These men of glory, valor, all: whatever sign they raise their sword,

Whatever creed, nation, or lord, their valiant efforts be extolled.

To men of duty matters not where Justice's scales tip in the strife,

To countrymen, they made a vow: their loyalty and sacrifice.


In honor one would not allow their home to fall to chain and sword,

To any casus belli called, whatever view they themselves hold.

In total war no man is just, no bloodless hands, no conscience clean;

A truly earnest and virtuous cause rarely joins the battlefield.


Horrida bella, all do exclaim, soldier or not, or near or far,

All are beset by Mars and fall: injustice reigns in every war.

Thus it unwise to claim one side as evil rot, the other right,

Alas, vae victis is the phrase; let history redeem the right.