From my Father's veins, my life I drew, as in ambitious arms, I lay,

Yet, from those lips, slipped few lessons, true, to steer me day by day,

And, nursed to rest 'pon a Law-Woman's breast, only to see both Parents bend the knee;

God, strengthen still, my mind, and will, and the Patriot's heart in me.

Well, my home is where those Smoky peaks rise tow'ring o'er Auld Dixie's graves,

And the unbound, thistled, fields, and that grandeur, free, forbids we obey tyranny;

The Natahala's regal pound on the ancient rocks, around, seems to roar out: "Liberty!",

And, with each strong blast, there beats, firm and fast, a Patriot's heart in me.

Now, I've read my Homeland's blood-soaked page, and I have sung Her deathless songs;

I've mourned Her Slaves, from age unto age, and I have gone 'cross that foamy maine 'fore to right Her wrongs,

But, when She saw too unjust a-law, my Dixie'd ne'er bow the knee!

Yea! Stronger yet, for Carolina, beats, that Patriot's heart in me!