A/N Welcome to another one-shot! As always let me know what you think of my work and I hope you enjoy the story. If you have any ideas you might like me to write, feel free to swing it my way. Cheers :)

The Hog Trap isn't the ideal place to be taking your kids or family of any sort. It's a decent sized bar that's filled with bikers, the occasional hitchhiker and a constant cloud of cigarette smoke. It's a tough crowd most days, however, today seems to be going a little slow. So far, there's only the regulars who pass through here on a Sunday afternoon, and they usually sit in the far corner near the television.

Waitressing and having to deal with the occasional flirtation of a grungy man in black leather isn't and has never been my ideal job. But after finishing high school and having no particular direction that I wanted to go in, I needed to start somewhere. How I winded up here of all placed isn't the most interesting of bedtime stories, but it's not typical either. I didn't walk in here with a white toothed smile and a resume in hand. I was given this job my boyfriend of ten and a half months.

Harvey Hansen – the current bartender of the Hog Trap.

Of course, like most men, he was nothing but a pure gentleman. He opened car doors, he paid for dinners and he spoke the sweetest words to me. But after a while, all of those things start to fade and he became a little too comfortable with my company. That's when he started to show me his true colours. The real Harvey Hanson.

Grabbing my wrist, Harvey pulled me back so that my stomach pressed into the edge of the bar. His touches are never soft anymore. Instead they always leaves a bruise or at the very least, a throbbing sensation for the rest of the day "Where's the rest of that skirt you got on?" he asked with his muddy green eyes glancing me all over "You're a waitress, not a five buck hooker on the corner"

"It's my uniform" I replied back with clenched teeth "I can't do anything about it. Let go. Your hurting me" tugging my wrist back, Harvey eventually let go to straighten up. Standing behind the bar, he picked up another glass and started drying it with the rag that hung over his shoulder.

"I'm gonna have to talk to Bobby about that" he said seriously "I can't have my girl showing everything she's got to the customers. It ain't right"

I wanted to snicker. What isn't right is how the man who claims to love me won't stop man handling me every chance that he gets. What happened to pleasurable hickey's and gentle caresses? Unfortunately, there's no such thing in our relationship anymore. Ignoring Harvey's rant, I nodded to the bar "Can I get my order now? There waiting" I subtly gestured to the new group of four men who'd sat down at a table not far behind me.

"Don't get snappy, yeah" he retorted with a narrowed look.

I held in the sigh along with the roll of my brown eyes. Anything Harvey couldn't get away with in public he'd sure make up for when we get home. Waiting for him to finish placing the drinks on the round black tray, I headed over to the table where the group were chatting away; their cigarettes leaking a trail of white smoke.

"Sorry for the wait. Here you go" I said with a smile as I placed down their beers.

"Thanks sweetheart" replied one of the guys. Looking over, I gave another smile as I saw his steel grey eyes looking at me. He was cute for a biker. Most of them are older with long beards, beer bellies and plenty of tattoos.

"No problem. Let me know if you need anything else" walking around, I wiped a few of the tables and replenished some of the peanut trays. Heading back over to the bar once I was done, I sat up on one of the brown leather stools.

Taking out a cigarette from my bra, I lit it with a flick of the lighter before breathing in the nicotine. I never used to smoke until I met Harvey. He convinced me to try it one time and I've been hooked ever since. It's an awful habit I'm slowly trying to break "You coming back to my place tonight?" Harvey leant on the other side of the bar.

"I don't know. My parents want me to visit them some time. I might spend the night" I replied before taking another puff of my cigarette.

It's no hidden secret that my parents disagree with me being with Harvey. They've voiced their opinions on many occasions and they've told me to leave. It took me a while to see it, but now I agree wholeheartedly. I do want to leave the abusive relationship that I have, but it's not that easy. Harvey's helped me with a lot of things since we've been together; he's bought me a car, jewellery and he's gotten me this job.

If I were to just up and leave this very moment, I don't know what he'd do. I've seen firsthand how violent he can become and I don't want to have to live in fear for myself and my family every time I step out the door or go to work. I've buried myself neck deep and now I'm struggling to climb back out. It's a sinkhole – the more I struggle, the more it'll swallow me up.

"Is that so?" questioned Harvey with displeased expression "I thought being with me would be more important? You can see your parents some other time, yeah. Come over tonight. We'll watch a movie or somethin"

I slowly nodded my head. It wasn't exactly a question, it never is anymore "Sure, I'll come over"

"See" Harvey smirked "That's my girl" leaning in, he kissed me on the lips and I responded enough as to not disappoint him. Swivelling on the stool afterwards, I looked over at the television mounted at the corner of the bar. The news was currently flashing across the screen; a young duo dressed in pressed clothing sat posturally correct as they spoke.

Puffing through my cigarette, I was contently focused on the important saga happening on the television when my eyes slowly started to wander toward the group of four men – in particular, the one with the steel grey eyes. Talking amongst themselves, they seemed to be more relaxed than the usual types that I see. It wasn't all bellowing laughter and spilled beer.

Flickering my eyes to and fro from the screen to the mystery man, I'd take in new bits of information with every glance I got. I could see he's wearing a sleeves black leather jacket and underneath a navy blue flannel. I could see that he's tall with light skin and stubble, and he has brown hair which involved a constant habit of sweeping it back with his fingers.

His teeth showed a little when he smiled and as he leant back in his chair, the mystery man looked over at me. It was then that I coughed a little before turning my attentional fully back onto the television. I shouldn't be starring, it's rude and I could get caught by Harvey. I know that won't end well. Keeping to myself for the time being, half an hour flew by when I saw a figure appear on my right.

Stiffening at the thought of it being the mystery man, I tried to ignore whoever it was until he stood at the bar not far from me. Somewhat leaning against the wooden counter, the sound of his alluring and masculine voice had my brain turning a little foggy "Another beer" spoke the man as he sat down his empty glass with a clink.

Glancing up, Harvey filled up another glass before setting it down "Ten bucks" he said. Handing Harvey the note, I felt as the mystery man glanced at me before heading back over to his friends. Pausing, there was a brief moment of nothing before Harvey stood in front of me again "You know that guy?"

I shook my head "I've never met him in my life" I replied before getting up from my stool. The door to the bar had opened up and I made my way over to the new set of customers. Taking their orders with a smile, I delivered their drinks before setting down the black serving tray on the bar counter "I'm going to the bathroom" I muttered. It's the one place where I can actually get some peace for a couple of minutes.

Heading down the hallway, I turned into the female facilities before letting out a deep sigh. A relatively small bathroom with two stalls and a bench with a pair of sinks, I stepped to stand in front of one of them. Peering into the partially grubby mirror, I fixed up my breasts as they'd constantly shift out of position during the day, and I adjusted my skirt. Tugging it down as far as it could go, I wiped under my eyes and smeared a bit of lipstick back onto my lips. It always seems to make Harvey happy when I wear it, as long as no one else but him is looking at me.

In all honesty – I feel exhausted.

I've got a few hours until my shift is over and I'm not exactly thrilled with my destination after that. I don't think I have the energy to deal with Harvey tonight. I can feel this heavy weight dragging me down and I can barely cope. Taking one final look into the mirror, I head over to the door and opened it up with a scare.

"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me" I said before trying to slow my heartbeat. Standing just outside is the mystery man; leaning with his right hand on the door frame "The men's is just down that way if you're looking for it"

He lightly shook his head "I was looking for you"

"Oh" I replied "Is there something wrong? If it's anything major you'll have to talk to Bobby" it wouldn't be the first time I've had to bear the brunt of someone's anger for something that wasn't in my authority.

"Nothing major – just a friendly conversation"

I raised an eyebrow "Friendly conversation?" I questioned. I don't exactly get many of those, unless it's with my parents.

"What are your plans for the night?" the man asked.


"By the bar boy?"

"Bartender" I corrected "And he's not a boy"

"Not in my books sweetheart. Real men don't hurt their woman" he replied before I shifted uncomfortably; my mind stuttering to find something to say back.

"Why do you care?" it was the obvious question in my mind. We don't know each other. We haven't even seen each other before this afternoon, and now he's bringing up a rather personal and sensitive subject.

"I have a soft heart when it comes to a beautiful faces" he said and I looked down with a mix between a scoff and a chuckle leaving my lips.

"I appreciate the concern, but it's really none of your business. And I'm taken, so I'll have to decline your offer" stepping forward to move past him, his left hand moved down to rest on my waist in order to stop me. His hand was warm as it heated the skin beneath my shirt.

"If you change your mind, all you have to do is say the words" he said "Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself"

"I'm not afraid, I just have a thing called morals" giving the mystery man a smile, I pushed passed him to walk back down the hallway. Heading over to the bar, I was immediately met with the narrowing green eyes of Harvey. Does he have no other facial expression? No other emotion other than angry and angrier?

"The hell were you doing back there?" questioned Harvey with a cold tone. My heart skipped a beat thinking he might of saw or heard something between me and the stranger, but then he gestured to the new people sitting down "We've got customers coming in"

"Yeah, I'll get to it" I sighed in relief.

Heading over to the scattered people waiting at several of the wooden tables, I served them within half an hour. This is usually when the rush starts. Now that it's getting later, the sun setting in the sky to make way for the night, a decent amount of people have begun arriving to enjoy the festivities of the pool tables and small town band that comes in at around five-thirty.

Rushing around, I moved across the busy areas as the noise of voices and drinking started to escalate. I could barely hear myself think most of the time. It doesn't help that the mystery stranger and his friends haven't left yet either. I swear I could feel someone watching me, but maybe I'm just paranoid.

"Where the fuck is Caroline? She was supposed to be here half an hour ago" hissed Bobby as he walked out to the bar from his office upstairs. A short and stout man in his forties, he has a long brown beard and curly hair. He also smokes cigars and wears black rimmed glasses. Bobby stood beside me as I waited by the bar for my order "Clair? Harvey? Anyone going to answer me or am I talking to my fuckin self over here?"

"The last I heard she said she was coming in for her shift tonight" I replied quickly. Everyone knows not to mess with a pissed off Bobby "I can call her if you like"

"No, no" he said with a shake of his head "You two focus on the crowd. It's a full house tonight" he pointed at me and Harvey "But as soon as you see her blonde ass, you tell her to come to my office. Go it?"

"Got it" I said before taking my tray of drinks and handing them out.

Keeping myself busy, I knew I'd gone over my scheduled hours for my shift tonight, but I can't leave until Caroline gets here. Which I'm not in high hopes for it to happen anytime soon. It isn't the first time she's bailed out and I'm sure it won't be the last. She's troubled to say the least. The only reason Caroline is still here is because she's Bobby's distance relative, a cousin I think.

Setting down someone's rum and coke, I was tapped on the shoulder. Turning around I saw the familiar caked face and blonde hair. It's Caroline and she's not in her uniform "Hey" she said with meagre voice "Can I ask a favour?" she said while following me around.

"Bobby wants you in his office" I said "You're over an hour late for your shift"

"I know, I know. I'll deal with him later" she said with a sigh "But this is really important Clair. I need help"

"What?" I stopped with a confused tone. I'd served my last order "What kind of help? Is it serious?"

Caroline didn't answer for a moment "I need money. A small loan. I'll give it back, I promise"

I turned to her "You're kidding right? You want more money" this isn't the first loan she's asked for "I just gave you two hundred last week. Where did it all go?" I asked with annoyance and a hint of anger "Are you on drugs again? Is that what this is?"

"Look, I just need to know if you can give me the money or not"

I shook my head while nudging past her to continue serving "No Caroline. I can't give you any more money. If you showed up to do your job you wouldn't have this problem. If you stayed away from that junkie you call a boyfriend, you wouldn't have to ask for money you never return" I was a hair length away from exploding.

This is ridiculous.

"Oh, fuck you!" she snapped "Like you're one to talk. Your relationship isn't exactly perfect either. But you know what? At least I don't let my boyfriend beat the crap out me"

I froze.

The only colour I saw in my field of vision was complete red, and before I knew it, Caroline had stumbled to clutch her broken nose; blood gushing to drip along her hands. Feeling the immediate sting in the knuckles along my left hand, a sea of laughs erupted around us along with a few whistles. I know they aren't directed toward me, but rather the whimpering blonde hunched over in front of me.

"You bitch!" she echoed through her cupped hands.

Moving past her, I dropped my empty tray onto the bar and ignored the voice of Harvey as he called my name. I need to get out of here. I need fresh air. Heading out through the front door of the bar, I stepped outside onto the porch and took a deep breath in. Moving over to the far left side, I sat down on a wooden bench with my head in my hands.

A moment passed as I sat with the occasional gust of wind blowing through my hair and the sound of insects "There you are" I heard Harvey call as he came outside with a bang of the door "What the fuck was that?" he snapped while walking over to me "You just punched Caroline in the face"

"I know what I did Harvey, just – back off alright" I can't deal with him right now "Give me a minute, okay?"

"No" he said before pointing back to the entrance of the bar "Get your ass in there and apologise. She's probably already blabbing her mouth to Bobby about it. He's gonna be pissed"

"As if" I snickered "He's been fed up with her since day one. Bobby's probably glad someone finally knocked some sense into that bitch"

"Are you listening to yourself right now?" he questioned with a glare "Get back inside and say you're sorry"

"No!" I snapped "I'm not doing it Harvey" before I knew he'd stepped forward and grabbed my arm in a bruising grip.

Hauling me to my feet, he was going to drag me back inside when, out of nowhere, Harvey dropped to the floor with a swift punch to the jaw. I shuffled back with wide eyes and a gasp as the man with the steel grey eyes delivered another bone breaking swing of his fist, along with a stomp to Harvey's ribs.

Suddenly my senses finally caught up to me "Wait, stop!" I called out.

But by that time Harvey had already been beaten to a pulp; bloodied and bruised as he groaned on the wooden boards of the porch floor. The mystery man stopped and swiped his brown hair back. I swallowed. What do I do?

"I have to take him to the hospital" I spoke with a slight stutter from shock.

Kneeling down beside Harvey, I was going to help him when he pushed me away "Get off me" he growled "I don't need your fucking help. Christ" he winced. Harvey clutched his no-doubt broken ribs and nose. I couldn't believe he'd shove me away when I'm only trying to help. Even now, when he's had the life almost beaten out of him, he still has the energy to bark at me.

"You know what? Fine!" I snapped "Lye here all night then. I'm sick of caring" getting up from the floor, I marched past the mystery man and went back inside. Heading up the stairs and into the staff room, I quickly shrugged on my cardigan and went back down stairs. Pushing my way out onto the porch, I watched as the mystery man now sat on his bike. He was lighting a cigarette.

Crossing my arms, I stepped down the three little steps of the porch; the gravel of the parking lot crunching beneath my shoes. Harvey called after me with a confused and aggravated tone "What do you think you're doing?" I ignored him.

Walking up to the man, I was hesitant after everything that happened, but I needed to get out of this place and away from Harvey. I needed to do what I wanted for a change, and this is the perfect opportunity "Are you still doing anything tonight?" I asked with a shy voice.

"That depends" he replied after taking a drag of his glowing cigarette "Do you still want to hang on to those morals of yours?" I was silent for a moment as I glanced over my shoulder to look at Harvey. He was still lying on the floor in pain. At least, now he knows how it feels.

I turned back to look at the mystery man "Not really"

"Then climb on" stepping closer, I put a hand on the strangers shoulder before carefully swinging a leg over. Sitting close behind him, my chest pressed against his back while my arms wrapped around his waist to hold on. Starting the engine, the rumble vibrated along my legs and between my thighs. I heard Harvey shouting at me as we rode out of the parking lot and onto the two lane road, but soon his voice disappeared the further away we went.

Picking up speed, the wind whipped through my brown locks as we zipped down the dark way ahead of us. With the tree's either side, we had nothing but the moonlight and stars shining down from above. It's a beautiful night, although I soon came to realise after a minute or two that I hadn't asked where exactly we were going. I think not knowing just added to the thrill that's coursing through my veins.

It's so good to finally have a sense of freedom.

Going along with the flow, we travelled further and further. I'd gotten lost on where we were going a while ago. But the stranger seemed to know what he was doing and as we went around a corner, he eventually slowed down to pull into a smaller carpark. There's two L.E.D lights shining down to illuminate the empty space and I squinted to read the sign. I came to the conclusion we're at a small park.

I got off of the bike and took a look around. A shiver went down my spine from both the cold and nervousness. I'm all alone with a man I just met. It's seeming a little crazy "Where are we?" I asked while watching him get off, I kept a little space between us.

"A local park" he replied "Come on. It's this way" he nodded toward a trail leading into the trees and darkness.

"What is, exactly?"

He stopped and looked at me "You don't trust me?" I shrugged my shoulders "It's the lake" he added "Women seem to like the way it looks at night"

I raised an eyebrow "Oh, so you've done this before then?" I asked with an amused smile tugging at the corner of my lips "And here I thought I was special" I joked. It eased the nerves.

"Everyone's special in their own way" he replied while walking over to me. Scooping me up from the ground, I gasped as he put me over his shoulder. Carrying me across the parking lot and into the trail that led through the dark abyss of the trees, I could barely see where we were going.

Holding on so that I didn't fall, it was a minute or two until we arrived on the other side. Now that we're out in the open, it's a bit brighter with the bare moon shining down on us. Putting me back down onto my feet, I caught my breath before turning around to look at the so called lake. It was fairly large and the way the rays from above shone down onto the water's surface made it seem so romantic and alluring.

"They were right" I admitted "It's pretty"

Captivated in the scenery, I was brought out of my daze when I heard the rustling of clothes coming from behind me. Turning back around, I saw the stranger undressing himself. He'd already shrugged off his leather jacket to start unbuttoning his shirt. I gawked for a moment as I saw his smooth and defined body beneath. There's a couple of tattoo's here and there, but for once they added to the man's attractiveness.

I cough "What are you doing?"

"Going for a swim" he answered before kicking off his black boots and unbuckling his jeans. I nodded my head more to myself that him. A swim sounds nice. Grabbing the bottom of my shirt, I pulled it over my head before pushing down my skirt and taking off my shoes. Public nudity isn't my number one thing to do after work, but what's the harm?

My hands rubbed my arms before reaching behind to unclip my bra. Dropping the item onto the grassy ground, I peeled down my cotton underwear. There not my most thrilling pair of undergarments, but I wasn't exactly expecting this scenario when I got dressed this morning. Standing back up, I barely had time to collect myself before a pair of strong arms picked me up off the ground once again.

Wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, I looked down into his grey eyes for a moment before leaning in to kiss him. Feeling the warmth of his lips, it sent little sparks of electricity into my belly. I liked the way the stranger felt against my body and how he carried me toward the water with little effort. Harvey never did anything like this with me. It was all rather vanilla now that I think about it.

I was pulled from the sweet and inviting kiss when I felt the terribly cold water lap up along my legs and up to my neck. I gasped "That's cold" shivering at the icy feel against my skin, I clung to the stranger tighter for both safety and warmth.

"Good thing you have me sweetheart" a smile graced my lips as I chuckled a little.

Leaning back in for another round of kissing, the strangers hand supported under my legs with a little caress before wandering up the expanse of my back. Threading my fingers through the hair at the base of his skull I gave light tugs, while his strong tongue pushed to sweep the inside of my mouth.

Humming, the coldness of the water was long forgotten as I felt him growing hard. He was pressed between my legs, so close yet so far from what he wants – what we both want. Reaching down between us, the pads of my fingers skimmed down along his smooth, toned stomach until I felt what I was finding. The stranger's hands clung to me tighter.

"What is this going to be?" I asked quietly "Just sex?" it wasn't the most ideal moment to be asking a question like this. I knew I threw my morals to the wind when I left Harvey on the porch and took a scandalous ride with a stranger, but I felt as if I had to ask. I had to at least know for sure what I was doing.

"It's whatever it's meant to be" he replied, not at all sounding annoyed that I'd stopped what we were doing "But for now, it's just pleasure"

"Okay" I nodded.

He kissed my shoulder and neck. Hugging me close, we kissed a little longer before he pulled my hips down to bury himself to the hilt. My toes curled and a low moan escaped my open mouth. My furrowed together both with the swell of pleasure and the sting of pain. Harvey isn't anything to gawk at when it comes to size, and I hadn't caught a glimpse of the stranger package earlier on. But now that he's inside of me, I'm starting to think there's such a thing as too big.

I've never felt so – full.

Gripping my thighs under the water's surface, he eased me up and down. Slowly, my hips would begin to roll with the rhythm. It was starting to become a little easier after a short while. Peppering little kisses along the stranger's stubbled jaw and neck, I went back to his intoxicating mouth. Immediately the heat between us rose – the passion escalating.

Pushing down harder, my black lashes would flutter as I felt him nudge all the sensitive spots inside of me. Maybe the stranger's right, maybe I've never been with a real man. Harvey certainly never felt this good. This felt like so much more and so much better – so much deeper and stronger. It's never been this intense with another guy.

Realising that we were moving, my eyes opened a little more as he carried me out of the water and back onto the grassy land. Swiftly yet gently settling us down on the ground, the ticklish blades of grass pushed up against my back as the stranger hovered above me. Parting my legs further he moved quicker now that the water isn't in his way.

Feeling the left over droplets of water burn coldly as the night wind touched my body, I shivered as the hairs on my body stood on end. It all added to the swarm of things I'm experiencing. I'm thankful were in a fairly secluded area as the noises and words I'm making are far from quiet or appropriate. The stranger stopped his rigorous speed to lean down and kiss my throat and chest, his teeth teasingly nipping at my flesh.

Leaning back, the strangers strong hands hooked under my legs to pull me closer – burying him deeper. Thrusting slow and hard, I felt the flutter of tingles start to build in my belly, but every time it would get to the edge of bliss he'd slow down until it faded. Surprisingly, I never thought about delaying an orgasm; not that I'd have the will power to do it. It's too tempting and I'd give in for that moment of euphoria.

Moving, he grabbed my leg and waist to flip me over onto my stomach with a quick jolt of his arms. Taking a hold of my hips, my backside was angled up into the air while my breast pressed into the soft earth. Nudging my legs apart he slid back in and I moaned, my back arching as my hands fisted the grass and its roots "Harder" I begged, which earnt a sharp slap to my rear end and a deep thrust.

A gasp slipped from me as the sting blossomed along the flesh of my right cheek. I bit my lip in slight embarrassment. I've never had someone slap me in the middle of sex before. Harvey would do it when I would walk passed him sitting on the couch sometimes, but never like this. It new experience felt oddly good – thrilling.

Pulling my hips back with his even pace, I felt every inch of the stranger as he pounded me from behind. My walls are starting to tighten and that familiar tingle in the back of my tongue is beginning to happen again. I could feel the edge of another orgasm peeking closer and closer. I could feel the wet trail of slickness pool from the warmth between my legs and down my thighs. The heat of his body from behind also felt heavenly along with the smell of his cologne.

I moaned and whined "Please, don't stop" I begged. I didn't want him to slow down this time. There comes a point where the teasing is almost painful.

The palm of the strangers hand smoothed up the length of my spine before his fingers gathered up my dark locks of hair into a twisted pony tail. Holding onto it with a firm pull, it wasn't painful but it was comfortable either as my head angled back. Although, I didn't care about any of it as he started to fuck me hard and rough. It's as if he knew everything about a woman's body – what button to push, so to speak.

My breathing hitched and a light sheen of sweat layered upon my skin as he slid in and out of my warm, tight channel. My moans turned to a higher pitch and my eyes squeezed shut as I focused on that feeling. The greatest thing a female could ever experience in her entire life, and it was rushing straight toward me like a tidal wave.

Crashing into me full force, my insides spasmed and sparks of light entered my black vision. A small tear welled in my eyes at the intenseness of it all. I moaned a small sigh from my lips as I rode out the sensitive aftershocks with lazy thrusts. A squishy warmth swished around inside of me and it was then, in that moment, that I realised we hadn't used a condom.

"Shit" I muttered. I wish I could reach out and slap myself.

I haven't been on birth control for months, I didn't think it was necessary since I always remembered when I was with Harvey. But that's beside the point, I can get the morning-after pill just fine from the local chemist, its other things that I'm worried about. Diseases. The stranger made it clear he sleeps around and the last thing I need is catching some life threatening sickness all because of one night of rebellious defiance.

"What's wrong?" asked the stranger as he stilled from behind me, his hands resting gently on my hips "Did I hurt you?"

"No" I shook my head. I moved off of him and turned around to sit with my knees up to my chest "We didn't use protection" I spoke honestly. There's no point in beating around the bush.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not stupid enough to not look after my health" his hand reached to touch the side of my leg "Nothing to be afraid of" he reassured "I promise"

I've barely met him, a promise isn't that sufficient, but it's not like anyone carries around there latest medical records. I suppose it'll have to do. It's my own stupidity for not being more careful. I nodded my head "Okay"

The stranger leant forward and kissed me. His lips never getting boring or dull. I could do this forever. Swiping his tongue along my bottom lip, he pushed it into my mouth and I hummed with delight. The moment was over all too quickly when he pulled away "Come on" he said while helping me stand.

Picking me up into his arm, my legs wrapping around his defined waist while my fingers felt the stubble along his chin. I look into his steel grey eyes, they had a cheeky but mature look about them "How are you still single?" I asked more to myself than me. I couldn't really believe.

"I guess I'm not in any rush to fall head over ass for a girl" he replied "Life's too exciting to settle down. The open road is enough"

"Or maybe you just haven't found the one" I said "The girl that'll knock the air out of your lungs and make you feel as if she's the only reason worth living"

"Is that what you felt for the bar boy when you met him?"

I stilled, my arms wrapping loosely around his neck. I nodded "At first. But in the end, it's not always what it seems I guess. It doesn't mean I'll give up though. Somewhere out there, in the great wide world, there's someone who'll make me a very happy woman"

"I'm glad you believe that" he said "Better to hope for something than settle for nothing. Besides, your too beautiful to be alone for the rest of your life" he grinned and I laughed.

"You're smooth" I said "I wonder. Do you rehearse in front of the mirror, or were you born to be a charmer?"

"All natural sweetheart" I pecked his lips. It was odd yet comforting that a stranger is so easy to talk to. I feel relaxed with whatever I say. I feel as if I won't be judged. It's nice, and it's sad that I'll probably never see him again after tonight. Like he said, he's a guy that doesn't want to be tied down and loves to be on the open road.

Getting down to stand, our feet padded across the grass as we searched for our clothing. Finding my undergarments first, I slipped them on and then my clothes. My hair is a little damp on the ends and I could feel sand and grass in places they shouldn't be, but it doesn't matter. Tonight is worth the temporary discomfort. I took a quick glance around to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

"Ready?" asked the stranger as he stood dressed in the familiar attire. Lighting a cigarette, his fingers slicked his hair back

I nodded "I think so" he held his hand out and I hesitantly stepped forward to take it. Guiding us back through the dark trail through the trees, I saw the familiar light and parking lot peek from the other side. Heading over to his bike, he got on and I settled down behind him; my arms wrapping around to feel the cold black leather of his vest.

"Anywhere in particular?" he asked.

"Just the bar"

He nodded and turned the key in the ignition. Listening to the engine come to life with a rumble, the stranger drove back onto the main road and we cruised along with the wind. Holding onto him close, I leant so that my cheek pressed against his back. Somehow, above the whipping sound of the air and the bike, I could hear the calm rhythm of his heartbeat.


A/N I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think :)