Chapter 1
First Day
Never before have I ever felt so nervous. The first day of my senior year at Trigmen High School. It's kinda funny you'd think all my high school experience would make me less nervous but it seems that my experiences have been counting against me as of late. Well at least I have all easy classes this year. Oh it's time to get to school, can't be late on the first day. As I walk out the front door my mom says good bye and that she loves me. I in turn replied with the same. I walked down the street to my bus stop. My best friend, and sometimes worst enemy when we play video games, Allison Gale steps out of her house and joins me on the long walk to the bus stop. Her pink dress and brown hair flowing in the wind.
"Hows it going Hanna?" she asked while lightly elbowing me. Allison has always been kind of a tomboy. It fits her play style.
"It's all good Allison, just a little nervous is all" I said just before I tripped and fell on an uneven bit of sidewalk.
"Ow, that was ironic" Allison said as she helped me up. Allison was always a joker.
"Ha ha very funny" i responded as i brushed myself off. I picked up my backpack and kept walking.
"So Hanna how was your summer, you didn't talk to me all that much" Allison asked.
"Sorry i was busy this summer" I replied.
"It's okay Hanna" she said as we stopped walking at the end of the street. The bus pulled up to the corner and the door opened. Allison and I stepped onto the bus. I sat in my seat and the bus began to drive down the street. I pulled out my phone and checked the time.
"7:32 AM in 12 hours i'll be laying in my bed listening to music and texting friends" I whispered to myself. As the bus pulled up to the front of the school I put my book bag on my back. The bus parked along the sidewalk and the bus door opened and all the other students stood up and began to file out of the bus. I stepped off the bus and walked through the front doors of the school. I got to my locker and opened it up to reveal nothing but dust. I put my things in the locker and closed it. I turned to walk to my first class of the year as i walked into my first period algebra class i saw a student sitting alone in the back of the class. He had on a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. He wasn't talking to anyone nor looking around the room, he was just sitting there motionless. As I got closer I realized that he had earbuds in his ears. I sat in the seat next to him.
"Hello" I said as I laid my binder down on the desk. He didn't move. I tapped on his solder. He looked at me and his eyes widened and he took out his earbuds.
"H-hello I-I'm Eli" he stuttered.
"Are you new here? I've never seen you before" I responded with a smile on my face. I held out my hand for a handshake. He shook my hand.
"Y-Yes, i moved here in june" he answered.
"Eli is a nice name, It's a lot better than mine" I exclaimed.
"What is yours?" Eli asked.
"Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Hanna" I beamed.
"That's a pretty name" Eli gushed. Eli smiled and looked at my Playstation bracelet.
"You play?" Eli Asked.
"Yeah, do you?" I questioned. The bell rang and the teacher stood up and started talking so we both looked at him and stopped talking.
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