DISCLAIMER: I own this story, yes, but I'd still like to disclaim it.

Everything was already written. Everything you do, or will do, was already decided. Life is a domino, already set to fall. Cooperation with it is inevitable. Because we all have a part to play in this, even before we were born, a whole train of events was already set in motion. A domino.

It was Friday, the only day that I didn't mind walking to school. It was mid - November when snow started to fall. I took the long route so I don't have to worry bumping into a fellow student.

My name is Andrew Auston, a person with a good sense of logic, or what looks like messed up logic to some, but mostly good logic. I am also a person who values life, just not all of it.

I value my own life not because it is precious and significant. I value it because it is the only major thing I possess, and I wouldn't want anyone to take it from me. However, I am not afraid to die of natural causes, because everyone who possesses life is on the same path. We all started at one point and we're going to have to stop sometime.

As I said it is probably messed up logic to some.

The great thing about studying in our school is that it's next to a beach. But you can't go to it cause there's a fence. I'm not complaining. I usually take my lunch behind the school where I can see the beach, the crashing of the waves and the smell of salt. It is somehow relaxing.

Today is a different story however, because it's snowing and stuff, so I have to make a choice. Go to the canteen and eat at a table alone or go to the classrooms and be awkward. I had enough ego to choose the latter because I didn't want to be seen as a guy with absolutely no friends.

My seat was positioned at the lower left corner of the room beside the windows. When you look outside, there is a stunning view of pure white snow falling on the dormant trees and the view of the ocean. I took out my packed lunch consisting of leftover food from yesterday. But I couldn't properly eat. The serenity of lunch was ruined by these teenagers filled with raging hormones being noisy.

Friday was a busy day.

I was working behind the counter on my part-time job in the department store. Typical day, I grab their stuff and scan them through the cash register, I feel like a machine. Working here doesn't pay that much but it's all I got. Another customer came in with all sorts of stuff.

I scanned through his items. I found some party strings, two cases of beer, soft drinks, paper cups, paper plates, plastic utensils, confetti, chips, and...a condom? Damn hormones.

I looked at the man, he seems to be my age. "Throwing a party?" I asked. It was part of my job to "communicate" and to "socialize" with the customers. "Uh, yeah." he looks at me and then his face changes from three ways. First he was annoyed, then confused, then there's a light bulb on his head.

"You look familiar, do you by any chance study at Laurel High?" You look familiar too. Yeah, I know him, except he doesn't know me.


"What year are you? I'm a third."

We're on the same batch you idiot.

"Third year."

"Cool. My name's Lucas" He held out his arm.

What? Do I shake it, or do I slap it, or a brofist? I'm confused. I just stared at his outstretched hand.

"I'm Andrew." He retreats his arm awkwardly. He flashes me his pearly white teeth.

"Nice meeting you." His optimism makes me sick.

I put all his stuff in a paper bag. And he was on his merry way, but not quite. Lucas skids to a stop in front of the department store entrance and without turning around and in a totally badass way he says;

"You're invited."

Then he left.





Where exactly is the party?

When is the party?

What the hell Lucas you're stupid.

I arrived home around 10 P.M using the subway. I turned on the lights and changed. I live alone in a two-story house. Which was fairly big for someone living alone. I exited the shower and slumbered on to bed. I'll do my homework tomorrow.

I turned on my cellphone and connected to the internet of the cafe across the street. I opened the student chat and scrolled through the conversation. I'd do this sometimes, looking to see what they were up to. But I'd never say a thing.

The student chat was basically a chat that was connected to the student network. It was basically divided into parts, one batch for each. I logged on at just the right moment.

Andrew Auston has logged on, 19 others are online

November : I'll pound your ass

Trixie : Hey, this is public you know...

Felix : Who cares? The teachers don't really log on that much

Philip Pines has logged out, 18 others are online

Trixie : You guys shouldn't fight here, go to reddit or something.

Felix : Let's drop the subject


Felix : Stfu

John : Hey Felix, didnt you say Lucas was throwing a party

Trixie : What party?

John : Its probably gonna be a shit party

Felix : That kid doesn't know how to throw a party.

Rom : No one would probably come to that party

Celia : Is he that lame?

Andrew : He bought a condom

Rom : WTF

November : Who was that guy?


Andrew Auston has logged out, 17 others are online

What the hell is wrong with you Andrew.