How Stately, your Coffee-colored waters roar,

River Mississippi, born of Northern Spring,

And emptied, into Southern Gulf,

In Southward, gushing Forward-March,

Stepping Quick, with the mighty Steam-Boats,

Wrapped in the Missouri clay,

Of the Southron's Home, of old,

And rocked by Hurricanes: those,

Destroying Sea-Storms of the Bayou!

Down, like a Robe-clad Horseman from a Fortress,

With a clank and the rattle of Militant Musketry,

Do your Waters travel,

To meet your vassal Delta-torrents, that below,

Rush to receive your Life,

And to obey your Armed Power.

And, now, you move in your Proud March,

A Gray General, among the Rivers!

On your way,

A hundred Hollers, await and welcome you;

Bridges lift, for your Tributaries, the Powered Arch,

Wide Fields encircle you with Cotton, white,

And River-Rafts row, with you, to the Sea!

Oh, lovely Rio Grande!

Oh, Desert-Flowered River! like a Western bride,

As would some dimpled, bashful,

Fair Mexican maiden,

You go to wed the Texas tide.

Travis, and the fabled Dead of Alamo,

See, and Salute you, on your Wire-Walled way,

And, with a Blessing and a Catholic Prayer,

Ring sweet, the Mission's bells of San Antone.

The Canyon of your chiseled Depth, in vain,

Would hold you, forever, in its fond embrace;

You glide from it's painted arms, again,

And rush on, Ocean-ward, with ever-swifter pace.

You will not stay; with restless feet,

Pursuing still, your onward flight,

You go, as one Water, in haste, to foaming meet

Her sole desire, The Gulf Stream's delight.

Oh, rosy, Sun-kissed Rift!

Oh, wide, Desert Canyon-Stream! On balanced Wings,

The Running Highway-Birds once, alone, did Sing,

the Cowboy's Song,

That by your Red Banks, Now,

Some wandering Poet sings.

River Colorado!

You, who in babble or in silence, winds,

Through the wild Mountain-meadows,

Boulder-riddled and Free,

Until, at length, your rest you find,

In the laughing Otters of the Western Sea!