Do not tell me, in cold Statistics,
That this Reality is only a Simulation!:
Do not preach to me that the Eternal Soul is dead, once locked in deathly slumber,
And that our very eyes create whatever they see.
We are here! In the now! This reality is honest!
And the bleak tomb is not within its range;
Dust upon old Works, though to dust returns,
Was not in vain if true Art, spoken from the soul.
No enjoyment, and no sorrow,
Can be our Fated goal or creed;
But to Act Manfully, so that every tomorrow
Might find us more accomplished than today.
Art lasts for perceivable eternity, and Time's swift wings are fast and fleeting,
As our Human hearts, while courageous and Divinely-made,
Yet, like the rolling flam of snuffed drums, are pounding as but one:
In drab parades to the timeless grave.
Upon this Earth's wide plain of Death and War,
It is you who must scale your rival's sandbag-heights,
Be not fooled by the myriad few, as would be senseless, prodded livestock, caged!
Be a heroic and scarred Colonel amid the stress of strife!
Do not trust any prophesied Future, however calming or pleasant!
Let the eon-stricken past bury it's own dead!
Act: Don't wait! Act only in the residing Present!
Your Heart's guiding Voice within your chest, and God's booming Commandments, overhead!
The Lives of great Heroes all remind us
How we may fashion our own lives the ideal,
So that, upon departing this World, we might bear the honor, of leaving behind within saddened Sons and Daughters
Footprints along the shifting sands of Time;
Footprints, that perhaps another Living Soul,
Walking, in sunken Spirits, across life's solemn, tragedy-foamed main,
A Brother, trampled under-hoof:
Seeing the sand over which you trod, will surely take Heart to his wandering again.
So, let us be woken and Acting the age of our great Species,
With a fire in our breast for any destined fate;
Yet winning the race, still striving,
Learn to work hard and to, patient, wait.
Thus, honor the Life that will, at random, send
A mighty challenge, to its own end,
And as it comes your sorry way, say: "Welcome aboard, my welcome friend!"