Crissy POV
Huffing a burst of hot air I watched my breath form a small cloud of fog as I walked towards my favorite place in the whole world. The library.
I smiled to myself thinking of what books I would get. The light snow crunched under my feet, snow was still falling from the cloudy gray sky. I hugged my jacket closer to my body remembering the weather mans warning of a snow storm tonight, of all nights, Christmas Eve.
"Good afternoon, Crissy!" Janette said from behind her desk. I smiled and waved. I was normal in the library. It was mostly empty because of the holiday season. I found a completely empty area on the second floor and shrugged off my jacket and hat. I left my red scarf on deciding it looked cute with my white cotton sweater and gray leggings. My black Uggs made little noise against the hard floor as I walked towards the fantasy section.
"Hey, Crissy, I have to leave early for Renne." Janette said popping her head from the side of the book isle. I looked over at her then grabbed the ladder in a death grip almost falling. Janette giggled at me and came over steadying the ladder for me. I gave her an embarrassed smile and slowly climbed down.
"Can you close for me? I know you love staying later then closing time, and I wouldn't ask unless necessary. You know Renne's been hoping to see her daddy this Christmas and I need to pick him up from the airport." Janetter said fidgeting, obviously hating asking favors. Renne was her 7 year old daughter, her husband has been deployed but got last minute word he was coming home for Christmas.
I smiled at her showing it was fine to ask me for favors.
"Of course, I know how to close. I've seen you do it plenty of times. Just remember I want lots of pictures!" I told her. We giggled and she hugged me half squeezing me to death saying thank you over and over again.
"Now go before the storm hits." I said looking at the weather alert I got on my phone. The drive to the airport was about 45 minutes, without snow, so it was going to be long, but thankfully it was only a light snow outside.
"Thank you again! This means a lot!" She yelled grabbing her jacket and purse rushing to the door. I smiled and waved.
The door closed and the library was now silent. I didn't mind though. I liked it being quiet. I went ahead and locked the entrance knowing I would have to go out the back when I closed everything. It was closing time, but I was so regular it wasn't uncommon for me to stay here longer then closing hours.
I made my way back to my table of books slowly, not caring that I was slow. I had no plans tonight or tomorrow, in fact tomorrow I would probably be in the library again, if it wasn't going to be closed for Christmas day.
Finishing my second book I looked outside and gasped. You could barely see anything through how heavy the snow was. I got out of my chair and looked out at the road. I couldn't even see it. I bit my lib feeling nervous. My small apartment was blocks away and the snow was too thick to see through.
I jumped when my phone beeped. I checked the message. It was from Janette saying she got home safely and figured I would be snowed in so she told me the employee lounge had a couch with a pull out bed and there were extra blankets at the top of the coat closet. I breath a sigh of relief and sent a thank you text.
I made my way to the employee lounge and made a pot of coffee watching at the snow got impossibly thicker. I started to pick at my nails hoping the electricity didn't go out. I made the pull-out bed, but knew I would be up and searching the library for any unread books.
I was reaching for a book on the top shelf, standing on my tippy toes, my left hand holding onto the ladder and my right stretching for the book just out of my reach. I made a noise and frustration and wiggled my fingers trying to grab the book.
I heard a cough and my foot slipped.
Jeffro POV
I knocked on the back door of the library. I already tried the front and I'm freezing out here. The snow is almost to my knees and the library lights were still on.
No one answered and I wasn't about to stay out here freezing so I tried the doorknob, it was open. I walked in and quietly closed the door closing off the bone cutting wind and snow.
First thing I noticed was the warmth, then the smell of strong dark coffee. It looked like I was in the employees lounge. The couch had a pull out bed so someone was definitely here. I took off my coat and draped it over a chair not caring that the snow was melting into a puddle under it.
My car had broke down not to far away, but it wasn't like I could actually get anywhere. In both the sense of the weather and the fact that I caught my girlfriend, excuse me, ex-girlfriend cheating on me. I wasn't going to deal with hoes tonight and didn't plan on going back, at least not tonight. I would have to get my stuff back. Since it's Christmas Eve I'll let her and her lover dwell in the guilt of getting caught.
"Hello?" I called out walking around. I wasn't finding anyone but someone was obviously here. I walked up the stairs to the second floor and saw a jacket on the back of a chair. I walked looking down every isle. I just hoped whoever was here was nice.
I almost passed another isle when something at the end of the isle caught my attention. I noticed it was a girl. I walked closer intending to talk to her, until saw her ass. It was very very fine looking in those gray leggings she had on. She hadn't noticed me. Her honey blond hair was loose and stopped in the middle of her back. She stretched further making her white sweater inch up slightly. She gave a small pout not being able to reach the book of her desire and I couldn't help but think it was cute.
I shook my head wondering what the hell was wrong with me, I didn't know this woman.
I coughed softly hoping to get her attention and that's when her foot slipped and she fell straight into my arms.
I peeked my eyes open looking up at the stranger that caught me. My eyes instantly bulged out of my head.
He was the hottest guy I have ever seen! He wasn't gorgeous like those waxed and fake tanned super model guys, but he was rugged sexy. He had a small stubble on his cheeks and chin making him look older then he probably was. His hair was short but not buzz cut. His eyes... I felt like time stopped staring into those two pools of grey blue with hints of green and hazel. I heard him say something but was too lost in thought to understand.
"What?" I asked coming back to earth. He chuckled and if he wasn't already holding me I would have melted right then and there.
"Are you okay? I didn't mean to spook ya." The stranger said, my breath hitched a little hearing his southern drawl.
"I'm fine. Perfectly fine." I said and started to get out of his arms. He sat me down. I pulled my sweater back into place then blushed. I pulled the neckline back up and tried to stop my blush from traveling down my neck. I then remembered the doors were suppose to be locked.
"Who are you and how did you get in here?" I asked taking a step back.
"Jeffro Townson. The back door was open. I hope you don't mind, but my car's broke down and the snows crazy." The stranger, Jeffro, said sticking his hand out.
"Crissy Bell." I said reaching out to grab his hand. His hand dwarfed mine and it felt so right to have his skin touch mine. "It's fine, I was staying here myself." I said. He stared at me and I stared back, our hands still holding one another.
He opened his mouth to say something when the electricity shut off. I gave a small scream and jumped. immediately his arms were around me.
Jeffro POV
I heard Crissy scream and jump, my arms instantly were around her. I don't know what possessed me to wrap my arms around her, but I sure as hell didn't want to let go.
"I think we should head to the lounge to see if we can find any flash lights..." I heard her say softly. She started to pull away and I frowned a little. I shook my head, no I shouldn't be feeling so attached to a stranger.
"Yeah, you're right." I said. Using our phone light we made our way down to the first floor and into the lounge. I sat in a chair as she dug through draw's looking for anything.
Finally she found little tea candles and lit a few around the lounge. She walked over and locked the back door mumbling about no more strangers.
"So, um, if we're gonna spend the night together we might as well get to know each other." Crissy said shyly. I smiled at her.
"If you say so, but you first." I said nodding to her. She nodded and seemed to think for a minute.
"Well, I'm 23, I just graduated college last summer and now have a Bachelors in nursing. I'm a registered nurse at the Medical center in town. I have one cat, since my apartments wont let me have a dog." She said I nodded listening.
"So you don't work here?" I asked confused. She shook her head then explained why she was stuck here.
"Your turn." She said. I scratched the back of my neck wondering where to start.
"I'm 26, work as a park ranger, love the outdoors. Was previously engaged, but... she found someone else to satisfy her while I was gone." I said grimacing. I saw her frown at that. "I don't have any pets." I finished. She nodded.
After a while we were sitting by each other talking about anything and everything. I was pleased to know she wasn't in a relationship. Maybe after we got out of here I could take her on a date.
Crissy POV
I checked what battery I had left on my phone and saw how late it was.
"Wow, it's really late. Maybe we should sleep." I suggested. It had gotten colder without the power on so we both had our jackets on.
We both looked over at the bed and back at each other. I blushed and told him he could sleep on it, I would find somewhere else. Jeffro, being a southern gentleman, denied and said I should sleep on it. We argued about it for a while longer.
"Okay, we're both adults, I think it's fine is we share." He said obviously getting tired of arguing. I nodded knowing he was right. We blew out the candles and were engulfed in complete darkness.
I shrugged out of my jacket, hat, and gloves. I felt my cheeks flush as I climbed in the bed, but was thankful for the complete darkness. I felt the other side of the bed dip in as Jeffro climbed in. He stayed on his side and I stayed on mine.
Soon the temperature dropped more and my teeth started to clatter. I pulled the blankets tighter around me trying to conserve more body heat.
I was on the verge of sleep and ignoring the cold when I felt two warm arms wrap around me. I relaxed at the heat.
"Thank you." I softly whispered to Jeffro. This position was very intimate and I felt so right but so wrong because I barely knew him.
"No problem. You're teeth chattering was distracting." He whispered back. I shivered, but not from the cold. He had whispered right in my ear. I could feel his hot breath on the shell of my ear making my face turn red from embarrassment of being turned on.
I ignored the butterflies in my stomach and let my eyes close to sleep.
Jeffro POV
I nuzzled my face against the warmth that was under me and nearly moaned at the perfect ass that was pressed against my dick. While I slept one of my hands had slipped under Crissy's shirt to lay on her stomach, my other arms was propped under her head. With her hair sprawled out and her still asleep she looked like an angle, an angle I wanted, badly.
I cursed in my head feeling my dick go erect as she sighed and leaned further back against me rubbing that killer ass against me.
I felt Crissy roll over and nuzzle against my neck. I tired to ignore the feeling of her lips brushing against my neck every now and then.
I heard her make a small noise as she started to wake up. Crissy pulled away abruptly realizing how intimate it had gotten while we slept. I stretched as she flushed and fixed her clothes. I couldn't help but smirk, I wanted to kiss her, terrible so.
So I did.
Crissy POV
I was snuggled up to something very warm and comfortable, except something was hard against the small bump of my belly. I nuzzled into the warmth but sleep didn't seem like it would welcome me again. I moved and opened my eyes to straight at the collar bone of someone else. I blushed realizing me and Jeffro had found ourselves in an intimate position.
Pulling away I started to fix my clothes glancing over at him while he stretched. I was about to roll over and say sorry when two big hands held my face and warm lips were pressed against mine. My eyes widened and my blush spread to my chest.
Jeffro's lips moved against mine asking mine to respond. He was such a great kisser... A small noise escaped the back of my throat and I kissed him back timidly. He seemed please and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling our bodies flush against each other. He nibbled on my bottom lip then pulled out of the kiss. I stared up at him panting slightly.
Just the look in his eyes made my stomach do flips and my heart beat 100 mph. I bit my slightly puffy lower lip not knowing what to say. His lips were instantly on mine again suck my bottom lip from between my teeth. This time I responded quicker and ran my fingers through his hair as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. He rolled us to be on top of me. I felt him slip his waist between my thighs and gasped feeling his hard on through our clothes. My cheeks flushed again.
I broke the kiss to moan when he ground his erection against my core making it throb and clench. I've never felt so passionate, so heated.
Jeffro kissed and sucked on my neck making my eyes close and small noises escape my throat. His hips slowly ground against mine making me moan and mewl at the pleasure. His hand made it's way under my shirt making goose bump rise all over. I groaned at he palmed my bra covered breast in his hand making my back arch to give him more. He moaned against my collar bone when my hips bucked against his. His hand quickly unsnapped my bra from the front hook and he pulled my shirt up over them.
I blushed and thought of covering myself as he looked down at me with lustful eyes. The heat fro his gaze made my already soaking core clench. He looked up and met my eyes. They changed from lust to something else, almost loving. He kissed me again, sweet and slow, but still passionate as his hands began to message my breast. I moaned and gasped as he pinched and rolled my nipples between his fingertips making me wish he'd never stop this sweet torture.
I pulled my shirt and bra the rest of the way and started to take his shirt off. He stood on his knees taking his shirt off the rest of the way.
Was I really going to have sex with a complete stranger? I asked myself as he started to pull my leggings down leaving me in just my underwear. He started to unbutton and zip his jeans his bulge clearly evident. Yes, I answered, yes I am.
Jeffro gave me one small peck then teasingly bit my bottom lip winking. He kissed the tops of my breasts then one of my nipples were in his mouth. I gasped and clung to the sheets as he bit and sucked on it making me moan. I could feel the itch between my thighs get more intense with each pulse. I direly needed some type of friction. I then felt his free hand rub the inside of my thigh.
His finger softly rubbed me through my panties making me moan for more. He added more pressure and found my clit circling it making my hips buck. He switched breast and I barely notice him move my panties to the side to rub me. He pushed a finger into my throbbing pussy and started to move it back and forth in slow motions. I squirmed wanting him to go faster and he bit my nipple harder and curled his finger making me cry out.
I could feel myself on the verge of climax when he pulled his hand away and stopped his magic on my breast. I wanted to whine and tell him not to stop, but the look in his eyes stopped me. He gently pulled my panties down my thighs and off my ankles. I saw him look down at my core and blushed not knowing to cover up or not. All thought was lost though when he pushed his boxers down until he pulled them off. My cheeks flushed never seeing one so big. He held it in his hand as he leaned down holding himself up with his other hands. I wasn't a virgin, but I hadn't sex since my freshmen year in college. My thighs were spread and I tried to calm my nerves at having him inside me.
On impulse I grabbed his head kissing him as he rubbed the head of his dick against my wet slit. I moaned and bit his bottom lip. He growled softly in pleasure and started to push in. I gasped my thighs clenching around his waist. His head was buried in my neck as he shook slightly moaning.
I bit my lip at the small pinch of pain but was relieved to fit him all in. Jeffro started moving his hips slowly and I moaned at the pleasure. His thrust were shallow and slow and I wanted it faster, him deeper. My nails dug in to his back.
"More." I moaned as he gave a deep thrust.
"As you wish." He whispered against my neck. I cried out as he started to thrust deeper making my wall clench around him. With each thrust I felt him hit my spot making me moan or cry out every time.
Our breaths turned to moans and pants as our hips moved faster. Everything seemed to spark as we both go closer and closer to climax.
My back arched as he started to pound into me making me scream his name coming undone. I felt him stiffen and thrust a few hard deep thrust dragging out my orgasm making his own hit. I moaned as he buried himself deep in me and came. He kissed me with almost brutal force passionately. He slowly laid down on top of me blanketing me in his warmth. I snuggled closer then blushed still feeling him inside me. He nuzzled his nose against my neck.
"You are definitely what I wanted for Christmas." He whispered against my skin kissing it softly. I sighed in content.
"You are definitely what I want for Christmas for now on." I whispered back. I heard him chuckle softly.
"Merry Christmas, Crissy." He bit my ear lobe making me shiver.
"Merry Christmas." I whispered back my cheeks flushed.
"Maybe after we get out of here we can go back to your place?" He asked hopefully. I smiled looking into his eyes.
"Absolutely." I answered pulling his face closer to mine to kiss him.
"Maybe even spend New Year's together." I whispered against his lips.
"Sounds like a plan, my love." He whispered back sealing the deal with a kiss.