Chapter 1: Mercury
Upon waking up this morning, three things registered in my mind. Firstly, last nights events had brought on a hell of a hangover. Secondly, my older sister Allison would be getting married today. And finally, I realized Allison's fiancé was laying next to be, his arms holding me tight to his chest.
My heart dropped at the sight of his sleeping form.
No! I couldn't have! Please tell me I didn't.
With a cautious tug, I lifted the covers only to confirm my suspicions. There was not a stitch of clothing on either of us. I had indeed slept with my sister's fiancé.
Quickly I pulled out of his arms, wrapping my blankets around myself as I flew out of the bed.
This can't be happening.
My sudden movement seemed to wake him. His eyes flickered open, and with a yawn slipping from his lips; he sat up completely. When his eyes finally landed on me, several emotions raced across his face, and as his eyes inched down to the blankets now wrapped tightly around me realization seemed to strike him.
"Shit, Vanessa we didn't." His tone sounded full of panic, and regret.
I avoided his gaze, feeling my eyes start to water. "She is going to kill us." I muttered, ignoring how my voice trembled.
I can't believe I did this to my sister… she was going to absolutely hate me. There was no way that I was going to tell her. At least not yet. I couldn't ruin her special day.
He stood now, retrieving his pants from the very bottom of my bed. "We were drunk, very drunk."
I nodded in agreement, but sighed deeply when his eyes came back to me. "I'm such an idiot."
I knew I shouldn't have agreed to drink last night. I should have known that things were going to get out of control. But there was no way I could have guessed that Ethan would have stopped over during my party.
His hands now went to my shoulders, and like always; his touch sent a wave of chills down my spine. "It's going to be ok, we'll just forget this even happened." To add on to my guilt even more, his words sent a small jag to my heart. As disgusting as this sounded, even to me, I didn't want to forget this moment… Ever.
Regardless, I gave him a reluctant nod. "Agreed, you should probably get going before Allison shows up."
He nodded, gently letting his hands slid up to caress my cheeks. "I'm so sorry Vanessa," His voice was soft, and calming. "See you at the wedding."
With that being said, I watched as my sister's future husband exited my bedroom, fully clothed, and ready to keep a dark secret on his conscious for the rest of his life. My heart was still racing in my chest as I returned to my bed. I let myself lay back down, my hands going to my head as the mild aching began.
Last night, I officially became the worst sister of the year.
Rolling to my side, I glanced at the clock. The wedding would be starting in a few hours. I needed to get myself ready to get this over with.
As I rolled myself back out of bed, I was surprised by how dizzy I still felt. It took me a second to wobble my way into my bathroom, and begin my daily routine.
Attacking the wild mess of ebony curls at the top of my head, I tried thinking back to last night, in hopes that there was another explanation for the situation we were in now. But unfortunately the last memories I had, was the burning sensation of Jack Daniels filling my stomach and a strong arm holding me up enough for me to stand. But that was all I could recall.
Stepping in the shower, I tried washing away my guilt, letting myself stand under the scorching water. I wasn't sure if I could keep this situation with Ethan and I secret, not forever.
But if I was to speak up, what would this cause? I couldn't blame her for never forgiving me.
When I felt slightly better I slowly stepped out, and wrapped a towel around myself as I walked back into my room.
I kicked myself for partly wishing Ethan had come back. I didn't understand my own feelings when it came to that man. It was something I tried my hardest to control, but there was always moments like this, when I had these thoughts…
Just stop thinking about him, you are in enough trouble because of him.
Quickly I moved to my closet, raising a brow to see Ethan's shirt hanging wrinkled up on the door knob. With hesitation I grabbed a hold of it, smelling his sweet scent radiating off it. I gave the shirt a toss into my closet.
I would return that to him later.
As I finished up getting ready, I glanced into the mirror, impressed with the beauty of my dress. The dress was a light pastel blue; which would be matching the rest of the bridesmaid dresses. Since Allison had appointed me to be her maid of honor, my dress was just slightly different than the other dresses.
I wished for a moment that I could have the proper complexity to wear such things as this. It was Allison that was given all the best genes in our little family. She had the best of everything, the best job, the nicest house… and now Ethan.
Jealousy prickled at me as I turned from the mirror.
No point in being sour, you just slept with her fiancé genius.
I mentally groaned, trying to push my guilt away. After pulling my hair up into a simple ponytail, I made my way out to my living room. I was surprised to see my whole house spotless; except of course the four large garbage bags full of the ruminants of my birthday party last night.
Moving to the kitchen, I went to dig through the fridge, looking for leftover pizza. Luckily there was a few pieces. After a few bites I noticed a black velvet box sitting at the very center of my table.
I reached over curiously, and opened it to reveal a gorgeous sapphire necklace.
The sight of it was breathtaking. I wished that I could remember who had given me this gift. When I find out who gave me such a exquisite gift, I would make sure to thank them.
With a slight noise, I listened as my front door opened, and slammed shut. My heart began to stir within my chest once again.
Please don't tell me that he came back.
"Vanessa!" A cheerful voice called out. "Where are you baby sister?"
Even better. Allison was already here.
"In the kitchen." I called out towards her, but the pit in my stomach had me nervous.
As soon as she entered the room she made her way over to me, hugging me tightly.
"I can't believe this is happening." She smiled widely.
I tried to return the smile. "Yeah, today is the big day." Forcing a chuckle I let her go. "Are you nervous about this?"
"A little, but I can't think of that now." She waved her hands; fanning herself. "Or I'll freak out."
I nodded slightly, feeling my anxiety tossing deeply within my stomach.
Her eyes now seemed to scan the room. "So how was your birthday, I'm sorry I couldn't make it, I've been swamped with wedding details."
"I can't remember much of it, but what I do remember was a blast."
Allison smirked, curling a piece of her dusty brown locks. "Sounds like a good time." We slowly shifted our conversation into the living room. "I promise I'll make it up to you."
As if my guilt wasn't bad enough.
"No, it's alright, today is your wedding day, we focus on you, just you."
The smile that came to her face was so bright, so full of emotion. It was hard to come to terms that I had betrayed my sister. I had almost completely ruined her chances at a happy marriage. Well, I wouldn't get in the middle of it again. I would keep this secret, I made up my mind now. The drunken one night stand with Ethan would disappear from my thoughts, she would never hear the truth from my mouth.
"So what's the schedule?"
"Well, mom is picking up the cake, Andrew is greeting guests at the church and Ethan should be getting back from his bachelor party soon, so we need to make me look fabulous in about 3 hours."
"No problem," I shrugged easily. "Any of the other bridesmaids dropping by?"
"Just Sophie," She muttered; rolling her eyes. "The others should be meeting up at the church."
Wasn't the worst news she ever told me, but regardless it wasn't exactly what I was hoping to hear. Ethan's sister Sophie… she was a hard one to please. Not the easiest person in the world to get along with, but hopefully in the spirit of the wedding she will be on her best behavior.
As if summoned from the depths of hell, a sharp knocking on my door caught our attention.
"I bet that's her." Allison grumbled, a frown coming to her face
Reluctantly I moved to the door, watching in surprise as she pushed the rest of her way through the door, walking past me without a look.
"Your wedding is in three hours, and you aren't even close to getting ready." She glowered, folding her arms across her chest. "I hope that means you plan on giving up on this joke."
"Nice to see you too Sophie." Allison gave her a fake smile, that even I could tell wasn't genuine.
"We were just about to start getting her ready when you came." I commented. Hoping to keep the peace between them.
Sophie turned to me, as if just noticing that I was there. A smirk now came to her face. "I have to admit, that party you threw last night was great."
I froze, feeling Allison's eyes on the both of us.
Please don't tell me that she knows. Does she know that I slept with Ethan? And if she did, was she going to tell Allison everything?
"You where there to?" I glanced from Allison to Sophie, my heart was racing uncomfortably.
Sophie nodded with a smug look. "You bet, anyone that can handle their whiskey like that, is a friend of mine." She gave my shoulder a hard pat.
"Can you remember last night at all?"
Sophie flashed a look towards Allison, before turning her full attention to me. "Not a thing, which is how any great party should be."
I mentally sighed in relief. If Sophie doesn't know about Ethan and I, maybe there was still hope that I could keep this secret.
"So where do you have my dress?" Allison asked, throwing me a large smile. "I think it's time to get it on."
"It's up in the guest room closet."
Without hesitation, she went racing up the stairs, excitement clear on her face. I was about to follow after her when Sophie quickly took a hold of me.
"I know you slept with my brother." She muttered quietly.
My heart dropped at her words, and tears began to fill in my eyes. "You didn't say anything…"
"Ethan asked me to keep it to myself," She shrugged, giving me a look. "But believe me, I'd love nothing more than let this little secret out, and watch little miss sunshine's day be ruined."
I knew that Sophie and Allison didn't see eye to eye, but I hadn't known to the extent that Sophie wanted to ruin her wedding day.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because, I don't like Allison, and Ethan doesn't either." She grumbled, beginning to walk up the stairs towards the room Allison had went into.
"How do you know that?"
"If he loved her, he wouldn't have showed up here last night." She paused, rolling her eyes. "Even more so, you wouldn't have woken up with him in your bed."
My face went warm at her remark, and I turned away from her.
She was wrong. Ethan loved Allison. That's why they were getting married.
At that, Sophie made her way up the stairs, just in time for Allison to walk out with her gown in her hands, a brilliant smile on her face.
"Are you guys coming?" She called down to us.
"Shut up and get in there so we can try and make you look decent." Sophie snapped, and pushed Allison back into the guest room.
For a moment I paused at the bottom of the stairs.
This day was turning out so horribly. I wished that I just would not have woken up at all. That Allison just would have walked in on the scene, and then I wouldn't have to carry around this constant worry that someone was going to end up telling her about the affair.
Could I even call it an affair? We had both been drunk, we both had been acting on delusional impulses.
"Vanessa, get your ass up here." Sophie yipped from upstairs. "I'm going to need your help tackling this mess."
I sighed, and quickly made my way up to them.
Please let me get through this day in one piece.
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