Mother Klara had-a one Son;
O', Glory, Hallelujah!
...A pretty little baby.
Glory be to the Newborn King! Some say He serves The Devil, but I think I'll call him Saviour.
O', Glory... Glory, Hallelujah!
There, in Vienna, as a vagrant He rests, sweeter than a Prayer:
Glory be to our Newborn King!
By the Strength of Soil, may the Power be thine,
O' Leader! Glory Hallelujah!
Guide unto the blind, and
Vict'ry be to the Newborn King!
He shall ascend the throne of Europe, and cleanse our Houses of the Money-Lender,
O', Father... Hallelujah!
With Fire's Hell, you burn within our Stormers' Hearts, 'til Time's end.
Hail to Thee, the Newborn King! Bear a great Cross of Fire, of long War, and of cold Iron,
O', Glory, Glory... Glory Hallelujah!
The Death's Head emblazoned, and the piercing thorns of Zion.
Pity be upon the Newborn King!