
« Ugh, I fucking hate this Class » My potty mouth of a best-friend exclaimed as we filed out of our A.P chemistry class

« Crystal don't swear ! And I know this is challenging but like my father says, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade» I said

Crystal rolled her eyes at me while muttering 'whatever' under her breath. I didn't take it badly, as I was used to her being grumpy, it was part of her charm. I also knew my positiveness could be quite annoying, but, as the daughter of a pastor, I was raised to always be encouraging to others.

« But really though, can you believe he gave us extra homework ? As if we don't have enough to do with all these advanced classes! I don't know how you do it with all your extracurricular christian stuff »

«I just do Sunday school and some tutoring once a week, it's no big deal. Plus, it's all worth it, don't worry about it we will get through it and go to a great college !» I said trying to sound cheerful.

The truth was as much as I tried to make it sound easy, all these activities were really taking a toll on me. But I tried not to think about it, after all if Jesus could carry a cross and die for us, I could do this easy stuff

« Fine, whatever, let's go home » Crystal said, rolling her eyes at me once again

« Yeah but we should probably go through the back, I don't want to face them » I said

« Good idea » She conceded

Being the daughter of a Pastor in a private high-school for rich kids meant being an instant outcast. I'd never had a drink in my life, or smoked and I sure as hell had never touched any sort of drugs. In Rushmore High, partying was the norm, and if you didn't party, you were either too poor or too much of a loser. In my case, it was both options, and my classmates tended to give me a hard time for it. That is why Crystal, the only other scholarship student, was my only friend.

I tried to avoid the other students as much as possible as they always had some kind of derogatory comment towards us. Whether it was about me being a « bible banger » or us being « too poor » and as such « losers » in their eyes. That was the reason why Crystal and I were taking the longest road home to avoid them as much as possible. As we opened the back entrance, we were suddenly hit by a strong scent, I scrunched up my nose in disgust as we found ourselves nose to nose with the very people we were trying to avoid.

There, just a few feet from the door was Alexander Huntington and his whole crew, smoking what I could only assume was weed. Alexander Huntington was the epitome of everything I hated. He was the most popular guy at school as his fortune only rivaled his beauty. His father was an influent mogul, and his riches were rumored to be bigger than the GDP of a small country. Combined to his dashing good looks, which he took ample advantage of, he was unstoppable.

« Hey look, its bible banger Emma and her sidekick » He said as his bloodshot green eyes sparkled in amusement

Even disheveled, he looked hot as h***. His uniform shirt was unbutonned, and he had shoved the tie in the pocket of his khaki tailored khaki pants which accentuated his long muscled frame. He was very tall, at least 6'3, and wore a constant tan, even during the winter. His sandy blonde hair was currently sticking out everywhere as if he had run his hand through it multiple times. His straight nose and plump lips only added to the combination.

« I have a name asshole » Crystal said, pulling me out of my reverie, as she made a very unlady like gesture

« Hello Alexander » I said putting on my best fake smile, trying to apply the 'turn the other cheek' philosophy

« Hello Alexander » One of his minions said in a high pitched voice which I assumed was supposed to mock mine

« I'm not sure you guys should be smoking on schoolgrounds… » I said, trying to be nice by warning them

« Oh yeah, what are you going to do, tell on us little miss perfect? »

« No, of course not, I was… just… anyways, we have to go » I said as I pulled on Crystal's hand

« Oh, you have bible studies or something ? » One of Alexander's croonies laughed

« Yeah… something like that » I said

As we turned away to leave, I could feel someone's stare burning through me. I couldn't bare to turn, so I walked a little faster. Halfway through our walk to the bus stop, Crystal suddenly stopped.

« Go ahead without me, I forgot something »

« Are you sure ? I can go back with you ! »

« No it's fine, you can't miss the bus, you know your father will be mad if you get back late »

« Yeah… you're right… well, see you on Monday ! » I said hesitantly as I continued alone.


I watched as the two weirdos walked away, and couldn't help but watch as bible banger Emma's hips swayed ever so slightly. I had always wondered what was hiding under that ridiculously long skirt and long sleeved shirt. I knew that, had she been like any other girl at this school, I would not have given her a second thought, as she was pretty plain except for her caramel skin, wild curls and plump lips. But in this school where decadence and sin were the norm, Emmanuelle Brown stuck out like a sore thumb.

I was suddenly taken back to reality by Tanya's hand on my thigh. I had been so absorbed by my thoughts I hadn't even realized she had come to sit next to me. I quickly brushed it away. Tanya was my on again off again girlfriend, or had been. It was over though. I had gotten bored of her psycho like antics. She might have been a good lay, but beyond that, she wasn't worth all the drama. I got up and walked up to my best-friend Jonathan who was of course rolling another blunt. I wish I had something stronger on hand though.

We spent a good 30 minutes like that just smoking, chilling and having a good time in general. After my third blunt I was far gone, and was too slow to realize what was happening when I felt some commotion around me. I just sat there, on the floor, back leaning against the wall, eyes closed and enjoying one last smoke. Someone suddenly cleared his throat, and I looked up and immediately realized I was fucked. There stood the principal, and he looked furious.

« Alexander Hutington, your father will be very happy to hear abouth this » he said glaring at me, still holding my blunt.

I realized that the others had run, leaving me to deal with the principal alone.

« Oh hi Mr. Burns… uh… no need to involve my father… we can work this out adult to adult right ? »

« Are you trying to bribe me ? As if your case wasn't bad enough ? »

« No… of course not… I'm just saying no need to call my father, he's a really powerful thus busy man you know… »

« I do know. And that's exactly why you're not expelled already. Consider yourself lucky I'm only involving your parents… ha ! »

« So, what did the ancients do ? » Jonathan said

I was currently in my room facetiming him. I could hear the music in the background as he was partying it up as usual. I felt like such a loser, facetiming my best friend on a Friday night.

« Basically, I'm on house arrest, no partying for the rest of the year and they fucking canceled the spring break trip »

« You have got to be kidding me ? How are we getting to Cabo without your private jet ? »

« I don't know dude I guess you'll just have to fly commercial » I said and he cringed at the word

« I can't believe you got caught though, how did he even know we were back there I mean… no one ever uses this entrance… »

« Yeah, I didn't even think about that… » I said my brows furrowing

« Someone must have snitched…but who ? »

« Dude, you're right… and I know exactly who it is » I said, at this points my nostrils were flaring I was furious

« Who ? » Jonathan said, he had always been a little slow

« 'I'm not sure you guys should be smoking on schoolgrounds', reminds you of someone ? »

« Oh shit… Of course, fucking bible banger Emma… What are you gonna do ? »

« No one fucks with Alexander Huntington, she's taking spring break away from me, I'm going to steal something even more precious… » I said, my lips stretching into a sadistic smile

« What though ? »

« Her virginity »

« Hahahahaha ! You can't be serious… you really think you could get the virgin mary to hand over her V-card… » Jonathan laughed out loud

« Not only is she going to hand it over, but I am going to film it » I said venom dripping out of every word spoken

«Woah… well… I can't wait to see that… » Jonathan said, finally realizing I was dead serious

Hey guys! so this is kind of a first draft... some phrases will probably be weird because english is not my first language (it's french, hence the title). So I would really appreciate some reviews! I'm all about constructive criticism, please feel free to point out any mistakes/plot holes ;) And, most importantly, tell me if you think this is worth continuing!

