You knew for a fact that you weren't very fun. Not that you were a bore or anything; you still knew how to enjoy things. It was just that when people were with you, you usually just hung around the house, not really doing anything but talking and eating and the occasional movie. You didn't go to parties and drink your way into oblivion. That wasn't your kind of fun.

But apparently, tonight it was. The party you were at was like a mashup of every house party in every movie you and every other millennial in the world had ever seen. There was dancing, smoking, drinking, and dim corners where an odd couple or two would sneak off towards.

Technically, the party was in celebration of the closing of your college's University Week, but was really just an excuse for the students to get fucked up on a larger scale than their usual Friday night get-togethers, and to celebrate with what appeared to be the entire undergraduate student body without adult supervision.

Personally, you were here because your club's president had decided everyone from the program should be there and reward themselves for a week's worth of hard work at the club booth. The original plan had been to stick with your friends and maybe take part in some minimal dancing on the sidelines until one of them decided to go home. Somehow, you ended up slightly stoned, dancing amidst a throng of sweaty strangers to the EDM song that had been playing everywhere for the past three weeks, back pressed against the decidedly firm chest of Dave Martin.

"I hate this song!" he yelled over the music. You laughed, continuing to snap your hips side to side in time to the repetitive beat of said song.

"Yeah, I can really tell!" you said sarcastically. Despite his declaration of hatred, he definitely looked to be enjoying himself.

"Seriously! This song's been on repeat for the past month!"

"Well, it's a good song!"

"It wears off after the first thirty times!"

"Good thing I've only heard it twenty-nine times, then!" At that, you felt his chest rumble, but the volume of the music drowned out his laugh.

When the song came to a close, Dave slid his hand around your waist, giving you a slight push. "Let's grab some drinks," he suggested. You won't partake, but some food and a chair did sound welcome.

You both muscled your way through the crowd, his hand hot on your waist, and large enough that his fingertips rested just on your pelvic bones, making you all too aware of how thin the cotton of your leggings were.

"Sup, cuntface," a familiar voice said once you found a place to sit. It wasn't directed at you, but you turned anyway because you had never been able to resist turning towards him.

Dave turned to Kevin, grinning. "Nothing much. Done sucking all those cocks yet?" he asked his best friend casually. Kevin delivered a light shove to the taller boy.

"Only Rick's." They shared a laugh, and Kevin finally acknowledged you with a grin that was a little smug, and a little excited.

"Are you stealing my boyfriend?" he asked, eyes darting down to the hand on your waist. It was still warm, but now you remembered a different hand on your stomach, sliding low and leaving a trail like lava.

"Only one out of your many," you quipped immediately.

"Slut," he fired back.

"Don't worry," you feign nonchalance, "I won't steal your girlfriend too. Although with that face, I can see why she might want to leave you."

"Fuck you, I'm beautiful," he responded very gravely, levelling a finger at you.

"Sure," both you and Dave hummed unconvincingly. Dave turned to you and smirked.

"Why don't the both of you just fuck off and elope already?" Kevin suggested, rolling his eyes. You shot him a glare and pursed your lips, not amused by him. If you had a quarter for every time he had claimed you and Dave were exactly the same, or suggested that you run away and elope, you'd have enough to go through with the damn wedding.

"You'd miss us too much," Dave claimed with a pitying sigh. "Although Jules would probably distract you enough that you'd get over it. Speaking of which, where is she?" Dave made a show of looking around Kevin's immediate area. "You're usually attached at the hip."

"More like he follows her around like a puppy with daisies in its mouth," you drawled.

"Gerberas," he corrected you, although you already knew that. "Seriously though, she's getting a drink."

"I'm gonna go do that too," Dave announced, pulling away from you. Immediately, you felt more exposed than you were when his arm was still around you. "I'll be back."

"See ya," you called out, trying to seem as casual as you just were. You watched the back of his blonde head above all the others before he turned a corner into a different room.

"Were you two just fucking?" You turned back to Kevin with a flat gaze, irked by how joyful he seemed at the prospect of you sleeping with his best friend. "You look kind of…" He trailed off, choosing to motion to his hair instead.

You knew that he was referring to your probably wild hair, the sweat gleaming on your neck, and the pink flush on your cheeks. "Kind of like I was just screwed?" you supplied, raking a hand through your hair to try and smooth it.

He grinned. "Basically."

"We were dancing."

He didn't miss a beat. "Dancing can lead to sex."

You made an exasperated sound. "Kevin—"

"It's not called the horizontal tango for nothing!" he defended.

"Yes, I'm aware."

"Seriously though, he really needs to get a pair." There was a beat when neither of you said anything. "Other than his hand."

You refrained from saying that just because he and Rick jumped on the Relationship Rowboat with their girlfriends and left Dave on the SS Single didn't mean he needed to jump ship too. "I'll pass," you said instead.

"C'mon! You're both extremely stressed out about class. I literally feel like I'm going to start hyperventilating when I talk to either of you. A nice lay could do the both of you some good in the stress department."

'That's what you were for,' you thought in your head, biting the response back from your lips. The two of you don't talk about that anymore, and you honestly wouldn't look good if you brought it up. "It's nice of you to offer up your best friend's cock to help manage my stress, but—"

Kevin interrupted you, "He's got this huge horse schlo—"

"And just what are you two talking about?" Dave chose that moment to reappear, a fruity looking drink in hand.

"His pencildick," you said before Kevin could respond.

"Fuck you," he said, as you knew he would.

"That might make your girlfriend jealous," Dave laughed, motioning with a jut of his chin to the girl approaching them.

She broke through the crowd of people, and even though she was older than Dave by a year and you by three, Jules was the shortest of you all. You knew, however, that she probably had a toned body underneath her dress from all those hours at the gym she and Kevin spent together. He could hardly spare a minute to talk about your group's project before he was running off to work out with her. It did show, however, in how much weight he had been burning in fat and the bulk he was gaining in his arms these past few months. Dave, you had observed before, spent way less time at the gym, but had spectacular shoulders.

"Hey Kev," Jules said to her boyfriend.

"Hey baby," he murmured, drawing her close. His soft smile and tone were a far cry from the crass comments they had just been trading.

"Hi Dave." She waved with a smile. This was technically the first time you two had met, and you somehow doubted she had heard as much about you as you had heard about her, so she smiled and waved politely at you.

You returned the gesture, mouthed a silent greeting and suddenly wished Dave wasn't holding a drink so that he could put his arm back around you. "Congrats on the game," she told him.

"Thanks Jules." He was modest when accepting the praise, which didn't surprise you. "We'll go before you two get all gross," he said teasingly, and made to leave. Waving a short goodbye at the couple that they were probably too preoccupied to notice, you followed him to a less-crowded wall of the room.

"She seems nice," you said, meaning it but sounding too casual to even your own ears. You leaned against the wall, facing Dave, who was sipping at the mostly-full drink in his hand.

"She is." He smacked his lips thoughtfully, and you latched onto the motion. "You hadn't met her before?"

You shook your head and shrugged. "Nah. Why would I?" It's not like you were a person Kevin would need to introduce her to.

"Well, I guess he wouldn't really introduce her to his ex, right?" Dave laughed, and you felt a flash of irritation, but you squashed it down and instead took his glass.

"He was never my boyfriend," you said, taking a sip. You had been right before; it was fruity.

"Whatever," he responded, waving his hand. "What was up with you two anyway? I know you had this thi—"

You cut him off. "This is good."

He licked his lips again. "Yeah. Am I gonna get that back, by any chance?" He motioned to his drink, still about half-full.

You smirked playfully, bringing the glass to your mouth again. "Probably not. I really like it."

There was a swell in the music, and you missed his response.

"Sorry, I didn't hear that!" you said a little more loudly, cupping a hand around your ear.

"I do too! So get your own!" he repeated with a laugh, reaching for the stem.

You pouted, twisted it out of his way, and tipped the rest of the drink into your mouth. As it burned down your throat you felt a twinge of regret and tried not to let it show— you really were a lightweight. Instead, you smacked your lips together and mouthed "Whoopsie," at him innocently.

Dave grinned, looked away, and said, "Kev was right when he said you—"

Another brief surge of irritation and something else pulsed through you, and suddenly your hand was on the back of his neck, the other sliding up his chest, drawing him closer. "Would you shut up about your boyfriend?" you whispered in his ear.

He might've begun to say "Okay," but whatever he was about to say was cut off when you brushed your lips lightly against his, only seeking for permission or begging for him to do something.

He leaned into you, and you took it as a sign that this was fine, whatever it was. It was barely a kiss, just a chaste press of the lips, but you could feel his heart thrumming under your hand regardless. Slowly, you backed away until you were back at the wall, staring at him. "So?"

He said nothing at first, as if he were collecting himself. He always seemed so composed, even in an argument, and your remember Kevin telling you that Dave was a perfect calm when he was really pissed. "I…" he finally spoke, "I would like to do that again."

You laughed, because it was something you would say, but you knew of another who would have simply taken control of you and kissed you again. "I would too." You reached over to bring him to you, let him press you against the wall and hold your hips, and captured his lips in a harder, longer kiss that only made you remember. You shook that memory from your head and tasted the remnants of the fruity drink on his tongue and memorized the hesitant touch of his hand on the side of your rib cage. You kept kissing Dave, wanting to lose yourself completely in him. You did, a little, but you didn't in trying not to wish that his best friend would care more.