," she replied, a small smile forming on her lips. Sirius returned the smile before taking a seat beside her, throwing his head back as he soaked in the warm rays of the sun. Felicity turned her gaze towards him. His hair was longer, messier, and it seemed like it was a black as ever. Sirius grew up well and blessed, she thought to herself. He was muscular in all the right places, his face angular and his voice. It did wonders to her heart.

"You're not so bad yourself," he said a moment later, turning slightly so that his eyes met hers. It was a brief contact as Sirius' gaze suddenly went lower, appraising her body before slowly travelling back up, meeting her eyes once again. A full grin was on his lips.

Felicity withdrew a breath she didn't know she was holding and forced herself to look away but not before rolling her eyes. She was older now, she was wiser. She knew more about the world and was a little less naïve.

"I know," she said smugly before doing her own throughout assessment of his body.

Sirius decided to entertain her, posing and flexing his muscles and making awful faces. Felicity laughed, she threw her head back, closed her eyes, and let out a wholehearted laugh. And for the first time in the longest time, she didn't feel alone.

"So, tell me about your adventures," he said, resting his head against her lap, shifting and wrapping his arms around her waist to get comfortable. "It's been two years, Flick. You've got to have some cool stories to tell me."

And she did. She told him about the people she met—mostly humans but she came across several shifters and strong witches and monsters during her adventures; the places she been to—she told him about a land covered in frozen water, she told him about the desert and the valleys and mountains she'd explored; and she told him about some of the enemies she made along the way.

Sirius listened to her stories, interrupting her to ask questions and sometimes to make fun of her. But she didn't mind it. She loved how he seemed to be so invested in what she was saying—like he wanted to know so much that it was like he was there with her during her adventures.

"If you're ever in trouble," Sirius said, sitting up. He turned to face her, his hands suddenly holding her by the arms as he pulled her closer to him, their faces barely inches apart. "If you ever need help," he whispered in a dangerous earnest tone, the distance between them so close that she could practically taste him on her lips. "I'll always be here for you, Flick."

She smiled at the sincerity of his words. In this ever changing, never stopping world, no matter what happened, Felicity knew that she could always count of Sirius to be the consistent constant in her life.

"And I'll always be here for you." The words left her lips before she could even process them, but the moment she said them, Felicity knew that they were real. She reached up and placed her hands over his and she felt something hard in one of his fingers.

Taking his gaze off of his, Felicity looked at the hand she was holding. She pulled it off her shoulder only to examine the silver ring tucked in his pinky finger.

"You're unmated?" she asked, confused. Sirius was now eighteen and from her travels, she knew that shifters had the tendency to go out and look for their 'soul mate.' It was something she had a hard time grasping but eventually accepted. Their soul is pulled to another soul and it was just their nature. This had a tendency to start the moment their sexuality has been discovered and she doubted that Sirius was innocent enough to not be pulled to find his other half.

Sirius frowned at her question. "What do you mean?" he asked. He figured that she learned a lot about shifters but he didn't think that she would be able to pick up that he was unmated.

"You're still wearing my ring," Felicity answered cautiously. "If you were mated, she would have made you take it off." Their kind was more or less very territorial, still somewhat driven by instincts and sharing was never something shifters were so keen on. If he were mated, the ring would have been off of his finger and been long and forgotten.

"Of course," he answered, his voice barely a whisper, as his eyes glance down to her lips before he caught his train of thought and forcing his gaze up to her eyes again. Sirius noticed that her eyes had wandered down to the hand with the good luck ring. He watched her as she watched his fingers slowly intertwine with hers, holding onto her firmly, yet tenderly.

"You gave it to me," he told her. With his free hand, Sirius reached towards her, placing it on her jaw, his thumb tracing the soft skin just below her lips. "It's very important to me."

Felicity's eyes widened and she pulled back abruptly. She let go of his grasp and gasped.

Sirius blinked at her, noticing the silver chain hanging around her neck. Without a second thought, he reached out and pulled the chain over her clothes and a large smile grew on his lips. It was the obsidian crystal he'd given her.

She still wore it.

Felicity looked away, not meeting his gaze. Her face was turning red and she kept her eyes to the side. She didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. He could feel her temperature rising, hear her heart beating faster, her breath more ragged.

Felicity gasped when the proximity between them grew as Sirius inched closer. Still, she didn't stir.

"Felicity?" he whispered her name to her ear. It was so tender, so hot, and so sweet that she couldn't repress the moan inevitably escaped her lips.


Something inside him snapped.

"Do you want to know why I'm unmated, Flick?" Sirius asked, and suddenly, Felicity found herself lying back on the ground with Sirius' hard body over her. His hands held on to her by the wrist, keeping them locked at the side of her head as his face hovered over hers. His lips were tracing hot fire across her skin and she couldn't help but to moan some more at the way he was making her feel.

Felicity was terrified, but not of Sirius. She trusted him with her life regardless of the time they spent apart. But she was scared of what would happen if he did what she thought he was going to do. He was an unmated, hormonal, teenage shifter at his prime. And with the position they were in, it was quite obvious what he wanted to do to her. Felicity looked at him, her eyes now meeting a pair of blues and she knew that he was a lost cause.

Sirius was purely running on instincts and Felicity knew what his instincts were screaming of his to do. She wasn't going to let him do that—no. Not now, not ever.

"Sirius, please, don't do this," she begged, staring at him with wide eyes. Her wand and potions weren't at her disposal and she was too much in a panic to conjure up magic to make up go away. And if anything, he seemed to be more powerful that she was at that moment. Whatever she strikes him with, she was sure it would only deflect back to her.

"Now, come on, Flick, ask my why I'm still unmated," he urged, chuckling slightly. He was trailing light and quick kisses down her jaw, his lips turning her into a twitching mess. "I promise I won't lie to you."

Truth was: she didn't want to know why he was still unmated. She knew she wouldn't like the answer. "Sirius, stop," she told him, struggling but her resolve was weak. His power over her was too great and she wasn't even completely certain why she was trying to deny him—both of them—this.

Felicity's struggling seemed to have encouraged him even more. Her struggles were futile against his physical strength and he seemed to find pleasure in seeing and feeling her squirm beneath him.

"Oh, fuck, Flick." He was growling now and Felicity felt something long and hard between her legs as Sirius began to rub his groin against hers. His grip on her wrist grew stronger and Felicity gasped at the sudden pressure Sirius was doing to her body.

She was squirming, the feeling of—of something—an intense pressure of some sort—building up inside her.

"Come on, ask me, Flick, ask," he all but growled, sounding all too desperate for her to ask. Wanting for the pressure in her body to end, Felicity did what she was told and asked Sirius in struggle: "W-why are you u-unmated?"

And suddenly, Sirius stopped his jerking, her body, much to her dismay, disappointed at the sudden halt of Sirius' movements. His body was hovering over hers, his lips mere inches from her lips as he have yet to kiss her properly.

"Because of you," Sirius told her, a moment later, his eyes bright and blue like how they looked if he was a wolf. His voice was soft and gentle and he was out of breath, much like she was.

"Why me?" Felicity found herself asking, her eyes drawn to his.

Was he waiting for her approval of his mate? Some shifters had asked her to predict if they would have happy futures and she would do her best. Was Sirius waiting for her to predict his future before settling with a mate? She figured that it would be hard to find his soul mate as being the next alpha of his pack, many girls would have tried to throw themselves at him and compromise him for his title.

If so, he didn't have to wait for her. Felicity was a drifter; she didn't even know that she was going to back here until she was already here. Sirius could have paid another witch to do it for him. He didn't have to wait for her.

"Because you're mine."

That was when Felicity's world came crashing down. Sirius was going to mate with her. And when he does, it would mean that she would have to be stuck there. Forever.

She wouldn't be able to travel to different places as she would need to be here with him at all times.

No, she wanted to yell but her ability to speak quickly abandoned her as the weight of Sirius' words crushed her. Felicity began to thrash. She couldn't have that. She didn't want that. She needed to get out of here. She needed to get away from him. She needed to be protected from him.

He let go of her wrist which gave her the opportunity to get up and run but Sirius was too quick. His hands grasped her by the waist and pulled her back towards him, his hips meeting hers and the burning pressure from earlier came back as Sirius began to grind his hips hard against hers.

All felicity could manage do to was gasp.

The wand tucked inside her sleeves were long forgotten as Sirius puller her body hard against his in a painful slowness.

"Goddamn," Sirius all but growled as he took a deep breath, his eyes glazed over by lust.

Felicity closed her eyes as the building pressure started to feel more pleasurable than agonizing. The only sound in the field was her wanton moaning and Sirius' throaty groans and deep growls. Something was building up inside her and she couldn't help but to throw her head back and her arms around Sirius as she rode out the pleasure.

And suddenly, there was release. The built-up pressure was suddenly released and Felicity felt her body limp, felt her soul quiver, as exhausting quickly took over her body. She wanted to run from here but she couldn't find the energy to do it. From all her years of learning, she didn't know what had just happened nor did she want to experience the frustration and the exhaustion that came with it again.

Sirius gasped the moment her body gave out. "Fucking hell, Flick." She thought that that was the end of it. That it was over. She didn't know that things were barely starting. Through her droopy eyes, she glanced at Sirius, his eyes were even bluer than earlier, if that was possible, and he was breathing in ragged gasps—he looked completely feral.

Felicity didn't know what to make of it as sleep was slowly engulfing her. She was just so tired; she couldn't move anymore. She closed her eyes fully and let the blissful feeling of exhaustion consume her.

But sleep didn't last long as she felt hands lifting her dress up and holding her by the thighs, Sirius' warm skin on hers. Felicity suddenly regained all of her energy the moment Sirius' fingers were hooked on the last piece of clothing that hid her modesty from his eyes. And in a quick tug, her underwear slid down her legs, resting on her knees and Sirius' lips were suddenly planted on her inner thigh, his teeth grazing on the skin as indescribable amounts of pure, unadulterated pleasure shot up her body.

Felicity grabbed the wand tucked in the sleeve of her dress, pulled it out and pointed it at Sirius.

"Pulso retro," she cried after channeling all the energy that surrounded them to that one attack. Sirius was suddenly pushed back by the magic, his body at least two meters from hers. The spell wasn't strong but it was enough to push him back before he could do anymore damage.

Tears were running down her face as she stared her friend, her protector, pointing her wand at his direction. This was a mistake. Coming back here was a mistake. Felicity shouldn't have come back. Her friendship with Sirius was not ruined and she could never ever face him again.

Sirius quickly recovered from the knockback, unsure what just happened. He turned to look at Felicity and grew cold in fear as he saw her wand pointed directly towards him. His heart broke at the sight of her. She was sobbing, pain evident in her expression as she stared at him with big, frightened eyes. At the state of her disheveled, he could only imagine what kind of monster he must have been towards her.


"Obliviscor!" she cried and abruptly waved the wand to his direction.

There was a bright flash of light and the last thing Sirius saw was Felicity's crying face.



[ note:

Spells used:

Pulso retro – (Latin) knock back.

Obliviscor—(Latin) to have the mind darkened; to lose remembrance of; forget.

I'm not very creative so I decided to just use Latin words for the spells. Sorry for the bunch of exposition and the intensity of this chapter but I couldn't find another way to start this story.

xx grace ]