Asuka paced in her office quickly and muttered as she read over the reports. She rubbed her temples and sighed heavily before glancing up at the door when she heard a knock. She sat down in her chair and straightened out her top to look presentable again, saying, "Come in."

She relaxed some when she saw Seraphina slip into the office. Seraphina held up a bag and set it down on Asuka's desk. "Midorima had ordered your lunch. I picked it up on my way. You sure got lucky for this secretary."

Asuka gratefully took the bad and set out the containers. "Yes I do realize that. But I highly doubt that's the reason of your visit Seraphina." Asuka accused as she started eating.

Seraphina snickered softly and rested her cheek against her knuckles. "Always one to see through my visits, Sakamaki. Well you're stressed out over those reports. You need a break from them. Get a recharge before starting again. I'm sure your secretary has a suggestion for you." Seraphina explained, grinning at the slow growing blush spreading across Asuka's face.

Asuka shot Seraphina a look and tossed the trash away when she finished, "I have no idea of what you are implying. Nothing like that has happened between us."

Seraphina snickered softly and ducked under a wad of paper thrown at her. "Come on Sakamaki. The two of you are on a first name bases with each other. You want something to progress." Seraphina said to defend herself.

Asuka rolled her eyes and started making notes on the reports to fix them. She waved her hand as Seraphina slipped back out the office and rubbed her eyes to focus on the problem at hand.

Asuka yawned widely and set the fixed report to the side before resting her head on her arms, mumbling, "A quick nap wouldn't hurt." She closed her eyes and slowly dozed off before jerking up when Midorima knocked on the door.

"Sakamaki, your meeting is about to start. Do you want me to reschedule the meeting?" He asked as he rested his hand on her shoulder.

Asuka sighed softly and stood up beside him, saying, "No I'll attend the meeting but I'll be going home afterwards."

Midorima nodded and lightly kissed her temple before stepping out to handle the people in the conference room. Asuka blinked after him and flushed pink, touching the spot he had kissed. She shook her head and followed the same path MIdorima took earlier. She claimed his seat and barely focused on the meeting as someone started talking.

Asuka wrote notes down into the papers and relaxed back once the other board members left the meeting room. She blinked at the glass set in front and glanced up at MIdorima in question.

"You look like you need a drink and a break from the normal routine." Midorima said as he sat down beside her. Asuka nodded in agreement and took the glass.

"A break would be nice. No reports, no pointless meetings, and no needing to come into the office." She muttered around the rim of the glass. She glanced up at him when he chuckled softly and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well it would be a good day for you not coming in, but I wouldn't have such a good day." He told him after taking a sip from his own glass.

Asuka straightened up and raised an eyebrow. "And why's that. You've suddenly gotten me all curious about it."

Midorima gave her a sweet smile and brushed his lips against the shell of her ear, whispering, "Simple. I don't get to see your pretty face in the office. Getting to see you always brightens my day Sakamaki."

Asuka bit her lip and suppressed the shoulder shooting through her before blinking up at him when he straightened up. He brushed her hair back behind her ear and smiled when she blushed a faint pink. "Shintarou are you trying to tell me that you want something more from our friendship." She whispered softly, leaning into his palm.

He rubbed her cheek and mumbled, "I've had feelings for you for a long time now. If you are okay with it, I'd very much like for us to be more." Midorima mumbled softly, resting his forehead against hers.

She smiled softly and held his hand against her cheek. She nodded and pressed her lips back against his, closing her eyes as their lips moved in sync. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and quickly pulled back gasping when he moved her to sit at the edge of the table in front of him. He locked his arms around her waist and brushed her lips against her jaw.

She tilted her head to give him more room to explore and curled her fingers over his shoulders. SHe bit her lip as he continued kissing down her neck. She glanced around the open room and pulled back when he nipped over a sensitive patch of skin.

"Is there something wrong Sakamaki. Did I overstep a boundary." Midorima ask as he straightened up.

Asuka shifted in her spot and shook her head, mumbling, "No you didn't do anything wrong. It felt exhilarating and I want you to continue actually but it's just anyone can look into the conference room with all the windows. I would just prefer if we didn't continue in this room. Maybe move to a more secluded or closed off room."

Midorima nodded in agreement and helped her down off the table. He squeezed her hand and followed her out to her office. He pumped the door shut behind them and pulled her back to him, wrapping his arms around her waist.

She stood up on her toes and brushed her lips against his, mumbling, "There. Now where were we again."

Midorima hummed and lifted her up to sit on the back of the couch. He kissed his way down her jaw and lightly nipped the spot again. "Right here." He whispered against her skin.

Asuka shuddered and gasped when he nipped the sensitive spot. She gripped his shoulders and bit her lip to keep from moaning out. Midorima glanced up at her and started forming a mark, causing her to moan. Asuka shuddered and tilted her head back as he began to nip lower to her collarbone. She tangled her fingers into his hair and arched her back as he slid his hands up, bunching her shirt below her chest. She flushed pink and pulled her shirt off before working at the buttons on his shirt.

Midorima pulled back and shrugged the shirt off. He reached behind her and tugged at her bra strap, glancing at her in question. She shifted slightly and bit her lip before wrapping her arms around his neck as he kissed her. He asked for entrance to the unfamiliar cavern and darted his tongue past her lips when she parted them.

Asuka moaned softly as they fought for dominance and gasped against his lips as his fingers found the wet spot along her panties. She shifted her grip back to his shoulders and gave a needy moan, rocking her hips in time with each stroke of his fingers. She dropped her head against his shoulder and mewled, panting to catch her lost breath when he stopped.

"Shin...don't...stop...never this...from...anyone else." Asuka forced between each pant for breath. Midorima smirked against her collarbone and slide his hands higher, before pulling her panties down her legs. He rubbed her thighs to coax them apart and mumbled loving words against her ear. She closed her eyes and spread her legs open as she relaxed at his words.

Midorima bunched her skirt up onto her hips and slid his hand down between her thighs before rolling her clit in his finger. Asuka gripped his upper arms tight and moaned at the pleasure coursed through her like lightning. She pressed more into his hand and let the moans flow freel as he rubbed her clit faster and faster as each second past. She dug her nails into his arms as the knot in her stomach would tighter and tighter, threatening to snap any second, and gave a high pitched whine in frustration and desperation as he stopped completely. She shuddered with want and need for a release from the pressure coiling within her. She pulled back to yell at him to continue and clenched her eyes shut, gasping, as he slid two fingers into her pulsing core. Asuka spread her legs wider and gripped the edge of the couch tight, moaning loudly as his fingers rubbed and stretched her walls.

Midorima watched her with half lidded eyes and licked his lips as his own need started demanding more attention but he ignored it for now he was focusing on her. Each moan and gasp she let slip past her lips sent shivers through him and made him want to speed things along to the main part of the fun. But he wouldn't, he wanted her to enjoy this time. He wanted her to feel every bit of love and adoration he had, bottled for her alone. He shifted his hazed focus back onto her when her voice rose to a higher pitch and smirked as she clutched at his arms for stability.

She bit back the whine raising as he slid his fingers free and moaned softly at the sight of Midorima licking his fingers clean of her release. She panted and hooked her fingers into his belt loops, pulling him closer to her. She pressed her lips to his in a needy kiss and locked her ankles together behind his back when he guided her legs around him. Asuka moaned into the kiss as he pressed her hips closer and clutched his shoulders tight as he moved to lay her down on the couch.

Midorima pulled back from the kiss and gave a soft grunt as Asuka rolled them off the couch and onto the floor. He grabbed her hips and groaned at the pleasure spiking up his spine as she rolled her hips against his. "Think it's about time you stop teasing Sakamaki?" Midorima forced out between breaths.

Asuka gave him a devious smile and pressed a kiss against his neck as she trailed a hand down his stomach to his belt. "Well that is the plan but you need to hold on a bit longer." She mumbled against the skin of his neck. Asuka pulled back and smirked when her lipstick stain left a mark on his neck. She hummed and tossed his belt aside before tugging his pants down.

Midorima hissed in relief as the restricting pressure was finally removed and bit back a groan as she rubbed her palm over the bulge in his boxers. He pressed his head back and bucked his hips, pressing more into her palm. He groaned in need as she slid her hands up to his hips and shuddered when she pressed kisses along the band of his boxers. She hummed and kissed a trail to his chest. He curled his fingers into her hips tightly and watched as she sat up before blinking when she removed his glasses.

Asuka brushed her lips against his and mumbled, "You don't need these right now. Next to go are those boxers." She pulled back and pulled his boxers to his knees before shifting to straddle his waist. He held her waist and groaned softly as she rocked her hips against his before biting his lip, forcing his hips still as she slowly slid down onto him. Asuka panted softly and gripped his shoulders tightly, biting her lip at the slight pain and pleasure. She pressed her lips to his and slowly rocked her hips, moaning into the kiss as pleasure took over her senses.

Midorima groaned and rested his head back as Asuka rocked her hips faster into his. He licked his lips and slid his hand down her hip before rubbing her clit to stimulate her closer to her own release. Asuka dug her nails into his shoulders and moaned louder, her hips jerking forward coming from both his finger and his tip brushing over her g-spot. She clenched her eyes shut and threw her head back, moaning his name. as the knot would tighter threatening to snap. "AH~...Shin~. Faster...rub faster. I'm a-ahhh~!" She forced out between sharp intakes of breath.

Midorima rubbed her clit in circles faster, tipping her over the edge, and softly groaned as her walls clamped down on him when her knot snapped, releasing her into euphoric pleasure. She moaned loudly, not caring if someone could here her at the moment of pure pleasure hitting her. He shifted his grip to her waist and began to move her faster, bringing him closer to his desired release. She bit her lip hard and rocked her hips in time with his before mewling softly against his neck as he dug his fingers into her hips as his release hit him. She slumped into his chest and panted heavily as she listened to his rapidly beating heart. She licked her dry lips and slowly moved to lay out on the couch.

He slowly sat up and lightly kissed her palm. "Why don't we go get something to eat together and then relax at my place or yours." Midorima mumbled softly, glancing up at her for a response.

"Why don't we just skip straight to the relaxing instead Shintarou. We can order food once we're there." Asuka mumbled back, smiling sleepily. He nodded and gathered up their clothes before helping her redress and heading out to her apartment.

~~~ Extended Ending ~~~

"So Midorima, I heard there isn't a girl you're seeing right now. I was wondering if you wanted to go out for drinks with me tonight?" Asuka heard one of the girls ask Midorima.

She glanced over at the two of them and felt a shudder run through her as Midorima gave an enticingly sexual smirk. "I'm sorry Sofia but you must be blind if you can't see the lipstick stain on my neck. It was left by my girlfriend and she happens to love leaving her mark on me any chance she has. So no I'll be getting drinks with her tonight. And I'm quite looking forward to it." Midorima told Sofia flatly.

Asuka focused back on the reports as Sofia stomped off and flushed a light pink at the same smirked being directed right at her from Midorima. She hid her slight smile behind her papers and bit her lip when he pressed a kiss against her neck as he walked by to sort papers at his desk.