
Davis doesn't know why, but he feels an inexplicable attraction to them.

Is it because of the rain, the sound of a loud roar that no beast can ever replicate as it crashes to the suburban pavements, washing away the memories from yesteryear?

Or is it the billowing wind, pushing against the clouds, stretching beyond to where the eyes can't touch?

"Ah, yes." Davis murmurs, finally realizing the irony. He steps out into the night, pausing for a moment to allow the rain to completely soak his clothes. He lets the icy water flow from his chin to his torso, then to his legs and down to the soles of his feet. He allows the rain to envelope every crevice of his being.

He begins walking with his head held low, nonchalantly watching his feet wade on ankle-deep water as he trudges forward.

It was pitch black, save for a few lamp posts lighting the unrecognizable streets. Shapes danced with the wind. Davis saw trees bending at extreme angles and he swore he heard something snap and crash in the distance.

A sudden gush of wind from behind knocks him off balance, causing him to hold the nearest wall for support. He waits for a moment for the wind to subside and resumes his walk. He reaches an intersection but doesn't bother to look if there's any incoming vehicles.

'No one's stupid enough to go outside in this weather.' Davis thought, then shrugs.

The rain was thick, extreme downpour and water was clumping together to the point where Davis was having a hard time just breathing. He felt like he was in a trance, walking along the neighborhood where he grew up, nothing so familiar ever felt so alien.

But he disregards all those worries once he sees the clearing in the distance; the region where the city ends and where the forest briefly begins. He was promptly invigorated to continue. He gets closer and closer with each step. He clutches at his chest as he feels his heart tightening and beating vigorously. Adrenaline was coursing in his veins, and he can't wait to take seize the moment.

It was time to reassure himself of what he can really do.

Davis stops upon reaching the edge, a wooden fence separates it from the rest of the town. The normally ivory white paint is now coated with dirt and muck, rattling as it futilely tries to plant itself in the ground. He smirks.

In a swift motion, he slings himself over the fence and his feet lands on the watery mud. As if on cue, a blinding flash of light illuminates the horizon, and a boom of thunder follows soon afterwards, signifying a warning too late. If he wants to turn back , now was the time.

Davis ran.

He ran straight into the unknown, in the dead of night, with the biggest freak storm of the year screaming at him. His whole body begged for him to stop, that it wasn't too late. But his mind was set, and he knew this was the place were he wanted to be.

Light shows from above lit up the night. Davis looks up and props himself on the soil, admiring the dazzling, destructive force above him. He watched as it dances around in the sky, shocks of white contrasting the blackness of everything else. A beam crackles as it divides in two, cutting crazy zig-zags along the air.

What a time to be alive, and he knew why he liked storms so much. It was the thrill of living when Death itself is staring at you dead in the eye.

And in those moments, Davis was one with the sky. And the sky was mad.

Sparks of electricity flowed down from the heavens, colliding with the earth with a sickening crunch. Davis unfazed, stirred from his spot in the wet soil and dragged himself up. The impact from the lightning was close. Too close. He took notice of the metallic burning smell emitting from the site of impact.

He decided that staying in one spot wasn't such a good idea.

He sprinted, but this time with bolts of electricity crashing behind him. Weirdly enough, he had the odd sensation that it was somehow chasing him. He could feel the impact vibrating the earth and his body. And after each collision, the vibration would gradually became increasingly powerful. He immediately sidestepped to the right once he saw a bolt of light from the clouds zoom towards him. His feet slid on the wet soil, and he had to stomp on the ground to reassert his position.

Davis looks over his shoulder and sees the charred soil where he was standing on a few seconds ago. He could taste the burning copper in his tongue. He narrowly dodges as another lightning strike hits the area where he should've been. But upon ducking out of the way, he tripped over his own foot and fell head first into the mud.

Not wasting a moment's notice, he pushed himself off the ground with his knees supporting him and wiped the mud off his face. He quickly rolled over and scrambled to get himself up. He looked up at the sky, and in those moments, time seemed to stop.

The deafening roar of the rain crashing on the earth had stopped, and the raindrops became droplets suspended in the air, everything was lit by the moonlight, casting a gentle glow over the whole valley, unmindful of the hell that is going on. It was a full moon, a white sphere in the empty obsidian sky. Not a single star could be seen.

But something else snatched his attention, in the corner of his eye, he could see an orb of light slowly increasing in size. He tried to tilt his head to get a better view but he was stuck in place. He nudged his arm but it too was frozen. If time stopped, so did he. Rooted to the ground and powerless to do anything else, he was forced to watch as the orb of light crackles from the heavens.

The clouds open up as the orb of light manifests into a small dagger, and then to a spear as it diagonally cuts through the air. A blinding streak of electricity, aimed right at Davis.

And in that instance, just as soon as it stopped, time slammed back into motion. In a split second, the flash of light traveled from the violent skies to the earth. In a daze and caught off guard, Davis juts his arms forward and shuts his eyes, expecting for the worse.

Seconds turn into minutes as Davis' senses were drowned out by the pouring rain. The world faded and vanished away, and the roaring rain was soon a silent whisper. All he could hear was the sound of his feeble heart beating briskly, he could feel it about to burst out of his chest. Nothing existed anymore, all that mattered was Davis and the incoming lightning bolt.

An eerie silence passed as Davis opens one eye, then the other. Then wished he hadn't opened them at all. The pulsing white hot energy was staring at him, remaining still in a region of space wherein if he stretched his fingers even in the slightest, he would get electrocuted.

It was literally at the palm of his hand.

Many thoughts entered Davis' mind for an inconceivable amount of time, he was stuck in this life-or-death stalemate. He blinked and calmed himself, he tried to stop his train of thoughts. He knew what this was, he did it in class a few times before, manipulating a violent and unpredictable force, turning his phone on and off just by looking at it.

He was manipulating electricity.

He stood in the rain, hands outstretched to the sky with the ball of electricity nesting at his palm. After taking a deep breath, he mustered the courage to move. But he didn't expect it to move with him.

As he slowly retracted his hands, the bolt also moved downwards, still at the same position in his palms, not touching, but its presence being heavily felt.

He paused. "What could possibly go wrong?" He mutters under his breath.

In an attempt to shake the thing off, he begins to make quick successive movements with his hands, almost like he's swatting at an annoying fly. But still, the orb wouldn't budge. Then he tried throwing it, but the orb was stuck to his hand. Then he thought of touching it, then realizing how incredibly stupid that would be.

After giving up, Davis just stared at the orb, pondering at the predicament that he's in; the orb stared back, pulsing with vibrant energy as it radiates heat around it.

Light-headed, delirious, and running out of options, Davis decided that the plausible thing to do now was to make contact with the orb, and somehow it'll dissipate. Maybe.

In an abrupt motion, he shuts his fist in on the ball of light. He expected to die and be electrocuted at the very instant, but the pulsing and ecstatic beat continues to echo in his grip. He could feel its warmness radiating from his enclosed fists. The feeling was odd and surreal, for a force so destructive being so calm and tame with him.

He exhales and slowly opens his hand, letting the ball of electricity rise and levitate to mere inches in front of his face, and with extreme alacrity, circles around him. Leaving trails of blue sparks in its wake.

The energetic ball of electricity unceasingly rotates around him, forming more and more streaks of electricity surrounding Davis. And all of a sudden, he was encased in a sphere of pulsing blue electricity.

And just as soon as it started orbiting him, it stopped. The sphere that formed from the sparks condenses and returns to the orb. Davis didn't have any time to think as the ball of electricity collides with him and throws him back a good distance.

He landed on the dirt with a thud. He groaned in pain as e looks up, the last things he saw before losing consciousness was the clouds opening up and the wind beginning to calm.

Davis awoke to a house being ruptured in the distance. The sick sound of metal scraping on the wet asphalt. He sits up and rubs the sleep off his eyes. Davis notices the overpowering odor emitting from his wet clothes. He looks down and sees that they were burning. And so was the earth within a meter of his proximity.

He immediately stood up and took them off. Throwing the burning fabric and leather on the ground. Davis moans in pain from the sudden exertion from his body. Whatever the lightning strike did to him made his muscles sore.

Davis sat and crashed back down into the dirt. Something felt off. The rain wasn't pouring as much as it should, and the wind was like that of a sunny day. He looked all around him, the weather was still as bad as the time he set off from his house. But why-

Davis looked up, and there he saw a massive hole in the sky. The peacefulness of the night shone through. He was directly under the eye of the storm. Davis chuckled and shook his head.

"Storms really are an anomaly."

"Is that EMP bomb ready?" A feminine voice hushes over her shoulder, peeking a look at the woman fumbling with the duffel bag strapped across her chest.

"Aye." The figure replies, squinting her eyes at the mouth of the cave, observing the two stationed guards. "Here." She unclips the duffel bag from her chest and hands it to her.

"Right," the woman exhales, "just like we've practiced, right Mag?" She looks at the woman behind her.

"Uh huh." Mag said, fuzzing her hair up in the process. "Can you brief me up again?"

The woman takes a deep breath and tightens her grip on her pistol, letting the coldness of the metal soothe her nerves. This was going to be a stressful night. "Once that EMP bomb goes off, the whole facility will be put into shut down. Their back-up generators would need around five minutes to activate, but until then, all their security systems should be offline."

"Yeah, that's good'n all but, I mean, five minutes is pretty short, what if we don't make it out in time?" Mag said.

"I don't foresee any failure in my visions." The woman said. "Everything will go just fine, all according to plan."

Mag nods, not quite reassured.

"We can do this, Mag. While some of the captives cause a ruckus and escape, we'll sneak in and out. As if we were never there in the first place." She unzips the duffel bag in front of her and checks its contents, then zips it back up. "I know you can do this, you're the best thief I know."

"Okay." Mag says, sporting an uneasy smile on her face.

"You ready?"

Mag nods and wraps her hand around hers. She inhales a large breath of air, expanding her chest as it fills her lungs and the two quickly disappear.

The moon shines upon the cave hidden deep within the forest, and the sudden blast of electricity signals the beginning of the break out that was to transpire.


A/N : I'm still on the early stages of developing a cohesive plot. I don't know if I'll stick around with this story, either. Expect the unexpected.