At long last, Columbia is waking,

And the shattering of fetters resounds throughout this, our land,

For from where they hang, our azure banners now are billowing.

The Ancient Regime yet stands, in its farce might, quaking,

And we, the little giant-slayers of Hope, remain, with an ever-steady hand;

For the Old Gang's thraldom, there is but little hope,

Dishonored, exposed, dying and damned.

Shout "For The Knife, for Fuentes,

For Hard Work and War!"

'Til reaction and treason and serfdom

Ensnare our Youth no more!

America, awake -

Arouse from your slumber;

America, awake!

We have learned, and well, how to disperse,

That cowardly Socialist crew,

When the very streets grow into living voices, coarse,

From their chaotic clamor.

The three-fold arrows are lowered, replaced,

By gleaming, wind-tossed folds of the Heavens' blue vault, about our insignia, of the rainbow's brightest hue;

We trample to dust Antifa and the BLM's tight-clenched banner.

Shout "For The Knife, for Fuentes,

For Hard Work and War!"

'Til reaction and treason and serfdom

Ensnare our Youth no more!

America, awake -

Arouse from your slumber;

America, awake!

For too long have we courted sun-scorched battle, in the illusioned vengeance of those toppled towers,

Returning war-weary from bloodletting, for the sake of sanguine strangers,

Beneath whom, millions of our young and old yet cower.

For far too many years, dark, and looming, powers,

Have made their house above our verdant, once-pleasant soil,

Now, shall they forever rue, the hour they made their nest,

Amidst us, and all of our heirs, for their ends to toil.

Shout "For The Knife, for Fuentes,

For Hard Work and War!"

'Til reaction and treason and serfdom

Ensnare our Youth no more!

America, awake -

Arouse from your slumber;

America, awake!

Shout "For The Knife, for Fuentes,

For Hard Work and War!"

'Til reaction and treason and serfdom

Ensnare our Youth no more!

America, awake -

Arouse from your slumber;

America, awake...

America, awake!