Remove Your Hand
A/N: This is my first ever story on fictionpress but I have posted before on fan fiction. No plagiarizing! Have fun! Constructive criticism is appreciated! Just a random one-shot that I wrote thanks to my friend.
"Come on! Just this once, it'll be fun!" whined Eli, begging her for the billionth time.
"Fun? The last time you said fun, you set me up for a blind date! And what happened? Oh right, that dude was stuttering so badly it took the whole date for him to say 'hello'!"
"He's a nice guy!" Eli countered.
"Sure, he could be, but I never knew because I only heard two words." Rory snorted.
"Well that's just last time! This will be fun! Really!" she added, noticing her raised eyebrows.
"I swear I won't try setting you up again! Pleeeeeeeease!"
She groaned. "Fine! I'll go! Just shut up!"
"Woohoo!" Eli cheered enthusiastically.
"Don't get too excited, I might still change my mind," Rory threatened.
The night club smelled like alcohol and sweat. She walked towards the bar, ordering a bourbon.
She glanced around, slowly sipping her drink.
"Come on Rory, let's dance! You didn't come here for nothing!"
"Sure, let me finish my drink and I'll be right up!" she finished her drink quickly, pouring it all in to her mouth. The alcohol burned her throat on the way down, loosening her up even more.
As she walked towards the dance floor, a drunk man lumbered up beside her. She glared viciously at the guy, trying to stare him to death. The unfortunate idiot didn't pay attention.
He started walking closer to her and slung his arm across her shoulders, leaning in closer. His breath was reeking of alcohol, making her gag at the smell.
"Let's go home, babe," slurring his words.
"Remove your hand," she gritted out between clenched teeth.
"Don't be like that, you know you want it." He smiled, showing his crooked yellow teeth.
"I guess what they say about redheads and their tempers are true then," he smirked.
Rory had had enough. She turned around and brought her knee up as hard as she could towards his crotch. He doubled over with an "oomph" and curled together in agony. She smirked and walked out the door without looking back.
"What happened yesterday that made you so cheerful? Did you get laid or something?" Eli asked, feeling wary of her best friend at her rise-and-shine attitude.
"I didn't get laid but I did something waaay better." She answered with a Cheshire cat grin.
"Ooh! What is it!?"
"Oh, it's really not that interesting. I just threatened to beat someone to death with his own arm and then kneed him in the family jewels."
"You weren't arrested right?" Eli probed.
"Well no, but there's a possibility that they're after me," she answered, shrugging.
"Oh shit, remind me to never take you to a night club again." Eli face palmed.
"That was the message I was trying to deliver all along!"
A/N: Review! They feed the soul… ^_^