I was a black-coated Stormtrooper; with the Westfront Blitzkrieg I did ride,

A loaded Luger, all a-shining, by my side.

Many a French maid lost her baubles to my kind and trade;

Many a doughboy, Brit and Yankee, shed his life's-blood 'neath our Panzer-tanks…

The Soviet traitors hung me high after Berlin fell in '45,

But I… I am still alive.

I was a German protestor; I was born humbly in East Berlin,

Back when that wired wall split kith and kin.

I rushed the concrete and I tried to make the climb.

Who could have known their order, straight from the Kremlin, was to shoot on sight?

And when the eight shots rang out it was written that I was killed…

But, Hell… I'm livin' still.

I was a Skinhead; I romped the London docks and alleyways:

Roared, Rebellion, from the darkened stage.

One night, I stomped a man to death in the name of self-defense,

And for such a crime, they locked me 'way behind a frosty wrought-iron fence;

I was left to rot in that great tomb that knew no sound…

But just look about… I'm still around.

I was a Boer and a farmer; I lived right outside Polokwane:

I tilled the land till it 'came my grave.

My aged mother wept for days aft' Mandela's rifles cut me down,

Then, they torched the dry grain-fields behind our old farm-house.

Now, I'm buried with the other resistors beneath Plaasmoorde…

There are thousands more.

I slew a Blue-Coat-wearin' soldier on Gettysburg's blood-tide; the desperate, dying fellow did look me in the eye.

I wondered what a mighty force it took to make him fight,

For the likes of scheming-Tyrant's-kind, 'pon this, his, Freedom-land,

And for the Liberty of meager slaves, to mow down, with cannonade, his own Kin and Countrymen.

Now, he's laid to rest with the very Rebels whose lives were taken by his sword,

'Pon his little plot, it's written: "No More Brother Wars."

I was a marcher… across the mall at Charlottesville!

My People's fate held aloft upon my will.

I gripped my torch with fervent pride on that blazing August night;

Although the generations pass, I'll fore'er keep up the fight,

For there shall come a destined day when my death is not in vain.

Until that time, I will remain!