The first time it happenned I was sixteen and drunk.
Branden and Leo had been my best friends since first grade. I remember distinctively the first day of first grade, when my mother had dressed me in my favorite shirt, blue of course, to match my name. Little had I known that there was a strict rule of clothing color segregration amongst the kids of first grade, blue was for boys and only for boys and the girls should wear pink, as little Tommy Burlington had informed me while painfully pulling at my pigtails at lunch time. I had innocently responded that blue wasn't for boys, since my name was Blue, and I wasn't a boy. My logic seemed flawless to me, but apparently, the other kids hadn't seemed to think so, because before soon, I was surrounded by first graders, all genders confounded, chanting : « Blue is a boy, Blue is a boooy » while pushing me around until I fell to the floor.
Being the fragile little girl I was, I had started sobbing histerically, when suddenly, a voice had rang out of nowhere.
« Hey leave her alone ! She's obviously a girl ! » I had lifted my eyes only to see two identical looking boys who towered over every kid surrounding me. All the kids parted, like some kind of movie, as the boys walked to me and helped me up.
"Are you okay?" One of them asked
"Y-yeah I think so" I said
"Come play with us" The other said, it wasn't a question but an order, even at that age he managed to be authorative and get his way
"O-okay" I said and they tugged me each one taking one of my arms towards their group of second grade friends
I soon learned that the two boys were named Branden and Leo and were twin brothers. They loved pokemon, superheroes and messing with their older sister. This was how we became best-friends, and to this day I still don't understand what pushed them to defend me, a random first grader, even if they were a year older and ruled the playground.
They had taken me under their wing, protecting me from the other kids. I was pretty sure that if it hadn't been for them I would have ended up being the target of a lot of bullying, but they became my protectors, and I was so grateful for it. I don't know what exactly compelled them to defend me out of all people, because looking back, we were, and still are opposites.
Years passed, and came high-school, the time I dreaded the most, since they were one grade ahead of me, I knew they would have to leave, and I would be left alone in that school with strangers, since I had never bothered to get to know the kids in my own grade, seeing as I could hang out with Leo and Branden's friends, who were not only a grade ahead of me, but also considered the « cool kids ». While I didn't know exactly where I stood in the popularity pyramid of kensington high, I would always tag along, and even if I myself was a good girl with a perfect 4.0 GPA, I tended to get in trouble a lot as they always seem to embark me in their crazy plans.
It also happened to be that Branden and Leo had both grown to become hotties, after passing the awkward phase of puberty, and they exploited their good looks without much remorse, bedding girl after girl. I would often have to sit through and listen to them discussing their sexcapades while I myself was still untainted. It wasn't even that I was particularly ugly, with my caramel skin, wild curly brown hair, brown eyes, button nose and full lips, but no guy would have dared approach me with these two fiercely protecting bulldogs. I didn't mind it that much though, because I had developped some kind of crush on my two best-friends, and no man in my eyes could compare to them. I knew I would never act on it, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and I knew that I could never choose one of them, and I sure as hell would never be able to have them both.
The year I dreaded the most came and went pretty fast, and before soon, it was the end of my junior year, meaning it was also the end of their senior year, and they would be leaving for college pretty soon. Seniorfest was the party no one could miss, because in our small town, it was the only time of the year unspeakable things were done, feeding the gossip mill for the year to come, since not much else happenned the rest of the year. This year, Branden and Leo were the ones hosting it at their hollywood style mansion, which looked so out of place in our small town, but was beautiful nonetheless. They had decided it would be a pool party since they had a huge pool and a beautiful backyard.
In reality, it was their older sister behind all the planning since she wanted to be a P.R, she was perfect candidate. The only thing Leo and Branden had insisted was to have one of the many rooms of their house being converted into a V.I.P lounge where only their closest friends would hangout. I was scared of what would go on in that room, but I knew I'd probably be involved whether I wanted it or not.
The seniorfest also happenned to take place the week my cousin was coming to visit from L.A. Rayon and I weren't particularly fond of each other, seeing as she was the typical valley girl, and I was just... not.
Rayon had come to visit twice before, and she always acted as if she owned the town. She was 26 years old but still lived with her parents in L.A. I don't know what overcame her the day of the seniorfest, but she suddenly asked me what I was going to wear and decided that she couldn't let me get out of the house with my dirty old sneakers and plain black t-shirt, after all it was a seniorfest. She spent the next three hours giving me a small makeover .
When she was done with me I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror, instead seeing a pretty girl. My normally unrully and extremely curly hair was straightened out and falling in soft waves to my hips, framing my face where the light makeup she had applied made my eyes and lips pop out. She had dressed me in daisy dukes and a loose blouse half tucked into my shorts, which was perfect for a pool party or so she had said and had even tried to get me to wear platform heels, but I had refused and she had settled on lending me her cute striped sperry boat shoes. I was surprised that Rayon had managed to dress me up in something I actually liked and felt...confortable in, if you didn't count the fact that my butt cheeks were practically hanging out in the open.
When Rayon finally dropped me off at the boy's house, the party was fully in motion, and even the lawn was packed with half naked teenagers. I did not regret my decision of convincing my mother to let Rayon drop me off instead of her, my mother was pretty conservative and would have had a heart attack if she had seen what the other girls were wearing, seeing the disaproving look I got for my shorts, but Rayon had somehow convinced her to let me wear them.
It took me a little while to find the boys, even if I knew the house like the back of my hand, it was so packed, it was like the whole town was there. It was obvious most of them were intoxicated and I was scared to go into the dark corners of the house because I knew what I would encounter. I finally found them, or rather, they found me, in the crowd.
"What the heck do you think you're wearing, this is so not appropriate " Leo said, he had always been the most authorative one of the two.
In a very mature and lady like gesture, I flipped him off. They had really rubbed off on me in the past years.
"What Leo here meant to say that, you look really hot Blue" Branden, ever so diplomatic said
"Thanks Branden, Rayon decided she wanted to give me a makeover"
"Shit, Rayon is here?" Leo said, sporting a lopsided grin
"Yeah she dropped me off" I responded
"We should drop by your house sometime this week and say hi" Leo said with a wolfish grin I didn't like one bit
"No, no you really shoudln't" I said, feeling a little jealous, I could bear them having sex with all the girls they did, but I knew I die inside if one of them ever hooked up with someone in my own family, especially a bombshell like Rayon.
"Is little Blue jealous?" Leo teased me
"Oh please, where is the booze?" I said changing the subject
"Blue you don't even drink..." Branden reminded me
"Yeah well it's seniorfest and I'm dressed like a hoe might as well play the part" I said and we all laughed at my lame joke.
Soon a beer was being shoved into my hands, and without thinking I sipped it, which made me wince and remember why I hated drinking so much, but tonight I just wanted to have fun and forget about the fact that my best-friends were leaving me and of how devastated I'd be once they left me alone in this school of strangers since I had never bothered to get to know the kids in my own grade.
Leo and Branden dragged me to the "V.I.P" room where approximatively twelve people were gathered. These were what we called "the regulars" because whenever and wherever there was a party, the regulars were somehow involved. I guess I was kind of part of them, but I rarely ever partied because of my mother's strict rules. Heck it was even a miracle she had let me go to this party. Leo and Branden had somehow charmed their way into my mother's heart and I knew she had a soft spot for them and trusted them to keep me safe.
"Damn Blue you lookin H-A-W-T" Sammy, one of the regulars said when I entered the room and several wolf whistles of agreement followed her statement
"Thanks guys" I said, before taking in the room
It was decorated tropical style, which seemed to be the theme of the party, and I had to admit that Layla had done a great job with the decorations. There were four plush looking sofas on which the regulars were sprawled. In the far corner of the room was a mini-bar with an actual bar-man behind it. In the middle of the room was a table on which were sat several shishas, which the regulars were sharing. The boys led me to a sofa a little secluded from the rest, where we sat with me in the middle of them both, with their arms around me.
As the night progressed, I drank more and more without even realizing it, and before soon, I was feeling pretty light headed. That's when Sammy had the greatest idea of all time:
"Guys we should totes play a game" She slurred drunkenly
"Oh shut up Sammy" One of the guys said
"Nah, I'm serious it'll be fun! Let's play truth or dare!"
"Actually it might be fun" Leo interjected, and since it was obvious he was the ringleader everyone immediatly thought it was a great idea
"Okay, lemme start, Brad, truth or dare?" Sammy said
"Dare, what do you think I am, some kind of pussy?" Brad said and all the guys laughed and high-fived in typical male fashion
"Okay, I dare you... to run to the pool naked and jump in" Sammy said a devilish look on her face
"You call that a dare?" Brad replied smugly, and being the exhibistionist he was, immediatly removed his swimshorts before running out of the room
"Oh my god I can't believe he just did that" Kaylee said giggling
When Brad finally came back, wet and still naked as the day he was born, we finally convinced him to put his swimshorts on, before continuing with the game.
"Okay, Kye, I dare you to... call miss Foster and tell her how much of a bomb she is and how much you would like it if she sucked your dick" He said smirking
was our math teacher and an elderly woman who had taught every kid in town, along with their parents, and sometimes, even their grand parents.
"Yeah right, first we're not in sixth grade phone pranks are so has been, and second, how am I supposed to have her number"
"I have it" I interjected before regretting it immediatly as everyone's attention was brought to me
"Yeah... she's a friend of my mother's so my mom gave me her personal number for when I have questions for math..." I said blushing
"What are you waiting for B, give the damn number!" Brad exclaimed and I took out my phone searching for the number before giving it to them
"Blue you are so gonna regret this I swear" Kye said before dialing the number
"Put her on speaker!" Leo exclaimed
Before soon, 's voice rang in the room as everyone went silent:
"Yeah uh.. ... I just wanted to tell you how hot you looked and how I've been fantasizing all year about you sucking my cock" Kye said
"Who is this? Kye Johnson is that you? I recognize your voice young man! I am going to call your parents and they are not going to be happy about this!" said and Kye hung up the phone as laughter erupted from everyone in the room. Even I was laughing, but not for long, for it was Kye's turn and he wanted to take his revenge alright.
"Okay, my time to shine" Kye said before turning to me
"Blue...I dare you to..." He said before taking a dramatic pause, and everyone cat called
"Make out with both Branden and Leo" He said a smirk on his face
"Hey man, not cool. Blue doesn't need to do anything" Leo said his face serious all of a sudden
"Yeah Kye, that's really not cool" I pleaded
"She has to do it, a dare is a dare, no chickening out in this game" Sammy stated
"I'm not chickening out! I am no pussy" I exclaimed
"Fine then, do it"
"Fine!" I exclaimed
I don't know what overcame me, if it was the alcohol in my system , or the fact that I couldn't bear being challenged, but soon, I found my self climbing into Branden's lap, as everyone cheered and cat called me.
"Blue you really don't have to do this" Branden pleaded with me, his breath smelled of vodka and beer
"I want to" I whispered before slowly bringing my lips to his.
The kiss was a little longer than I had anticipated, since his lips were so soft, and I had to snap out of it, before moving to Leo's lap, and bringing my lips to his, his kiss was a little more aggressive and I found myself enjoying it tremendously.
"Fuck Blue you look so hot" Branden said before pulling me back to him and kissing me once again, this time more passionately, and my hips grinding against his without even me realizing it. I felt my face being turned to the side, only to meet Leo's lips once again while Branden started kissing me shoulder blades and caressing my bottom.
We were snapped out of our trance by someone clearing their throat, and it was only then I realized that the room had gone eerily silent and everyone was looking at us wide eyed, shock written all over their faces. I abruptly hopped off of Branden's lap, blushing ten shades of crimson. I couldn't believe I had just done that, especially in front of all of these people.
"I think maybe we should stop playing… this is getting way out of hand guys" Sammy said wearily
"Yeah you're right Sammy, we should get out of this room and enjoy the party with everyone else" Branden said, speaking for the first time.
Everyone got up as fast as they could before exiting the room, even the bartender left. Before soon, the room was empty, except for the boys and I.
"I can't believe I just did that I am so so..." I started to appologize but I was cut off by Leo's lips upon mine once more, pulling me to his lap.
"You didn't think this was over did you? Not when you teased us like that" Branden said as he came up behind me and began kissing my neck, which was exposed since I had the good sense put my hair in a bun a while ago.
"Bro, I think we should take this to the bedroom before someone who isn't part of the regulars catches us"
"Yeah you're right...let's go... but separately, you can take her then I'll join you, we don't need to feed the rumor trail more than we already have tonight" Leo said and even in my drunken state I agreed.
Branden and I quickly exited the room, and as soon as we entered his room, he was all over me. Before soon, I felt a second pair of hands and lips on me, and I knew Leo had arrived. Clothes were shed pretty fast, especially mine, and before I could blink we were all naked and I was practically thrown on the bed as the boys took place, I was pushed on my back with both leo and Branden hovering over me.
"Fuck Blue, you are so fucking hot" Leo said before bringing his hands to my knees and shoving them apart.
Branden quickly took posession of my lips, his hands carressing my breasts and playing with my nipples, while Leo carressed my thighs and before I could register what was happening he had his finger in my most intimate place while his other hand massaged my clit. I moaned into Branden's mouth, and he finally removed his lips from mine, kissing his way down to my neck and my collarbone sucking one nipple into his mouth. Leo added a second then a third finger stretching me.
I was going mad with the overload of pleasure they were both giving me, and I didn't even register when Leo removed his fingers, until I felt something wet, soft yet hard on my thigh. Without any warning Leo pushed inside of me, and I cried out in pain. He slowed down, letting me adjust to the pain as Branden kissed me once again, carressing and soothing me. Leo didn't leave me much time to adjust and before soon, Leo was thrusting into me like a madman and it didn't take us long, as we came in perfect unison. Leo rolled onto his back, making space for his brother to take his place.
As soon as Branden's lenght filled me, I knew I would be very very sore in the morning, fortunately he was a little more gentle than his brother, and he took his time in pleasuring me, Massaging my clit with his finger as he thrust inside me. This time, I came before he did, but as soon as I did, everything went black.
I woke up, with my head pounding, and feeling sore in places I didn't even know it was possible to feel sore in. I tried to get up but I realized two heavy things were holding me down, preventing me from moving. I slowly opened my eyes, only to realize that the things weren't things, but tan muscled arms. It took me a while to register what was happenning, but the previous night came back to me in a rush and I remembered every little detail. I abruptly tried to sit up, but I was trapped between my two best-friends and we were all completely naked. Not wanting to give up, and wanting to get the hell out of there before they woke up I tried to sit up again, but the only thing I succeeded in doing was waking them both up.
I watched mortified as Leo and Branden slowly opened their beautiful green eyes and slowly blink as if registering their surroundings. They seemed to realize the same thing I did, and in perfect synchronization, they both jumped out of the bed as if they had been burned by it. I finally was able to sit up, realizing a little too late that the sheets had fallen into my lap, giving them a daytime view of my chest. I quickly brought them back to my chest covering my nudity. I looked from Leo to Branden who were standing on either side of the bed, not bothering to cover up, and I had to force myself not to look down. Leo as always, was the first to break the silence
"Well, we obviously had a little too much to drink last night" He said chuckling nervously, and bringing his hand to his hair
"I think we should... maybe talk about it?" Branden, ever the diplomat, said hesitantly
"Yeah... we probably should... but can you guys cover up first? I find it kind of distracting..." I said with a tight smile
"Yes, of course, you're right" Branden said before walking to his walk in closet, pulling out three pairs of shorts and a t-shirt, throwing one to his brother, one to me then putting on one himself.
I quickly put on the t-shirt, it was way too big for me, when we were all decent, we all stared at each other, and Leo kept ruffling his hair, like he always did when he was nervous. We all stared at each other in an awkward silence. It was the first time there was an awkward silence between us, in all the years we had known each other, it had never happenned. It took me all the courage in the world to finally speak up
"Guys, what we did last night was very very very...very wrong, and I think...I think we should just forget about it"
"What do you mean forget about it?" Branden said, looking directly into Leo's eyes as if they were having some kind of silent conversation only twins could have.
"I mean that... you two are leaving for college... and even if you weren't...this is so's not like you would ever want a relationship with me right? I mean look at me... and I know you guys were drunk and so was I and we made a mistake ok, now we should just move on, you guys should go to college and have fun without anything or anyone in that case holding you back...especially not me"
"So what you're saying is... we should just act as if nothing happenned and go on with our lives...and our friendship as if we didn't just have sex?"
"Yes... I think so" I said and they looked into each other's eyes
"Fine" They said in unison
"Okay then... we should get some breakfast! And I could really use some advil..." I said forcing a smile
"What Blue, can't handle a little hangover"
"Shut up, I haven't had a hangover since we were twelve and you convinced me to break into your dad's liquor cabinet with you guys and we got drunk trying every bottle in that thing" I said, and they all chuckled at the memory
"Yeah I remember, we were sick for days, and we got in so much trouble with my mother" Leo said
"I was pretty lucky my mom didn't get a whiff of this, I think even your mom is kind of scared of her" I said
"We are all scared of her, your mom is 5'2 of fire ball"
"Oh you haven't even seen her in action" I said and we all laughed
All the awkwardness was gone, and it was at moments like this I saw how amazing my two best-friends and how it wasn't worth losing their friendship over something as stupid as sex. Even if it hurt me to not be able to ever be with them, I knew I'd have to suck it up, because what we had was more important than any romantic relationship we could ever have.
The day I had dreaded all year long had finally arrived, the boys were leaving for college, leaving me alone in this town of strangers. I tried my hardest not to cry as they closed the trunk after having loaded all their luggage in their black porshe cayenne. I couldn't hold my tears however, when they hugged me one after the other, giving me a kiss on my forehead. I cried openly as I their car left the driveway wondering how the heck was I supposed to get on with my life without them.
That year was the probably the worst of my life, it got even worst when the much awaited christmas break came and with it, came the boys. What I hadn't anticipated however, was the girlfriends they brought with them, and I could practically hear my heart break in two, as I set sight on the two model like girls they brought with them. We didn't get to see each other much since Leo and Branden werre too taken with Skank #1 and Skank #2 as I liked to call them. It was as if these guys had never heard the expression bros before hoes, or in that case sis' before pussies.
Christmas break was over pretty fast, and we must have spoken less than three words to each other. Their girlfriends had hated me so much, I was pretty sure they had done it on purpose. Christmas break set the pace for the rest of the year, we started to talk less and less, they were too busy with school and so was I. I tried to apply for a scholarship at columbia university where they were studying, but my parents couldn't afford the tuition and refused to let me get indebted, so instead I had to go for a much less prestigious college but which offered me full scholarship.
This was how Leo Branden and I drifted apart.