Hello everyone! So this is my first attempt at something smutty so my apologies if it's totally unbelievable or just awful or boring or whatever.
Anyways, all your reviews, criticisms, praises, anything are appreciated!
xoxo Evie
She could feel his eyes on her as she spun in place, her arms thrown carelessly in the air. She moved in time with the rest of the crowd, her body reacting to the beat drop. She shook out her hair, the silvery blonde strands sticking to her neck from sweat. She swung her hips hypnotically, her body angled ever so slightly in his direction, a silent challenge to either stop staring or to join her. She didn't have to look up when she felt a presence behind her; she simply snaked her arm up, her fingers moving to caress his neck as he slid his hand down her arm, palm settling on her hip.
It had been like this for weeks. Ever since Katherine's nineteenth birthday. Katherine had gotten lucky, her birthday landing on a Friday, and had insisted they go out to celebrate. "Come on Reyna! A girl only turns nineteen once!" Katherine had whined while she watched her best friend paint her toenails blue.
"Kat, we've been over this. Neither of us have fakes, nor have we ever gone out before, much less to a club," She had replied dryly. But Katherine would simply not have it.
"Louis told me he knows someone who knows someone who makes really good fakes! They scan and everything!" Louis had been Katherine's boyfriend for five months (one of her longer relationships) and really was not the most reliable person.
She looked up at Katherine, who was utilizing the puppy dog eyes, her round brown eyes taking up most of her face. Katherine knew she had won when Reyna sighed. "Fine," she said. "But I will find someone who can get us reliable fakes."
And so, after acquiring decent fake ids and putting on skin tight dresses ("We can't go to a club in jeans Rey! The bouncer would turn us away without a second glance!" Katherine had proclaimed.) they waited on line outside a club for an hour. She had been fidgety the whole time due to a mix of nerves and discomfort. She had felt way out of her comfort zone not only in her outfit (a black bandage dress, purple wedges, and a pound of mascara) but also at the club. Typically, she and Katherine kept things simple - going out for pizza, catching a movie, attending the occasional frat party - and she suddenly found herself standing outside, freezing she might add, waiting with a hundred other freezing girls to be admitted into a room of pulsing lights and pounding music.
But she did it for Katherine. One look at her best friend had told her that saying no would not be possible. Katherine had been just as fidgety as she was, but for a whole different reason. "Do I look okay? Do I look twenty-one?" Katherine had asked her for the thousandth time. She gave Katherine a dubious look.
"You look amazing… as I told you five minutes ago," She had replied. And truly, Katherine did look amazing, with her pixie-cut red hair gleaming in the lights from the club, her low-cut white dress accentuating her curves perfectly.
Katherine let out a heavy sigh, then turned to look at her phone. "Louis said he'd meet us here at 10. He's late. I hope he's okay." Katherine bit her lip as she scanned the crowd.
"I'm sure he's fine. It's only 10:05," She assured her friend.
After another thirty minutes in line, they finally made it up to the bouncer, who barely even glanced at their ids, simply waving them inside. It was dark in the club, the only light coming from glass globes hanging from the ceiling and lit from within by tealights. There were so many people inside, and the air was stiflingly hot, tinged with a mix of perfume and sweat. The two girls stood together for a moment, unsure where to go or what to do, when Louis showed up, swooping in to place a kiss on Katherine's lips. When they broke apart, he lead the girls to a table off to the side, where a waitress came to take their drink order. They toasted to Katherine's birthday, tossing back their drinks before moving to the dance floor. That was the first time she felt his eyes on her.
She had been dancing with Katherine and Louis for an hour until the other two got all touchy-feely and disappeared to feel each other up in private. At first, she'd been annoyed. Katherine had dragged her to this club in the first place and now she was standing alone on a dance floor surrounded by strangers. But as she realized the last part, she found a part of her was excited by the idea of being alone in a sea of strangers. She was a little drunk, she was wearing a tight dress, and she was nineteen years old. She decided to not care and just dance. So she did.
After a while, she felt like she was being watched. She opened her eyes and scanned the crowd, thinking it was Katherine, but she didn't see the redhead anywhere. In fact, no one was looking at her. They were all too caught up in their own drunken hazes, their souls high off music, their bodies writhing in time to the beat like one massive snake. She shrugged it off, figuring she was just being paranoid. She closed her eyes again and continued to move.
But the feeling returned. This time she really looked, trying to find the source of her discomfort. Her eyes scanned over the crowd, then beyond towards the shadows, her eyes slowly making out the bodies there. One couple intensely making out (she assumed it to be Katherine and Louis), a group of people doing what looked like lines of coke, a group of guys and girls leaning against the wall. No one seemed to be staring at her, yet she found her attention drawn back towards the group leaning against the wall.
There were three guys and two girls. Both of the girls had dark hair, and one was tall and willowy, while the other was shorter and curvy. They were standing together, laughing hysterically, whispering in each other's ear while shooting pointed looks at the guys with them. The guys stood near enough to the girls that you could tell they were a quintet, but they still kept a bit of distance between themselves and the girls. One of the guys was massive, built like linebacker, while the guy to the far right was much slimmer, though still broad. They both looked as though they spent hours staring at their reflections while lifting dumbbells at the gym. The third guy was much slimmer than his friends, built more like a basketball player. She could tell he was tall though he was leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets as he hunched over. His shoulders were far narrower than his friends', and his-
Her trail of thoughts were cut short as her gaze met his. She couldn't make out any facial features, but she somehow knew he had been the person watching her. A chill spread over her skin and she took an involuntary step back. She didn't like how her stomach fluttered under his gaze, how she wasn't sure if it was from flattery or nerves. She stopped herself, refusing to let him make her feel uncomfortable. She raised her chin ever so slightly and gave him her darkest look, flipping her long hair as she turned her back to him and disappeared into the crowd. She found Katherine and Louis and soon after the trio left. She felt unnerved for the rest of the night, but when she woke up in the morning, she had forgotten all about it.
That was until Katherine managed to drag her to yet another club. Once again, Katherine and Louis had disappeared, leaving her alone on the dance floor. She'd had the feeling that she was being watched again. She turned her gaze to the people surrounding her, then to the outskirts, her eyes finding the group of guys and girls yet again. Her eyes sought out his figure, finding his gaze on her once more. She felt her stomach flutter again as she turned away, his eyes burning holes into her back.
By the third time she and Katherine went out, she wasn't even surprised to feel his eyes on her anymore. Louis had been unable to join them, so it was just the girls. They danced together, not saying much, just moving their bodies. She had her eyes closed, was running her fingers through her tangled hair, when Katherine's voice broke her reverie. "There is a guy standing against that wall who has not stopped staring at you."
She shrugged her shoulders, her eyes still closed. "I know. This happens every time we go out."
"And you didn't tell me?" Katherine hissed, pinching her arm.
She shrugged again, opening her eyes to see Katherine staring at the wall. "Gods, I can't even see his face, and yet I can tell his gaze is intense," Katherine breathed. "How are you not over there licking tequila off his stomach?"
She rolled her eyes. "Simple. I ignore him."
Katherine looked at her friend. "Wait, you said every time we go out?"
She nodded, still dancing. "The Quintet is everywhere. Every club we've gone to, they've been there, and he's just stared at me. You get used to it." Lies. "The Quintet is what I call his friend group," she added, nodding in the direction of the other four.
"Hmmmm," hummed Katherine, looking from her friend to the guy. "This explains so much."
"Explains what exactly?"
"Why you were so eager to come out tonight."
"Puh-lease. I was not eager to come out, but we're here now, so it's too late to complain."
"Well you didn't protest as much as you usually do. This also explains why you wore your open back shirt."
"Does not! I just haven't done wash in a while and this was all that was left."
"Sure," Katherine retorted sarcastically. "I don't blame you. It's kinda hot."
"It's not hot. It's creepy, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of thinking he's creeped me out," she replied defensively.
"I think your less creeped out and more turned on," Katherine said with a wicked smile. "You should dance with him."
"I don't think he's much of a dancer," she replied as she and Katherine danced back to back.
"Too bad," Katherine sighed. "Because I'd gladly dance with him inside or outside of the bedroom."
"Aw, Kat," she began, making a face, while Katherine chuckled.
"Well one way or another, no guy stares at a girl that intensely unless he's got an interest in her," Katherine said. "Just something to think about."
And she did think about it. Katherine's words echoed in her head until she found herself at yet another club, this time with Katherine, Louis, and one of Louis's friends. She couldn't remember his name, nor did she have any interest in learning it. The guy was a grade A asshole, but he would be perfect for her experiment.
After gulping down two drinks (she needed them if she was going to let this sleaze ball put his hands on her), she lead Louis's friend onto the dance floor. She danced with him, allowing the creep to put his hands on her waist only, but her attention was elsewhere. As she became aware of his gaze, she spun around, her back to Louis's friend though his hands were still on her hips. She scanned the outskirts of the dance floor and finally found the Quintet, her eyes seeking out the tall frame. When she finally found him, she stared at him meaningfully, raising a slim eyebrow slightly in a quiet challenge, all while Louis's friend slid his hands up her sides. She knew he had seen, though he gave no outward acknowledgment of it.
It wasn't until a few weeks later that she and Katherine managed to go out again. Though she'd never say so out loud, she was anxious to know if her experiment had worked. As she stepped on the dance floor, she waited for the usual feeling of his eyes on her, but as she scanned the perimeter of the club, he was no where to be found. She spotted the Quintet, though a very prominent member was missing. She ignored the sinking feeling in her chest, simply tossing her head back and turning to dance with Katherine and Louis. After an hour, the other two disappeared as usual while she stayed behind to dance.
"Mind if I join?" came a deep voice from behind her. She felt tingles spread up her spine, felt her stomach flutter, and though she had never heard this voice before, she knew who it was.
She turned around, her gaze landing on a navy button down, her eyes moving up towards his face. She had never realized just how truly tall he was, probably over six foot, though his build was as she had thought. His hair was a mass of dark unruliness, like he just never bothered to comb it and he had the kind of face that belonged in a fashion magazine: high cheekbones, dark eyes framed by thick black lashes, and a smirk that would make most girls yank him behind a curtained area. She nearly did. "Free country," she told him instead, continuing to sway.
For a second he didn't move, then he came forward and she felt her breath catch in her chest, though she did her best to hide it. They danced in silence for a few moments, before she broke it. "What are your friends going to do without you?"
"Hmmm?" He said, his eyes meeting hers. The intensity in them made her toes tingle. He turned to look at the remaining members of the Quintet. "I'm sure they'll survive."
"Maybe you'll start a revolution," she suggested.
"What do you mean?"
"Well," she began. "None of you ever dance. Maybe your friends will follow your lead and start dancing. Have some fun."
"Yes, but dancing isn't necessarily fun for everyone," he said, his head bent so she could feel his breath against her hair.
"What do you mean?" she asked, turning her face up.
"Well, take yourself for example," he said, gesturing to her. "You need to have at least two drinks before you can even step on the dance floor."
She took a step back. "I do not!" she retorted, offended.
"Yes you do," he said, taking a step forward. "And even then, you're still uncomfortable and self-conscious. But you make yourself dance, which takes courage and willpower, but it also means you're not having any fun doing it. You can't let go and stop thinking."
"What? Did you observe all this while you stared holes into my back for the past month?" she hissed.
"I'm just saying, you don't need to put on a show for everyone-"
"I do not put on a show for everyone!"
"-You should dance to lose yourself, to express yourself. Not to impress anyone or prove a point."
She felt her face heat up, and she clenched her hands into fists to keep herself slapping him. "Who the hell do you think you are? You are not me! You don't know a thing about me; you don't even know my name!" She took a step closer so their faces were inches apart. "And if I ever catch you staring at me again, you'll regret it." And with a frustrated huff, she spun on her heel and walked away.
And yet, his words echoed through her head, driving her slowly insane. He was wrong and she would prove it. The next time she went out with Katherine, she turned down all the drinks offered to her. She waited for Katherine to finish her drink before she dragged her friend onto the dance floor. At first, it was difficult for her to move freely. She felt so paranoid, like everyone was staring at her, but when a familiar song came on, she found it easier to dance. She was able to let herself go much more easily and actually enjoy dancing with Katherine.
She felt a familiar presence behind her, didn't bother to turn around as his hands gripped her hips."I thought I told you you'd regret staring at me," she said, all the while her body moving in time with his.
"Hmmm, but seeing as how I'm not staring at you, I don't think this counts." He bent his head so she could feel his breath against her neck, sending goosebumps up and down her arms, across her stomach.
They danced for a few minutes, and she quietly marveled at how easily their bodies fit together. "I was right, wasn't I?" came his deep drawl a little later. She ignored this and that was enough admission for both of them.
The next few weeks passed in a similar fashion, where they would dance with each other, saying little, never sharing anything about themselves, and yet, there was something there. A heat, a tension that built a little each time, so that by the end of the night, her head was spinning and only stepping out into the cool air could help her straighten out her thoughts. Tonight was no different.
She spun around so that she was facing him, their chests mere inches apart. His fingers dug into her hips as she moved closer to him, tilting her head up ever so slightly as he bent his. His breath passed across her lips as she wound her arms around his neck, bringing herself yet closer. As the beat dropped again, she arched her back ever so slightly, their chests just barely skimming, but it was enough. She felt her body explode with a heat she couldn't control. Her hand found his and suddenly they were moving towards a curtained off alcove and disappearing behind it.
Without preamble, their arms were around each other, her hands sliding over his shoulders and around his neck, while his hands slid down her back, settling just above her lower back, pressing her body to his. He ghosted his lips across hers, enough so that the tension built even more, and she found herself clutching the back of his neck as she pressed her lips firmly against his.
It took a moment before they both settled into the kiss, and then it was like there wasn't enough time in the world. Their mouths moved hurriedly over each others, her fingers digging insistently into his neck while he pressed her more firmly into him, causing her to stumble as she struggled to balance on her tiptoes.
Her head was spinning as his mouth left hers to travel the expanse of her neck. "You know, I still don't know your name," she breathed, distracted as he slid his hands to her thighs and suddenly she was up, her legs wrapped around his waist and their mouths together again.
The kiss was less hectic this time, more lingering and passionate. Her hands moved from his shoulders to work at the buttons on his shirt, quickly undoing them. She slid her hands over his warm skin, tracing lines across his chest as he kissed her harder. He stumbled forward till her back hit a wall, and he pushed her into it so that she imagined herself falling through into another dimension.
She was pulled back to reality when she felt his fingers move to the snap at her jeans. She felt her heartbeat pick up, her stomach explode in butterflies as he unzipped her fly. He could sense her hesitation and paused his hand, kissing her so thoroughly she felt all tension leave her body. His hand continued, his fingers pulling at the waistband of her panties and then she sucked in a breath, her legs tightening around his waist.
She broke away from the kiss, burying her head in his shoulder as she struggled to breathe. He moved back to her neck, his lips working against her skin, while she dug her fingernails into his chest, soft sighs and gasps escaping her. "John," he said, his breath sending goosebumps up and down her skin.
She didn't understand, her brain too scrambled to process anything at the moment. "Huh?" she breathed, her breath hitching.
"You asked for my name," he replied, moving over her bare shoulder. "It's John."
"Hmmmm… John," she sighed, her eyes closed as she nuzzled his neck. He bent down, his mouth finding hers. He liked the way she said his name a little too much.
Right as she thought she couldn't take it anymore, she shuddered and let out a muffled whimper, her body tensing for a second before she deflated. If she didn't have the wall support, she was sure she would have hit the floor by now. He continued to make his way up her neck, allowing her time to catch her breath. "You haven't told me your name," he said as he kissed her beneath her ear.
It took her a second to remember her own name."Reyna."
"Reyna," his deep voice rumbled past her ear. "Nice to meet you."
She pulled back from his shoulder, laughing. "You have an interesting way of meeting new people," she informed him as his hands moved from her pants up to her waist. His one hand moved to her neck, cradling her head as he leaned forward to kiss her again.
"I try to keep things original," he replied as he changed the angle of the kiss. "Continuity can be so mundane."
"I guess that means this was a one time thing?" she felt her stomach drop in disappointment, though he was still kissing her in ways that made her toes curl.
"Mmmmm, I don't think so," he told her, his hands disappearing into her long silvery hair.