Just Beyond The Foggy Pane
Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn
Copyright © 2015 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn
All Rights Reserved
Their separation of mere weeks had seemed an eternity to them both, though neither one would ever admit it to the other. No words were spoken — not even a hello — when she opened the front door of their home to let him in. That knowing look said it all, as she turned silently and headed for the bedroom. Ron followed without question ...
… A short time later, the next door neighbor found himself gazing out the window towards Ron's house. The guy wasn't a Peeping Tom or anything. He was most certainly no pervert. It was just that something had caught his eye — something rather odd.
He could not help but notice that fog had formed on one of the windows next door. To make things even more intriguing, there were several windows on that side of Ron's home, but, strangely, only this one was fogged up.
He'd been invited over on several occasions, the past few years, to socialize with Ron and his wife, so he knew for a fact that this window could not be their bathroom window, fogged up from someone showering.
A few moments later, he slowly began smiling to himself, his mind suddenly enlightened with manly comprehension of why — the fog. While his mind contemplated the details of what was likely going on behind that window — just beyond those curtains — the fog began to turn to rivulets of water streaming down the pane. The sight was too much. He was being down right nosy now, his imagination working overtime over other folk's business.
Chuckling quietly at the hilarity of the situation, the man pulled himself away from his study window to set his mind upon more proper things; well at least to try. After all, he was a man — thought like a man, and what other way was there for a man to think?
Sitting at his computer, fighting to keep his eyes away from the window — off that window — the man struggled to focus on bills that needed paying and a monthly budget that had to be balanced, as well as important memos that needed to be prepared and emailed to his associates before the launch of his company's latest sales campaign … But, he found that his mind was every bit as fogged over as that window next door, with rivulets, now, beginning to stream in ever increasing torrents of adventurous thought.
His wife would be home from shopping soon. Battle strategies of conquest were forming — conquest centered around "The Fog" rolling into his home to make, both, he and his wife its willing victims … Well, a man could hope … Despite the cool climate of his air conditioned home, a drop of sweat fell from his brow, as his fingers hammered at the keyboard in an effort to keep himself occupied — and his mind far, far, away from thoughts of walking back over to the window to gaze in wonderment at that window next door ...
… Behind the curtains denying access to curious eyes, Ron and his wife were holding each other in ways more passionate than either of them could ever remember, clueless this occasion would be forever marked as the evening their first born child would be conceived — just beyond the foggy pane …
(Written June 11th, 2015)
"The Fog" references the movie, The Fog