

Balancing the Scales

(A.N) Writing without any incentives is a chore. SMUT alert. The author doesn't endorse cheating when it comes to relationship; this is just his way of making the most of his "alone" time.

Synopsis: A guy is mercilessly teased and seduced by the one girl that his girlfriend envies and fears the most. I hope you enjoy! Comments are always appreciated.


When I was twenty, I worked at a really trendy restaurant. It was pretty big: it also functioned as an in-house catering facility for companies and such.

I was lucky enough to have a job there when I was working my way through college. And by lucky I don't really mean that the work was so awesome or the pay so great, though both were fine. What I mean is that the employees were basically made up of two groups. There was the "established" (cooks, management) in their thirties and forties. Then there was the "help", which consisted of college students putting in their time. Of the latter group, I was one of two guys with the rest all female.

To sweeten the deal, the girls ranged from cute to drop-dead gorgeous. Even luckier (for me, at least), was that the other fellow accidentally sliced his hand one day on the job and, for sanitation and convenience, was let go.

For the sake of clarity, I will only describe two of the girls that worked there with me. The first was Anusha. She was a classy girl and very pretty and mild-mannered. I would say on average among men, she would score an eight, eight and a half out of ten. She would typically turn heads when she walked into the room, but she wasn't the type to openly flaunt her sexuality.

The other girl was Samiksha. She was one of those girls that makes a man hurt with desire. I'd say for looks, she easily scores a nine. But when you factor in her personality, she shoots off the scale. And by personality I'm not trying to say she's got the soul of an angel to go with her looks. On the contrary, she was a little devil. She had to be the most charismatic and seductive female in town. I mean, this girl just oozed sensuality in everything she did, even when she wasn't trying. And what's worse for all of us, is that she knew what she was capable of.

Now working with these beauties was a real treat for me. Naturally, when I first met Samiksha, it was lust at first sight. I also realized very quickly that she was out of my league. Shortly thereafter I realized that a man would have to be insane to go with her as she would surely manipulate the best of them to be putty in her hands. Was I friends with her? Sure. Did we flirt from time to time? Yeah. But I never tried anything with her and she returned the favor.

Meanwhile, I did enter into a relationship with Anusha. We tried to keep it low-key as we didn't want any flak from our co-workers. Eventually everybody found out about it, but it wasn't a big deal because we kept the affection out of the workplace. This, however, is when trouble started brewing.

See, once Samiksha found out I was seeing somebody, my stock soared in her eyes. Now I was something worthy of being conquered. When I was single, I was no big deal. When I was with another girl? Well then, that sounded like fun to Samiksha. Here was a girl who liked to break men just because she could. I don't think she was really out to hurt anybody per se, but she was definitely just thinking about her own vanity and pleasure.

So, as time goes on, she starts to turn up the heat with me. She flirts with me a lot more, brushes up against me, and always finds excuses to be working on something with or near me. At first I don't really make anything of it. I'm just a man, right? I enjoy the attention. But I was naïve enough to think it was no big thing.

My girlfriend Anusha obviously saw things differently. She saw Samiksha moving in on her territory and hated it with a passion. She knew Samiksha was a stone-cold fox. She knew Samiksha could seduce a dead man to life. So she communicated to me in so many words that she would appreciate it if I didn't let Samiksha flirt her way around me. I of course tried to joke it off and assure her she was just being paranoid. I never made a move for her before, why would I now when I have you? This put her at ease somewhat, but we both knew deep down she was still uncomfortable with the situation.

That was the state of affairs for awhile. Samiksha would flirt her best with me; not too over-the-top but enough to flatter and stimulate me. Anusha would notice and hate it. I would try to play down Samiksha's advances and show extra interest to Anusha (especially in front of Samiksha) to establish that I was a taken man. This, however, proved to be a difficult exercise as Samiksha did not give up, and Anusha became colder to me at work to show her displeasure.

I have to admit that, although up to this point I had fantasized about Samiksha as much as any guy would during my "alone" time, I was otherwise still in control of my wandering thoughts. Now, however, I started thinking about her more. The worst part was after work, when out with my girlfriend, she would bring up the topic. "God, I wish Samiksha would just lay off you. She thinks she's so hot, flirting with every guy just because she can." Under normal circumstances I would agree in both word and heart with her, thinking that that type of girl was contemptible. But now, even at the mention of Samiksha's name (and especially when Anusha said it), I could feel my manhood jump and the blood burn in my face.

This was particularly bad at times. Anusha, in her jealousy, would rant, "Fuck, I wish I looked more like Samiksha! She's got that hot little body with big tits that every guy drools over." Well, yeah, she was telling the truth. As I said, Anusha's body was great; but so was Samiksha's. And hearing her reminded me of how fantastic it was definitely did not help the situation. Although I would try to say, "Settle down, you're blowing things out of proportion. I see guys ogling you all the time." It didn't always work, and I would often betray a sheepish smile at the mention of Samiksha's hot body. Then she would blurt out, "See! I knew you think she's hot! Why don't you go fuck her if that's all you think about!" and then the night would be ruined as it devolved into a hopeless fight.

Her envy for Samiksha only served to exacerbate the situation. As they say, we want what we can't have. Well, I already couldn't have Samiksha, and now I couldn't have her "worse". She became my girlfriend's rival, which only added to her forbidden allure. Anusha's insecurity and constant bitching about Samiksha was having the opposite effect of making her seem ever more attractive.

Still, through all this, Anusha and I did have a good relationship. Besides the "Samiksha" issue, we got along famously and were a great couple. It is for this reason that we both put up with the growing tension between us. It is also for this reason that I continued to decline Samiksha's advances (along with the reason that, by this point, I knew she was just trying to conquer me for sport).

I thought I was doing pretty well, all things considered. But one day, things took a turn. I had gone without sex for three weeks, due to the back-to-back disasters of Anusha's period and a follow-up cold. Now I realize this is not that long, but I'd like to remind you that I was a twenty-year old guy, getting it on a regular basis, and working in an environment that was "sexually charged" to say the least. This in itself was not a disaster, but what happened next was.

I had to bring a huge crate of extra dishes down to the storeroom. This was a room down a long winding hall and locked at all times. I was also told that I needed to bring back a few boxes of extra silverware. Carrying the crate in both hands, I backed out through the doorway and into the hall to fulfill the order. At the last minute, Samiksha chimed in that she would come with me and help bring back the silverware.

My heart both jumped in my throat in joy and sunk in despair. This was the duality of my dealings with Samiksha. Part of me craved her attention and affection. The other part of me feared it immensely. Lately it was even worse, due to the aforementioned dry spell. And what would a seductress be if she didn't have a sixth sense to notice that kind of thing? You can bet your monthly wage that she would turn up the heat on her overture.

So we're walking down the hall, me lugging this huge crate and her skipping along in front and beside me. She does that half-backwards walk that lets her face me as we go down the hall, forcing me to look at her. I know she's doing this so that I check her out, and I know she's moving in that subtle way that is sexy but not flat-out pornographic. I've seen this many times and I can handle it, although I admit I was getting hard.

Then she cheats. She breathes, "Man it is hot today!" and grabs the bottom of her shirt. She pulls it up and wipes her forehead with it, revealing her long, flat stomach and most of her wonderful tits, resting perfectly in a little bra. She makes sure I got a good, long look before she pulls it back down. I realize I'm still staring and shake my head away. My face goes red with embarrassment and I don't say anything.

"You look flustered too!" she smiles.

We get to the storeroom and the journey seemed to take forever. As I am still holding the crate, I give a glance to her and to the door, silently asking her to unlock and open it. She checks her pockets and gives me a bullshit astonished look, "Oops! I forgot my key. Do you have yours?"

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, in my pocket," and I start to move to put the crate down.

"Don't stress yourself, I'll get it!"

I honestly did not intend for that to happen.

Within a second she is behind me, pressing her body up against my back. Her hands slide into both my pant pockets. I was wearing loose pants, so she had a lot of room to slip inside. The material was not particularly thick (compared to, say, denim jeans). Feeling her hands on the inside of my thighs with seemingly so thin a barrier was electrifying. I was already hard before, but this was too much. Her body on mine and her hands so close to my manhood made me so hard it ached.

Regaining some composure, I gulped, "Th-that's fine. I will get it..."

But it was no use. "Why? I'll get it, relax..."

Her hands continued to feel about in my pockets. I felt her grab the key and thought, good, get out, please. I was beet red with embarrassment. Don't touch my manhood, you've had your fun, this isn't right. But my wishes were unanswered. I sensed she let go of the key and, the next thing I knew, felt her right hand stroke against my hard-on through my pants and boxers. "Oh my!" she flirted coyly.

She moved her left hand to the base, between my manhood and thigh, and lightly pressed down. This had the effect of both feeling amazing and pushing my hardness up further. That, in turn, gave her better access to stroke it with her right hand. "No wonder you looked so flustered! What has gotten you all worked up?" she feigned innocence.

"Mm-Samiksha... Stop. Just take the key, please."

"What's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

"No you're- you're not hurting me... just, come on, cut it out."

"Mmm, but you seem to be enjoying it. Anusha is a lucky girl to have such big man!"

The mention of my girlfriend made me swallow hard. I was paralyzed. Still holding the crate against my chest with both hands, and with her body to my back, I couldn't just push her away. I probably could have done some maneuver to twist around, take a step away from her, something. But I did nothing. I let her continue, hoping she would be the one to stop, and secretly not knowing if I wanted her to.

"Please," I said, "This is wrong..."

"If it was wrong, then you wouldn't be so excited, would you?"

She was working magic with her hands. A hand job never felt so good in my life, and this girl was doing it through my clothes! I was in some kind of twisted heaven.

"Doesn't Anusha take care of you? If you were my boyfriend, I would always make sure you were satisfied..."

"No she- I mean yes, I- Damn it, this is wrong..." I was stuttering. Was I trying to tell her that? Was I trying to convince myself?

"You already said that, baby. Maybe this being wrong is what makes it hot?"

At those words, even more blood surged to my manhood. It was pulsing with my heartbeat. Fuck, I was never so turned on in my life. "Ah- shit, I..."

"Oh! You like that? I always thought you were a good, faithful boy. But you want to be bad? Is that what gets you off? Does Anusha know this, or is it our little secret?"

My mind was spinning. She was turning me on so bad, and she knew it. I could feel the rush between my legs and I knew I couldn't last much longer. She was going to make me come. For some stupid reason, I told her that, "Samiksha, I'm going- Stop, I'm going to come."

"Yeah, you are. You're so bad. You're going to let me get you off right here. Your girlfriend is just down the hall, and you're letting me jack you off. I bet she thinks I'm such a slut, but who's giving it up right now?"

She was right. I knew she was right. This was so wrong, I knew it was, and that steamed me up so much worse. She kept stroking me. My breathing quickened and I grunted, "Oh fuck!" And then I came. The first jolt shook me so hard that my knees buckled a little. Samiksha held on fast, wrapping her arms tighter around my waist and holding me as she continued to pump my manhood. I continued to spray cum in my pant while helplessly clutching the crate.

Eventually I slowed down and regained some composure. Her hard stroking relaxed into a gentle caress as I grew limp. I then felt her hands slip out of my pocket and her body move away from mine. Realizing my eyes were clenched shut from my orgasm, I opened them to see her standing in front of me with a wide, satisfied smile. Holding the key up to her face, she chirped "Got it!"

She unlocked the storeroom door and we went inside. I finally put the crate down on a shelf and leaned on it, hunched over in a state of disbelief. "I can't believe... That was..."

"Wrong?" she seductively interjected.

That snapped me out of my reverie. "Yeah. Yeah, Samiksha, I mean, why? If Anusha knew-"

"That her boyfriend let me fondle his manhood until he couldn't help himself and blow his load into his pants?"

I was again crimson with both embarrassment and anger.

"Look," she said flatly, "You wanted it." Her face softened, "What's the big deal? You don't have to tell her and I won't tell her either as long as you remember one thing."

I blinked in confusion. "Remember what?"

"Remember, I made you come. Now you owe me one."

My eyes popped wide in bewilderment.

She laughed. "Settle down. I don't want it right now. But soon, and when I want it, I think you'll want to give it to me. After all, you wouldn't want to disappoint me, right?" She batted her eyes. "Cause then I might have to tell your little girlfriend what happened here today..."

My chest tightened and I clenched my jaw. What could I say? I was hot with shame. She turned around and picked up one of the boxes of silverware we originally came to get. "Here, hold this" she directed at me, "in front of your mess."

Dread swelled up inside of me as I realized what she was referring to. I looked down and, of course, my pants were soaked. How the hell was I going to hide this?

"Nobody will notice if you have this in front of you. When we go into the kitchen, I'll grab the dishwasher hose and act like I'm washing something. You stand next to me, and then I'll accidentally spray you. Viola, you're clear."

She said all of this so matter-of-factly, like it was everyday conversation. How did she come up with that idea? Was she planning it all along? Did she find herself in these situations often? I thought the idea was a bit far-fetched but I was in no condition to be thinking very clearly anyway, so it sounded like a good enough idea. "Okay."

Grinning as she turned around, she bent over to pick up another box off the floor. She made sure to go slowly and give me a protracted look at her perfect ass. I stared like an idiot, just like she wanted, and actually felt myself start to get hard again. At least I was holding that box which hid it from her. Maybe I can deny her that little bit of satisfaction.

She effortlessly took up a nonchalant position and we started back for the kitchen. Everyone was busy, so nobody really noticed us come back. Before putting the box down, I began to panic. What if she didn't go to the sink? What if she wanted to toy with me and see how I would solve the problem myself? To my relief, she moved straight for the sink and started rinsing out some bowls. I put down the box and tried to casually walk up and reach over, as if I needed something from the shelf overhead.

With a little yelp, she jumped backwards and pretended like I surprised her. Still holding the hose, she deftly turned to me and sprayed my waist and abdomen before turning it off. "God! Sorry, you scared me! Ah, I totally soaked you, crap!"

This caught the attention of the entire kitchen and they looked. "Stop scaring the staff!" one of the chefs said, and everyone had a good laugh. I laughed too, in nervous relief, but quickly stopped when I looked into Samiksha's eyes to see a very clear "you're welcome" in her eyes.

I was confused. At first I felt gratitude towards her and smiled my thanks. As I walked away to get some towels to try and dry myself off, I realized, why am I thanking her? She put me in this mess in the first place. I was drying myself off, lost in thought, when Anusha approached me.

"You sure took your time getting that silverware."

I mumbled some bullshit excuse about the storeroom being packed and having to move a bunch of stuff out of the way so we could get what we wanted.

"Uh huh." She wasn't impressed.

The excitement settled down after that. I went back to work, trying to mind my own business. Anusha avoided me, clearly expressing her irritation. Samiksha didn't make any attempt to either be near or stay away from me. She acted like nothing unusual had happened. But then again, she could play off anything. The only comment she made in passing, very quietly and subtly, was, "I'm looking forward to next time, when you get me all wet."

I pretended like I didn't hear her. I tried my best to make no change in expression and just kept doing what I was doing. But I felt my face grow hot and my manhood stir. When I looked up at her walking away, she managed to turn and catch me eyeing her. How does she do that? She gave me a wink and a seductive smirk that was gone as quick as it appeared.

That night, back at my place, I was lying on my bed, arguing with Anusha on the phone. As I knew would happen, she was grilling me about the time in the hallway. Was she flirting with you again? Was she trying to show off? No, Anusha, nothing happened. Stop overreacting, we just got some silverware, I told you. This cumulated in her fear that, did she try to kiss you?

I actually let out a laugh, "Ridiculous!" I laughed both because it seemed her biggest fear was something so minor, and because what actually happened was so outrageously worse. Eventually she finally dropped the subject, and shortly thereafter the phone call ended.

I let out a deep sigh. What a fucking day. At this point I honestly didn't know what to make of it. The whole ordeal seemed like a dream. How could something like that possibly happen? I played the scenario over and over in my mind. Why did I let it happen? I could have done something, but I didn't. I let her play with me however she wanted.

I was absentmindedly playing with myself now. Then I started to think about the things she said. How it was so wrong, and how she was practically mocking Anusha. My feelings were so jumbled up. That really pissed me off, but I couldn't deny that it had obviously turned me on even more. God, she was so fucking arrogant. I was stroking myself harder then. That fucking bitch is so hot and she knows it.

I closed my eyes and pictured her. Everything she did just exuded confidence and sensuality. I imagined her hands on my manhood again. This was so wrong. I should be pissed off. I shouldn't be playing it over in my mind, fantasizing about it. Anusha would be so livid if she knew. God, I'm a mess. I'm so horny. This is wrong.

Then I heard Samiksha's voice in my head, repeating what she said earlier: maybe it being wrong is what makes it hot?

I grit my teeth and came again for the day. Then I fell asleep.


It had been a couple of weeks since my encounter with Samiksha. When we shared the same shifts at work, I found myself to be a mess. I was constantly anxious, wondering if she was going to bring it up, or worse, call up my "debt" to her. But she didn't. She continued to merely flirt with me and tease me mercilessly.

I became victim to her constantly brushing up against me. Sometimes she would squeeze between me and a counter. When she faced me, she pressed her tits into my chest, staring me dead in the eyes. Other times she had her back to me, and pressed her ass into my manhood. Without fail, and despite my reluctance, I would be hard whenever she did it. Once, when I was going down a hall and she coming up it, she blatantly reached out and ran her hand down the front of my pants, grabbing lightly. I stopped dead in my tracks and she cooed, "Does he miss me?" Before I could say anything, her hand would be gone and she would continue walking, knowing I was helpless to her wiles.

I tried to tell myself that what had happened those weeks ago was a fluke. She had gotten me off; she knew she could, so I was already a done deal to her. Sure she teased me about it, but that was just because we were around each other. She had had her fun, so she wouldn't need to act on me anymore. I'm not sure how much I actually convinced myself of that though.

I was wracked with guilt over the whole thing. All this time, Anusha was paranoid that Samiksha would seduce me. Well, she practically did. On one hand, I hated myself for letting it happen. But I hated more that I couldn't get it out of my mind. I thought about it constantly. I jerked off thinking about it all the time. When Anusha would start up an argument about Samiksha, I would become more exacerbated. I even started to blame her, thinking that if she didn't complain so much, maybe Samiksha wouldn't seem so captivating. I just wanted to shout, "Every time you bring her up, you realize you make me think about her? Is that what you want?" But of course I didn't.

I felt a kind of relief on the days I worked when Samiksha didn't. I could relax; no need to worry about her trying to rile me up, or worse, make me return her "favor". However, I was also ashamed to admit that I missed her as well. What was my problem? As much as I hated her tantalizations, I found that I craved them when they weren't there.

Not all days were bad though. Sometimes when she wasn't there, she didn't infest my thoughts and things went well. One day in particular was going really nicely. Anusha and I were working on some things together and, for once, she wasn't avoiding me on the job as she usually does. She was in a good mood and, with Samiksha absent for the day, downright cheerful. This was the Anusha that I loved to spend time with. Of course it was that day that Samiksha had to show up anyway. As if she knew.

"Hey everybody!" she sang at the doorway into the kitchen. Everyone turned to greet her. Apparently she had some family from out-of-station visiting her and she thought she would bring them to her restaurant to sample the food. She said this all in that enigmatic way she says everything which flattered the chefs and showed her to be such a sweetheart.

I didn't really pay much attention to what she was saying though. As she was a guest today, she was wearing her personal clothes. It was the warmer season, so she wore a loose skirt. It was long enough to avoid being slutty, but short enough to still be very provocative. It showed off her long, smooth, tan legs perfectly, all the way down to an innocuous pair of sandals. She was wearing one of those shirts that show off a bit of cleavage and all of the shoulders, somehow clinging onto her by her arms and breasts. In short, she looked absolutely amazing; somehow managing to carry off this look as not particularly scandalous, perhaps just cute and yet knowing she looked like goddamn hot.

She chatted in the kitchen for a little while, not paying me any particular attention, and went back out to rejoin her family. "I bet you liked that look," I heard Anusha mutter, annoyed. I rolled my eyes and attempted to make her feel foolish, as if she was overreacting. But I knew deep down that I would be stroking myself off to her image in that skirt the next time I had a chance.

Things went on uneventfully for an hour or so after that. I decided to hit up the employee's restroom to take a leak. On my way out to the hall, I noticed Samiksha introducing her family to her co-workers in the kitchen. Dodged that bullet, I guess.

In the restroom, I let out a deep sigh and tried to clear my head. Maybe I'll just take my time in here, wait a few minutes, and then she will be gone. No need to tempt fate and get Anusha pissed off again. I moved to wash my hands and did so very deliberately and slowly, focusing on the water running over my skin. I heard the door open behind me and didn't think anything of it. "So this is where you're hiding!"

Oh shit.

I looked up and saw Samiksha in the mirror, smiling like a Cheshire cat. She walked up and stood behind me, wrapped her arms around my stomach, and pulled close against me. "You weren't trying to avoid me, were you?" she pouted. The feeling of her pressed up against my back, arms around me, immediately reminded me of our encounter by the storeroom. I swallowed hard.

I tried to be nonchalant: "I think you took the wrong door."

She giggled, "I don't think so. I was looking for you!" She used her arms to turn me so I faced her. Looking me up and down, she smiled even bigger when she saw the tent in my pants. "Nice to see him up again!"

I flushed red and shrugged. No witty comeback came to me. I even had a stupid little grin on my face. But that was wiped off my face when, in a little girl's voice, she said, "I'd like to cash in for my prize, sir."

I stuttered. "Um... Your uh- your family is waiting for you..."

"Oh, don't worry about them. Uncle Roy is a freak for food. He will chat up recipes for at least half an hour before they realize that I'm missing!"

"What do you- I uh- Samiksha, I can't... I mean, you know, Anusha..."

Her smile briefly faded from her face, but then returned seductively. "You" she said, pointing her finger at me and poking my chest, "owe me one. And something tells me you didn't forget our little adventure."

My mind was reeling for excuses. "Well, look, anybody could just walk in here!"

"Aw, that's cute... you're shy!" God, she could be so patronizing. But it still affected me. She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me into a stall. Shutting and locking the door, she leaned her back against it. "There, now we're all alone!"

I just stared into her eyes. I already felt defeated. What was she going to do to me? What was she going to try and make me do? Part of me thought about pushing her out of the way and storming out of the restroom. But I knew I couldn't do that. For one, she might take it out on me and tell Anusha everything. Also, deep down, I was trembling in anticipation.

"You know," she said softly, "I saw you staring at my legs when I first came in today. Do you like my skirt?" She ran her hands down the fabric of her skirt and when reaching the bottom, slightly pulled it up to reveal more of her legs.

"Yeah it's uh- it's nice."

"I thought you might like it. I love skirts. I think they're sexy. I have shorter ones at home... maybe I can show them to you sometime! Would you like that?"

I was transfixed, staring at her hands running along her legs. She moved so effortlessly yet drove me to such arousal.

"What, cat got your tongue? Does Anusha not wear skirts for you?"

"She- she wears them sometimes, yeah..."

"Hmm," she mused, "Tell me. Do you like me in a skirt more?"

My heart skipped a bit. The bitch had the nerve to try and play me against my own girlfriend. Yet gazing at her thighs, watching her run her fingers along them, I was stunned to hear myself admit, "Yeah..."

Samiksha gasped with pleasure. "Oh my god! You are so bad! I can't believe you actually said that... Wow... That is awful..." She lifted her hands and put them on my shoulders. I looked back up into her eyes. "I liked that." Then she pushed me down and guided me to my knees.

I didn't put up any fight. I kneeled down willingly and placed my hands on her legs, running up her thighs. She pulled up her skirt further and revealed a pair of lacy, light blue panties. "Take them off," she directed. I tentatively grabbed onto them and slowly pulled them down, revealing her beautiful pussy. She wasn't completely shaven; there was a little patch resting above her slit. It was perfect. She lifted one foot, and then another, letting me completely remove the panties from her legs.

I was breathing hard. She pulled up her skirt more and bunched it up around her waist. Then, leaning against the stall door, she lifted her right leg and wrapped it around my left shoulder. Her right hand held the back of my head and gently guided me to her waiting pussy. I could smell her arousal; she was definitely wet already.

I wrapped my left arm around the leg she rested on me, and ran my right hand along her other leg and cupped her bare ass. Then, closing my eyes, I slowly leaned into her and began to lick delicately along her slit. She gave a soft moan immediately upon my tongue's contact. Her fingers on the back of my head clenched a little, scratching into my neck. This only encouraged me to lap at her with more enthusiasm.

She continued to moan, occasionally trying to stifle little yelps by biting her lower lip. At some point she decided to start talking to me while I worked on her. "Oh God, you're- ah- you're good... Do you eat out your girlfriend like this? No wonder she- oh!- she puts up with you drooling over me all the time! First your thick long manhood- ah yeah- now a great tongue too- ah fuck!"

Her disparaging mention of Anusha aggravated me, and I dug my nails into her ass with my right hand. Yet at the same time, it filled me with lust, and I licked and sucked her pussy the best I could. She could sense my reactions.

"Oh baby, you- ah- you like it when I talk about her? God that's so- mmm- so wrong! Eating another girl out while she- ah- she talks about- ohhh!"

I had slapped her ass, out of animalistic heat to both shut her up and spur her on.

"Fuck yeah! You eat pussy so goddamn- ah- so goddamn good! Baby, does she ever talk about me? Tell me!"

I nodded my head yes and mumbled.. mmm hmm.. into her pussy.

"Ah- ah! I bet that gets you hard, yeah? Do you have to hide your hardness when she bitches about me?"

I repeated in affirmative and she pushed my face into her even harder. She was now bucking her hips against me as I licked her frantically. "Oh god, that's so fucked up! Fuck- ah yes. That's fucking hot. I'm going to- oh yeah! Make me come, yeah!"

She continued to thrust and I could feel the muscles in her thighs trembling as she strained. My jaw was getting tired, but I didn't give a fuck. I was eating her pussy out like my life depended on it. She didn't talk anymore, but just moaned and grunted. Finally her quick breathing stopped as she took a deep breath in, then let out a long low moan as her whole body shook. I pushed my body up against her to help her balance, but continued to give long, fast licks as she came against me. Her pussy, already drenched at this point, was now completely soaked. I felt like my mouth was swimming in her sweet juices. I didn't stop pleasing her as her body relaxed and she calmed down, but I did slow down and give her a more gentle treatment.

Eventually she let out a long, satisfied sigh and pulled my head back from her pussy. She slid her leg off my shoulder and leaned back on her own weight. "Wow," is all she said for a moment. "Baby, you did not disappoint." I felt embarrassed at the compliment. She grabbed some toilet paper and dried herself off a bit, then put her panties back on. I had meanwhile continued to kneel on the floor, relaxing and catching my breath. I was also hard as steel, with pre-cum dripping out of me.

"You are such a naughty boy! I can't believe the things you said," She took in a deep breath and let out, "Wow! I love the way you talk! I'm going be thinking about that..." She seemed to be momentarily lost in her own thoughts.

I raised myself up, not really knowing what to do next. She smiled at me. "Well, I better get back. Maybe you should stay in here and uh..." she lightly grabbed my hard-standing manhood through my pants, "...take care of this. After all, we wouldn't want Anusha to be suspicious, seeing us come back in together?"

My manhood jerked in her hand. I tensed my muscles; I had almost exploded right there. She let out a little laugh, "But then again, who knows, maybe you'd get off on that." She let go of my throbbing dick and opened the stall door. "Maybe you can think about that when you jerk off." She started out but then stopped briefly. "Oh yeah, I guess we're even now. Too bad, right?" She gave me a wicked smile, and then left the room.

I quickly undid the button and fly on my pants and pulled my hardness out. With my left hand pushing against the stall wall, I gripped myself with my right hand and masturbated right there. All I could think about was the feeling of Samiksha's body: her thighs, her ass, her pussy. I replayed her dirty and scandalous remarks in my mind. I never thought something so fucked up would turn me on so much. What was she doing to me? I can't believe I admitted to her that I thought she was hotter in a skirt than Anusha. Confessing that was so wrong, but fuck, Samiksha is just so-

And then I came hard. I tried to aim it into the bowl, but it went everywhere. I was shooting it all over, and there was so much. I got so turned on, so built up from eating her out and listening to her talk dirty. It was amazing.

After I calmed down, I cleaned up the mess and washed my hands. Then I realized I needed to wash my face and rinse out my mouth the best I could. I would need to choke down some mints or something when I got back to the kitchen to mask the smell of pussy off my breath. Once I felt reasonably composed, I made my way back.

Samiksha and her family were already gone. That was a relief. Anusha was busy helping one of the chefs so she couldn't come up to me right away, but she shot me a look that could have killed. I found some peppermints in a jar and sucked some down, then went back to work, trying to act as normal as I could. Eventually Anusha found an opportunity to accost me.

"Where the hell were you?" she hissed.

"Uh, the bathroom," I replied annoyed, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"It sure took you a hell of a long time to take a piss! Did you see Samiksha?"

I shot back, "How the fuck would I see her? I'm sitting in there, taking a fat shit for heaven sake! What's wrong with you?"

She was taken aback by this comment. It appeared to work. She mumbled, "Oh" and went back to some other task. I tried to look irritated in case she looked back at me, but inside I was shaking with relief. That was a close one. If she knew that I had just given my all to Samiksha's dripping pussy, well, she didn't know.

My own feelings were a mess. Part of me felt terrible guilt for what I had just done. But still a part of me did the best to rationalize it. I had to give in to Samiksha, or she would ruin my relationship. Or, fuck it; Anusha's goddamn paranoia practically drove my lust for Samiksha. Maybe if she'd shut up for once, I wouldn't feel this need to rebel. But then I'd waver back and realize I was making excuses for my own behavior. I didn't know how to feel. The only thing I did know was one day soon, the next time I went down on my girlfriend, I was sure I'd be thinking about Samiksha's pussy at that time.


(A.N) R&R, onegai?