After two hours of focusing on getting Allison prepared for the wedding, I was ready to crawl back into bed, and just pretend this day was already over. Between Allison's gushing, and Sophie's snide comments; I was tired and not in the mood for any more. Sophie and Allison had a small squabble over whose car we would be driving to the church, but like always Sophie ended up winning the argument.

Her sleek Ford Focus had just enough space in the back seat for Allison's ridiculously big gown. I had to admit that I loved the vehicle, but I had often detested driving with Sophie. She was usually all over the road; swerving, skidding and with her hands rarely staying on the wheel. I never had drove with Ethan, so I wasn't sure if this was something they both had in common.

Thinking about Ethan had a knot starting in the back of my throat. I uncomfortably shifted in my seat, glancing back to Allison; who was chatting animatedly in her cell phone. She seemed to be in her own little world.

After Allison finished on the phone she now turned her eyes to me. "So I heard that Ethan had a blast at his bachelor."

Sophie snorted, a smirk coming to her face. "Yeah, by the sounds of it, he had more than just a blast."

At her words I threw her a look, feeling my heart drop for a second.

"I wasn't aware that you were at his bachelor party." Allison muttered, glancing between the two of us with a slight frown.

"I wasn't, but Darius was there," Sophie rolled her eyes. "He filled me in on the nights festivities."

"Oh right, there was no strippers right?" She made a face, biting her lip. "It would kind of break my heart to think he was watching some hoe undress."

Why did this conversation even start? I wanted so badly to just open the car door, and tumble out onto the road. Anything to escape the embarrassment, and guilt that I felt.

Sophie turned back to give her a dark look. "Do you think my brother would just go around watching women degrade themselves for money?" Her driving began to falter into her usual erratic manner. "Do you think that little of him?"

He wasn't in strip clubs… he was just shaking up with his future wife's sister… how could she justify him doing that? She had always seen Ethan as never doing any wrong, but in this situation I had thought it was a bit different. Even if he was drunk, what we had done was unjustifiable.

"No, it's not like that." Allison blushed, a frown came to her face. "Some times I just worry… that some day he is going to meet someone that he thinks is much more attractive than me." She let her sentence drop without going any further into detail, but I could tell that Sophie knew where this is going.

"You're worried he is going to leave you." Sophie said flatly, glancing back towards Allison in the rearview mirror.

She nodded with a serious look on her face.

"Is that why you pushed to get married to him so soon?" Sophie asked, raising a brow at her. "If so, it was a very poor decision on your part."

Allison paused, a indescribable expression coming to her face. "If he is married to me, I'll have the peace of mind that I won't lose him."

So this had been the reason for the wedding? Most of our family had spoken of this matter when Allison wasn't around. It was our parents that deemed Allison and Ethan's union as a bit rushed. They had only known each other for a few months now, for some couples it takes years before they feel they are ready for marriage. But I was no one to judge, I never really had a serious enough relationship with someone to even consider marriage.

"That's not necessarily true." Sophie shrugged, now completely avoiding Allison's gaze, keeping her eyes firmly on the road. "But for my brother's sake, I hope he knows what he is doing."

With that being said, a silence fell upon the three of us. The ride to the church was long, so by the time we made it to our designated parking spot, I let out a sigh of relief that I had made it through unscathed.

The parking lot was completely full, I recognized half of the cars; including the beautiful motorcycle parked only a few spaces away. Ethan was in there right now; preparing to start a life with my sister. A tinge of pain prickled at my heart at the thought, but I ignored the feeling.

Sophie and I attempted to help Allison out of the backseat without wrinkling anything or getting anything tore or snagged. Fortunately the rest of the bridesmaids spotted us, and made their way over to help as well. Allison was completely surrounded by her little group of followers; which was mainly made up of her co-workers from her job at the bank.

The attention was completely turned to Allison, they gushed over her dress, her makeup, her hair, just about everything really. I stayed back away from the group, partially hoping that none of them would even notice that I existed. But of course they knew I was there, I could feel a few glances thrown my way, along with some icy grimaces. Not all of the ladies where thrilled that Allison had chosen me to be the maid of honor, some of them had been expecting that title for themselves. If it had been up to me, I would have gladly given them the title.

After what happened, I no longer deserved to call myself the maid of honor. How could I consider myself honorable by defiling the groom the night before the wedding?

Things were moving so quickly now as the ceremony began, I could barely keep up with what was going on around me. But as I entered the church, walking down the aisle beside my escort my eyes searched the crowd for Ethan.

At first sight of him I felt my breath catch in my throat. The entire room seemed to blur into the background as our eyes met. He looked stunning, the most handsome that I had ever seen him. For a moment I felt my heart begin to stir deeply in my chest.

Why did I have to be here right now?

This was absolute torture; which only got worse as Allison began her way down the aisle. Her face was flushed with emotion, and her smile lit up the room.

Jealousy swept over me once more as I watched the two of them standing now face to face. Ethan's emerald eyes flashed from Allison's face, back to mine. His expression stayed unreadable.

The ceremony began without hesitation, the preacher spoke in a very slow and controlled manner; which made the entire thing drag on. With the heat of the room rising more and more as time went by.

My vision began to go blurry, my headache from earlier this morning returning full force. At the same time, my stomach began to bubble uncomfortable. My body swayed for just a second, but I dizzily steadied myself. I attempted to refocus on the preacher, strangely I found it almost impossible to listen.

"I do," Hearing those words coming from Allison's mouth had snapped my attention forward, and I was able to focus.

My body was exhausted from all the emotions and sickness that waged war inside me. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to hold on much longer, but I had to hear Ethan's response, even if it kills me.

"And do you Ethan, take Allison to be your lawfully wedding wife?" The preacher spoke, an expectant look on his face.

There was a brief pause, and for the slightest of a second I saw Ethan's eyes flicker towards me. Hope swelled in my chest for a moment, only to be completely crushed as I heard his final words.

"I do."

An intense pain blasted through my chest, this time I couldn't stop my body from responding. The world around me began to darken into complete nothingness, and slowly I felt my body tumbling towards the ground.