There sits a girl in denim,
The river murmuring near;
She throws the hook, and watches;
The fish pass it by, unafraid.
A ring, with a shining jewel,
Is sparkling on her hand;
She ties it round the hook,
And flings it from the land.
Then, rising from the water,
Thrusts a hand like ivory, fair.
What gleams upon its finger?
The banded ring is there.
And, rising from the murky bottom
A young and handsome pioneer of old;
In fashioned pelts he rises,
That glitter in both light and mold.
The girl is pale with terror-
'No, Spirit of the Mississippi, no,
It was not you I wanted;
Let go of my ring, I pray.'
'Ah, North-Country Maid, not to fish
Is the bait of diamond thrown;
The ring will never leave me,
And you must be my own.'