O, proud Golden Eagle, heed your People's mourning cry;

Keep careful watch o'er the billowing Rhine as you sail freely 'cross the unfettered sky.

When the traitorous Rats of our Land hearken unto your beak's piercing sound,

Your honour, and your pow'r, keep them hidden 'way deep 'neath the ground.

Say, bold European Eagle, can you ride 'loft 'pon the Northern wind?

Spread your slim-feathered wings wide, high above kith and kin;

As your war-ready talons unfurl, Rats fall, bow, or, in vain, flee,

From the icy feet of the Alps to the wave-shaped shores of the sea.

Heark! Mighty Golden Eagle, do you not still hear the drums?

The fifes are yet calling from the mouths of the young;

Alas, Rats yet gather and grovel, bringing unto us debt and despair.

When, Golden Eagle, will you fly forth to reclaim our troubled, stolen, air…

So, free Bald Eagle, heed your fore-bearers' timeless cry;

Keep ready watch o'er the wafting River James as you raft 'cross the clouds of the great divide.

When the same Rats which have plagued us for a thousand years hear your beak's shrieking sound,

Your pride, and your loyalty, keep them hidden far 'low the ground.

Thus, soar aloft, American Eagle, high above the rolling swells of the sea and the sand;

Glide o'er those dark, homeland forests… fly for your Fatherland!