'Holy shit...it's really gone.' You spoke in utter disbelief as you stared into the mirror at your back. It was totally spotless, not even the most miniscule of dots to show where the flower had sat. It was strange to see your back without that giant thing blocking the way and it somehow unnerved you to finally look upon it. Even so, you couldn't help but stare for much longer than any normal person would at their back.

You had felt a wonderful rush of relief when it was first removed, like a weight was lifted from your shoulders. Technically it was lifted from your back, you could hear his voice echo in your head. Thinking of him and the circumstance quickly replaced your relief with a sense of sadness and loss. It was difficult for you to put into words exactly why you felt that way, but it just did. You had hoped to be full of energy and happiness for the rest of the day, and it ended up only lasting for the first few hours after the removal. You shook your head, clearing your thoughts, and pulled a robe around yourself, huddling into it as the cold of the house finally set in.

You walked out of the bathroom, through the hallway, and into the open living area where he sat on the sofa, staring off into the fields of grass that lay just beyond the pane of glass doors. Of course, he could be watching TV, or as well as one could with flowers all up in your eyes, or listening to an audiobook, or literally anything else that could drown out the pounding in your head. Instead, he just stared out in complete and utter silence, not even his breathing cutting through the thick nothingness. It filled your head to the brim, so much so that you scrambled to try and fill it with something, anything, to make it go away.

'So, uh,' and of course you start off on an awkward foot, 'how's it look?' What the hell made you ask that, you would never know. He didn't respond, instead continuing his listless gaze out the window, leaning back heavily against the pillows in the corner of the sofa. You instinctively scratched the back of your neck, fully expecting to brush against those large petals, but your hands came against empty air and you shoved your hand into the robe pocket. It felt so...alien.

You turned towards the kitchen, making to go and get a bite, when he sighed rather heavily. You looked over at him, still facing the window, but you could tell he wanted you to stay and keep him company. He did that a lot, sighing dramatically if he wanted you to do something, like the little brat he was. You smiled a little nervously, as if you'd never done any of this before. Suddenly, not having that flower on your back made everything feel different, almost like you weren't really you anymore. It felt like you were a stranger in a stranger's home. That was not a comforting feeling.

'Do the fields look nice today?' Lately, all he'd been doing is staring out at them, acting like you two couldn't just get up and leave to explore them whenever you wanted. Instead, you had been stuck sitting around inside, toiling away doing whatever when he wasn't removing the flower, and clenching your fists in agony when he was. He'd said it would be painless, but then again he'd never removed such a giant flower before. Its roots had spread across multiple bones and picking each and every last one of them out was incredibly tedious and terrifyingly painful. Thinking about all that just made your head hurt worse, though, so you forced your attention back to talking with him.

'They're a lot greener than I remember. Did it rain recently?' Thinking back, you tried to recall if it had rained at all in the past weeks. You shook your head, then realized he still wasn't facing you, plus the fact of the flowers in his face. Wow, you really were out of it if you were acting like this.

'No, I don't think so. I mean, I don't remember it raining for weeks now.' You put your hand on your chin to rub it, missing the soft scratchiness of your beard. He had told you it would be better to shave it off, just in case of something or another with the flower. You hadn't really been paying attention. Knowing him, it was just an excuse to get you to shave, which you detested doing yourself. He probably would've kept bugging you about it, though, so you just resigned yourself to and figured you'd grow it back out afterwards. Even that thought didn't lift your mood, though.

'Is it not what you'd hoped?' He finally faced towards you, calm and collected. As always, it was like he could see right through you. Even though you were pretty sure it hadn't shown through your voice, it was probably just something he could tell. You sighed and moved over to sit next to him. He scooted over a little, letting you have the end of that big L-shaped sofa to yourself.

You let your eyes wander over him, searching for anything that was off. If he had eyes to look at, you were certain you would see bags under them, but that was it. He felt and looked like he always did. And yet, there was something blaring in the back of your mind that was something was wrong. He wasn't acting normal. Usually, after you were freshly shaved he would cling to you, nestling into your throat, stroking your face. Now, he seemed distant. Like he couldn't stand to be near you. That didn't sit well with you.

'No, I guess not. I mean, it feels great, physically, not having that giant beast on my back. It's just...' You trailed off, not knowing how to properly put it into words.

'It feels like something's missing. Like a part of you has been lost forever, gone with the wind, so to speak.' You cast your eyes to the floor, fiddling with the hem of the robe. You felt awful for not being completely in love with the fact that it was gone. He had been up night and day getting the damn thing off, trying to make you as comfortable as possible, all the while battling his own stupid flowers. Those damn things, you really wish he'd just get rid of them already. You honestly had no idea why he was keeping them. 'Don't worry, that's normal. A lot of my patients would say the same things. It goes away with time, although I'm sure some of them will never be able to forget-'

'Hey.' You interrupted him. Usually, he would put his lip out at you or say something smart about not interrupting people when they're speaking, but now he was just looking at you. Waiting. Something was definitely wrong. 'Do you...do you wish you hadn't...removed my flower?'

'No,' an immediate response, 'I'm supremely glad I was able to remove that thing. It smelled absolutely awful, you know. I'm sure your personal hygiene will improve greatly now that it's gone. Besides, it was likely killing your back. I bet that's a weight off your shoulders, huh?' His words sounded like they would be spoken in jest, yet they were short, stilted, like he was talking to someone who was coming to the end of his patience. You were entirely confused at this point. What was his deal?

'I mean, yeah, it is, but, I mean...you're the only one left now. You know that, right?' He looked away, his body tense, and you immediately tried to backpedal. 'I-I mean, that's not a bad thing! I-it's totally fine by me! I swear!' Your hands were raised in front of your chest, palms facing out, ready for him to say something in retaliation, to defend himself and those damn flowers. Instead, he said nothing, his shoulders sagging, his body curling up to bring his legs to his chest. He wrapped his arms around them and put his head down. Something was definitely wrong.

'Hey, hey, what's the matter?' You spoke softly, coming closer to him, wrapping your arms around his small frame. As soon as you touched him, he winced away, falling onto his side into the heaping pile of pillows. You saw his face screw up in pain just before he buried it into the pillows. You hesitated for the shortest of seconds and placed your hand gently on his side, rubbing small circles into his now-exposed skin. You shushed him for at least five minutes before he finally sat back up to look you in the face.

'What's wrong? Just tell me, maybe I can do something to help.' You peered into the flowers, willing them to move for just a small moment so you could see his eyes. Instead, they swayed gently as he heaved a sigh. Your fingers intertwined and you could tell he was steeling himself to say something.

'Lea...I don't know what we do from here...this has never happened before. I mean, obviously, but...I've been thinking, what if it's contagious?' Your blood froze and your head started buzzing again. You hadn't thought of it like that. What if the flowers started multiplying again, then you'd be back to square one. You didn't have an answer, so you just stayed silent, squeezing his hand tightly. 'I just...I don't want to hurt you...you've been through enough as it is.'

'You could never hurt me,' you rebutted him as fast as humanly possible, 'I know that for a fact. You saved me from poverty, you gave me love, you got that fucking flower off of me. There's no way in hell you could ever hurt me more than you've helped me.' He shot you a wan smile and stood up to stand in front of the window, sighing again. You followed him with your eyes, remaining seated to see if he was going to say anything else. The silence permeated the room once more, this time feeling much more tense than before. It sat for so long that you began feeling agitated and stood up to stand next to him. 'Look, why don't we go outside and get some fresh air? Maybe that'll-'

'Dammit, Lea, can't you take this seriously?!' He whirled around on you with a vicious look and you instinctively stepped back to give him space. 'Now isn't the time for prancing around in the fields! We have to figure out a way...something to...agh!'

'Logry!' He crumpled to the floor, crying out in pain and holding his face. You quickly dropped down next to him and cradled him in your arms, shushing him as he fought against whatever it was. His breathing slowly eased back down to normal and his grip, which has somehow transferred to his robe, loosened up. His head rolled back as he relaxed into you, soaking up your warmth. 'Are you alright? What just happened?'

'It was the flowers. They...they're angry at me...they want me to get rid of them, to just kill them already so they can be free.' You stared at him, at those god awful flowers, and you had the smallest urge to just rip them out of his skin. You knew it would hurt and leave him a bloody mess, though, so you resisted, instead pulling him closer into you.

'So do it.' He tensed and slowly moved out of your hold. He sat in front of you, both of you on your knees, and just stared, almost as if he was trying to figure out if you were being entirely serious. When a few more moments had passed, he sighed again.

'I can't, Lea.'

'Why not?'

'I just...I just can't.'

'That's no excuse and you know it.'

'Lea, just leave it alone.'

'No, Logry, I won't just leave it alone. If they want to die anyway, then just kill them already and be done with it!'

'I won't kill you just so I can get rid of some damn flowers!' He bolted to his feet and screamed down at you, breathing heavily. Your brain felt like it had completely died and left you with nothing to say.

'What?' It was all you could manage after that outburst. He sniffed and wrapped his arms around himself, looking away to the fields.

'If I remove the flowers, all of the magic would be released. Do you know what would happen after that?' You slowly shook your head, still processing his earlier statement. 'It would mean that nothing would be holding the magic back, nothing would stand in it's way to just releasing itself, not even me. This magic, it's thousands of years old, it dates back to the 1300s, Lea. Releasing that much magic all at once would be catastrophic.'

'How catastrophic?'

'It would decimate an entire city and then some.' It hit you like a ton of cement bricks. So this was why he refused to remove any more of his flowers. You knew that his predecessor had taken some away, but to know now why none of them were ever fully cured...it was so much more obvious to you now that you knew why. You could only stare at him as he turned to fully face the doors.

'So, what do we do? What can we do?' At least your brain was functioning again, somewhat. He continued looking out in silence, thinking, before he finally looked down at you still kneeling on the ground.

'The only thing I can do. I have to leave.' That had you on your feet in less than half a second. You shook your head vigorously.

'Absolutely not. We're far enough away from any towns, no one ever visits us, why not just stay here? If it is contagious, then let me share your fate! I'm not going to just leave you to wander the earth on your own for who knows how long!'

'I wouldn't just wander for the rest of my life. I would remove these flowers at some point, probably somewhere in the mountains, so no one would get hurt.' You grabbed his arms and turned him to face you. From here, you towered over him, so you had to lean down to look him in the face properly.

'Then you can remove them here, either now or when I'm old and gray. I will not, I repeat, NOT, let you die somewhere foreign and all alone.' You could tell your face was deadly serious, more so than it had ever been, just by the way his own mouth fell into a line. He nodded his head ever so slowly, reluctantly agreeing with your terms. You had a feeling you might need to talk more extensively on this later, but you'd had enough of all of this seriousness. You wanted to try and lighten the mood, so you hauled him bridal style into yours arms, with his little squeak of surprise following, and used your foot to open the back door.

'Lea!' His scream sounded through the fields as you raced down them, laughing as the wind whipped at your hair and pulled at his flowers. He squirmed as you slowed down near the end of the second field and you finally put him down. 'Jeez! A little warning next time?'

'Haha, sorry, I just wanted to get some fresh air. Doesn't it feel so nice out here? Way better than just looking at it, right?' He smiled as he gazed around the fields, taking it the fresh spring air and the millions of daisies littering the grass. You were breathing rather heavy now, so you flopped down into a pile of flowers, chuckling as petals floated up around you. He followed suit, laying next to you and gazing up at the lazy clouds. 'Man, what I would give to just be a cloud. Fuckers get to just float around and do nothing.'

'Hahaha! Yeah, I would have to agree.' He reached down and laced his fingers into yours, rolling over to face you. You did the same and smiled widely at his ruffled hair. He smiled back just as much and reaching up to pull into a kiss. He pressed up against your body, grinding his hips into yours, his kiss becoming more insistent. You deepened it in return, pushing your tongue into his mouth and running your hand down his side. He moaned into your mouth as your knee pressed up between his legs and you felt yourself being lost in the moment. Before that, though, you pulled back just enough to get air again.

'Not out here.' You stood up, pulling him up with you, and picked him up to race back to the house. He ran his fingers up and down your back all the way and you swore to yourself you'd get revenge. When you go to the house, you banged the door shut behind you with your foot and carried him all the way into the bedroom, dropping him rather unceremoniously onto the bed. He was quick to crawl onto his knees as you got onto the bed next to him, greedily pushing the robe back away from your skin. You couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, knowing it would do wonders to get both of your pent-up frustrations out.

'You not gonna let me do it myself?' He paused at that, before sitting back on his knees to watch as you oh so slowly removed the robe, leaving you in only your boxers. He gulped and licked his lips, his more primal side coming out in the bedroom as it always did. That made you think of the first time the two of you did this, which was certainly a fun time, but you focused your attention on the present, where he was doing a strip tease of his own. You watched as his smooth skin emerged from his already skin-baring shirt, a warmth pooling in your stomach as he finished, smirking at you. You returned with a smirk of your own before leaping on him. He squeaked in surprise, which you quickly drowned out with your tongue.

Your hand snaked down to his pants, which he had neglected to remove, when you inched past them and found he was wearing nothing underneath. You paused, surprised at this unforeseen development, and he just blushed in response.

'I was too worried to think about this morning. I just threw on some clothes so I would at least look nice.' You smirked up at him and swiftly pulled the pants down, earning yet another squeak. Throwing them to the floor, you sat back on his outstretched legs, watching as his dick throbbed in anticipation. His blush increased tenfold, before he sputtered, 'Just get on with it,' from his behind his hands, which had come up to cover his face. You gladly obliged, wrapping a hand around his shaft and leaning down to lick up the full length. He shuttered and muffled his moan behind his hands, making you sit back up.

'Lea!' He whined at you for retracting, but you just looked at him. He reluctantly placed his hands at his sides and you bent right back down. Gripping him once more, you placed your lips at the tip, ghosting your tongue along it, eliciting a small moan from him. You let your mouth slowly envelop him, a small sigh escaping you as your lips met his pelvis. He moaned again from the vibrations and you couldn't help but smirk. Slowly, you raised yourself up, slicking him up enough for you to increase your speed. He moaned louder and louder as your pace quickened, until he was practically screaming your name, fingers wound through your hair and you bobbed your head up and down.

'Lea! Lea, I'm - ah! - I'm gonna...!' You didn't let him finish, instead sitting up with a satisfying pop from your mouth. He immediately tried to reach down to stroke himself off, but you grabbed his wrists to hold them down. He whined needily at you, wriggling his hips to try and make some sort of contact. You grinned down at the sight, watching this man you loved to much writhe as you kept him just out of reach of his climax. 'That's really cruel, you know.'

'I know.' You leaned over to place a gentle kiss on his lips, then sat back up and sidled off of him to show you trusted him enough to not try anything. He remained passive on his back, his fingers twitching as he contemplated while you removed your boxers and threw them to the floor. You made to straddle him again, but he sat up and pushed you back down on your ass with a thump. 'What was that for?'

He didn't respond, instead leering hungrily over your own dick. You felt his breath tickle against it, watched as he slowly pressed his lips to it in a light kiss, and you nearly came from that. You held yourself back as he licked up the full length, wrapping his lips around the tip and swallowing all of you in one quick motion. He had always been better than you at this, so you let him do his own thing. You could feel his tongue swirling around and around, his hands playing absentmindedly with your balls, and you felt yourself coming closer and closer to climax. You knew before he even sat up that he wouldn't let you finish, though, so you kept your mouth shut when he finally did. He moved up to straddle your hips, bracing himself on your shoulders as he lowered himself down onto you.

A low moan escaped you as you slowly slid into him, a sigh of relief from him when he you were fully sheathed. You let him rest for a bit, knowing it was always tough for his muscles to get used to you, until you couldn't wait any longer. You gripped his hips and bucked your hips up to help you get started. He moaned long and loud as you slowly raised him up and down, drinking in his pleasure.

'Lea, stop - hah - teasing me...mm!' You responded right away with a sharp buck of your hips right into his soft spot, earning a slightly muffled moan as he was cut off. You repeated this process over and over again, letting the tension build before you struck his soft spot. Watching him slowly lose his mind like this, it made you all the hornier. His flowers swayed gently with each stroke and his mouth hung open to let his moans escape freely. His fingers dig painfully into your shoulders and his torso arched back with his strike. You couldn't take it any longer and quickly pushed him to lay on his back. He didn't even respond, only moaning louder as you quickened the pace, pounding into him harder each time.

'Ah, Lea!' He cried your name as you continued to hit his soft spot over and over, clawing at your shoulders and biceps as you held yourself up. You felt his legs come up to wrap around yours, urging you to go even faster. Before that, you flipped him over to rest on his hands and knees, not giving him any time to think as you hit his spot hard. He screamed your name, his elbow buckling to plant the side of his face in the bed. You didn't let up your assault on his body, leaning down to bite into his shoulder hard enough to draw blood. He moaned again, leading you to bite his back, his arm, leave hickeys and bruises everywhere, just anything you could do to mark him. He was used to it by now and you'd learned to rein yourself in, but some of them were sure to last much longer than the others.

'Ah!' You flipped him back over to work on his front, trailing a hand through his flowers, eliciting an even louder moan as you grabbed his hips and pushed yourself as deep as you could. You leaned down to lock his lips to yours, pounding faster and faster, until you could feel the climax at your fingertips. You released his mouth, only to arch back as your climax crashed into you, your mind blanking and you vision blurring. You heard only his screaming your name and felt only his nails digging into your skin. You barely had enough sense to remove yourself from him once your mind cleared. You laid next to him, breathing heavily. He rubbed circles into your chest and you fell asleep right then and there.

The sounds of birds chirping, the wind blowing, and the smell of coffee was what woke you up. You got up lazily, realizing that he had cleaned both you and the room up at some point after you fell asleep, and shoved yourself into some sweatpants. You walked into the kitchen to be greeted with a mountain of food and a steaming cup of coffee sitting on the kitchen table. He was sitting next to it with his own food and drink, so you sat down to enjoy breakfast together in peaceful silence. You were glad he had actually been able to cook, too. Usually, he would almost burn down the whole house just to make one slice of toast, so this was a welcome surprise. He smiled at you as you took your first bite, relishing in the homemade taste.

'Lea', his voice was really rough and you felt a chill go through you, 'I still think...I still think that I should leave.' You sighed, putting food down from it had hovered in front of your mouth. You took another sip of coffee and looked him straight in the eye.

'How long?' He cocked his head to show he didn't understand. 'How long do you think it'll take for the flowers to spread again?' At that, he leaned back into his chair, folding his arms in thought. He stayed like that for some time, letting the sounds of you chewing your food fill the room. He didn't answer until you finished your food and were working on your coffee.

'Probably another week, if that. I'd say the minimum time is three days.' You nodded your head, taking it all in. Your stomach wrenched at the thought of him leaving at all, and you knew it was entirely unfair of him and of the flowers, but you also knew there was nothing you could do about it. He had always done whatever he liked, whether you agreed or not.

'So, you have two more days here, then?' He nodded his head slowly, leaning over to rest his arms on the table. He had long finished his own plate and so nursed his coffee while you put the dishes in the sink. 'Well, before that...can I ask you something?'

'Anything.' An immediate response. You couldn't help but chuckle as you returned to the table.

'Will you let me see your eyes? I mean...like, actually remove those flowers?' He hesitated, before nodding once more and peering down into his coffee. You two sat like that for so long you'd started to wonder if you had asked something very dangerous. 'I mean, if that's too dangerous, then-'

'No, no, it's fine! I just...I've never removed my own flowers, so I'm worried I'll mess something up.' You reached over to hold his hand, squeezing it in comfort.

'You're fine, Logry. Just think of it like any other removal, alright?' He smiled at you, content with that thought in mind, and raised his hands to his face. You felt the air around you pulse as his magic worked itself into the roots of the flowers. He very slowly pulled one out and lay it on the table. He continued this flow for a few more flowers, picking up the pace as he got more comfortable. Soon enough, a whole pile of morning glories sat on the table and you could finally see his eyes.

Beautiful purple eyes gleamed at you, a halo of morning glories still sat on his head. You couldn't help but stare into them, unable to tear your gaze away. Sure, you'd seen his eyes before, but only through the flowers. The light had never hit them, you had never seen them shine and glimmer as they did now. You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him. He leaned into your touch, opening his mouth to allow you passage. This kiss was different from the ones last night. You tried pour all of your love and admiration for this man into this one single kiss, flicking your tongue against his to elicit a small moan. Pulling away, his eyes were even more dazzling and you chuckled. He smiled in return and gave you a small shove.

'I take it you like them?' You only laughed louder in response, standing up and dragging him with you. He giggled as you placed a hand in his and one on his waist, twirling him around the table until you were standing in the living area. He rested his head on your shoulder as the two of you swayed back and forth, just as his flowers did. You moved your arms to hug him, continuing your slow dance, and pulled him closer until his feet were practically on yours. You felt him chuckle before you heard it, the vibrations sending another chill through you. You couldn't have imagined a better way to start the day, really.

A sudden thought occurred to you to make this day even better. Releasing him, you moved to look outside, seeing the picture perfect weather, a shot a grin at him as he stood there confused. You didn't say anything as you walked over to grab his hand before racing out the door. He yelled out your name, but you didn't care, racing as fast as you could dragging him along. Eventually, you just picked him up and continued running, bouncing him as you did. You heard him laugh very loudly in your ear as the town came into view. You got to the edge before coming to a stop, putting him down as carefully as you could with no breath. He laughed again when you legs wobbled, but you kept yourself upright.

'Lea, what's gotten into you? You know neither of us have any money, right? Besides, look at you! You're only wearing pants!' He snuck up behind you and placed a hand on your still-fresh back. You whirled around, a wide smile on your face, not caring in the slightest. All you wanted to do was explore the town with him at your side. You looped your arm through his and marched into the square, not caring as people stared and whispered as you passed. The square had a giant fountain in the middle of it, so you two sat down there to let you catch your breath. 'Seriously, though, were you even thinking before you did this? Honestly...'

'You don't sound very angry. In fact, you sound a little happier than I do.' You nudged him in the side, earning a pointed stare from him before he smiled just as widely.

'I suppose. So, Mr. I-have-everything-under-control, where are we headed first?' You leaned back on your hands, looking around to find a good place to start. You had to keep in mind neither of you had money on hand, so you started with the butcher, who you knew quite well. He sighed as you stood up to walk over, following you despite it. You cheerily greeted the fat man in charge of the meat, who greeted you back just the same, uncaring of you lack of clothing.

'Lea, my boy! What brings ya here so early in the day? You're usually still asleep 'round' this time, aren't ya?' He slid you some freshly sliced beef, winking, before going to attend to some customers. Your stomach growled angrily at you, but you turned to offer it to Logry. He peeled a small chunk off, leaving you the larger piece. You knew he wasn't a very big fan of meat, so you appreciated that he even ate any at all.

'I was wondering, you know any good places to go for someone as broke as me?' The butcher eyed Logry standing behind you, but you moved to block his view, knowing that most people usually just assume he buys you everything you need.

'Well, if that's what you're lookin' for, I'd start with the fortune-telling booth across the way. She opened up just recently, so she's doin' a few free of charge until she gets settled in.' You thanked the man before dragging Logry over to the booth, who whined about fortune telling being a big lie and a scam, but you knew deep down he really did want to try it. It was free, after all, so there was no harm.

'Welcome, my dears, welcome! How may I help you?' The old woman sat on a fluffy pillow behind a short table, a large glass orb sat on top of it, and gestured to the pillow opposite her. You pushed Logry down into the pillow, merely grinning as he shot you a look. 'I suppose you're going first, then?'

'I suppose I am.' She chuckled in response, her jewelry tinkling. She sat up straight then, raising her hands to stroke the orb. Logry stayed silent, unknowingly leaning in as she whispered to herself.

'Well, now, that's quite interesting.'

'What? What's interesting?'

'It would seem your future isn't a very bright one, my dear.' Logry sat back, dejected but knowing it to be true. 'Even so, you should enjoy these last couple days. I'll tell you this, though, don't try it. It's better to leave on a sad note than none at all.'

You looked between them, confused, as Logry nodded his head. He stood up, motioning for you to take his place. You were still confused from that last statement, but you guess he would explain it to you later. Sitting down, you found the pillow to be rather comfortable. The old woman repeated her actions, bringing her hands up to stroke the orb. Her face took on a rather sour look, wrenching your guts.

'Oh, you poor fool,' you sat up straight, 'you should have listened to your instincts way back when. You know why, though, don't you?' You looked down at your hands, feeling Logry's eyes on your back as you felt tears well up in your eyes. You looked back up at the old woman, who looked very sad as well. 'The good times were good, but were they worth what will come?'

You took a deep shuddering breath, steadying yourself and pushing the tears back. You thought back on all the years you'd spent with Logry, all the good times you'd had. You smiled wanly to yourself, then steeled yourself and looked the old woman in her eyes.

'Yes, it was worth it.' She smiled in response and you stood up, walking quietly out of the booth. Logry followed you in silence, walking a few paces behind you as you headed back to the fountain. You sat down on the edge, letting the spray of the fountain sprinkle your back. He sat down next to you, letting the sounds of the water splashing fill the air between you. Eventually, he cleared his throat and turned towards you.

'So, what did your instincts tell you, initially?' You tensed, suddenly finding yourself unwilling to divulge that. He placed a hand on your thigh, rubbing circles into it with his thumb. You sighed, letting yourself relax and releasing all of your tension. You turned to look him in the eyes, still finding it a little strange to actually be doing that.

'When we first met...the first thing I thought was 'wow, this guy looks like he's loaded' and I was first just...going to seduce you with the whole bad-boy look and steal all of your money afterwards.' Logry stopped rubbing his thigh, an undefinable look on his face. Your stomach tightened, butterflies erupting frantically throughout it. You closed your eyes, waiting for him to say something, anything.

'Well...the seducing part worked, at least.' You stared wild-eyed at him, unsure if he was joking or not. 'No, I'm serious! I mean...didn't we...you know.' He blushed a deep shade of red, looking away and pulling his hand from your thigh.

'Huh? Oh! Yeah, haha, yeah, I guess we did do that the first night, huh?' You remembered the first night you two met, how he had basically fallen for you instantly, let you do whatever you want with him. You were honestly curious why that was and you figured now was as a good time as any other. 'So, I've been wondering. Why did you let me do all that stuff? We'd just met, but you let me do whatever I wanted.'

'Well,' his blush intensified, 'I...I wanted to be...you know...dominated.' He practically whispered that last part, but you still heard it and your own face blushed. Words failed you as you fumbled to try and respond to that, but nothing was coming to you. Your mind had blanked out and all you could think of was how he had never tried to top. 'I mean, I was so used to people doing as I said, listening to whatever I told them...it was a nice change of pace to have someone in my life that refused to listen.'

'Oh.' That was all you could manage. Thinking about that first night, the way he had been so fresh and innocent, the marks you'd left all over his body, the way he could barely even move afterwards, it made that warmth start pooling in your stomach again. Realizing you were wearing only your sweatpants, you quickly hopped up and jumped into the fountain. Logry cried out as you splashed water on him, but only chuckled looking over at you.

'What's wrong? Too warm for you all of a sudden?' You saw a mischievous gleam in his eyes as you smiled at you. You just splashed more water on him in return. The cold of the water set into your bones quickly, so you jumped out of the fountain almost as fast as you'd gotten in. Logry said nothing as you picked him up again and began jogging back to the house. He laid his head down on your shoulders as you bounced him along.

'Hey...I was wondering,' it was difficult to talk and run at the same time, 'what was it she...was saying not to do?' He tensed up, squeezing his thighs against your sides, and nestled his face into your neck. You didn't say anything else the whole way back, but he finally did when you put him down in front of the house.

'I was...I was going to run away in the night. I wasn't going to say anything, not even leave a note...I was just going to leave and never come back.' Hearing that, you felt your blood run as cold as the water still in your hair. You grabbed his wrist and he looked you in the eyes. You had nothing to say, but you were silently pleading with him to stay, to not do that. He could evidently read it on your face, because his own softened and he wrapped his arms around you. 'I promise I won't. She was right, a sad note is better than no note.'

'Don't try to twist that so you run away and leave a sad note behind.' Your words were muffled by his hair, but he heard you nonetheless, laughing into your shoulder.

'Don't worry, I won't.' His fingers dug into your back, which you realized was still bare, and pressed himself closer to you. Like this, with the previous conversation still in mind, the water stopped doing as good of a job and the warmth came seeping back. Logry chuckled, pushing a knee up between your legs, eliciting a low moan from you. 'Why don't we go inside?'

'I thought you'd never ask.' You had barely pushed the door open when he shoved you from behind, causing you to stumble forward. You heard the door click shut behind you and his hands on the small of your back, urging you forward until you were standing next to the sofa. He gently pushed you down onto it, straddling you stomach.

'You know, now that we've talked about it, maybe I should try dominating you?' That sent a shiver down your spine and you felt the sweatpants becoming much too tight. He smirked down at you, grinding down into you, causing you to moan once again. He giggled, before stopping to ponder something. 'I wonder, though, does that mean I should try taking you?'

'Uh, well, you've never done it before, so maybe? I mean, whatever you wanna do! You're topping now, so...' You were at a loss for words. He was rarely this direct, often skirting around the topic, or at least never saying things clearly. He was still blushing profusely, though, so you knew he was still embarrassed by it. He seemed to decide on whichever one, though, and got up to remove his clothes. You hastily threw your own pants to the floor as he turned around, now naked.

'I think I'll try it.' With that, he stood next to your head, looking down at you expectantly. You weren't used to this whole bottom thing, so it took you a moment to figure what he wanted you to do. You wrapped a hand around his shaft, pumping slowly as he moaned into his hand. You licked the tip lightly, causing him to grab your hair with both hands and buck his hips. You smiled and wrapped your lips around him, taking his whole length in bit by bit. When he was fully in, he sighed contentedly and you swirled your tongue a bit to wet him up completely. You dragged your tongue along the bottom as you removed your mouth, eliciting a long moan from him as you did. Leaning back, you saw he was certainly wet enough, but you were worried about yourself.

'Don't worry, I've got this.' Almost as if reading your mind, he popped a few fingers into his mouth, sucking loudly, before bending over you. You felt a cold sensation as his finger slid against your entrance, tensing as you started putting his index finger in. 'Remember, you need to relax.'

'Haha, sorry...it's been a while.' He looked down at you quizzically, although his finger kept going in and out. You moaned quietly, yours elbows buckling to land you face into the couch.

'Have you taken it before?' He added another finger, making you lose your mind just a little bit more.

'Hah...yeah...before I mmmet you...there was another man - ah!' You were cut off as he jammed a third finger in, quickening the pace. His slender fingers weren't long enough to reach your soft spot, but they did nicely even so. You panted his name over and over, gripping the sofa cushions as you felt yourself get closer the edge.

'Why didn't you ever mention him?' He stopped right before the edge, leaving you whining needily. He crouched over you, prodding your entrance, but not going in as he waited for your answer.

'He just...he never came up in conversation. I didn't want you to think less of me for having been with someone else. I-I mean, it wasn't exactly a nice relationships, anyway! He was...he was nothing like you.' You had turned your head so your words weren't muffled, eyeing him to see his reaction. He just smiled down at you and leaned over to peck your cheek.

'I could never think less of you just for that. I'm glad you got out of it, though, or else we might not have met. I'll be honest, you were my very first.' That thought made you smile, although your blush also darkened. Chuckling, he resumed his prodding, eventually pushing in slowly. You moaned, muffling it with the sofa. He took his sweet time until he was fully sheathed, letting your muscles adjust. After a bit, he pulled back out, then pushed back in, going as achingly slow as possible. You whined, reaching back to try and grab at him, to try and get him to speed up.

'What was that? I couldn't hear you.' He pushed back into you sharply, eliciting a loud moan from you, before resuming his slow pace. You were basically puddy in his hands, he had complete control over you, and you loved it. 'Come on, Lea, say it. You know you want to.'

'P-please, Logry...' Your voice choked up as he struck your soft spot, your words turning into a cry. 'Logry! Faster! Please!'

'I thought you'd never ask.' He sped up, pounding into you. Eventually, he figured out just the right spot and hit it over and over again, making you absolutely lose your mind. You were crying and screaming his name, almost ripping the cloth off of the sofa as he kept up the pace. Somehow, he flipped you over, leaning down to lock lips, both of you moaning into each other's mouths. Your vision was fogging up as you came closer to the edge once more, finally climaxing as his body flew back to meet you. You both screamed, letting it wash over you in tidal waves.

'Oh my god...' It was all he could manage before collapsing onto you, not caring about the mess all over your torso. 'That was amazing.'

'I know.' You wrapped your arms around him, letting his body rest as you both came down from your high. You rolled over to lay him between you and the sofa, pressing up against him. He still hadn't removed himself from you, but you didn't care. It filled you up and made you feel more whole than you had in your whole life. 'This was way better than him.'

'I'm glad.' He snuggled into the crook of your neck, before immediately falling asleep, the rise and fall of his chest soothing you into a lull. You would worry about clean up after you woke up, falling into a deep sleep.

'Lea. Lea!' You were shaken awake, the light of the sun dying in the sky. You rolled over sleepily, muttering something incomprehensible, and were greeted with being shaken again. This time it was enough to roll you onto the floor, where you fell into a heap as it dawned on you how long you'd been sleeping. You bolted upright, banging foreheads with Logry in the process. You felt nothing from it, but he stumbled back, landing on his ass and cradling his head in his hands.

'Oh shit! Sorry, sorry! I didn't realize you were right there!' You quickly crawled over to him and stroked his head comfortingly. He shook his head, removing your hand and placing his own hands in his lap. He was beaming at you.

'It's alright, I was being mean to you anyway. Do you realize what time it is, though?' You glanced over your shoulder to see the still-setting sun and shrugged.

'Probably about dinner time?'

'Yeah, so you know what I was thinking?' He held up his wallet, waiting for you to get the idea. It took your sleep-addled mind a moment to comprehend, but you snuck him a small glare when you did.

'You know how I hate eating out.' It had always bothered you, having grown up in the slums. Something about eating in a restaurant had always gotten under your skin, like it was wealthy people's way of showing off their money.

'Oh come on. For me?' He blinked his eyes over and over, trying to pull off a pout, and you just had to give in.

'Fine, fine, let me get dressed. Where are we eating, anyhow?' He followed you into the bedroom, noticing he had already gotten dressed and everything. He was wearing a white suit with a lavender tie and it sent chills down your spine to think you would be eating at fine dining. Only for him would you ever do that.

'To the finest restaurant around, of course! It's only a thirty minute drive, no you're not driving, and I already made a reservation!' He was absolutely giddy, having grown up with a good amount of wealth. Finally being able to dine finely again after so many years was probably very nostalgic for him. You could only give him a wan smile in return, pulling on the black suit he'd laid on the bed for you. He looped a rust red tie around your neck, pulling it down to kiss you. You gladly would have just pulled him onto the bed and tore off that annoying suit if he hadn't mentioned the reservation. Appointments always made you feel rushed.

'Alright, let's get going then.' You followed him out to the car, reluctantly taking the passenger seat. He always complaining about your driving, that you were too slow or too jerky. One time, you'd almost slammed his head into the dashboard after a particularly hard stop and that made him take the wheel away from you altogether. You rolled down the window and let the wind whip through your hair all the way there, watching as the stars began peeking out from their slumber. You had almost fallen back asleep yourself when he pulled up to the restaurant.

'Here we are!' You felt very self-conscious walking into the building, especially wearing a suit, but your nerves were set slightly at ease seeing all the other people in there dressed similarly. Logry chatted with the server all the way to the seat, a two-seater right next to a window overlooking the sea. You both sat down and ordered a drink, him getting just water and you a bottle of Rosé. Logry shot you a look, but you knew you would need it by the end of the night. As you waited, your eyes drifted over him, taking in how pristine he looked in his suit. His face was framed by the flowers, his eyes catching the glow of the candlelight in just the right way so that they glittered.

'You could make your staring less obvious, you know.' You sputtered, trying to compose yourself as the server returned with your drinks and poured you a glass of wine. Logry always admonished your expensive tastes, but he knew it was because you never had any of this growing up. As much as you hated restaurants, the food and drink was always to die for, in your humble opinion. The two of you remained silent after that, watching the calm waves of the ocean lap against each other. The sounds of the other diners dimmed into the background the longer you sat and you began to wonder if you were getting drunk.

'Lea, what do you want to eat?' You were snapped out of your daze by Logry's sudden question, looking down at the menu to see you had no idea what any of this was. You looked up at the server cluelessly, who only smiled in return and wrote down the dinner special. As she left, you looked at Logry smiling in content.

'That happy, are you?' He beamed at you, taking your left hand in his. Your gold wedding rings flashed in the candlelight and your heart jumped to your throat. He had remembered to wear it and he must have slipped yours on your hand before you woke up. You both always forgot to wear it, although that never made much of a difference to you, but it was still nice to wear it every once in a while. Plus, it kept the wandering eyes of the girls away, usually. You laced your fingers together, squeezing his hand in yours.

'Yes, I'm very happy. Thank you for coming out with me tonight. I know how much you hate this, but...' He trailed off, though you knew where he was going. This would likely be the last night you spent together. He wanted to go out and eat with you so you could remember his like this, a paragon of beauty deigning to eat with you. You chuckled to yourself at that thought. He'd said something like that when you first met, but you really felt it was true now. 'Something funny?'

'No, nothing. I just hope you realize we're gonna have to go another round when we get home. You owe me, after all.' His face lit up, tomato red reaching even his ears, as you leaned in close enough so only he could hear you. 'I'll make you scream like you've never screamed before, my dear.'

'Lea!' He whisper yelled it, but could do nothing else as the server returned with your food. He had ordered shrimp and scallops, while you'd received steak with a strange sauce on top.

'Enjoy!' She practically pranced away, an odd smile on her face. You snuck a look at the people around you, worried some of them were staring, but everyone else was doing their own thing. You rather liked this restaurant.

'Well, dig in!' He absolutely went to town on his food, eating it faster than you'd ever seen before. You hesitantly cut into your steak, noting it was medium-rare, and hurriedly took a bite, wanting to get it over with. However, it totally caught you off guard with how delicious it was. The sauce turned out to be a sort of wine steak sauce and your mouth felt like it was melting. You knew you couldn't just tear into it, though, so you just cut it up as quick as you could, scarfing it down. 'See, doesn't it taste wonderful?'

'Mm!' Your mouth was full, so that was all you could muster, but you felt like you were in absolute bliss. You both finished your plates about the same time, and you'd gone through at least half the wine bottle, when the server came back to ask if you wanted dessert. You didn't think you'd be able to fit anything more in your stomach, but Logry was apparently very hungry. He ordered some flan for himself and a chocolate-vanilla brownie for you. There was no way you would turn it down now, but you were worried about not being able to finish it all.

'Don't worry, Lea. If you can't finish it, just take it home!' Logry smiled at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking.

You finished it. You didn't know how, but you were somehow able to eat all of your brownie and he all of his flan. It had tasted to amazing, there was no way you were going to leave it for hours to just sit and harden. Logry was beaming from ear to ear, even as he paid the lump sum for the meal, and even as you got back in the car. You were extremely glad you hadn't fought him on coming here. It was definitely a breath of fresh air.

'So, how do you want to do it this time?' You were almost back home when he asked, catching you a little off-guard. Honestly, all that food was making you sleepy, but you had to keep your promise.

'Oh, I dunno. I was thinking about teasing you for a bit, never letting you finish. What did you have in mind?' He blushed lightly, closing his mouth in contemplation. You'd had sex with him so many times, you were running out of ideas, until one hit you just as he pulled into the driveway. 'Actually, I think I just thought of something.'

'Whatever you want to do.' He was still blushing as you lead him into the house and through to the bedroom. You stood next to the bed and looked at him, wondering if you should say it aloud. 'What?'

'Undress me.' His face lit up again, but he did as he was told, his finger fumbling on the buttons. You waited patiently for him to remove your jacket, but he was taking too long so you pushed him back onto the bed and removed your shirt for him. You decided to leave the tie because you just didn't feel like messing with it. 'Move up.'

Again, he did as he was told, laying on the bed properly with you straddling his pelvis. You leaned down and began unbuttoning his jacket, throwing it aside, then starting on his shirt. As you undid a button, you would nip at his skin, eliciting a small moan each time. As you undid the last button, laying it completely open, you leaned back to take in the sight. His hair was ruffled, his shirt was wrinkled, and his skin was red and shiny from where your lips had been. You smirked as you got off of him and rummaged through your closet. He was up on his elbows when you turned around, his eyes going wide when he saw what was in your hands.

'Wait, seriously? I thought you didn't like using those!' You held a pair of fluffy black handcuffs, refusing to answer as you got back on him and looped them through the headboard bars to clasp his wrists. He pulled on them to test their strength, when you suddenly leaned down and bit his shoulder hard. He cried out as the blood dripped down onto the sheets. You could always clean them later.

'What's wrong, Logry? I thought you wanted to be dominated.' Your eyes flashed and his face went an even brighter shade of red as you shimmied him out of his pants, leaving him only in his shirt, boxers, and tie. He looked away, embarrassed, as you traced your fingers along the bite marks on his stomach. 'Besides, I thought you said you'd do whatever I wanted. Right?'

He bit his lip, probably internally cursing himself for saying that, before crying out as you bit down on his chest. He squirmed as you sucked up the blood, moving over to lick his nipple while one of your hands pinched the other. The unoccupied hand moved down to grab his ass and pull his hips up to meet yours. He was moaning from each flick of your tongue and pinch of your fingers, until he was an absolute mess. You let him get closer and closer to the edge, grinding against him for good measure, then stopped right before. He threw his head back into the pillows and whined for release.

'Not yet.' Your voice was a low growl and you could feel the wine starting to work its magic. Hopefully he wouldn't be too mad to know you were a little tipsy doing this. You worked your way up to his neck, biting just hard enough to not break skin but still get a moan. You could feel the vibrations through his throat in your mouth and that only made you hornier. You moved up to nibble is earlobe, moving the hand on his ass to stroke his side. You blew air into his ear, making him shudder, before leaning back again.

'Lea...stop...teasing me...' He could barely get the words out through his heavy breathing, his pupils were blown out from lust, and he kept licking his lips expectantly. You couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, bending down to capture his lips with your own. You sucked on his lower lip, nipping at it, then shoved your tongue into his mouth, exploring it fully. He wriggled more and more as air couldn't get to him, but you waited until your own vision was darkening before sitting up. Now his lips were swollen and red, too. 'Come on...'

'Hm? What was that?' You pulled his boxers down slowly, watching the full length of his dick spring up from its confines, before throwing them to the floor. Words failed him as you pressed your own dick against his, rubbing them together with your hips. He bucked his own, to which you responded by pressing them down with your hand. He whined as you kept a slow pace, waiting until he was right there at the edge again and not letting him finish for a second time. He glared at you hungrily and you just grinned down at him. 'Come on, what?'

He turned his head away, glaring at the wall like the little brat he was, and you flicked the end of his dick. He let out a sharp breath, but remained silent otherwise. You sighed, hoping you weren't actually making him mad, and moved up to straddle his chest. He side-eyed you, wondering what you were doing, when you pulled him up slightly to shove your dick down his throat. He choked, crying out as you filled his mouth, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Despite your worries, your own lust and hunger for his body had overridden them and made you forget about all of it. You moved back and forth, bracing yourself on the headboard as he swirled his tongue around and around. You felt yourself coming closer to the edge, and found that you were unable to stop yourself as you quickened the pace, jamming yourself as far into his mouth as possible before coming. You heard him choking, but you barely cared.

Raising yourself off of him, he swallowed thickly, tears streaming down his face from the force. His eyes were clouded over, though, and he didn't seem angry. That was good enough for you. You put a hand in front of his face.

'Lick.' He did, coating your hand in his saliva, eyes half-lidded as you pulled your hand away to slide it over his dick. He moaned loudly as you coated him with his own spit, smirking at the thought. When you positioned yourself over him, he eyed you warily. 'Didn't you say it felt good?'

He nodded slowly, watching as you slowly lowered yourself onto him. It was a bit harder this time, seeing as how you were almost completely dry, but the saliva had worked well enough. He was fully sheathed within seconds and you let yourself relax. He started relaxing to when you started up again, raising your hips and slamming them back down, over and over. He screamed your name, struggling against the handcuffs to grab you, to feel your skin against his fingers. The handcuffs didn't let up, though, and you kept up your assault, this time stopping yourself whenever he got close. Your hands were keeping his hips firmly against the bed and he struggled even harder whenever you stopped.

His eyes were glazed over and his breathing heavy by the third time. You felt that you were being a bit too cruel now, so when you started back up you kept going until he finally climaxed. The warmth of it filled you to the brim, almost making you come as well, but you held yourself back. He was a moaning mess, screaming your name as loud as he could, straining against the handcuffs. As you pulled yourself off of him, you could feel your dick throbbing against the pressure and you smiled to yourself. Your dick was still wet from his mouth, so you had no worries as you positioned yourself at his entrance. He could barely look down when you thrust into him, almost coming immediately.

'Lea!' He cried out for you, screaming your name over and over again as you slammed against his soft spot. His head thrashed about, his arms tensing, and you leaned over to bite him again. He cried out with each bite, screamed with each thrust, and you could tell he was going to lose himself again soon. You held out until he did, pushing into him as far as you could to come with him. He screamed at the top of his lungs as you did, his nails digging into his palms enough to draw blood, and his eyes were wide open. You were both riding high after all this, and you had barely enough sense to undo his handcuffs. His arms just fell against the bed, with no strength to bring them up. You gave him a sloppy kiss and flopped onto your side, pulling out of him in the process. You both lay there panting and you could tell he had already fallen asleep. You snuggled up against him and followed suit.

For once, you woke up before him, blinking as the light of the sun scattered through the blinds. You sat up, realizing this meant clean up was left to you, and begrudgingly began wiping your bodies down, removing the sheets from under Logry and throwing them in the wash, and you even dressed Logry's bottom half for him. It wasn't until you started pulling on you boxers that Logry stirred.

'Hey, big guy. Get enough sleep in ya?' His half-lidded eyes looked at you blearily, barely even registering what you said, when you he bolted upright, making you jolt.

'What time is it?' He was panting, his hair a mess, looking straight into your confused eyes. Turning around, the clock shone 8:47, and you knew by the sun waking you up it was morning. He groaned, flopping back onto the bed. 'A few more hours.'

'Few more hours 'til what?' He side-eyed you and you just stared back. It took a moment of silence for it to register, but you just waved it off. 'Oh, that? Just be sure to pack everything you'll need, alright?'

'Wait...what?' He sat up to lean on his elbows, a very confused look on his face.

'Yeah, I was thinking before you woke up and...well, there's nothing else we can do, right? And I know you won't let me go with you, so I decided to just think of it like you're going on a trip!' He smiled softly, reaching up to ruffle your hair.

'Of course, just a trip. I'll be back before you know it.' Your heart ached, but you just smiled brightly, hoping you could convince him you weren't being torn in two by this. 'I should get some stuff together, then.'

'Before that...how was it?' He blushed, looking away, and mumbled something. 'I'm sorry, what was that?'

'It was amazing.' He was still looking away, but he raised his voice enough for you to hear. 'I just wish we'd done something like that from the beginning.'

'Haha, well, you could've just asked!' His face got even redder and he threw a pillow in your direction, stomping off in pretend anger as you giggled to yourself. You absentmindedly kneaded the sheets with your hands, a part of you wishing he would leave already and another part wanting him to just stay.

'You alright?' He poked his head back into the room, a bottle of water in his hand.

'Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine! Just a little tired.' He came over and handed you the water, watching as you downed it in just a few gulps.

'I'll bet. You really went to town on me last night.'

'Hell yeah I did!' You beamed at him, earning another pillow to the face, but he just stood there now. 'Are you alright?'

'Yeah, I guess...I'm really going to miss you, Lea.' Your heart panged, your stomach tightening as his eyes glistened. You stood up, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace.

'I'll miss you, too.' He snuggled into your shoulder and you felt the wetness of tears being soaked into your skin. 'It's alright, I'll be fine. I'll stay here and keep the house warm and tidy for when you get back.'

'Y-yeah. Thanks.' His breath hitched and you almost started crying yourself when he finally pulled away, a small voice in your head telling you not to let go. He wiped the tears from his eyes and forced a smile on his face. 'I think I should be going.'

'Okay. Take care out there.' He nodded, striding into the living area with you at his heels. 'And Logry?'


'I love you.' His face softened.

'I love you, too.' He picked up the small bag of items he'd packed and walked to the glass doors. You didn't follow him as he pushed them open and stepped outside. As he closed the door, you eyed the pile of morning glories on the sofa, a photograph laying gently on top. You couldn't bear to watch him go, instead moving over to grab the picture. It was of him and you, back when you were first traveling together. Tears welled up in your eyes, a few falling daintily onto the picture, and you whirled around to the doors. Looking out, though, Logry was no longer there. Just the empty fields of grass and daisies.

'Why...?' You fell to your knees, clutching the picture to your chest, and bawled your eyes out. You cursed your fate, cursed yourself for ignoring your instincts, cursed the world for doing this to them. Maybe it was the flower's way of punishing you, maybe it was just the world saying that you would never have what you wanted. You should have known, it takes away everything you love. You curled up into a ball, weeping into the photograph. Your heart felt like it was being torn in half, like someone was taking a hammer to it and beating the hell out of it. You almost hurled from how hard you were crying, but you didn't care. From now, you were alone, and the crushing emptiness of the house didn't let up for a single second.

After hours of crying and cursing, you finally sat up, your eyes red and puffy, your face sticky from the tears. You shakily got to your feet and looked at the morning glories. Without a second thought, you grabbed the lot of them and marched to the glass doors, slamming them open with your foot. Stepping outside and letting the warm spring air waft over you, it somewhat soothed you. You took a deep breath of fresh air and hurled the flowers into the field. A part of you had wanted to take some to keep in your room, but you didn't want them to rot away. As much as they had hurt him, they were the only physical reminder of who he used to be. Watching as they danced in the breeze, rolling around on the ground, you sat down and let your mind go blank, just living in the moment. Maybe it would be easier for you to block it all out, to never remind yourself of him. Looking at the flowers, though, you knew that would be impossible.